"Hi beautiful." PJ shot you his captivating grin, trying to concentrate on the road, but failed as he kept sneaking glances at you. Dan was aware of this, becoming fidgety.
Two of your best friends in one car, whom you both took an interest in. Could this day get any better?
"Hey Peej." You flashed him an insincere smile, more than likely blushing madly. This was going to be the most agonizing car ride ever.
"You have a nickname for him now?!" Dan whispered harshly in your ear, causing you to flinch.
"Dan, you and Phil call him that too." You eyed him suspiciously, wondering why he was so on edge ever since you got in the car. Then again Dan's mood was constantly changing, so you decided not to worry about it too much.
"W-Well this is different." Dan opposed before staring out the window.
What the hell was his problem?
You looked up into the rearview mirror to see PJ's eyes land on yours once again, him rolling his in exaggeration. You let out a silent breath of laughter, causing a smile to break out on his face.
"So, do you guys wanna grab a bite? I haven't eaten all day." PJ chuckled hesitantly, the atmosphere becoming more and more insufferable by the second. Dan hasn't spoken a word in and it was killing the mood, so you decided to text him.
you; as much as i love watching you look out the window like you're in a sad music video, i called you for a reason, not pj. talk to me.
You bit your lip once you sent the message, Dan's phone buzzing a second later.
"That would be lovely." Dan finally spoke up, placing his hand on top of yours and giving it a light squeeze. You turned to him and smiled gently, adrenaline rushing through your body once his hand found yours.
"Cool." PJ replied bluntly, trying to cover up the hurt in his voice.
The rest of the car ride consisted of the three of you singing obnoxiously to PJ's deafening radio, which was way better than the tension that was now long gone. Dan and PJ even came up with a dance routine that you made sure to get on your phone and post on Twitter.
Dan nearly choked from inhaling so much air once Rather Be came on and within an instant he was breaking out into song. You and PJ were nearly in tears from his reaction, mimicking him. He wasn't paying attention though, he was too busy singing out of tune and having the time of his life. You two joined in and danced foolishly, earning strange stares from people in the cars beside you.
These are the moments you lived for, just being able to be around people who you could be yourself with and could tolerate you.
Dan pushed the thoughts out of your head and lifted your leg up, starting to play the violin with it. Your stomach started to ache from laughing so hard, trying to break away from Dan's grasp, but he wouldn't budge.
"I'll let you go if you say that I'm astonishingly attractive and that I'm your daddy." Dan puffed his cheeks out to contain his laughter, PJ coughing vigorously.
"Whoa there buddy, I can basically taste your ego right now." You let out a humorous chuckle, but it was obvious that you were flustered from the comment.
Dan raised a threatening eyebrow, grabbing onto your other leg so the upper half of your body was now hanging off of the edge of the seat, attempting to hoist yourself back up numerous times.
"PJ, DO THE THING!" Dan roared, PJ reading his mind instantaneously and swerving, causing you to plummet and hit your head on the seat in front of you.
Your ears rung from their simultaneous laughter, trying to look as provoked as possible even though you had an urge to bust out laughing any minute.
"You guys are dicks." You huffed, their infectious laughter only intensifying. You finally gave in and laughed along, sitting like that for the rest of the way.
The three of you decided on stopping at a little café, you on your phone and looking through all of the tweets that were flooding from the video you took of Dan and PJ. You lost your appetite once you saw some of the comments, saying how you were probably using them to gain more followers or how angry they were that you couldn't decide on who to hang out with. Marcus only made it worse.
Sad to see how desperate people are these days 🙄
Tears started to sting your eyes, abruptly getting up from your seat and rushing towards the bathroom. You slammed the door unintentionally, tears soaking your shirt which made you even more irked that you've cried twice in one day. You felt pathetic.
Were you really desperate? All you were doing was having some fun with friends.
Oh they're more than just friends to you.
You shouldn't even be thinking of Dan as more than just a friend, it's quite obvious he's not interested in you nor ever will be.
Your scattered thoughts were interrupted once you heard a soft knock. Dan.
You unlocked the door and stared at him with glossy eyes. You've never seen him look so genuinely concerned. He cupped your cheeks, staring deeply into your eyes.
"I addressed everyone who was talking rubbish and I dm'd Marcus something not so pleasant." Dan laughed his angelic laugh that you could never get tired of hearing and as usual you wanted to crash your lips against his.
You couldn't though, and it physically hurt.
He rubbed the pad of his thumb across your cheek and smiled brightly, pulling at the edges of your mouth to curve upwards into a forceful smile.
You let out an airy laugh and pulled him into a hug while he drew shapes on your back.
"Can we go back to mine?" You muttered into his shirt, never wanting to let go.
"I wouldn't want anything more, but what about Peej?"
"He'll understand I've been with him all week." You could sense Dan rolling his eyes at your comment since there was a pause before he spoke.
"Right, let's go." Dan pulled away and walked towards PJ who seemed equally as concerned as Dan.
Why did they have to make things so difficult for you?
"Is everything alright?" PJ rested his hands on your shoulders as you nodded sheepishly.
"I'm fine, right now I just want to go home if that's alright." You looked into the boys green eyes that were full of sincerity.
"Of course." He smiled even though you could hear a trace of disappointment in his voice, pulling you into a friendly hug.
You and Dan were sat in the living room watching How I Met Your Mother and feasting off of a tub of ice cream, it was ideal.
"Y/N?" Dan turned to you as if he were deep in thought.
"Yes Daniel?" You sat up, sitting criss-cross.
"You know he's into you right?" His voice was wobbly, you cocked your head to the side in confusion before quickly realizing he was talking about PJ.
"Dan why are you such a worry wart, I'm not going to just abandon you if that's what you're thinking." You stared into the chocolate eyes that you've grown so fond of.
"No, it's not that-" He trailed off, sighing in defeat.
"Go on, what is it?"
"No it's not important, let's just forget I said anything yeah?" Dan sent you an unsatisfied smile but you just nodded, not wanting to argue.
You spent the rest of the night nuzzled beside him and thinking about what he possibly could've said.
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