"it's not underwear, it's a bathing suit."
Y/n heard the oven go off, and she stood up, tucking her phone away in her pocket. She grabbed a hot pad from a nearby drawer after searching for a solid minute, and reached into the oven, taking the sheet out of the oven and placing it onto the stovetop. She turned off the oven and started fanning the cookies with another cookie sheet. Soon, she heard fast steps going down the stairs and turned her head to see Rodrick entering the kitchen.
"The hell did you make?" He frowned, walking up behind her to look at the cookie sheet before reaching over her shoulder to grab one. She flipped the spare cookie sheet up with her arm, lightly hitting Rodrick in the face with it.
"Not for you. They're for Manny when he gets here." She huffed, then set down the sheet and crossed her arms over her chest as she turned around to look at him. Rodrick rubbed his nose, then quickly reached over her shoulder and grabbed one of the cookies, then ran off quickly. "Hey!! Get back here!!" She yelled in shock, running after him.
Rodrick laughed as he ran up the stairs and looked back to see Y/n running after him. He ran to another set of stairs and went up them. Y/n ran up them quickly after him. He ran into his room and to the other side of his bad by the window. Y/n rushed into the room and looked over the bed at her peer. He grinned at her. She groaned and took a deep breath before leaping over the bed, knocking him over and falling onto the floor with him. His eyes widened as he fell with her on top of him.
The two landed on the floor with a thud. Rodrick looked up at Y/n with wide eyes. The female rolled her eyes and sat up on top of his chest before snatching the cookie from his hand and heading back downstairs.
"Thanks." Y/n said with a small laugh. "Ugh now I have to throw this one away, god knows where your hands have been today" she gagged as she left the room and headed back downstairs, leaving Rodrick laying on the floor in shock. The female headed downstairs and tossed the cookie she had retrieved, then shoveled the other cookies off the sheet and onto a plate. On another plate, she put some applesauce and some carrots she had cut up into pieces Manny wouldn't choke on while eating.
As she finished preparing the snacks and set them on the table, the doorbell rang. Y/n smiled and headed over to the door, answering it to see a woman holding Manny outside.
"Hi! I'm Manny's babysitter, Ms. Heffley told me you'd be here with him" Y/n smiled at the woman, who carefully handed her Manny.
"Will I be seeing you later this week, or just today?" The woman asked, pulling out her phone and starting to type something. "Also, Manny hadn't been feeling too well today, he doesn't have a fever and hasn't thrown up, so we don't think he's sick, just thought I should mention he wasn't feeling good" The woman nodded to herself.
"Oh no! Well if he isn't feeling well I'll make sure to keep a close eye on him" Y/n smiled, turning her head to look over at the toddler in her arms. "I'll be here during the school week unless I'm not able to, and I'm sure that Ms. Heffley will tell you if I can't." Y/n responded calmly. "The woman nodded, saying thank you before saying goodbye and returning to her car.
"Hey Manny! How are you!"
Y/n smiled and headed into the kitchen with him, soon setting him down in the baby chair at the end of the table. "I'm going to get you some snacks, okay?" Manny grinned in response.
"Snack!" He cheered excitedly. Y/n nodded and grabbed the two plates of snacks.
"Okay, I have some veggies and applesauce, and once you eat those you can have a cookie, how does that sound?" The teen asked him. Manny looked at the two plates and tried reaching for the cookies. "You can't have that one yet Manny, you need to eat something healthy first" Y/n smiled. She walked into the kitchen and looked through the drawers, grabbing a rubbery green spoon with chew marks on the end.
"Cookie!!" Manny pouted slightly. Y/n sighed and shook her head, pointing to the applesauce.
"You can have that when you eat this, okay?" She took a spoonful of applesauce and moved the spoon towards Manny's mouth. He opened his mouth and ate the spoonful. Y/n smiled, and pointed at the carrots. Manny picked up one of the small pieces and placed it into his mouth, chewing for a few seconds. There was the ring of the doorbell followed by laughter on the outside. Y/n stood up and frowned. "Alright Manny can you keep eating for carrots?"
"Carrot icky!!" Manny complained, spitting chewed up carrot onto Y/n's face before sticking his finger in the applesauce and licking it off. Y/n sighed softly, shaking her head with a light smile. She was about to head over to the door when Rodrick came downstairs with a grin on his face and answered the door before she could get to it. She shrugged and headed into the kitchen, continuing to turn her head back and look at Manny while she cleaned off her face.
"Dude are you supposed to be watching your baby brother?" A male voice laughed.
"Hah! No my mom got a sitter." Rodrick laughed.
"So you're telling me there's a possibly cute girl in your house right now and you're still practicing with us? Talk about loyalty!!" Another voice laughed. Rodrick said nothing, and the voices continued. "Ooh, she isn't cute, is she"
"To be honest, she fuckin' scares me." Rodrick said as Y/n wiped the carrot off of her face and walked back over to Manny.
"Rodrick can you please stop swearing with Manny right here. I know your mom doesn't want him to start talking like that" Y/n sighed, shaking her head and crouching down. "Come on Manny you need to eat your applesauce before you get a cookie."
"Can I get a cookie?" One of the other male voices said in a smug tone. "Or does Rodrick have first dibs!!" The group exploded into laughter.
"Dude shut up she's going to kill you" Rodrick hissed back, still laughing slightly. "We'll be in the garage for band practice!" He called as Y/n turned around and glared at them. The group walked away laughing, and went through a door, which Y/n could only assume led to the garage. Y/n let out a quiet sigh and looked over at Manny to see he had eaten most of the food on the plate.
"Cookie!" He grinned, lightly tapping at the baby chair's table part. Y/n smiled and picked up one of the cookies, breaking it in half and handing Manny half, watching as he giggled and took a messy bite out of it, getting peanut butter on his face. Y/n chuckled and looked up as the sound of Rodrick and his friends starting to play echoed through the house.
"The bass is out of tune again" She sighed, shaking her head. She looked back down to see that the toddler had finished off his half and was making grabbing gestures at the other half. She smiled and handed it to him before standing up and grabbing a cloth, then wetting it and going back to the table. Manny was still eating the other half with a big smile on his face. She waited until his was finished, then wiped off his face and set the cloth down on the table. She then hoisted Manny out of his chair and moved into the living room, sitting down with him as she looked at his toys.
He stood up on shaky legs and went to grab a toy from the other side of the room. She watched with a smile and clapped as he got back and handed it to her.
"Who's this?" She said with a smile, looking at the stuffed monster he had brought up to her. Manny was silent, he stared at her without responding. A frown slowly appeared on his face. Y/n gave him a curious look before gasping as the child threw up, the contents of his stomach getting all over her clothing, but thankfully nowhere on the carpet or surrounding furniture. "Oh buddy!" She set down the stuffed monster and picked Manny up, bringing him in to the kitchen to clean his face up.
The teen picked up another wet cloth and cleaned up his face. Manny frowned, then yawned a bit.
"Time for a nap bud, I need to get cleaned up" Y/n sighed and headed into the living room, where a small crib was set up. She carefully placed Manny inside on his back. The teen then looked down at her clothing and sighed. She walked towards the hallway nearby, looking for the bathroom. "I'm going to need new clothes" she groaned, shaking her head. The female knew what she'd have to do, she honestly didn't want to.
Y/n stripped down to her undergarments and placed her dirtied clothing into a plastic grocery bag, tying the handles into a tight knot so the retched smell of puke wouldn't escape. She sighed and looked at herself in the mirror.
"I'm going to regret this decision. Just...just think of it as a bathing suit. It's not underwear. It's a bathing suit." She shuddered, then headed to the door that Rodrick and his friends had gone through.
The loud sounds of music came through the door. Y/n shivered and knocked on the door three times. The music continued on the other side. She groaned and knocked on the door louder. The music still continued. The teenager took a few seconds and willed herself to open the door, hiding behind the wall as she poked her head through the door.
"Rodrick!" She yelled into the garage. The music stopped and Rodrick peaked over a drum set to look at the door.
"Why'd you interrupt us, aren't you supposed to be watching Manny?" Her peer gave her an unamused look. She glared back at him.
"Can you just come here please?" Y/n sighed in an angered tone. Rodrick squinted, looking somewhat mad.
"Why can't you come in here and talk to me? Anything you have to say to me, they can hear too!" Rodrick set his drumsticks down and crossed his arms over his torso and he looked over at her.
"Because I can't! Just come here!" Y/n yelled back angrily. Rodrick raised his hands in an exasperated defeat and stood up as Y/n closed the door. She rubbed at her temples as she looked at the door as it opened. Rodrick didn't see her standing beside the door at first.
"Where the hell did you g-" Rodrick cut off as he turned to see her standing there. "Why are you naked?!" He stared down at her, looking her up and down. Y/n felt her face heat up. From inside of the garage, Rodrick's friends started laughing. One of them yelled to the two.
"Yeah!! Get some, Rodrick!!" Y/n glanced at the door and knew her face was for sure as bright of a red as her hair. She looked up at Rodrick to see him still staring at her, his cheeks tinted a light pink color.
"Stop staring at me like that!" Y/n huffed, moving her hands up to cover her chest. "Manny threw up on me. I need some clothes." Rodrick glanced over into the living room to see his little brother sleeping. He looked back at Y/n and shrugged.
"I'm just saying that I think you look fine right now" He shrugged, a smug grin started to make its way into his face.
"Rodrick. You fucking heard me. Where's your shower?" She looked away from her peer. He groaned and started walking. The teen followed him up the stairs.
As they started down the upstairs hallway, Rodrick stopped her from moving forward and closed the open door next to him. The door swung closed for Y/n to see a paper sign labeled 'Greg' in messy crayon handwriting. Y/n carefully walked behind Rodrick until they reached a room with while and grey tile floor.
"Here. I don't know what your size is so when you're done just go get something that fits from up in my room. Give it back when you can." Rodrick said quietly, his cheeks still tinted a light pink color as he glanced back at Y/n. Y/n nodded slightly and entered the bathroom.
"Hey can you guys be a bit quieter by the way? Since I need to get cleaned off I need you to watch Manny if he wakes up while I'm still in the shower.." Y/n frowned slightly, looking down the hallway and stairs to the main floor.
"Yeah whatever, I'll try" Rodrick sighed, not looking at Y/n as she nodded and closed the door to the bathroom, locking it. Y/n listened as Rodrick walked away and down the stairs.
The teen took a deep breath before taking off her black undergarments and placing them on the ground on top of the towel she'd found in the cabinet under the sink. The female turned on the water in the shower and got in, not waiting for the water to heat up. She knew she had to get done as soon as possible in case Manny woke up from his nap. As she stepped into the shower, she noticed the shower head faced to the side of the shower. She looked at it, confused for a moment before it finally clicked in her mind.
"God that's fuckin' disgusting-" She gagged, then turned the showerhead to face her. As she moved to stand under the stream of water, flinching at the sudden cold, she heard the sound of Rodrick and his friends starting to play again in the garage. She sighed, shaking her head. Y/n let the water run down her chest before bending down and reaching for a bar of soap. The teen looked at the bar in her hand, thinking about where it might have been. She almost immediately felt her face heat up, and she shook her head, dismissing the thoughts.
She held the bar under the running water before turning away from the stream of water and rubbing her body down with it, cleaning off any residue from the vomit that might have gotten through her clothes. She finished and set the bar back down where she'd found it, then stood in the stream of water to rinse it off. She focused her thoughts on the sound of the running water, and didn't seem to notice that the sound of instruments from the garage had stopped. She decided the soap was washed off and turned off the shower before getting out and grabbing her towel, leaving her bra and underwear there for her to pick up once she had gotten some clothes.
The teen tightly wrapped the towel around her body, tucking the end in at the top by her left shoulder. She opened the door carefully and looked out before heading to the second set of stairs and going up them into Rodrick's room. She looked around before spotting his closet on the far wall. She walked over to it carefully, stepping over magazines, sheet music, and dirty clothes that lay scattered over the floor. Y/n got down onto her knees, keeping her hand on the top of the towel at her chest so it didn't fall down. She opened and closed drawers, her face going completely red as she briefly saw the contents of one of them. She found a hoodie and a pair of jeans that she was sure had to have been from a while ago, as they had been at the bottom of his pants drawer and had holes from moths in them. She stood up carefully, accidentally dropping the jeans onto the floor.
The h/c haired female groaned and bent over, grabbing them off the floor before hearing the creak of the wooden floor behind her and quickly standing up, turning around quickly to see Rodrick staring at her.
"Sorry, I forgot you were getting clothes from up here!" He said quickly, still staring at her. She narrowed her eyes at him. He seemed to realize and turned around quickly as she rushed past him and down the stairs heading back to the bathroom to get dressed.
Y/n closed and locked the bathroom door behind her, then frowned as she picked up her lacy purple underwear and pulled it up her legs, then looked around the room.
"Where the hell did my bra go?Did it get puke on it too?" Y/n asked herself quietly, looking around as she let her towel drop to the floor. Frowning before carefully pulling the hoodie on over her head and pulling the jeans up her legs. The jeans were a bit big, and because they were built for the male body, they were pretty tight on her waist. She took the towel in her arms and left the bathroom, flicking off the light as she left. She looked around before tossing the towel into the laundry basket at the end of the hall, and going downstairs, grabbing the bag that contained her clothes and placing it next to her backpack.
Y/n walked into the living room to see that Manny was still sleeping. She sighed in relief and grabbed her phone, placing it in the pocket of the hoodie as she headed up the stairs again. The teen went up to Rodrick's room and looked over at him. He sat on his bed, his phone in his hands.
"Need something?" Rodrick glanced over at her quickly before sitting up and placing his phone down at his side. Y/n said nothing and walked over to the dresser, looking around the floor where she had dropped the pair of jeans. There was nothing there. The teen frowned and went to leave the room. "Y/n?" Rodrick gave her a curious look. Y/n turned her head and raised an eyebrow at her peer, who looked confused before shrugging and going back to his phone at Y/n left the room.
Y/n looked around the house, trying to figure out where her bra had gone. She continued looking until she heard Manny wake up in the other room and had to go back to watching him.
The teen walked into the living room and took him out of the crib. The toddler reached for the remote, so Y/n grabbed it and turned the television on calmly, then looked at Manny.
"Do you know what you want to watch buddy?" Y/n smiled at him.
"Sn...Snurples!" Manny sounded out the name of the show, following it up with a few gibberish words. Y/n chuckled and switched the channel to put on the show the toddler wanted to watch. Manny sat down on a small pile of pillows and stared at the TV with a happy expression on his face. Y/n sat down on the couch behind Manny and got into her phone, continuing to look up and make sure that the toddler was still in the room. His eyes were always affixed to the television whenever she looked up. She heard the sound of someone going down the stairs and looked over to see Rodrick going out the back door. She raised an eyebrow, then shrugged slightly, dismissing the sight.
Soon, Y/n heard the sound of a car pulling up to the house, she glanced out the window to see Ms. Heffley though the windshield of the minivan pulling up to the house.
"Hey buddy, your mom is home" Y/n got off the couch and crouched down by Manny. Manny grinned and pointed at the screen. "Cool bud!" Ms. Heffley opened the door and glanced over at them with a smile.
"How was he?" She asked as she took her shoes off. Y/n stood up calmly, leaving Manny to watch his show.
"Oh he was great! He had a snack when he got home, some applesauce, carrots, and some Cheerios with peanut butter and honey. Then he showed me his toys.." Y/n remembered that was when he had thrown up on her. "The lady who dropped him off said he wasn't feeling too good, but hadn't had a fever or thrown up, he ended up throwing up on me, but Rodrick was nice enough to let me wear some of his clothes and give them back tomorrow" Y/n nodded to herself as she spoke. "So he took a nap, and then we watched some TV." The teen finished, placing her hands into the pocket of Rodrick's hoodie with her phone. Ms. Heffley smiled, reaching into her purse and handing Y/n two bills, one twenty, and one ten. "Thank you ma'am!" Y/n smiled.
"Of course! I said ten dollars an hour, yes?" She took off her coat and hung it up on the coat rack. "Thank you for watching him, I'll see you tomorrow!" Y/n nodded and headed to the door, putting on her shoes and grabbing her backpack along with the grocery bag containing her dirty clothes.
"Bye Ms. Heffley! Bye Manny!" Y/n waved to the toddler, who turned away from the TV screen and slightly waved back. Y/n walked outside and headed to the 78', closing the front door behind her. She walked over to her car calmly.
The teen was about to unlock her car when someone jumped out from behind the minivan and grabbed her shoulders. Y/n screeched in surprise, then turned around to see Rodrick there, laughing at her.
"Seriously?" Y/n sneered as she looked over at him. "Don't you have other things to do?" She glared up at him. Rodrick glanced down at her.
"Why aren't you wearing a bra now?" He asked, staring down at her chest. Y/n flinched, then without thinking, reached up and smacked her peer across the cheek. She was about to apologize when she realized it would probably be better for her to play it off like she meant to do it. She paused before talking while Rodrick stared down at the ground at his side for a moment, rubbing at his cheek.
"I could ask you the same question. My eyes are up here, asshole" She glared, then unlocked her car, climbing into the driver's seat.
"I'm sorry okay I didn't mean it like that!" Rodrick groaned, watching as the teen started the engine, then backed out of the driveway, not looking at him. He could even through the windshield, that her cheeks were tinted a bright red color.
Word Count: 3934
So in the next chapter in going to kind of have it focused on Rodrick, so don't get worried all of a sudden when next chapter I just don't mention y/n as much as I did this chapter.
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