A/N; ive been so shit at updating fml i am going to be on vacation for the next few days and i might not be able to update daily but i will try my best !
plus writers block is a bitch fillers are the most difficult to write for me ugh
update; yall this hotel is so old fashioned and my dog is barking so much she's basically eminem at this point im uncomfortable save me from my misery
Before you could give Dan an answer, thoughts spiraled around your head as you realized what you were about to commit to. You were finally reaching the next chapter of your life, the chapter you've been abstaining from for so long it was starting to worry you. Thankfully, you were blessed with Dan to worry about it with you.
You've been waiting for this moment all night. You were already having an amazing time as you always did with him, but you knew that if Dan actually put in the effort to set up something for someone, especially something special like this it had to be a big deal.
A long, overdue silence later the words were finally able to leave your lips.
Dan's face dropped immediately, devastation clearly written on his face .
"I'm joking, it would be an honor." You really needed to stop giving him such a hard time, but you didn't have enough pity to stop doing such a thing.
He sighed in relief, gliding his hand across his forehead as you smiled at him widely, your heart fluttering. You could finally be happy with him, no more complications. Hopefully.
"O-Oh my god d-does this mean I can kiss you whenever I want now?" Dan's voice was shrill, his arms snaking around your waist and pulling you as close to him as remotely possible.
"Yes, I presume that's in the book of how to maintain a girlfriend." You laughed lightly at how adorable he was being, cocking an eyebrow.
"I'll make sure to take advantage of that then." He pushed the wet mop of hair away from his face, leaning in towards you painfully slow.
"Dan I don't know if you've become aware of this little thing you do where you lean in too slow, but it's physically and mentally crushing me." You spoke below a whisper, your lips barely grazing against his.
"Of course I'm aware of it, it's your punishment for bullying me so much, but trust me it could be much worse." He tauntingly bit your bottom lip, sensing the cocky smirk on his face.
"You son of a bitch."
He chuckled and finally closed the gap between you two, kissing you gently.
Immense feelings rushed through your body, feelings that were so intense you had no idea you had them in you. That was when it dawned on you.
Every laugh you've shared with Dan, every atrocious dance move you've witnessed, every tear you shed, every smile he effortlessly put on your face just by being in the room, meant something. Louise may have sprung the friendship on you suddenly, but you sure as hell were glad for it because it was a necessity to have someone like Dan in your life. He was the missing puzzle piece that you so desperately claimed you already had, but deep down knew it was never going to appear.
It was finally there, and you were in love with him.
He proved this by lunging himself at you and dunking you underwater.
Correction: You were in love with an idiot.
The two of you sped back to the flat, sopping from head to toe. The rest of the night you continued to dunk on each other and splash towards the bushes to scare off the raccoon. Doing things with Dan was always out of the ordinary, but this was definitely the most absurd thing you've done, even if it was unintentional. The clothes you were in were clinging to your skin, the color of your bra more than likely seeping through your t-shirt since you've caught Dan glance in that area more than 5 times now.
"What are you doing over there?" Dan seemed fascinated by your sudden interest in counting.
"Oh, just counting how many times you look down at my boobs." You shrugged nonchalantly, looking out the window and suppressing your laughter into your fist.
"W-What! I-I w-would never do something so indecent!" He protested, swatting at you.
"Are you sure about that because your eyes have been wandering." You tugged at your shirt to prove your point, patiently waiting for his eyes to roam once more.
"Don't just go assuming missy, I could be looking at anything. For example, that lovely pigmented necklace of yours." He objected, reluctant to take his eyes off of the road.
"I'm not wearing a necklace." You spoke slowly.
"Well for fucks sake Y/N, you are now." Dan wailed in defeat, pulling into the flat.
Once you two barged through the door, everyone was waiting by the door eagerly.
Dan sighed in annoyance before pumping his fists into the air, smiling triumphantly.
A blush crept onto your cheeks, Louise happily pouncing on you and swinging you from side to side.
"This is a gift from God." She shrieked, squeezing you.
"Now we can go on double dates!" Zoe exclaimed as she bounced on her toes.
"No!" Dan impersonated her, busting into laughter afterwards.
"I guess our work here is done." Phil sighed sadly, pouting deeply.
"This is like an end of an era, I had fun planning all of this out." Louise held the same look on her face as Phil, everyone else staring at them in bewilderment.
Oh were they in for a treat.
"Well, we've already sat through all of this so you two have fun spewing your scheming plan to everyone whilst we enjoy a well deserved cuddle goodbye." Dan patted Phil on the back awkwardly before speedily grabbing ahold of your wrist and pulling you away from the scene.
Dan sprawled out on your bed, his index finger motioning for you to join.
"Come to papa Dan." He rubbed his stomach as you roared with laughter, falling onto him.
You laid there silently for a few minutes, focusing on Dan's steady breaths.
"This is oddly comforting." Dan admitted, his chuckles vibrating in the crook of your neck. You hummed in agreement, fidgeting so you could turn to face him. His eyes were fixated on the floor, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
You nudged him, snapping him out of whatever daze he was in. You craned your neck slightly, wondering what he was so deep in thought about.
"Do you think we'd ever break up?" He spoke blandly, reading your mind.
Your mouth was in a firm line, trying to come up with something to say. You didn't want to put a damper on the mood if you answered falsely, but in all honesty you had no idea what the future held. Why was he already thinking about breaking up in the first place, was he already having doubts? Great, now you're paranoid.
"Knowing us everything is unpredictable, but I think I'm too selfish to ever want to leave you." You cracked a grin, hoping that would satisfy him.
Just as he was about to open his mouth, your phone went off.
You rolled your eyes as you hurriedly picked the phone up without looking at the contact, Dan's chocolate eyes drifting up to yours in confusion.
"Oh, H-Hey PJ."
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