Seeing Peter again
(Harry's POV)
I was late to the meeting because I had to make sure Paris was ready. I was taking her with me because there was no where else for her to go. I told her to stay in the lobby and read the books she brought and not to talk to any strangers. I went inside to meeting. The meeting was so boring all it was about was about how Doctor.Connor turned himself into a giant mutant lizard and tried to do the same to everyone else in the city. I knew what there problem was. " Yeah, yeah 20 year old kid 200 billion dollar company what was Dad thinking. I mean your all lawyers right, surely someone must have questioned her s sanity in the end. Someone must have thought of declaring him legally incompetent that would have made this conversation a whole lot easier." "Harry." " It's Mr.Osborn, we're not friends." I looked down the table and noticed a shot looking female. "Hi. You were his assistant right." She nodded her head yes. " What's your name." "Felicia." "Felicia, from now on everyone at this table works for Felicia because Felicia works for me. Would anyone like to speak up. Good then you all can keep your jobs." One of the male secretaries came in. " Sir there is a Peter Parker here to see you."
(Paris's POV)
After Harry went into the meeting I sat and into one of the chairs and began reading my book. It's been awhile and I had to go to the bathroom. I didn't know where the bathroom was and started getting scared. I felt like I was going to cry when I heard a voice. "Hey are you okay." I looked up and saw a very beautiful blond woman.
I gave her a small smile in return. "I'm lost I can't find the bathrooms." She giggled a little bit. " I'll show where the bathrooms are what's you name." She asked me while she was showing me where the bathrooms were. "Paris..... Paris Osborn." The lady gasped a little. "You're Harry Osborn's sister." I looked at her and smiled she was nice and I could tell the was a wonderful person. We finally reached the bathrooms. "Here we are. The lady's restroom." "Thank you uh.., i'm sorry I didn't know your name." "My name is Gwen Stacy." "Thank you Gwen maybe we'll run into each other again." "Maybe. Have a good day and don't get lost again."
After I finished the bathroom I went back to the lobby Harry had me stay in while he was in his meeting. As I was walking back I noticed Harry hugging someone.
(Harry's POV)
As I stood at the top of the staircase I saw a old friend that I never thought I would see again. "Peter Parker it's like seeing a ghost." "Yeah." " Really been ten years." "Eight. Listen I saw the news you and Paris's dad and wanted to come and see how you guys were doin." "I'm with some people I'm in a meeting." "Sorry Harry i'm truly am I know exactly what you're going through. You were there for me with my parents and that's why I'm here for you." "Thank you." "It's been nice seeing you again sorry about your dad." I stood there on top of the stairs and watched as Peter walked to the door. " You got your braces off. There's nothing to distract from the unibrow." Peter smiled. "There he is, there he is. Do you still blow dry your hair every morning?" "Ah you know one of my man servants holds the dryer but I work the comd so at least I'm not at least completely helpless." We hugged each other and I couldn't remember the last time that we did. "Harry." I broke the hug and turned around. "Paris what are you doing there. I thought I told you to stay here." "I went to go to the bathroom." I just smirked at her. "Hi Paris do you remember me." Peter spoke to Paris and I was surprised she didn't back away. She hugged him. "Do you guys want to go some where?" Paris looked at me and I smiled. "Yeah let's go somewhere."
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