Alone And Protected
Harper was alone with Anders. Anders paced. "What was she thinking?"
He hated humans. Okay, he didn't hate them. His fans were human. He just didn't understand them and he was afraid of them. He hated his band mates right now because he knew they were talking about whatever was happening. Why did he have this need to protect Harper? He wanted Harper to fight with him again, touch him. Anders wanted to get closer to Harper. He rubbed his face to get images out of his head.
"Look. I didn't mean to bring this to you. I just...I'm sorry. I really am. I need to go back to my hotel. I need to get some sleep. I need a new phone." Harper stated. He had things to do.
"Okay. Come on." Anders stated and was dragging Harper out the door.
"Anders? What?" Harper was so confused about what was happening.
"I'm taking you to your hotel so you can check out." Anders explained. They left a back door and into a black Sudan. "What hotel?"
"The Ritz." Harper said casually.
"What?" Harper was shocked that he was surprised. "I like staying at nice places. I figured one night would be nice."
"I was expecting something less. I'm not sure why. Eve loves luxury, I should have guessed that her son would also." He smiled
"Right. I don't usually but I used some travel points and got a discount. I really am more of a cheap hotel kind of guy. I like very simple things. I think this is a waste of money." Harper clarified and he didn't know why. They were pulling up to the hotel. Harper stopped at the front desk to see if anyone called.
"No, but there is a package for you." The man at the desk said and disappeared in the back. He came back with a brown package. It was Eve's handwriting. "Thanks." Harper tucked under his arm and smiled.
Harper saw the guy look at Anders. He kind of stuck out in this lobby and he still wasn't wearing a shirt. He was in the leather pants from the concert.
"Sorry. Can I have your autograph? I missed the concert. I had to work." He was all nervous and twitching. He was all giddy and smiling like an idiot at Anders.
"Sure. Sorry you missed out. Next time we're in town, be sure to get the night off! I will send a couple tickets to you, Jim?" Anders looked at his name tag.
"Yes, Jim." Jim handed Anders a piece of paper.
Anders signed it and smiled at Jim. "I'll be sure to add you to the list. Jim, what's your last name and address?" He was already texting someone.
"Calvin. Jim Calvin." Jim even gave him his mailing address.
He sent info for Jim to get two free tickets. "There. Done." Anders smiled at the shocked kid behind the counter.
"Wow! Really. Thanks!" Jim was thrilled. "Thanks, man, really! I am a huge fan and I was so bummed that I couldn't make the concert."
"Thanks. It's nice to meet fans. I'm sorry about this but we're in a hurry. Thanks, Jim. It's nice to meet you." Anders took Harper's arm and led him to the elevator.
Harper waited for the doors to close. "That was really...nice of you."
"You sound surprised." Anders smiled at him.
Harper just stared at him. He actually had a charming smile. It was devilish and Harper liked it. "I'm surprised. He was human after all."
Anders laughed. "Harper. I don't have a problem with humans. Most of them make up our fan base. I don't like being alone with humans. I don't know any personally."
Harper smiled. "Afraid you'll eat one of them?" He wanted to tease the vampire.
Anders smiled at Harper showing his teeth. "Yes."
Harper squashed the thought that started. He was thinking that Anders could eat him any time but that sounded wrong. He almost laughed like a giddy twelve year old girl.
Stay calm and focus. Eve. "Easy. I can kick your ass!" Harper smiled.
Anders laughed. "Right. There is something sexy about that." He stopped and cleared his throat. Was he actually nervous? Wow, there was a whole lot of tension.
Harper was grateful that the elevator doors opened. He rushed out and almost ran to his room. He swiped his card and opened the door. Anders grabbed him and pulled him behind him. Anders was in vampire mode. Harper heard Anders growl and Harper got goosebumps. "Someone was here."
"Probably a maid." Harper knew better from his reaction but he was trying to stay calm.
"No." Anders stepped in. "Vampires. Four of them but they're gone." The room was trashed. He rushed around the room in fast motion. Vampire speed. He had Harper's bag packed and his laptop in it's bag before he could argue. "What were they looking for? They left all of your stuff."
"Probably whatever was in the envelope. Anders, I'm getting scared!" Harper was shaking.
Anders rushed over without thinking and wrapped his arms around Harper. Harper sunk into his embrace and wrapped his arms around Anders. Harper felt better, a sigh slipped out. Anders damn near melted when he heard Harper sigh and felt him relax. "Let's get you out of here." He felt Harper nod.
"Okay." Harper would go anywhere Anders was. He felt safe with him.
Anders rubbed his back and slowly let go. "No one will hurt you on my watch. Okay. I will keep you as safe as possible." He was scared for Harper and Eve. He was worried. "What did Eve get into?"
"I don't know."
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