Chocolate Boner
"And remember, don't scare him off" reminded Liam Louis the next friday before the training started.
"Liam, just let it be" groaned Louis in annoyance.
"Don't groan at my boyfriend, Tommo. He's right and you know that. You don't have to marry that Harry kid. Just... you know.... don't traumatize him" told his friend Zayn him more light-hearted.
"You two deserve each other" glared Louis at them but wasn't really mad.
After that Zayn went off to his own course while Liam and Louis met up with Niall and Harry. Niall was totally eager to learn more while Harry just stayed silent. Liam threw Louis one last look and then they parted ways.
Harry and Louis didn't talk much. Louis tried for an hour to get the first two basic steps and punches into Harry's brain or more like his arms and legs but it was in vain. That kid had no sense of balance and no control over his body. The amount of times Harry tripped over his own feet, lost his balance or just fell down for no reason at all were a lot in just one single hour. Gradually Louis really lost his patience but this time he stayed silent. He heard Liam and Zayn in his head, saw Harry's big scared green eyes and decided to keep his comments to himself this one time.
As soon as the training was over they parted ways without another word. Louis went into the shower and met up with Zayn and Liam in the club's 'Cafeteria' thingy or bar. They all three ordered a coke and let the day fade out like always.
"Niall, come here and meet Zayn" shouted Liam over to the end of the room.
Niall and Harry had just walked in and immediately Liam had spotted them. The two of them walked over to the bar and sat down too. Louis focused on his coke and felt himself getting into a weird mood. Harry and him sat on opposite ends of their friends and Louis ignored him completely.
"So, you're the boyfriend?" faced Niall Zayn extitedly.
"That's me" beamed Zayn proudly.
"You know, Liam here talked a lot about you" grinned Niall amused.
"I did NOT" claimed Liam embarrassed.
"We all know you did. That's what you always do, Lima. Admit it, you're a softie for Zaynie boy" said Louis cheekily.
"Well unlike you I let my heart speak. Does your heart even know it still exists?" shot Liam back. Louis gasped at him and both boys poked their tonuges out at each other.
"Guys, don't fight. You love each other" intervened Zayn calmly.
"Sorry, Lima" mumbled Louis.
"Me too, Tommo" mumbled Liam back.
"So, how's the training going?" turned Zayn torwards Niall.
"I'd say quiet good, right Liam?" checked Niall a little bit unsure.
"That's right. I'll make a boxer out of you in no time" confirmed Liam proudly.
"And you Harry? Did you ever do this before?" addressed Zayn the very quiet Harry.
"Not really" answered Harry hesitantely. Louis snorted at that, wich earned him a slap against the head from Zayn.
"But you always wanted to and know you have finally the time?" guessed Zayn.
"Not really" answered Harry again. And what? Does this boy only know these two words?
"I dragged him with me. I always wanted to start but I never had the time. Then I found your club and decided Harry needed to come with me" chiped Niall in.
"You mean you forced me to come with you?! You said I needed to do more with my life than work and go home to read or talk with my cat. Really don't know why you chose boxing out of all things" huffed Harry and mumbled the last sentence more to himself.
While Liam and Zayn talked with Niall about that and he explained why he did it in the first place Louis stared at Harry, who had his gaze turned down to the floor. So he came here for his friend and not because he wanted to. He knew he was shit at it but did it for his friend anyway. This reminded Louis of that one time Liam and Zayn thought it was a good idea to participate in dancing lessons because they were freshly in love. They dragged Louis with them because they were sure Louis needed to get out of the house and meet new people. He could relate to Harry way too good now. Suddenly he unwillingly saw Harry with different eyes.
Speaking of eyes, Louis couldn't get Harry's eyes out of his mind. Even after they had left and he was lying in his bed that night, trying to sleep, he just couldn't stop thinking about those mesmerizing eyes of Harry. He has never seen Harry smile or close to happy but his eyes were still always shining bright like the stars. Those stars followed him into his dreams that night.
That's why he was in a grumpy mood the next morning. Why did that boy had to have such beautiful eyes? It was like those eyes were saying all the words he never said. Harry really didn't talk much and Louis was wondering why. Was it only because of him? Harry didn't even talk with Liam or Zayn, not even much with Niall. It couldn't only be Louis. Was he just shy?
Why would someone like him be shy? Didn't he know how beautiful he was? He could have every girl or boy he ever wanted just by looking at them. Everybody would fall to his feet. Louis was already close to doing so and he knew that. He desperately needed to stop thinking about Harry or his eyes or his perfect body or what was behind all this. Louis Tomlinson wasn't allowed to fall in love again.
Annoyed at his own thoughts Louis walked into his kitchen and opened the fridge. Much to his dismay it was almost empty. Seemed like he forgot to do the grocey shopping this week. Even more grumpy than before he walked back into his room and got changed. He didn't care how he looked. He just needed something to eat. The times where he dressed to impress were long over. Hearing him think that he felt so old and that even though he was only 26 by now.
On his way to the supermarket Louis went through the things he had to do today. Before he went to the boxing club for his own training, he needed to sort out some files he had to work through. Louis hated paperwork but it had to be done someday. Liam and Zayn couldn't do this all alone. It really sucked to be your own boss sometimes.
Yes, you heard that right. Louis was his own boss. The boxing club belonged to him. This was his empire. Liam was his partner and Zayn something similar to that. But literally no one knew that. It was a big mistery who was behind the name of the club. LT was all that was written down when you looked for it and Louis wanted to keep it that way. He was used enough in his life. He needed his lessons to be unknown and treated normally for once.
Suddenly someone bumped into him softly and something crashed to the floor with the person. "Oops" said that very familiar voice.
Louis turned around and saw Harry on the floor with scattered things around him. This boy was really good at falling. Not being the master of his body any more Louis held out his hand for Harry.
"Hi" said Louis in probably the nicest voice he had ever used with Harry.
Kinda scared Harry took Louis' hand and stood up. "Louis? I'm so sorry. I ..- I didn't saw you. I..- I never..." stuttered Harry nervously.
"It's okay, Harry. This happens to everyone" interupted Louis him and bent down to pick up Harry's things.
"You don't have to....".
"I want to. It's no problem" cut Louis him off again and handed Harry his stuff.
"Thanks" thanked Harry him shyly.
"Like I said, no problem" patted Louis his shoulder and went his way.
Now he stood in front of that shelf again and picked out the things he needed for breakfast and some stuff for tomorrow. In his still weird mood he needed more chocolate so he went for that but why did they have to put his favourite one so far up the shelf that he couldn't reach it. Damn it.
Suddenly a big hand appeared next to him and reached for the chocolate without a problem. Louis blinked a few times before he realised Harry was holding the chocolate for him to take. Buffled for no reason at all Louis took the chocolate from Harry and stared at those damn green eyes.
"Thanks" croaked Louis out.
"No problem" replied Harry. And wait, was that a tiny smile? How cute.
Like a complete idiot Louis stared after Harry as he left him standing there. He noticed a skip in Harry's walk and smiled at that. He was really something else. That tiny smile of Harry was printed into Louis' mind and he was still frozen in place with the chocolate in his hand. Only when someone needed him to move a bit aside he awoke from his trance state. He shook his head and walked to the cash register to pay.
The whole way home Harry was all Louis could think about and the moment he entered his flat Louis realised he had a fucking boner. Was his body serious? A boner just because of Harry's face? Nothing happened to turn him on in the slightest but no matter how hard he tried the boner didn't go away. Screw you, Harry -whatever your last name was. Louis should probably pay more attention to his files.
With a loud groan Louis dropped all of his groceries and walked over to the couch. He had to get rid off that boner right now. For some reason he felt the need to lay down on the couch so he did. He slid down his jeans and boxers and was met with his half-hard dick. He couldn't believe he was about to to this.
Way too eager Louis took a hold of his dick and started palming himself. At a steady pace he stroked up and down and here and there cupped his balls. He threw his head back in pleasure and closed his eyes. Some soft moans escaped his lips and he felt himself getting into it. It has definitely been too long since the last time he had some kind of friction.
His thoughts drifted away from his non-existent sex life to Harry again. Of fucking course. He thought about those chocolate brown curls he would love to touch and see completely open once. He thought about that toned body and wondered how Harry looked like that with his clumsiness. He thought about his sharp cheekbones and that amazing jawline that he would love to suck on. He thought about those plump pink lips and imagined how they would feel on his own or right now wrapped around his dick. He hated himself for those inappropriate thoughts so much but he couldn't help it. He was hella attracted to Harry and sexually frustrated.
Louis palmed himself faster and harder and felt himself getting closer to his High. With his other hand he circled his hole with one finger and shuddered at the touch. Hey, don't look at him like that. He isn't a real bottom but he needed to release and that fast. When he pushed the tip of his finger inside of himself he thought about Harry's eyes. Those freaking green eyes that drove him crazy. That innocent look in those eyes made Louis come into his hand fianlly.
While he was riding out his High he cursed himself. He couldn't let that happen again. He can't let Harry in. Block and Move on. Like always. No changes. It was for the best. Louis Tomlinson wasn't allowed to ever fall in love again.
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