Chapter 1
Hermione Jean Granger was an average girl living in an average town in London. Her life was perfectly normal, she attended the local Primary School. She excelled at all her subjects, well maybe not Physical Education but that didn't matter, she was a very academic person. And she had plenty of friends, well she had 1 close friend. His name was Blaise, Blaise Zabini. The other kids made fun of him almost as much as they did of her.
But lately strange things have been happening to Hermione, well strange things have always happened to her. One of her many books would fall off its shelf, other things would mysteriously levitate, things would even disappear. Hermione's parents kept assuring their daughter that she was simply imagining all these peculiar happenings, even though they'd seen them themselves.
Hermione confided all of this to Blaise, who told her everything would make sense on her eleventh birthday, and that if she had any questions she could ask him. Hermione didn't quite understand but nodded whenever Blaise would say this.
Now it was the day she'd been waiting for, her eleventh birthday, the day when everything would make sense, according to Blaise. Hermione was gifted with plenty of books from her parents, Blaise and her other family members.
After school was over that day Hermione sat in the living room, reading one of many new books she'd been given. Everything was calm and peaceful, her mother and father were out shopping, until a loud knock pierced the evening. Thinking nothing of it Hermione hooped up and answered the door. But nothing could have prepared her for what she saw. A man with frizzy dark hair down to his shoulders and a messy beard of the same colour stood in front of her, he must have been at least 8ft tall, as Hermione had to crane her neck to see his face. He was dressed in a shabby beige top with dark trousers and boots, a dark animal skin jacket too. Hermione thought that her facial expression couldn't possibly have showed how shocked she was, her mouth hung open, she was gobsmacked.
"M's Hermione Granger?" He asked her.
"Who's asking?" She responded, her parents had told her never to give her name and information out to strangers.
"I'm Rubeus Hagrid from Hogwarts" Hermione now looked even more confused, maybe she should trust him, after all it was her birthday and Blaise said it would all make sense on her birthday. "Now are yeh Hermione Granger" She nodded, "Right, May I come in?" Hermione stepped aside and he walked right in. "Are yer parents 'ome?" He asked her, sitting down in the living room. Hermione shook her head. "Well, we can't have that, can we?" He waved his umbrella and her parents appeared in the living room holding bags of groceries.
"Hermione? Who's this and why is he in our house and why is he so tall?" Her mother asked her, anger filling her voice. Her parents shared an equally as alarmed as they were angry expression on their faces. Hermione looked sorrowful and was about the open her mouth to explain when Hagrid cut in.
"I'm Rubeus Hagrid, but please call me Hagrid, from Hogwarts. I'm here to tell you something very important, please sit down" The Grangers were highly confused but sat down all the same. "Now Hermione, has anythin' ever 'append to yeh that yeh couldn't explain?" Hermione thought for a moment before nodding. "Well Hermione, yer a witch"
"A What?" Hermione asked now even more shocked and confused than she was before.
"A witch, now tomorro would yeh like to come tuh Diagon Alley with me tuh get yer wand?" Hermione nodded excitedly. Hagrid explained everything else to Hermione and her parents, like how to get the wizarding money, galleons, sickels and knuts if Hermione wasn't mistaken, and she rarely was. And how to get to Hogwarts, you run at the wall inbetween platforms 9 and 10 at Kings Cross. He also gave her a ticket that he said was her ticket to get to Hogwarts.
"Now remember you can't tell any muggles about this" Hermione sighed, this meant she couldn't tell Blaise. Well at least she thought she couldn't tell Blaise. After all he knew that she would understand today, meaning he must have known that Hagrid was coming. Could he really be a Muggle (Hagrid has told them that non-magical people were called muggles).
The next morning Hermione woke up and immediately got up and dressed. She wore a Knitted Jumper with a skirt, tights and boots.
At 11 O'clock on the dot there was a knock on the door. Hermione ran as fast as she could, which still wasn't very fast, to answer the door.ً
"Hallo Hermione" Hagrid smiled at her as she opened the door.
"Hi Hagrid" Hermione's parents appeared behind her.
"Hallo Mister Granger, Mrs Granger, now if you'll all follow me" they all followed Hagrid for about twenty minutes to a part of London Hermione hadn't been to before.
"Now Hermione can you see this pub?" Hagrid pointed to an old shabby building that looked like it could need serious restoration work done to it.
"The Leaky Cauldron" Hermione read, Hagrid nodded and showed her inside. Looks of utter confusion were painted across Hermione's parents faces.
"Muggles can't see it, it looks abandoned to them, no sign" Hagrid told Hermione as they walked in.
"Keep comin" Hagrid told them as they walked through the pub. Hermione's parents gasped, they couldn't believe all that was inside the old abandoned building. "Now to get in you simply tap your wand like this" he showed her the bricks to tap against an old cobbled wall.
As he finished the wall disappeared to reveal the most amazing place Hermione had ever seen. It was magical. Beyond that it was home.
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