A/N; i apologize for the last chapter i have come to conclusion that I'm satan
2 weeks.
2 dreadful, sleepless weeks since you've last heard from Dan, or anyone for that matter besides PJ.
You had no idea what you've done wrong, but everyone made it quite clear you've done something. Dan even went out of his way to private the video of you two announcing to everyone that you were together.
Were you broken up?
You've tried contacting Dan, Louise, Phil, even Zoe and all of them either left you on read or saw the notification and ignored it.
PJ was the only one there for you, but all of it felt a bit off.
Being apart from Dan was impossible to adjust to, even if it was temporary. You knew it would be, he had to say something to you eventually. Everyday felt dull and pointless to you ever since that night, and you hoped you would wake up the next morning with him beside you, sleeping peacefully, his legs tangled with yours.
Unfortunately, he was never there.
A part of you felt like nothing was going to be the same again and Dan was never going to come back, but deep down you knew there was something going on that you weren't informed of and you were going to get to the bottom of it, even if it took ages.
So finally one morning, you gained the motivation to clean yourself up and figure out what the hell was going on.
"I need you to help me with something please, it's important." You demanded into the phone once PJ picked up, shrugging on the sweatshirt Dan gave you since it was the only thing you had left of him.
"Y/N I refuse to take part in any mischief."
"I wouldn't consider it mischief, I'm just getting weird vibes that someone is behind all of the sudden avoidance I've been receiving lately and I want to find out who, do you think it could be Marcus?" PJ started to choke on the other line as you waited for him to speak up impatiently.
"I-I don't think that's a very good idea Y/N, maybe you should just move along with your life and surround yourself with people who make you happy." PJ suggested, fumbling with his words.
"They did make me happy though, I'll just find someone else to help me out if you won't." You spat coldly, curious as of why he was suddenly acting so weird.
"Ugh-I, I've got to go." Before you could protest he hung up, leaving you stranded and confused.
After brainstorming for awhile and trying to come up with any plan you could, you were stumped. You thought of calling up Tyler Oakley for some help until you realized he was thousands of miles away and it wouldn't be the same if he wasn't with you, so that was out of the question. Finally, you thought of someone who was perfect at scheming.
Jack Howard.
You two were good friends thanks to Louise, but whenever you needed to do some investigating, you knew he wouldn't hesitate to pass up the opportunity.
Sure enough, he was over within a half hour and began to interrogate you immediately.
"So after your little dispute with Dan, everyone decided to shun you?" Jack folded his hands into his lap, trying his best to sound professional.
"Yeah, don't you think it sounds slightly suspicious?" You raised an eyebrow, watching Jack muse as his head dangled off the side of your bed.
"Someone is definitely doing this for their own selfish reasons, we just need to figure out who." Jack raised his index finger towards you, snapping.
"The only person whose been there for me through all of this was PJ and when I practically begged for his help this morning he began acting strange, almost secretive. It was so unlike him."
"Oh you poor thing, you are one clueless son of a bitch."
Seeing one of my best friends suffer so terribly broke my heart, and the fact that Phil and I could do nothing about it stung even more.
Dan was rarely home these days and when he was it was usually at 2 in the morning to get some rest, so shit faced that he could barely stand on his own feet.
I've decided to stay with the two for awhile until I knew Dan was stable again, but I wasn't going to be leaving for a long time with the state he was currently in.
I haven't even bothered to get in touch with Y/N to hear her side of the story, all Dan needed to tell me was that she hurt him for me to be angry with her. He hasn't brought himself to going into detail, Phil has tried prying it out of him as well multiple times, but since we've rarely seen him it was hard to comprehend what he was saying through his slurs.
Every morning we'd place a bottle of Advil and a water on his nightstand, hopeful that he wouldn't disappear by noon and open up to us, but everytime we'd check up on him he'd already vanished for the day with the water half empty.
Today when Darcy and I went to see if he was there, he actually was for once. He was scrolling through his phone mindlessly, startled when Darcy flung her arms around him.
"Oh sh-Okay, hi there little one." Dan's arms wrapped around her, seeing him at ease for the first time in a long time.
I smiled to myself, motioning for Phil to come once I saw his head poke out from down the hallway and twined our hands once he reached the door.
"What's going on?" Dan winced at the migraine he must be experiencing, popping another pill in his mouth and downing it with water.
"Stop pretending that this is normal, Dan. You need to tell us what happened." I spoke sternly, dismissing Darcy to go play.
"I happen to think it's a great coping mechanism, thank you very much." Dan rolled his eyes, making me do the same. He was so stubborn sometimes, I wanted to slap some sense into him.
"Stop doing this, we're just trying to help." Phil raised his voice uneasily, instantly feeling bad and apologizing a second later. I sighed at how nice of a person Phil was when he didn't need to be, he couldn't hurt a fly.
"I don't need your help! She left me for someone better, okay? I tried to be enough for her, I really did, but she got tired of me hence why she cheated on me with PJ. I mean can you blame her, I'm just some pathetic loser who's uncapable of a relationship of course she was going to run to someone who could treat her much better than I ever could. I'm such an idiot." He angrily threw his duvet on the floor, tugging at his hair. My heart ached for him, wanting to take away any pain he was experiencing.
I refused to believe that Y/N actually cheated on Dan, she may have made a few mistakes in the past but would she really take things that far?
"Dan, how did you find out she cheated?" I spoke slowly, making my way towards the edge of his bed.
"P-PJ called me and told me things." He choked out between sobs, wiping his face with his shirt.
Of course PJ would plot something like this, I knew he would do whatever it took to win Y/N over and it seems as if this was it. How could Dan believe that idiotic curly fry over his own girlfriend?
For him to be this gullible was astonishing, he usually caught on with these things. Dan must have really lost his self confidence to actually buy PJ's bullshit, and I was going to put an end to it.
I looked over to Phil, hoping he understood what PJ was trying to do. His eyes met mine innocently, a faint pout on his face. Jesus Christ.
"Would ice cream cheer you up?" Phil questioned, patting his shoulder awkwardly.
Before Dan could agree, I blew up.
"YOU BOTH ARE SUCH PINHEADS, WHERE IS YOUR COMMON SENSE?!" I hit Dan upside the head, groaning in vexation before exiting the room and preparing to ring Y/N, only for Jack to beat me to it.
"Jack, I'm not in the mood what is it?"
"Please tell me Dan is acting as clueless as Y/N is, she doesn't believe that PJ is behind all of this and I know you better than for you to not have this all figured out already." I sighed in relief, using my free hand to place a bag of frozen peas on my forehead. Those two really knew how to get me worked up.
"Thank god, I just spazzed out on Dan a second ago, I thought I was going crazy." I chuckled lightly, starting to feel guilty for yelling at them. More Phil than Dan, but still.
"They really are meant for each other, aren't they?"
"Oh Jack, you have no fucking idea."
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