"Pssh! Snape!" Harry hissed to his companion as they stepped off the lift into the empty entryway to the ministry.
"Invisible people are supposed to be silent," Snape whispered back irritably.
"Where's the thing he wants me to get? The prophesy, right?" Harry sent the piece of parchment with the question hastily scribbled on it to Snape as he skirted around the vampire and got his first look into the atrium of the ministry. It was massive, tiled in marble, had a hideous fountain, and most importantly, was crawling with Death Eaters.
Snape ducked behind a pillar before he could be seen and pulled his mask on. "I thought you didn't want to hear it?"
Harry shrugged, then remembered Snape couldn't see him. He scribbled on the parchment again. "I don't, but it might be good to have a bargaining chip in case things don't go to plan...by the way...do we have a plan?"
"Gods, this is the most Gryffindor thing I've ever done in my life!" Snape hissed out quietly as he hit his head softly on the pillar behind him. "I blame being forced to live with Albus and the mutt for months."
"Ok...so I'm going to take that as a no," Harry chuckled thinking that Snape was acting very Harry-like instead of Gryffindor-like.
The man let out a breath. "Right, so I will sneak out there and join in the group," he explained with another glance around the pillar. "I'll stay unnoticed until we get a chance to grab him and run, or I could make a portkey maybe. Lupin is there in the middle," he pointed.
Harry moved around the pillar to look. Moony looked terrible. He was lying on the floor, covered in cuts, bruises, and he looked to be barely conscious. A feral looking man stood over him. "Is that Fenrir Greyback?" He asked with his parchment, having heard about the werewolf that could only be described as an insane demon who enjoyed pain, especially the pain of children.
Snape snorted. "Yes, and while I'm trying to come up with a plan to get Lupin out while maintaining my position as a spy, you will go down to the Department of Mysteries and grab the prophesy. Take the lift down to the very bottom and then follow the signs to the Hall of Prophesies."
"Great, so I grab the prophesy, then what?" The dementor looked around for stairs since they would be faster for the flying dementor than a lift.
"Bring it up and find me. I'll tell you what I've come up with. Can you recognize me with my mask on?" Snape asked in interest.
Harry really would have rolled his eyes if he had any, instead he hastily scribbled a response. "Snape...I don't have eyes. Your mask doesn't hide who you are at all. I've been around you enough that I could sense your soul in any room."
"That's a bit...disturbing," Snape shuddered. "Fine, you come up and find me. If you get a chance to, in order of importance to this current mission, eat Greyback since he will not leave Lupin, then the Dark Lord, then Bellatrix."
"Cool, I'm a bit hungry," Harry smiled broadly and applied some lip balm in anticipation of a good meal upcoming.
"A word of warning," Snape said with a hint of worry, stopping Harry who had already started to leave. "Apparently, the Dark Lord can actually cast a patronus, so stay invisible if at all possible. How that's even remotely possible is a question for another time, but I'm assured he can do it. And if you happen to see a green light heading my direction, I'd really appreciate a bit of help."
"Of course, Snape. We're friends now," Harry assured him as he left the parchment in the man's hands and turned from the sputtering man trying to protest that remark behind him.
There were actually stairs, but they were dusty enough that Harry was certain no one ever took them. Harry flew down them with his tattered robes flying out behind him until he got to the very bottom of the ministry stairwell. He ghosted through the last door to emerge in a dark corridor. "Stupid prophesy...stupid Dark Lord," Harry mumbled as he followed his dementor instincts through the Department of Mysteries and past a couple Death Eaters lying in wait for a bumbling teenager to sneak by them instead of an invisible dementor.
"How do people navigate this place every day for work?" Harry mumbled as he ghosted through the moving doorways and through the rooms that really wouldn't pass any safety standards in the muggle world.
The Hall of Prophesies gave him pause. There were just so many glass orbs. With a sigh, Harry ghosted through the aisles and by the thousands of prophesies, feeling a slight tug towards the one that pertained to him. "Right...you're the thing that's caused me so much trouble," he grumbled to the innocent looking glass ball with a swirl of mist inside.
The dementor unceremoniously picked up the orb and plopped it into the pocket of his robes. "Right, protect Snape, rescue Moony, and eat a couple Death Eaters," he smiled as he backtracked past the Death Eaters still lying in wait for him and back up to the atrium.
Things weren't going as well in the atrium when Harry arrived again. It seemed that Sirius Black did not understand the meaning of 'wait until midnight' and had called in the Order. A full-out battle was happening in the atrium when Harry ghosted through the stairwell door. It wasn't hard to recognize Snape who was casting curses at Order members with such bad aim that they usually hit Death Eaters...Harry snickered at that. He was making his way to Lupin as surreptitiously as possible.
Instead of dodging the wildly flying curses, Harry made his best attempt possible to get in the way of any of the ones shot by Death Eaters, deflecting them back towards the caster when possible. "You evil bitch!" Sirius yelled at a cackling Bellatrix Lestrange, taunting the crazy woman.
The idiot! Harry thought fondly as he followed Snape's path towards Remus. He was too slow to stop a curse thrown from the Order that clipped Snape's side. "Shite!" Harry rushed forward as Snape's mask fell off and he clutched at a burn on the side of his neck.
"Severus, I didn't know you were here!" Greyback growled with an evil grin as he pulled the man to his feet. "Guard the prisoner, that young auror over there looks tasty. I'm going to go have a nibble."
Harry saw red as Greyback headed towards Nymphadora Tonks who was currently dueling a masked Death Eater. "Keep him safe," Harry growled from behind Snape who jumped at the sound. "I have Greyback." Harry knew Snape couldn't understand him, but he hoped the sentiment was conveyed anyway.
"Stay invisible," the vampire hissed before bending down to sniff Remus, the easiest way for the vampire to know how extensive his injuries were.
"Severus?" Lupin groaned when he realized who was above him. "Greyback grabbed me...I was running an errand for the Order," he coughed.
"Shut it, I'm trying to maintain a cover here. These Gryffindors are going to be the death of me," Snape hissed just as Harry floated away quickly towards the stalking werewolf.
"Ha!" Tonks crowed as her target fell to a stunner.
"Ah, pretty, young, tasty..." Greyback grabbed the metamorphagus from behind, causing her to scream and a few close Order members to try to get to her, but there were too many curses flying. "Your flesh is going to taste magnificent..."
Unfortunately, his demise was a relatively painless one. Greyback never saw the dementor whose skeletal hand crushed his neck and pulled him away from the auror. A second later, and his soul was being swallowed down by Harry. Tonks had collapsed on the ground as Greyback's soulless body fell beside her. Gasping, Harry floated back to where his back met the wall and he sank down. He'd never been drunk in his life...but he now knew exactly what Ronnie meant when he said that souls of the insane were intoxicating. It was like he was floating...metaphorically as he was literally floating as well. He chuckled a bit as curses flew around him and he saw Tonks get up and kick the werewolf at her feet. His head felt fuzzy and nothing was really focused around him.
The soul had been just as delicious as Umbridge or the pieces he had eaten of Voldemort. It was the intoxicating nature of Greyback's insanity that had Harry struggling to stand and participate in the battle once more. He had to get up...he was going to eat Voldemort. He just needed a minute. The tide of the battle turned as Dumbledore showed up in a ball of phoenix fire and song.
"Always one for the dramatics, old man!" Voldemort hissed, magically shoving Mad-Eye Moody away from him to focus on the headmaster. For some reason, Harry found this hilarious and giggled from his slumped place on the floor.
Harry tried once more to peel himself from the ground. He was getting better, but he slid down in giggles once more. "I really need to watch what I eat," he laughed a little hysterically from the ground.
Dumbledore and Voldemort were locked in a flurry of deadly curses, causing the rest of the battle to pause to watch. It was only a second before the Death Eaters and the Order members started fighting again, but it was enough to break Sirius's concentration. Harry saw it happening from where he was halfway across the room from his godfather. Bellatrix turned while Sirius was still trying to focus back in. She had this look on her face. Harry knew that look, and he knew what curse was going to be accompanied with it. "No!" He yelled, causing a few people around him to jump and look to see what was invisible.
"Avada Kedavra!" Bellatrix almost cackled the curse.
The green light shot towards Sirius just as he turned, eyes going wide. Harry couldn't turn away, he couldn't not look. The light cast a sickly glow as it went by the backlit Death Eaters it passed, burning its way through the air towards the animagus. A inhumanly fast streak of black slammed into Sirius, knocking him to the ground just as the green light slid past them and hit Rodolphus Lestrange in the back.
"Noo!" Bellatrix shrieked as her husband fell to the ground.
"Traitor!" A Death Eater with blond hair (definitely Lucius Malfoy) screamed viciously when a maskless Severus Snape sat up, pulling himself off of the surprised form of Harry's godfather.
"Snape!" Voldemort growled after a vicious curse towards Dumbledore that he barely blocked.
Harry stood, most effects of the soul washed away in his anxiety. He ghosted completely through several people who shivered in his wake as he made his way towards the group.
"Incendio!" Dumbledore cast at Voldemort who easily blocked the curse and sent a crucio in return.
Frankly, Voldemort seemed less concerned with Dumbledore at the moment than the spy who he now realized was a traitor in his midst. "Snape!" He screamed again. "Avada...!"
Before he could finish, Harry did the only thing he could think of since he wasn't close enough to actually grab onto any of them and couldn't use wizard magic. He threw the prophecy. The glass orb shattered just at Voldemort's feet and a ghostly image emerged from it. "Seriously," Harry snorted in exasperation when he recognized Sybil Trelawney's form.
"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches..." Trelawney began in the rasping voice that Harry had heard only once before in his third year. "Born to those who have thrice defied him...born as the seventh month dies..."
At that moment Dumbledore cast some kind of curse that filled the room with the sound of a freight train. Most people stopped fighting to clutch their ears in pain. It looked like Voldemort was screaming in anger as he cast spell after spell towards the headmaster, but Harry couldn't hear anything beside the train whistle and the clanging of a railroad. The curse ended as the wispy form of Trelawney disappeared.
"Meddling fool!" The Dark Lord screamed just as the floos flared to life in the atrium with ministry officials stepping through in surprise.
"He's back!" Fudge muttered that very obvious comment. He had absolutely no right to be that surprised when he'd been told for a year that Voldemort was in fact back.
"This is not the end of this!" Voldemort shrieked as the Death Eaters began to portkey away in quick pops. "For you either," he turned to Snape with a murderous look before collecting Nagini and disappearing as well. Harry's eyes narrowed at Nagini who had a very familiar feel to her.
While Dumbledore tried to corral the ministry officials, Harry went straight to Remus. "Moony, you ok?" He asked, staying invisible, and talking as lowly as possible.
"Harry?" Remus tried to sit up and fell back again. "I can't see you. You must be invisible, either that or some other random dementor is shrieking in my ear," he chuckled.
Harry could have smacked himself in the head. He'd forgotten Remus wouldn't be able to understand him. Harry took Remus's hand and squeezed it reassuringly. The man breathed out a sigh of relief. "Good, stay invisible. I'll be fine," the werewolf smiled.
"Is he with you?" Snape asked as he stumbled over to where Lupin was, still clutching at the burn on the side of his neck that looked to be very painful.
"He has my hand," Remus motioned with the hand that was being held.
"Go back to the school. We have it from here," the vampire instructed.
Harry pulled another piece of parchment out of his pocket and let go of Remus's hand to hastily scribble another note. "Thank you for saving Sirius. I owe you. Are you going to be ok? What about your mark? What can Voldemort do to you through it?"
"Don't worry about me," Snape sneered at the invisible dementor as he read the note. "Yes, the mark could kill another human, but I'm not human, am I? I'm sure it'll be highly unpleasant, but I'll live. As for the mutt, let's never mention this again. Mad-Eye has already spirited him away before the aurors could notice him." Harry looked up in surprise, only then noticing that Sirius had disappeared.
"Go back to the school, Harry. We'll take care of Severus, I promise," Remus assured him with a smile.
"And we'll get the wolf healed up," Snape rolled his eyes. "Someone will eventually notice that Greyback doesn't have a soul over there though, and it'd be best if you were gone before anyone decides to start firing off random patroni."
"Right, I'm out!" Harry nodded and ghosted back to the visitor's entrance and readied himself for a long flight back to Scotland. It would have been nice if someone had thought to make him a portkey, he thought. But the long flight would be pleasant and help him calm down some since he was still feeling a bit giddy from his last meal.
By the time Harry ghosted back into Snape's quarters, the man himself, Dumbledore, and Sirius were all standing around Jamie looking at him in worry. Not sure what was going on, Harry immediately fell back into his body and woke up Jamie. "Hey guys, you all ok? What'd I miss?" He asked the group who all jumped a bit when his eyes snapped open. "Did anyone die?"
"Where have you been, you dunderhead?!" Snape growled angrily but with worry tinging the words. "I told you to go straight back to the school!"
Harry cocked his head in confusion. "I flew from London to Scotland," he said slowly, wondering why the men were so worried. "I got here as quickly as I could. Someone could have made me a portkey if they wanted me to get here faster," he said a bit accusingly to the group.
"You could have used the floo! They were all open, and you know the password to my chambers, it's the same for the floo!" Snape was definitely worried. Harry smiled happily at that.
"Well, you weren't specific, and I didn't think of it," he just grinned at the man. "Are you all ok, are you hurt?" Harry took in the other men's appearance. They all had a distinct charred smell to them. Snape had a slimy paste over the burn on his neck and Sirius had a bandage on his arm. "You didn't say, did anyone die?"
"Just Greyback, Rodolphus, and Mundungus Fletcher," Snape said. "Dung was the only one killed from our side; everyone besides Lupin is just minor injuries."
Harry was sad about Fletcher, but he didn't actually know him, so he still breathed a sigh of relief. "So, you've heard that we're fine, pup, how are you?" Sirius took his hand and sat on the couch beside him.
Dumbledore crouched down to be on eye level with the teen. "Harry, I saw Greyback. Are you ok? I know taking a life, even one as horrible as Greyback, is not something to be taken lightly," he said in clear and affectionate concern.
Harry squeezed Sirius's hand and smiled at Dumbledore. "That's the thing, Albus," he explained. "I'm a dementor. I'm much more dementor than human now, and he was evil. That was kind of my job...I know a year ago something like this would have broken me, but now...I know it was my responsibility. I would've gotten Bellatrix if I could have...or Voldy."
"That's my pup!" Sirius threw an arm around his shoulder. "Embrace the dementor...as long as it isn't after me."
"Is Remus going to be all right?" He asked worriedly.
"The wolf is upstairs with Madam Pomfrey," Snape sneered and crashed tiredly down into his armchair. "He'll recover to torment us all."
"What about you? How's your arm?" Harry was very concerned for his new-ish friend.
Snape held up a heavily bandaged left arm. "The numbing potion is helping. Unfortunately, I'll need to find an alternate residence this summer instead of my house since the Dark Lord knows of it."
Sirius snorted. "You'll be staying at Grimmauld of course," he said like it should have been obvious. "You saved my life, as part of my life debt, you're stuck with me forever now."
Snape groaned. "I should have just stepped in front of the killing curse."
"Actually, that would be a wonderful idea." Dumbledore twinkled in amusement. "Grimmauld would be wonderfully safe, and you've already set up a potions lab in the attic."
"The rafters are wonderful to hang upside down in," Sirius added to a glare from Snape. "Sorry...old habits," he said remorsefully and with a bit of wince, expecting a hex.
"You can have my room," Harry offered. "I'll leave Jamie on the couch. It's not like I sleep anyway."
"We have plenty of spare rooms," Sirius clarified. "I promise I'll be good and leave you alone," he added on the end to the man.
"Fine," Snape rolled his eyes. "I'll make sure to pack blood...and alcohol," he mumbled to himself.
"That's the spirit!" Dumbledore clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Now, Harry, you need to get to the tower before you're missed. You do have classes tomorrow, and at least temporarily, Rufus is still in charge. I feel that may change very soon though."
"Fine," Harry stood, surprised that he still felt a bit sore from being almost splinched, hit with several curses (probably the killing curse in there as well), and flying to another country. Actually, it was probably more from Jamie being tossed to the ground when he made his exit from Hogwarts. "See you all soon. I'll check in with Remus in the morning once Madam Pomfrey lowers the drawbridge to the prison she calls an infirmary."
"You'd know all about prisons!" Sirius called out with a laugh as Harry closed the portrait.
"Mr. Potter," Rufus Scrimgeour stopped Harry the next morning as he and Ginny were leaving the infirmary after checking on his friend. Ginny had met him there with a big hug, somehow already seeming to have an idea as to what had happened.
"I know you had something to do with Dolores Umbridge's disappearance," he said with narrowed eyes and a glare.
"Have you found some new evidence?" Ginny asked with a glare.
"I'm being called back to the ministry," he frowned at them both. "I'm sure you had a hand in this as well Ms. Weasley. Due to lack of evidence of any wrongdoing, and the fact Dolores packed up all her possessions before she left, the ministry is classifying this as no crime having been committed. The three of us know that's not true."
"I have no idea what you are talking about, Headmaster," Harry said, suppressing his fear and trying to look innocent.
"Xenophilius Lovegood, the editor of the Quibbler," Ginny started. "He said Madam Umbridge had been sighted in Singapore. The ministry there paid her to look into their infestation."
"Ms. Weasley, Dolores Umbridge was obsessed with the eradication of creatures in our society," Scrimgeour came closer to hiss at the girl. "If anyone is obviously some kind of creature hiding in this school, it is you. The last person to be seen with the High Inquisitor was your boyfriend. That's motive and opportunity. As the little brat somehow survived a killing curse as a baby, I'm not beyond admitting he probably has the means as well."
"Hey, she's not my..." Harry started while Ginny just glared.
"Ah, Rufus!" Dumbledore cut in with a twinkle in his eyes as he strode through the hallway toward them. "I wanted to catch you before you left and get caught up on the happenings in my absence. Would you have a few moments?"
Harry sighed as the auror was led away. "He will be a problem again," Ginny warned with certainty.
"About what he said..." Harry started, much more concerned now that he was alone with Ginny about being called her boyfriend than his murder of the former headmistress.
Ginny turned chocolate brown eyes on him, making him completely lose his train of thought. "Yes, Harry?"
"Er...well, I know that us dating would be asking you to be in a strange three-way relationship between you, me, and Jamie," Harry sighed, knowing a relationship with Ginny would be too good to be true. She had so many better prospects than him. "It'd be so much simpler for you to find one person instead of a dementor in a suit..."
Ginny looked at him confused. "Harry...we've been dating for months now...I really like you, and Jamie. I don't understand."
"What?" Harry sputtered. How had he missed the fact they'd been dating. Now he was confused.
"I'm going to kiss you," Ginny informed him as her brown eyes sparkled just inches from his own green ones. "I'd like to keep my soul in my body if that's ok with you."
"Yeah, I like it there too," Harry agreed, breaching the distance between their lips and kissing her first. Her soft lips moved against his own.
"That lip balm has really come in handy," the fairy muttered with a chuckle as her hands fell on his hips.
"Hm, maybe we should try that again," he smiled, kissing her, fingers wrapping in her long, red hair.
"Eh hem," a throat cleared behind them.
"Shove off Draco," Ginny warned without even turning to look at the prefect.
"As much as I really do like the show, believe me, I haven't absorbed so many pheromones in a long while," Draco drawled with a smirk. "I think you'd both like to make it to your next class."
"All right, what are you?!" Harry turned to ask in frustration, his arm still wrapped around Ginny's waist.
"See you in Remedial Potions tonight," Ginny kissed his neck before giving Draco a death glare for interrupting them and left for her class.
Draco huffed but fell in beside Harry in the empty hallway to head to their Charms class that they were both definitely late for. "Fine, I suppose I do owe you that answer now, especially since I'm very happily soaked in all these wonderful pheromones now."
"Ew," Harry wrinkled his nose.
"You snack on people's emotions and eat their souls," Draco raised an eyebrow. "You have no room to judge."
"Point taken," Harry nodded after a thought. "Right, so, what are you?"
Draco grimaced. "I'm an Eros, and if you laugh I'll hex you."
Harry stopped in the middle of the hallway to think through all his research into magical creatures. He remembered that name, but it was called something else as well. A wide, mischievous grin spread across his face causing Draco to roll his eyes. "You're a Cupid! I thought they were myth! What? Like diaper wearing baby with tiny wings and a bow and arrow?!"
Draco sneered at him and raised a silencing ward around them. "Idiot! You know stereotypes are never correct. You've met Neville! Does he look like he stepped off the pages of Lord of the Rings?!"
"You've read Lord of the Rings?" Harry asked, almost as surprised Malfoy had read a muggle book as him being a Cupid...sorry, Eros.
Malfoy just glared but explained anyway. "Yes, you prat, I'm literate. Also, I was toilet trained when I was two, and I'm a full-grown fifteen-year-old if you haven't noticed. I do have wings, but they are large and impressive!" He huffed at the end.
"What about the bow and arrow? Can you make people fall in love?" Harry asked, really interested at this point.
"We don't get the ability to conjure the bow and arrows until we acknowledge our mate," the blond sighed. "No, I don't make people fall in love, but I can trap them in lust, especially once I am able to conjure my bow. Now, I'm like the best mind-healer you can think of, getting people to spill secrets and admit to their deepest emotions. I probably sense emotions much like you do. Why do you think I was the one sent to talk to Sinistra? My charming personality?"
Harry had to admit, that did sound more reasonable than Malfoy actually being charming. "Yeah, that makes sense. What did you hit me with when we were playing quidditch? That was wonderful, and can you do it again?"
"I just threw your own emotions back at you, normally that triggers an emotional overload. You're just strange as usual," Malfoy smirked.
"So...I can eat my own emotions," Harry thought about that with a grimace. "That seems very...cannibalistic."
"Come on, we're both going to get detention," Malfoy actually laughed. Harry hadn't seen anyone but Neville get the man to laugh before, and he found that he was surprisingly pleased that he was able to.
"Huh, I've never gotten detention from Flitwick. I'm interested to see what he's got," Harry grinned back as the eros dispelled the ward.
"You have such a strange life," Malfoy still chuckled. "By the way, I got a very interesting letter from my father...good job with Greyback. Aim for the Dark Lord next time though, right?"
"Definitely...er, Draco?" Harry asked as they walked. "Have you ever been drunk before? Any advice for how to still function fairly normally while intoxicated? I ran into a bit of a dementor issue I need to work though."
A/N: Thanks for reading and please vote and comment!
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