A Captor's Story
Jack rushed back to the house with news. He had to talk to Harper. Zane was in the kitchen sipping a beer. "Zane? Where is everyone?" Jack looked around.
"Out hunting. You okay?" Zane saw something in Jack's face.
Jack nodded. "I need to talk to Harper."
"They won't be long. Beer?" Zane took one from the fridge and handed it to Jack.
Charlie was back first but the others weren't far behind. He walked into the kitchen and kissed Zane. "Hello, Jack. Everything okay?"
"Well, is Harper coming?" Jack was fidgeting.
"Uh, Harper!" Charlie yelled it then paused as he waited for an answer. "Yes."
"Cool." Zane smiled.
"Are you going to request to be turned?" Jack looked at Zane.
"Oh, I hadn't thought about it." Zane looked at Charlie.
"That is your decision, Zane. I support you either way." Charlie promised.
"With all you did for the vampires, I'm sure you would get what you want. If you're interested, Zane." Jack smiled. "Don't quote me on that though."
"Oh, I don't know. I will think about it. That's a huge decision." Zane cleared his throat. "Charlie will be stuck with me forever!"
"Charlie would be okay with that, Zane!" Charlie smiled brightly. He thought it was funny to reply in third person but he meant it.
Someone was walking through the front door. Hale and Zane stared. "Harper!" He yelled for him to hurry. Charlie and Zane were confused.
Harper was standing in the kitchen just staring. He was in tears. "Mom! I don't understand!" He rushed to Eve and hugged her hard.
"Well, easy. I'm still recovering but I got permission to recover at home." Eve smiled. "Hale thought I should come here first." She sat in a chair with Hale's help.
"What happened? How...I thought you were dead!" Harper was shocked and still wondered if this was a dream. He kept having them. He would wake and cry all over again. Anders was always there for him.
"I guess I'll start at the beginning." Eve watched the group. Everyone said yes and found a seat. She smiled at the group.
"So, I was taken and tortured for information that I didn't have. I set things in motion before I got captured. I didn't know where the stick went and had no idea when the computer was sent. I gave special instructions in case I disappeared. I wanted to leave you and Zane out of it, just in case."
Eve looked at Zane. "Sorry about Smith. I didn't know until I was tied up. I was pissed. I need to hear what happened later." She watched Harper and Anders. "I have to know what is happening here?" She stopped her story to watch them. She never expected this to happen.
Harper smiled. "I was turned to save his life and now I'm stuck with him!" He glared at Anders.
Anders glared back. "I didn't ask you to do me any favors, Sweetheart!"
Harper glared back for a moment and they both laughed. "I love him, Mom! I hate that I do but I do." He leaned into Anders.
"I really love Harper too, Eve. He's wonderful and puts up with me. He saved my life, Eve." Anders looked at Eve with seriousness. "So, how are you alive? All of the reports said you were dead?"
Eve nodded. "I almost was. Nero was so caught up in his own brilliance that he didn't make sure. He left me for dead in the basement and left the house. I was almost dead. I thought I would die but I caught three rats. It was gross but they helped. I went out a very small window to an alley with more rats."
"Do you know that this city has a huge rat problem!" Eve smiled. "I found a couple of cats that I feel really bad about but I made it to the woods and found a deer. It took me a couple of days of feeding to get well enough to go for help and I made it to the station. Uh, last night?" Eve had lost track of days.
"Oh Mom!" Harper hugged his mom. "I was so scared for you and then..Nero said you were dead and..." He had missed his mom so badly. He wiped tears.
"I'm not dead! I'm happy about that too, Harper! I missed you. I was so scared for you and then worried that you didn't find my note. I thought maybe I should have left it in a different spot but you figured it out! I had no idea how to get you here without the bad guys figuring it out." Eve sighed. "It took me two months to come up with Anders Morton."
"Oh, I found Anders before I found Jack! How was I supposed to know that Anders was the junior and you were talking about Jack! I had no idea that either of them existed!" Harper stared at his mom.
Eve laughed and held her side. "Sorry. Nero would have known Jack. I knew you would figure things out. Eventually. But you would be safe on your wild goose chase in case they came after you. That part worked. Hale filled me in on the video and that was smart. Charlie's idea?"
Charlie smiled. "Of course! I'm a genius!" He smiled.
Zane just laughed.
Eve watched them. "Are you two together?"
"Hell yes!" Charlie smiled. "Couldn't stop me."
Zane shook his head. "I can't resist him. He saved my life too."
"Damn right! Smith, what a dick!" Charlie smiled at Zane. Zane leaned in and kissed his boyfriend.
"That is so sweet!" Eve smiled. She was going to get permission for Zane to be turned for Charlie. She was calling on Monday.
"I called Patrick and he's coming for dinner." Anders said out of nowhere.
Jack nodded. "I am sorry for everything over the years. Is there any way to make up for them?"
Anders was silent. "We can talk later. Okay?" He didn't want to have some mushy conversation with his dad with everyone to witness it.
"So, did they find the other bad guy?" Anders turned to Hale.
Hale sighed. "Not yet. He is evading us but we are working on it. We arrested a few devoted followers and it's just a matter of time. The vampire hunters are disbanded for now."
"Good. I don't want to get shot again!" Anders touched his shoulder. It was fine but he could still feel it. He saw the look from Eve. "I will tell you about that at dinner. Rick doesn't know either."
Eve smiled. "I haven't met Rick yet. Patrick or Rick?" She heard both.
"Rick. I call him Rick." Anders smiled.
Rick rang the doorbell because he wasn't close to their dad either. Anders opened it and Rick was relieved. "Patrick."
"Anders. It's Rick. Call me Rick." He hugged his brother. "So, what is so important?" Rick walked in the house. He stopped at the kitchen door and looked at their dad. "Jack."
Jack sighed. "I'm sorry that I fucked up!"
Rick sighed. Anders filled him in on some of the story. "Maybe we all fucked up. What now?"
Anders laughed. "I don't have any fucking clue!" Now they all used the f word. He smiled at his brother. Rick laughed and Jack shook his head. "Maybe start over?"
"I would love that." Jack whispered.
Rick nodded. "On one condition. I need to hear all of it. All of the shit that I've missed out on. I know there are stories!" He watched their dad. "We need the truth."
Charlie cooked dinner so that Jack, Zane and Rick could eat but everyone else was staying away. Charlie cooked and Jack was surprised that it was delicious.
Zane stood by Charlie. "I would offer to help but I don't cook. I am excellent at ordering delivery."
Charlie pulled Zane to the counter. "You can't be good at everything. You do what you do in bed and I will cook." He growled. Zane laughed and kissed Charlie.
Anders smiled. "What does he do in bed!" He had to ask.
"Oh, Anders. Zane...no one ever! Never. Zane knows how to love me." Charlie smiled. "This has to simmer for ten minutes. Be right back!"
Charlie grabbed Zane gently and carried him to their room. He let Zane earn dinner.
"I see. Good sex in exchange for a meal!" Zane smiled as he touched Charlie's chest.
Charlie shook his head. "No. Zane, fucking phenomenal sex for a good meal. You are the best lover I ever had. One more time then we go back." Zane laughed as Charlie attacked him.
Charlie carried Zane back to the kitchen, laughing. They kissed while Charlie cooked. Charlie held Zane close as they talked and stirred food. Zane could stir without burning down the kitchen. They touched and shared looks the entire time.
Anders just smiled at his friend. Charlie was in love but it was sweet and he wasn't expecting sweet. He expected...something different. This was better. Charlie was never so gentle with a person. He was different with Zane. Anders liked to watch them and Harper agreed.
They filled Rick in on everything that Jack was doing. His job with the vampire hunters was over now. Hale had asked him to join them and he was thinking about it.
Eve wandered in and sat gently. "Jack has saved a lot of people over the years but I am sorry that he lost you both. It wasn't easy for him." She tried to help with this sensitive situation.
Eve looked at Rick for a second too long. He was hot. He was tall and muscled. He had a few tattoos and a lot of piercings. She was pretty sure his tongue was pierced. He was wearing some leather pants. He looked very dangerous and sexy. His eyes were pretty blue.
Rick watched Eve. "We understand that now! We had no idea when it was happening though. I just thought he was a dick and hated us! I get it now. He had to separate himself from us to keep us safe. It doesn't change the past but it helps now."
He watched Eve. She was so pretty. She was a cute blonde. Her blue eyes were soft and her smile was killer. She had straight blonde hair that was in a bob or something. Some kind of short haircut. It was cute on her. For some reason, when they said Eve, this was not what he pictured. This was better. Anders threw an elbow to his brother who was just staring at Eve.
"Ouch! What?" Rick turned to Anders.
Anders just shook his head and chuckled. "Dad asked if you were staying the night."
Rick cleared his throat. "Oh. I uh...sure? I hadn't thought about that."
"The more the merrier at this point." Jack smiled. "Eve, are you staying here?"
Eve watched Jack and looked at Rick for just a moment. "Uh, yes. If that's okay? I can head home tomorrow after I see Hale and get the okay. He won't let me go alone." She sighed. She didn't want to be alone yet. She hated to admit that she was afraid.
"We can go with you, Mom." Harper volunteered. "Oh, I mean if you want to go too, Anders?"
Anders smiled. "Sure. I go where you go, Sweetheart."
Jack cleared his throat. "There is a room in the basement...if that's okay? I mean with your experience...it's a nice basement, Eve."
Eve smiled. "That would be fine, Jack. I'm not scared of the basement. It was the men beating on me that I wasn't fond of!" She watched Zane agree.
"Well, they are all dead now!" Charlie reassured his lover. He kissed Zane. "Eve, you know you're safe here."
"I know." Eve was a little scared but she wasn't showing it. She yawned.
"Let me get things cleared up here and get you settled." Jack started.
Rick cleared his throat. "I can show her around, Dad." He stood up. "If that's okay, Eve."
"Sure. Thanks, Rick." Eve grunted trying to stand and Rick helped her up. He helped her down the stairs.
"Okay? What is in the water around here?" Harper smiled. "Did you see that?" He actually giggled. Anders wrapped around him and nodded.
Jack shook his head and sighed. "Well, Charlie, thanks for dinner."
Charlie nodded. "Anytime. I love to cook."
"I love to eat!" Jack smiled.
Zane pulled Charlie close. "Hey, this is my man!" Zane teased. Jack just laughed.
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