That's it. They were texting non-stop since their beautiful Date. They talked about everything and nothing through out the whole day. They shared weird and funny stories, talked about favourite books or movies or how annoying their friends were. Even during work they couldn't stop although it was more difficult to still text. Half of the time they texted the whole night and fell asleep over the phone and woke up to dozents of text messages. All of that with a permanent smile on their faces.
Louis has been giddy, giggly and overly happy the whole time and couldn't hide his smile at all. Liam and Zayn had picked up on that pretty fast and of course they mocked him about being absolutely whipped but well it was the truth. Louis wasn't even that mad at them. He just shared with his friends what exactly had happened and how he was feeling and they couldn't be happier. Finally Louis seemed to have found the luck and love he deserved. They just hoped it would all turn out good.
Because even though they texted all the time they haven't clariefied what they are yet. Hell, Louis didn't even said that he liked Harry yet. Good, they kissed and that said a lot but after that he just brought him home and that was about it. No talks about second Dates or feelings or stuff like that. Maybe they were both just adorably awkward. Maybe this was a bad sign. Louis hoped for the first of course.
So when Louis walked through the boxing club an hour before his lesson with Harry he was getting anxious again. How would Harry react to seeing him again? How was Louis supposed to act? What even were they? Did that kiss mean they were dating now? Were they exclusive or was it an open thing? Would Harry still drop him out of nowhere?
"Hey there, sexy boy. What has you so deep in thought?" tore a way too flirty voice him out of his doubting thoughts.
When Louis turned to face whoever was saying this he immediately rolled his eyes and let out a groan. There he was. Luke. One of the members of his club and a total dickhead. Well, they didn't have quiet a good past. How did he not recognise that voice from the start? He knew it way too good.
"That's none of your business" hissed Louis at him.
"Aye, why so bitchy? Haven't been laid in a while or was your last fuck that bad? Are your conquests not that good any more?" asked Luke in an almost mocking voice.
"You know I could kick you out any second, right? So why don't you just shut up?!" glared Louis at him.
"I pay for your attention, remember? So technincally I pay for your life. Why don't you teach me some stuff?" approached Luke him.
"First of all, IF then your Daddy pays for everything because you can't handle your own life for shit. But don't think that is reason enough to keep you here. And second, eww. No, never again" brought Louis some space between them.
"You didn't say that the first time. Why are you pushing me away, hun? Are you still mad I played the big heartbreaker before you could do it with me like with everyone else before? Mad that I exposed your ass?" run Luke a finger over Louis' arm, causing cold shivers to run down his spine.
"I told you I'm not and I never was" pushed Louis Luke's hand away, referring to the heartbreaker image.
"Then why don't you let me taste that dick again? Let us have a good time again" said Luke in a low voice.
"Yeah, no need. For your information, I'm currently dating someone so fuck off" growled Louis annoyed at him.
"The Louis Tomlinson, dating someone? Thought that wasn't your thing. Haven't seen you with anyone for years" was Luke suprised.
"And who's fault was that?" thought Louis to himself.
"Well, I am now so if you excuse me now. I have better things to do" wanted Louis to end this conversation.
"You mean like him? That's probably all he wants anyway and you know that. Who would willingly date you if it wasn't for sex? We both know as soon as he got the big D he is gone like everyone else before him" called Luke after him, causing Louis to stop in his tracks.
"You don't even know him. Harry isn't like that. He really cares for me" countered Louis, but wasn't so sure about it himself.
"Then I assume you haven't fucked him yet. Watch him change the way he acts now. Watch him be more sexy, wear more sexy clothes to turn you on during the training. And when you fucked him watch him drop you. That's all you good for anyway and you know that. So why don't you just give it to me instead. Like this you can spare yourself some serious heartbreak if our Fuckboy even has one".
Louis felt himself break inside with every single word. He knew people thought bad about him and always just used him but for once he was feeling really happy. For once he thought it could be different. Maybe for once someone could love him for real.
"That's enough, you Bastard. Leave before I kick you out" appeared Zayn next to Luke with a scowl on his face.
"Watch my words, Tomlinson" said Luke before he left.
"Louis, are you okay?" asked Zayn worriedly. Louis stayed silent.
"Please tell me you don't believe what he just said" pleaded Liam desperately, who had came into the room with Zayn.
"But he is right. You were there the last years. Everybody just wants sex and then leaves" said Louis in a broken voice.
"Harry doesn't" pointed Zayn out.
"I'm not so sure about this. Just because he hasn't said anything yet doesn't mean he isn't going to any second. He probably knows about that whole heartbreaker thing an just tries to break me" voiced Louis his serious doubts.
"I know it's hard for you to trust someone but we were there from the start. We know Harry. He's our friend. He wouldn't do that" was Liam sure.
"All those Jerks before were kinda the same in some ways even though they had different tactics. They all made a move on you and tried to turn you on all the time and make you fall at their feet. Harry hasn't done that" pointed Zayn out.
"Maybe it's his tactic after all. Being all innocent and shy and making me fall for him. That way it hurts even more" sniffled Louis, but he knew deep down that wasn't true. It were just his fears and insecurities talking out of him.
"You really think so?" raised Liam an eyebrow at him, knowingly. Louis shook his head.
"Louis, Harry really likes you. You can see it in his eyes. Yes, he kinda likes us too but he's so smitten for you it almost hurts me physically. He is only truly himself when he is with you" dried Liam Louis' silent tears.
"But why aren't we a thing yet then? Why haven't we talked about the kiss or the Date? Or even a second Date? Why didn't we....".
"Louis, breath. You're overthinking everything. Maybe he isn't so open about all this and wants to jump you with all of that. You haven't seen each other in person since Saturday. Just wait and see how it works out today" cut Liam off Louis' nervous rambling.
"He's right. And please give him a fair chance to gain your trust. He doesn't know about your past and how much it has burned you" agreed Zayn with his boyfriend.
"Maybe you should tell him. You know? Talk open and honestly about it. Maybe he has something to tell you too but is scared just like you" thought Liam out loud.
"I guess you're both right. I'll do that. Thank you. You two are really the best friends someone could have" thanked Louis them wholeheartedly while shedding a few tears.
"You deserve to be happy, Louis. We're just trying to help as best as possible" smiled Liam at him.
"You really do" smiled Louis back at him.
"Now enough of that sad tearful talk. It's training time. Harry should be here any second so go" clapped Zayn into his hands.
Louis' eyes grew big as he remembered that too. Liam and Zayn laughed at him as he sprinted down the hallway and into the boxing room where they always were. To his suprise Harry was already there waiting for him. The still scared part of him checked Harry's outfit before Harry could notice that. Suprisingly or not so suprisingly Harry was wearing exactly the same as always. Not that he didn't look hot as hell in those shorts but Louis was really happy to see that nothing has changed.
When Louis came closer Harry seemed to feel his presence and turned around to face him. As soon as their eyes met Harry lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. That made Louis smile brightly too and he just couldn't stop himself from obviously staring at Harry in awe. Louis said it a lot of times but he would never stop. Harry was simply adorable.
"Hi Louis" greeted Harry him beamingly.
"Hi Harry" beamed Louis back at him and then remembered why they were here after all. "Um... ready for some work?".
"Always when it's with you" blurted Harry out and blushed deeply. That made Louis blush too.
"Well then, do your warm-ups, love" told Louis him, the petname just slipping from his tongue.
As always Harry did his warm-ups and Louis joined him for some just because he wanted to and because just watching Harry was making him feel dizzy. After that they went over to the beloved punching bag. By now Harry wasn't so bad at it any more. Of course he was still way to careful and clumsy to ever be a boxer but he found a way for himself. Well today he was kinda hyper and overly happy and that made it more difficult for him to do good but none of them really cared. Everything that would be annoying right now for every other boxer was purely adorable in Louis' eyes. Harry was really one of a kind.
Later they tried out some other punches again where Harry had to punch in Louis' hands, remember? Just more professional now. Well or at least that was the plan. As soon as they had started that Louis could clearly feel the tension between them, but good tension. Really good tension. Their looks were very intensive every time they locked eyes and every time they touched each other, even if it was just for a brief second, Louis felt his heart explod, he had tingles everywhere and electricity shot through his whole body. It was electrifying.
At the end of the lesson when Harry went go grab for his water bottle Louis grabbed it for him and handed it to Harry. Their hands touched again but this time Louis held the intense eye contact. It was like a drug for him. He was high on Harry and it felt amazing.
"Thank you" smiled Harry at him and took a sip from his water.
"No problem" smiled Louis back at him.
"Not only for the water, Louis. I haven't done it yet because I thought it would be too impersonal over the phone but thank you for the great Date. I really had an amazing time. I will never forget that night" blushed Harry cutely and Louis melted right there on the spot.
"It was my pleasure to take you out, Haz. I had a great time too. You're really special" looked Louis deeply into his eyes. All his worries were for nothing and he knew it in that very moment. Harry was really special.
"Special as in weird?" frowned Harry suddenly.
"Special as in absolutely amazing. I never met someone like you before" clarified Louis seriously.
"In a good way?" hooked Harry still a little bit unsure.
"In the best way, Haz. There is no one like you and I'm glad to know you" took Louis a hold of Harry's hands.
"I'm really glad to know you too and I would love to get to know you even better" smiled Harry happily at him.
"If that's really the case would you give me the great honour to go out with me on a second Date?" asked Louis hopefully.
"Always" answered Harry beamingly.
And as they made their way out of the room together to meet up with their friends at their usual spot Louis was really hopeful. All the words Luke had said were forgotten or suppressed as best as possible. Maybe Luke was wrong. Maybe Liam and Zayn were right. There was only one way to find out and maybe Harry really would be different. No, Louis knew already inside his heart what the answer was. Harry was really different in the best way possible.
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