A/N: alright guys so I know I keep time skipping but I didn't really have any plans until they got to the beach house and I wrote another chapter involving playlist but I wasn't happy with how it turned out because it was uneventful and I would rlly like to get to the good stuff :)) so ill just go through a brief summary of playlist; you and phil talked and he told you how miserable dan was without you and begged for you to talk to him but you refused and was naïve to his feelings saying that he seemed fine and everything. you hung with tyler and troye a lot and got drunk off of your ass and nearly rung dan to tell him something you were probably going to regret later on but louise stopped you. you met all of your fans and had a grand ole time and you went to ihop bc youtubers really seem to love ihop?? i mean i do too but shit hahaha and you also went to disney and vlogged so yeah there wasn't really much that happened and noW ONTO THE WEEK AFTER PLAYLIST ARE YOU READY ? BEFORE YOU READ THESE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS GRAB A SNACK AND THEN SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE RIDE
Playlist went a lot smoother than expected, you rarely had any encounters with Dan. Louise made sure to get you out of the situation immediately if you did, basically acting as your bodyguard.
You were crammed in a taxi with Louise and Zoe, discussing what you were going to do once you got to the house. The place you were staying at was massive according to the pictures you saw, as there were many YouTubers staying there. It was nice to get away from London for awhile, you spent most of your time tanning which led to you being sunburnt and resembling a burnt tomato, but anything was better than being in drowsy London.
"Oh, um Y/N I may or may not have forgotten to mention something?" Louise seemed jittery as the taxi pulled to a halt.
You turned to her expectantly, Zoe shaking her head in annoyance.
"Dan and Phil are here." You swore you thought your heart stopped beating.
"What?!" Your face hardened, wanting to snap on her for not telling you. She promised you weren't going to have to deal with him for the whole trip and now she drops this on you before you could back out and go home, which was the first thing you wanted to do.
"I-I'm sorry Phil told me they were coming this morning, I had no idea." She spoke faintly, fear obvious in her features.
You refused to be in a room with him, let alone a flat for an entire week. The more you thought about it the quicker you started to panic(!), not moving from your spot.
The taxi driver shortly became anxious as he was tapping his fingers against the steering wheel and murmuring things under his breath so you hesitantly stepped out, not emotionally stable for what was to come.
"Hey, remember you don't have to talk to him. We're all here to comfort you if you're not ready." Zoe rubbed your back once she noticed the tears you were forcing back.
"Thank you Zoe, I just don't think I can do this." Your gaze was fixed on the hell house, letting out a shaky sigh.
"I don't blame you, but you can't sit out here. Just avoid him at all costs and you'll be fine." That was inevitable.
There was no way you were going to step foot in that house.
Well that's what you decided on until Caspar foiled your plans and threw you over his shoulder, carrying you inside.
After squirming in his grasp and pounding on his back, he laid you on the couch.
"Everyone is upstairs claiming rooms, so you won't have to worry about Dan since no one will come out until tomorrow." Caspar joked, lifting your legs up and sitting beside you.
"I don't want to be here." You folded your arms across your chest stubbornly.
"We don't always get what we want in life, but you know everyone will get on him if he bothers you." Caspar smiled reassuringly.
As you were about to speak, your attention shifted to the stomping from upstairs and the arguing.
"No Phil, you listen to me. I'm booking the first flight home and you can't stop-." Dan froze in his tracks once he spotted you, gulping nervously.
"Since you've lost the ability to move I'm assuming you won't be going anywhere." Phil chuckled at his joke, waving at you happily.
You smiled weakly, gripping onto Caspar's arm tightly.
"Well isn't this just fucking peachy?" Dan turned away from you with his hands behind his head, ready to crumble at any moment.
The rest of the day was spent sitting around the lounge on laptops, everyone was so exhausted and was running on little to no sleep so you decided to have a day to kick back.
You snuck glances at Dan every so often, watching how fixated he was or how he'd scrunch his nose when he was trying not to laugh too hard at something.
You'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't miss him, but the damage was done and nothing was going to be the same between you two ever again.
"Why don't we walk over to that restaurant out on the beach, we've done nothing but sit around all day." Alfie protested, whining.
Everyone mostly complied, but all you wanted to do was be left alone. You were irked with Louise and this whole vacation was destroyed at this point.
You went nonetheless due to Louise and Zoe forcing you, changing into something more appropriate and adjusting your hair.
The dinner wasn't a disaster like the last one you attended, but everyone kept poking fun at you for it, even Dan was laughing.
Everyone was engrossed in conversation, vlogging every once and awhile if something funny happened, you've honestly never had so many cameras in your face in your life.
Then there was you and Dan.
You spent the last hour indirectly bickering and everyone noticed it.
Louise constantly told you to quit it, but you never listened to her. You don't know what came over you, but he deserved to hear how you really felt.
"Can someone pass the salt?" Dan instantly cursed under his breath once he noticed the salt was directly in front of you.
"Oh how ironic, you are what you eat right?" You smiled sickly, sliding the salt towards him.
Everyone was stifling laughter, trying not to be too obvious since Dan didn't find it so funny.
He cleared his throat, eyes trapped on you and full of envy.
The night was predictable, Joe, Caspar, and Marcus decided to swim as everyone headed off to bed.
You were wide awake as you replayed the memories from tonight. You felt bad for being so rude to Dan, but he started it. He started this whole thing.
You were replying to a few fans on Twitter before deciding to go downstairs since you had no intentions of sleeping. So you tiptoed down the stairs, instantly laying eyes on Dan's face glisten against the light of his computer screen. Of course he was awake.
Squinting your eyes shut in defeat, you tiptoed gently, hoping he wouldn't notice you.
"Why are you up?"
"Why are you talking to me?" You smirked humorously, mentally high-fiving yourself.
"Why are you acting like such a bitch?" Dan snarled, getting up to turn the light on.
You gasped, nearing towards him angrily.
"Maybe if we weren't in this situation I wouldn't be acting like one." You narrowed your eyebrows, watching him grit his teeth.
"That's your fault, you're the one who kissed one of my best friends."
"Well guess what Dan, you're the one who walked away. I don't care if it's my fault. If you had a problem with me and PJ you shouldn't have bit your tongue, that's on you." Your voice was starting to rise, watching his face twist into anger.
"I wish I listened to what Marcus told me, he was so right about you." That's what did it for you. His blazing eyes were full of nothing but loathe and the venom seeping through his voice made you wince.
You whimpered as your hand collided with his cheek, storming out the front door.
Before you could get anywhere something you couldn't quite make out was holding you back.
You scrunched up your eyes to get a clearer view, leaving you in agape.
It was Phil and Louise kissing.
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