After I got back home I couldn't stop thinking about Paris. My little sister isn't little anymore, she doesn't need me as much. I want her to come home so bad I don't like being without her. I walked over to the bar and a million thoughts were running through my head. I couldn't handle it and I screamed out in pain. I tried to hold it together I really did but it was hard. It never occurred to me how much I relied on Paris for mental and emotional support. I went to the phone and decided to call Paris. Paris didn't have a phone so I decided to call Peter and hoped he answered the damn phone.
Paris and I just got back our walk. I figured she was having hungry and asked if she wanted anything to eat. "I would like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." I chuckled pretty simple. After I got Paris her sandwich the phone wrang. I had a feeling it was Harry. I answered it and Harry's voice spoke through the phone. "Hay Peter how are you." I sighed. "Harry we just ran into each other is there anything that you need." He went silent for a minute before speaking again. "Can I please speak to Paris. I really need to hear her voice." It sounded like his voice was cracking up. I was starting to get concerned. "Harry are you okay." " No Peter, I'm not. Paris ran away from me I saw her with you the next day and now I don't know if she will ever come back home." Harry voice was cracking up big time. "Harry I need you to calm down please. I will get Paris to talk to you, but you got to calm down first." After Harry calmed down I called Paris over.
I had already finished my sandwich when Peter called me over. I went over to see what he wanted. "What is it Peter." "Harry wants to talk to you." He handed me the the and I put it to my ear. "Hello." "Paris, it's so nice to hear your voice." Harry's voice was cracking and I got worried. "Harry are you okay what's wrong." "I just miss. I don't know when you'll come home and I wanted to hear your voice." I was lost for words. I looked at Peter and judging by the look on his face Harry told him the exact same thing. "Harry please stay strong I will be home soon. Please don't cry and be upset. I need you to be strong for me okay." I heard sniffling across the phone. "Okay Paris I will, be home soon." Harry hung the phone up and I looked up at Peter. "Do you want to go back it's your choice Paris." I quickly thought it over and nodded. "Yes." I replied simply. Peter nodded because he understood my answer.
I don't how much time passed since I called Peter. I was hoping that the phone call would make Paris come back home to me. Hours must have passed because I heard a knocking at my door. I slowly got up to go answer it. When I opened it my heart almost leaped out of my chest. Paris was standing there in the same pink dress and hair style she had on all day. "Hi Harry." I just hugged her refusing to let her go. "How did you get back here." "Peter and Gwen drove me." I smiled on the outside but was still angry on the inside. But Paris was home now and that was all that mattered now. After Paris walked in the house I closed the doors and hugged her again. "I'm so glad that you're home. I can finally sleep nowing that you're safe." Paris just smiled and hugged me back. A couple hours passed and Paris was passed out on the couch. I crouched down and gently rubbed her face. "Oh Paris you had me worried. But don't worry I will find a way to make sure you never leave me again. I will never lose you again." I picked her up bridal style and carried her up to her room. I laid her down on her bed, covered her up, and then left after closing the door. I walked to room and after closing the door collapsed onto my bed. I could finally sleep peacefully knowing that Paris was back home where she belonged. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.
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