The next weeks after that flew by very fast and before they knew it three months were over. Those three months were filled with cute and romantic Dates and some funny double Dates with Zayn and Liam. The two idiots made fun of Harry and Louis and their lovestruck behaviour most of the time but Louis knew they were more than happy for the both of them. All four together annoyed Niall a lot by saying they would find him a girflfriend so he wouldn't be all alone and stuck with two disgustingly cute couples. But all Niall did was laugh at them and eat without a break. Probably food was his one true love.
All five boys spent a lot of time together regulary and became the best of friends. Harr had stopped coming to training shortly after Louis and him were official because now he didn't needed an excuse for seeing him any more. Turned out he only stayed for the boxing lessons after he knew for sure he was shit in it because he wanted to see Louis. Now that he had him for himself he could happily say goodbye to those boxing gloves. But sometimes he came by and threw a few punches or stuff just to relive old times. Louis would always be there by his side through this and their friends would love at them but it was okay. That's the way it was in the end.
One time Louis tried an attempt to cook for Harry, you all know which meal, and it tasted pretty good for his first and probably only ever meal. It was the most romantic thing he ever did for someone and he was proud of it and told it anyone over and over again.
Sometimes Harry and Louis sat down on the couch in the evening with Harry's guitar or sat down at the piano in Louis' flat and made some music together. They loved to sing together. It was something that connected them a lot. They both loved it and their voices fit really well together.
They even have already met each other's families. Harry's Mom and his sister Gemma were absolutely amazing and very lovely. Harry had such a supportive family and they seemed to lo Louis from the first second. Louis' sister were gone for Harry from the first moment they saw him. He fit in with them perfectly and everything felt like it has been like this forever already.
And that even though they haven't said I love you yet for some strange reason. Sure they always told one another how much they cared for each other and that they were in love but those three words hasn't been said out loud yet. Those three words were said too much but not enough so he wanted it to be special. Maybe they were still just some awkward idiots in the end.
"You two are so whipped and disgustingly cute. Why don't you just marry already?" chuckled Zayn as the three of them sat on a bench near the bar they wanted to go to as five.
"We're only together for three months. It would be a bit soon but someday for sure" thought Louis out loud.
"And it would be weird. I mean you haven't even said I love you yet" snickered Liam.
"Man, marrying without talking about love would be totally strange" agreed Zayn.
"Why don't you just marry already and stop bothering me?" rolled Louis his eyes at them.
"Someday" winked Liam at him.
"But seriously, Tommo. Why haven't you said it yet?" Zayn wanted to know.
"I don't know to be honest. It's just.. those three words are said so much and way too meaningless. But I want it to be full of meaning because I mean it, you know?" tried Louis to word his thoughts.
"I know what you mean but you're overthinking things again like always" told Liam him.
"Yes. Harry and you only have to simply look at each other and it's full of deep meaning. So just do it" said Zayn in a mocking voice.
"Why am I even still talking to you?" shook Louis his head amused at his friends.
"Because you love us" chorused both of them.
"Sadly true" laughed Louis.
"Oh there's Niall finally" spotted Liam Niall coming over to them.
"But where's Harry? Shouldn't he be here already?" wondered Zayn, making Louis nervous for some reason.
"Hey Losers, I'm finally here. The King has arrived" bragged Niall jokingly.
"But I'm already here?!" sassed Louis back.
"Where's Harry? He isn't with you" was Zayn still wondering where he was.
"Oh yeah. He's running late...." trailed Niall off. That was strange. Harry was never late.
"Niall, is everything alright? You look kinda worried" noticed Liam.
"Yeah, please tell me. Harry is never late and he hasn't texted me anything. So what's the matter?" became Louis anxious now.
"I don't know if it's a good idea to tell you right now. I don't want you to take it the wrong way" was Niall unsure of what to do.
"Niall, just spill it".
"Okay, fine. Nick is back" told Niall them. Liam and Zayn just looked confused at him while Louis felt a weird feeling rose inside of him.
"What do you mean he's back?" asked Louis through gritted theeth.
"He showed up today after we were done with work and wanted to talk with Harry. He said he realised he made a big mistake back then and would do everything to get Harry back. Blah blah blah and right now they're talking in a café to... I don't know why" revealed Niall to him.
"Oh oh" was all that was heard from Liam and Zayn but it was too late.
"It's pretty obvious why. Which café, Niall?" jumped Louis up, ready to kill.
"I don't know if you...".
"The one down the street. You know it" gave Niall in with a sigh.
Immediately Louis ran off and torwards that café. He couldn't stand the thought of Nick alone with his Harry. Not after everything he put him through. Also Louis was definitely jealous and for some reason even scared to loose Harry now. Nick was his first boyfriend after all. What if his feelings were still there and he would take him back after a long apology? Was tha why Harry never told him he loved him? Because he just didn't?
Arriving at his destination he spotted them sitting at a table near the door. Louis walked in, determined to end this conversation right now, but froze in his tracks as he heard Harry's voice. He couldn't believe it.
"I know and I missed you too, Nick. A lot. What we had was unique...".
That was enough for Louis. He didn't needed to hear more and get hurt even more. He turned around and left the café again but Harry has seen him before he had left. Louis felt tears form in his eyes but he fought against them. He blindly stumled through the street until he came to the park. He passes some strangers who gave him weird looks but he simply ignored them. As he walked by the pond he stopped. Looking at it, memories of Harry and him and their first and second Date here came up. They had spent so many lovely hours here. Pure irony that he ended up here.
"Louis? Louis? Louis!" he heard Harry's voice calling for him.
Out of instinct he turned around to Harry and saw him running torwards him with teary eyes. Louis really wanted to leave but he couldn't leave Harry when he was sad for whatever reason. If he was happy with Nick instead of him Louis would take it. He would never love someone again but he would stil choose Harry's happiness over his own because he deeply loved him.
"Lou, here you are. I was looking for you" gasped Harry for air.
"Why?" asked Louis shortly, gulping down his emotions.
"Louis, whatever you think you saw it wasn'what it looked like" claimed Harry.
"It's nothing I saw, more things I heard you say. When your relationship with Nick was so unique why are you here with me? Shouldn't you be with him?" replied Louis a little bitter.
"What? No. I would never take him back. He's an asshole" stated Harry.
"But you said....".
"I know what I said but you only heard a part of it. I tried to find a nice word to describe what we had back then although we know it was shit. I would never give him another chance. He doesn't mean anything to me. I have you now" stepped Harry closer to him.
"I know. I just thought maybe you still love him and old feelings would come back" mumdled Louis kinda ashamed.
"I never loved Nick to being with. I liked him a lot but it wasn't love. Why would I want him if I can have you?" cupped Harry Louis' face.
"Am I that great, huh?" tried Louis to crack a joke.
"We went over this, Lou. Yes you are" locked Harry eyes with him.
"You are great too" smiled Louis fondly at Harry.
"Thanks. So don't worry any more. I don't love Nick, I never did and I only want you" clarified Harry honestly.
Louis knew that was the perfect moment. He just had to say it right now. "That's good to know because I love you, Hazza" confessed Louis from deep out of his heart, that was only beating for Harry.
"I love you too, Lou" leaned Harry down to him, beaming brightly.
They sealed that confession with a lovefilled kiss and forgot everything around them. This was their moment. Their special place. That's where they shared their first kiss. That's where they shared their deepest fears and secrets. And that's where they confessed their love for each other. Now nothing could ever break them apart. Well except the lack of air.
As they broke away from the kiss Harry stumbled over a tiny stone and lost his balance, almost falling into the pond again. Louis grabbed for his wrist again and pulled Harry torwards him, causing Harry to crash into Louis' chest and smile stupidly at him.
"Oops" made Harry again.
"Hi, my clumsy Princess. We talked about this. You need to control your hard falls" smiled Louis in love at his adorable boyfriend, who smiled back at him with the same amount of love in his eyes.
"Maybe, but my hardest fall will always be you".
The End :)
I hope you liked it. I never wrote something like that. It's my first short story. I'm not completely content but when am I ever?
Love you guys <3 <3 <3
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