A/N: i am so sorry for the late update ive been stressing so badly lately i start high school in a week ugh
pls pray for me
"Why would PJ do something like that though, none of this adds up." You were sat in front of Jack and Louise who were coaxing you into believing their theories of PJ being behind this mess of a situation. It sounded rational enough, but you tried convincing yourself it wasn't true. It was hard to accept the fact that someone who you thought you could trust your life with could be the one to ruin it.
How could he just sabotage your relationship like that?
"He just has a strong desire for claiming you, it's kind of insane." Jack spoke in a whisper, eyes bulging.
"He literally just told me he was supportive of any decision I made, was that all bullshit?" You craned your neck to the side slightly, looking between the two of them as they stared back at you emotionlessly.
"He's a snake." Louise breathed out, Jack nodding his head rapidly in agreement.
"Would you look at that, Lou is all caught up with todays slang!" Jack grinned proudly, patting her back roughly as she winced.
You giggled, propping your elbows onto the table and resting your chin in your hands as you started to take in all of the information. As much as you wanted to loathe PJ and never speak to him again, you deserved an explanation. Not right away, but eventually.
It just didn't make sense as of why he would take things that far, even though you and Dan weren't in the best place currently doesn't give PJ the right to take advantage of it.
Maybe it was all just a huge misunderstanding.
"PJ has been like this for as long as I can remember, when he fell in love for the first time she ended things and he was devastated. Ever since he's fallen too hard and does whatever it takes to get what he wants. I don't think he's ever gotten to this point though, when I went over there the other day, I literally saw a paper mache of you naked." Jack held back his laughter as best as he could, his hands flying around as he spoke. Your eyes widened in fear at the images Jack put in your head, goose bumps rising on your skin.
Louise bowed her head, laughter filling the room once seeing your reaction as she elbowed Jack in the ribs.
"I have never met someone so full of shit, please don't listen to a thing that comes out of this mans mouth." Louise said between laughter, him joining in as you let out a relieved sigh.
"I'm being serious about the first part though, the kid is a hopeless romantic." Jack insisted, raising his hands in the air as Louise shot him a look.
"Just promise me you'll stay away from him?" Louise scrunched her eyebrows, whining.
Before you could give her an answer, you thought about how much damage he's caused within a time span of a few months. He wasn't as important to you as Dan was, and nothing was going to change that. PJ staying out of your love life, and your life generally was probably for the best.
"I think the whole paper mache thing scarred me for life," You glared at Jack playfully before continuing, "All he's ever done is get in the way of me and Dan and I don't need people like that in my life, so I guess all I can do is promise." Louise and Jack clapped simultaneously, rising from their seats as they cheered.
You frowned as you awaited for the wave of relief to hit you, but you couldn't help but to be weighed down by a feeling you couldn't express.
Were you making the right decision?
"How is Dan?" You broke the silence after zoning out for a few seconds as Louise and Jack talked amongst themselves, feeling unsettled with the mention of his name. It's been longer than you'd like since you've last seen him and as much as you were annoyed with him at the moment, all you wanted was to put everything that happened behind you.
"Feeling like an absolute moron." Dan cleared his throat, standing by the door with a sad expression, nearly causing you to fall from your chair.
"Good that's an accurate representation of what you are, moron." Louise feigned a smile as you attempted to suppress your laughter.
"You'd make a great therapist." Jack let out a dramatic sigh, humorously shaking his head.
Your eyes wandered towards Dan, scanning his face for the first time in ages. He didn't look like the upbeat, glowing Dan he normally portrayed to be. His eyes were bloodshot, the dark bags around his eyes much heavier than before. His face was thin, and looked unhealthily skinnier overall. Seeing him like this was painful, knowing that it was all because of you.
You barely recognized him.
You were positive you didn't look any better, but Dan looked almost lifeless, and even though you technically didn't do anything, guilt emerged immediately.
This is all thanks to PJ, you remembered, the fury for him growing incredibly strong.
"Hi." Your voice was shallow, your hands shaking once he started to walk towards you, not breaking eye contact.
"Hi." Dan bit his lip, his hands shoved deep in his pockets as he broke away from the gaze, looking anywhere but in your eyes,
"Is it my turn to say hi, I think it is-" Jack was cut off shortly by Louise covering his mouth, whispering something in his ear as they rose from their seats and tiptoed towards the door, trying to come off as unnoticed even though your eyes were both fixed on them.
Once you heard the door shut you hesitantly stood up from your chair, whistling to keep the atmosphere from becoming insufferable.
The tension has never felt so hectic, it was so unlike the two of you. There was so much to say, you were having trouble deciding where to begin. Your eyes shifted back up to his, smiling smally once you saw a glimmer in his eyes.
You then both started to talk at the same time, apologizing quickly afterwards and letting out small chuckles.
Well, that's a start.
"Let's go to my room." You pointed towards the direction of your room, awkwardly shuffling and turning around briefly to see if he was following.
You both sat down on the edge of your bed, slapping your legs to create a beat.
God, when would this end?
"S-Soo." You gulped, shutting your eyes as he absentmindedly moved towards you so your thigh was brushing against his.
"Um r-right-Ugh, " Dan groaned, turning his face away from you, "I can't even fathom how sorry I am, like it's verbally impossible." His voice was wobbily, wiping his hands on his jeans which you've noticed he does often when he was nervous.
"Do you actually think I'd do something so horrible to you?" Your voice was frail, already sensing the endless tears that were ready to pour from your eyes.
"I just assumed you gave up on me after what happened that night." You heard a sniffle come from Dan, your heart breaking all over again.
"I don't give up that easily." You mumbled, looking up from your hands to see Dan smiling at you vaguely.
That smile was what kept you going and to see it again made you feel a surge of happiness.
"I'm going to work on my insecurities I promise, I'll trust you with every ounce of my being and if you want to talk to PJ still I'll be supportive of it even though he's a little-"
"God dammit I can't even give an inspirational speech without you interrupting me, what?" He jokingly snapped, pouting.
You threw your head back in laughter, realizing how much you missed this side of him more than you thought was humanely possible.
"Shut up." You raised your eyebrows as he beamed down at you, laughing. Before you knew it he was launching himself onto you and kissing you deeply, your chests pressed together so there was no space between you whatsoever.
You hummed against his lips as your hands instinctively reached for his hair, tugging to indicate that you wanted more.
Dan took this opportunity to push you down on the bed and gingerly climb over you, taking you by surprise. He dipped his head down to lock his lips with yours hungrily, letting out an animalistic groan from the back of his throat as his hands squeezed your hips gently.
You both pulled away breathlessly a few seconds later as he plopped beside you, both of you wearing goofy grins on your face as you stared blankly at the ceiling.
"I think it's time." Dan nodded to himself before turning his head towards you with a sly smirk.
"Time for what?" Your breath hitched, suddenly feeling anxious.
"Time to tell you how madly in love I am with you." Dan's voice seeped with affection, a contagious smile breaking out on his face as he inched towards you to rub his nose against yours.
You felt your heart beat pick up the pace, your eyes brimming with tears full of joy and cupping his cheeks. He loved you. Daniel James Howell loved you.
Before you drifted off and started to over analyze the information he just gave you, you inhaled sharply.
"Since we're confessing things, I suppose I should tell you that I'm in love with you just as much as you are with me." Your face was more than likely glowing, watching the corners of his eyes crinkle as he closed the space between you two once again, but this time with a whole new meaning of passion.
You wanted to stay like this forever, just you and Dan inseperable in your own world where anything and everything felt insignificant besides the moral support from Phil and Louise.
"Why do you make it so much harder to breathe?" Dan panted, resting his forehead on yours with his eyes boring into yours fondly.
"Probably because we just made out."
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