Intro To The Adventure
Harper Xactore- accountant searching for his mom
Anders Morton- lead singer of band, destined to help
Charlie Dawson- band member
Zane Mackey- Accountant assistant
Lee (No last name)- Band member
Krista (No last Name)- band member
Eve Xactore- leader of the vampire committees and missing person
Harper's Adventure
All Harper Xactore knew was that Eve Xactore was missing and there were clues that Eve left just for Harper. Through weird events and help from old friends, the clues lead to a much bigger problem in the vampire community. He found information that made him wonder if his mom was actually dead... and he needed answers.
Harper Xactore was sitting in his office waiting a little impatiently for his client. He was tapping his foot. Waiting. Eve was never late and he was getting worried. Almost forty minutes late. Harper grabbed the receiver of his desk phone and dialed Eve's number.
It went straight to voicemail. Something was wrong because Eve always answered Harper's calls, especially from Harper. He walked out to the lobby.
"Zane, hold all my appointments for the day. Let them know I had a family emergency and reschedule for next month. I will call you later." Harper smiled at his receptionist.
Harper liked that he had a male receptionist. Zane was very attractive and very taken. He was married to his long time lover. They were recently married, well, they were celebrating their first anniversary soon.
Harper loved his receptionist and his husband, Kyle but Zane called him Smith. Harper never even asked why. He called him Smith also. Zane was wonderful and never let him forget anything.
"Everything okay?" Zane looked worried.
"I don't know. Just let me know if you see Eve. She missed..." Harper began.
Zane looked worried. "I noticed. I will. Mr. Xactore (Zac-tor), call me if, when, you find her. I hope things are okay. Maybe she forgot or a meeting went long." He was trying to ease the look of worry on his boss's face.
Zane loved his job and Harper was easy to work for. Zane and Smith were adopting a baby from China and Harper was giving him almost two months off to work on the adoption when it came through. He had eight months to wait. He was looking forward to going to China and meeting their daughter.
"Thanks. I'll call you. Thanks, Zane." Harper turned and almost ran out the door and to his car.
He sped through town to Eve's house. He took slow calming breaths. Maybe Eve just forgot. That was it. She must have forgotten that she had a meeting. Harper had a bad feeling that Eve was in trouble.
What had she gotten into? Harper was hoping he was overreacting. He had a bad feeling and he hoped that he was wrong. Eve was a strong vampire and Harper never had to worry about her. Never. All his life, Harper never had a bad feeling about Eve. Eve could handle herself when she got into trouble but something wasn't sitting right.
Harper almost slid the car to a halt in the drive and ran through the front door. "Eve! Mom. Are you here!?" He could feel panic and he didn't know why. A table was knocked sideways in the entryway and the lamp that was on it was shattered. "Mom!"
Harper ran up the stairs to Eve's office. Everything was in place. Nothing was broken or knocked over or taken. Just Eve. Shit. Eve was a very prominent member of the East Council of Vampires. She had been on it for over a hundred years. She loved it.
She settled down and adopted Harper when he was small. It wasn't illegal for a vampire to raise a human but it wasn't done either. Mostly. The others thought that she was crazy for doing it when in reality, Eve saved Harper's life. Harper loved his mom and now he had to find her.
Harper looked around Eve's office . Her desk looked like every parent's desk. She had several pictures of Harper at different events, some with Eve. His favorite was a skiing trip they went on. Eve was smiling. Her blue eyes sparkled and a few strands of her blonde hair was blown in her face.
Harper remembered that photo. They had never skied before and graduated from the bunny hill. Eve said it was a graduation photo. Harper wiped tears and looked around. His mom was going to be missed by her councils.
There are four councils. North, South, East and West. East and West were run by vampires and North and South were run by werewolves, to keep the balance, at least that was the idea.
There was a Center Council that was non biased. Eve was the chairman. It was a mix of vampires and werewolves. They had the final say in law making, enforcing and turning humans and kept the other councils from being crooked. That was the idea.
The West Council wrote the laws for vampires to follow. Mostly no killing humans. There were other means for food. Humans volunteered to give blood for them and they could eat animals. No vampire would starve.
And the most important, no turning a human unless they have permission from all of the councils. The wolves had to follow that law as well. They had to keep the supernatural population down.
Every vampire was registered as were the wolves. They are kept track of closely to keep the human population safe. The supernatural weren't well known in the human world but there were some that knew about vampires and lived with them. Harper was one of them.
The East Council, which Eve was a part of, enforced the laws. They were police officers of sorts. They were called enforcers and Eve was an enforcer. They were older and stronger. Eve was well trained and no one's fool. She never lost a fight or a criminal that she was after.
She was tough, therefore, to have someone take her without much of a struggle was a lot frightening. Eve was a tough woman and she taught Harper how to fight. Harper could take a vampire down if it was needed. He could protect himself. Eve never left Harper undefended.
Harper loved that woman. Harper wiped tears and looked around for clues. Eve would have left something if she could have. But where? What would she have time for? Harper rushed to the desk. She would have scribbled a clue somewhere.
Harper searched frantically. He didn't see anything and noticed that Eve's planner wasn't here. They took her planner? This was strange. Harper sat at the desk and kicked something on the floor with his foot and looked down. Eve's planner. He grabbed the small book and flipped through the pages until he found today's date.
There were no scheduled appointments, just Harper's appointment that was missed. There was just a heart there with a time. Eve never wrote Harper's name, she just always left a heart. Harper found comfort in that and hoped Eve wasn't hurt or dead. Vampires could die. Especially, if a vampire took her, a vampire could kill her.
"Damn it, Mom. What did you get yourself into ?" Harper asked out loud. He looked at the page that was opened in the calendar. He saw a name scribbled on the bottom. Anders Morton. Who was that? He never heard his mom mention an Anders anything.
He tapped his fingers on the desk and stared at the name. It was written in a rush. This wasn't an appointment. Maybe this guy knew what happened. Maybe he took Eve. Maybe this was going to drive Harper crazy.
Harper called the enforcers office and reported his mom. He got slack for it. A woman answered.
"Harper, are you sure you're not jumping to conclusions and she just didn't forget." Megan asked.
Harper was ready to crawl through the phone and kick this vampire's ass. "Yes. I know Eve. She never forgets. There was a table knocked over by the front door. Send people now." Harper hung up. "I hate that woman." He said out loud to an empty room.
They had dated the same guy, at the same time, a while back. Over two years ago. Neither of them knew that he was cheating on them until he dumped them both for some vampire with bigger pockets. He wanted a rich woman. What a prick.
Harper and Megan hadn't gotten along since. Harper wasn't a fan before that mistake. That guy was a jerk and Megan blamed Harper. He would never understand people and would never be friends with such a drama queen.
Megan should be mad at Matt but no, she was mad at Harper. It made no sense. Harper dumped Matt as soon as he realized Matt was seeing the other two people, at least the other two he knew about. Harper suspected more. He liked to think he dumped Matt.
Harper kicked him in the balls and stormed away. He took that as a win. Matt wasn't that great anyway. He never lost sleep over that dirtbag and never thought about him until he had to talk to Megan. Harper rolled his eyes.
"Who are you, Anders Morton?" Harper ran to his car while he was waiting and took out his laptop and rushed to the kitchen table. He paced as the computer turned on, which seemed to take an eternity. Didn't this computer know he was in a panicked hurry. "Load already!" He was yelling at an inanimate object. Nice.
It was ready and he found a search engine and typed in the name. He clicked on the first line of information and stared at the screen. Surely, this wasn't the person. He hit the back button.
This person, Anders Morton, had several pages of information. There was one other Anders Morton but he was a fifteen year old kid in Ohio. Probably not him. Harper went back to the first page he opened and sighed. This was going to suck.
Harper stared at the pictures that came up. He really hoped that this wasn't the guy. He sighed again. Anders Morton was a member of a rock band called Taboo Origin. Great. It was a very popular band.
They were touring at the moment. They just returned from Europe and were ending their tour in the states. According to a web site, they were very good, very famous and successful. Great. How was he supposed to get close to this guy? He had some questions for him.
How did Eve know him? Maybe she arrested him a few times or something. Probably. They certainly didn't play music that Eve would listen to but he looked like someone that was arrested. He had a sexy criminal element about him. Harper stared at his face and sighed.
Anders was bold. He had a nose piercing like a bull ring and one ear was loaded with ear rings and the right one had several, six or seven piercings. He had a ring on almost every finger and both arms were covered with tattoos. Just great. He was covered in tattoos. Harper never understood the purpose of tattoos.
He was very straight laced, as Eve called him. He wore pant suits with ties. Business clothes. He had a great head for numbers and loved his job. He got paid to talk about numbers and percentages all day and no one made fun of him.
Well, Eve did sometimes but only because Harper hadn't had a date in two years. He was taking a break after Matt. What an ass. Harper was done with vampires. He figured that they would be better somehow. More mature but no. They were not. They were jerks with longer teeth. Harper was going to be alone forever. Who would love him?
In the vampire world, he was food and in the human world he was an accountant. Harper was considered very boring. There was no win for him. He tried dating another accountant once but that guy was boring. Harper actually laughed at that. Harper didn't find himself boring but his perception was a little biased. Harper liked who he was and he wasn't changing for anyone, especially a man. They could suck it!
Harper scrolled through more pictures and stopped. There was one picture of the back of Anders' head. He had a tattoo on the back of his head of a bat in mid-flight, hunting it seemed. Its feet and large talons were opened and went down the length of his neck. There was a drop of blood coming off of one talon. It looked like a very angry bat. Rabid maybe.
Harper found a picture of Anders standing sideways. He was just wearing leather pants that were hanging low. Nice and low. He stared at his pants and Harper nearly drooled. Not that figurative speech drool. He actually had to wipe his mouth before the extra saliva slid down his chin.
The man's chest, abs and back were tattoo free and he could see every ripple of muscle he had. Harper stared at the muscled back and chest. Maybe he was a fan as well. He took a breath. This man could be a suspect. Harper was going to find out what he was.
The knock on the door pulled him away from his ogling. He closed his laptop and ran to the door and threw it open. There was one enforcer and it looked like he was off duty. Great.
"Hi. Hale." Hale was an older vampire. Most enforcers were. They were stronger. He was tall with broad shoulders, his hair was cut short and he had pretty brown eyes when he wasn't being a vampire. He had black vampire eyes. Harper always thought Hale was good looking but he was like his uncle. Harper loved Hale, he was family.
"Harper, are you sure that Eve is missing?" Hale looked concerned for Harper and his mental health. Who could take Eve? She was an elder. She was one of the strong vampires and no one beat her in a fight. Most vampires that she chased surrendered when they found out that she was after them. They didn't want to die. They would go to rehabilitation. They had one chance and if they failed. They died. There was no leniency.
"I know it sounds crazy but that table was knocked over. Eve isn't that clumsy!" Harper moved aside and pointed at the table.
Hale stared at the table and the shattered lamp. "Right. I'm calling this in." He knew Harper was right. Something was wrong. His eyes turned black and he sniffed the air as he took out his radio. He reported it and then added, "There were several vampires here. We need the kit and the team. Now." Hale looked pale.
"Thanks. I tried to tell her but..." Harper began.
"Do you have anything in here?" Hale asked. He was still looking around.
"Just my laptop." Harper looked at the kitchen.
Hale looked at him. "Take it and wait outside in your car. They will be here in a few and I don't need a human in the way. Sorry, Harper. I didn't mean for that to sound mean. You know I love you!" Hale looked sincere. "I just need this place clear."
"Okay." Harper took his laptop and bag and sat in his car. Waiting. He had known Hale since he was little. Hale was close to Eve and sometimes Harper wondered if they were ever involved. Eve kept her relationships quiet.
The team arrived and they searched the house. Hale reported that they had some smells but there was nothing definitive. They weren't giving up though. They packed up and left in under an hour. Seemed like they were giving up on her.
Harper was finding Anders Morton. He kept him a secret, even from Hale, until he knew more.
Thanks for reading this and I really hope that you all enjoy this story. I love it and thought it would be fun to write. Enjoy!
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