Harry's Mindful thinking
I was sitting in my cell..... thinking. A guard suddenly walked into my cell followed by a strange figure. "Looks like you actually have a visitor." The guard turned towards the stranger. "Be careful with this one he's.......... murderous." As soon as the guard left I turned to the figure and smiled. "Took you long enough. Did you get what I asked for?" The figure reached into his pocket and pulled out a photo. A photo of Paris.
Oh how she has grown. And I missed all of it. She wasn't that little girl that needed protecting.....no she was now a young women. As I continued to stair at the photo I grew angry. Why was she able to have a life and I was stuck rotting in this h*'"hole. This was all her fault if I hadn't been so worried about her I wouldn't be stuck here. She did betray me after all. Running to Peter Parker (or should I say.... Spiderman.) I turned back to my visitor. "So she is doing great I'm reckon?" My visitor turned towards me. "She is doing fantastic. She's a beautiful young woman now. She's made a friend." "A friend you say. A he or she and what is this friends name?"
"Her name is Mary Clint and she is a bit protective of Paris." "Why?" "Well you see. After your little 'Goblin incident' people started to look at her like she would be the next villain." I staired at Paris's photo and her friends photo. A sick part of me was glad that she was still a little bit suffering. "When will we be able to put the plan into action?" "Soon Harry very soon." The gaurd then walked into the cell to escort the visitor out. As soon as they both left I turned to the wall. I thought of very ugly things that I was going to do when I got out. As a looked at my sister's photo and smirked sinisterly. "Enjoy the last few moments of your peaceful and enjoyable life Paris. Because when I get out the goblin is going to do more than just harm.....He is going to kill." Oh no one is prepared for what is going to happen next.
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