Phil surprised you by speaking so bluntly, but what he was saying was mad. Dan couldn't like you, it wouldn't explain why he ignored you for three days.
"You're lying." You sniggered, not believing a word he said.
"Y/N!" Phil dragged out, easily becoming distressed.
It seemed like he was trying to tell you something, but was deliberating on whether he should speak up or not.
"Are you guys coming or what, I'm starting to think you're in the depths of plotting my death." Dan spoke reluctantly, approaching us.
"Yeah the coffees are just taking ages." Phil attempted to cover up, smiling discreetly.
"Phil they've been sitting right in front of you for five minutes now." Dan brought his attention to the drinks that were sitting on the counter, waiting to be retrieved.
"Right." Phil spoke uneasily, guilt written all over his face.
One thing you've come to learn about Phil was that he was a terrible liar. You needed to figure out what he was trying to tell you desperately.
Dan's gaze was soon fixed on you, eyes full of bewilderment.
You just shrugged, patting him on the back awkwardly and walking towards the table.
"Why is he acting like he's suddenly been offered a job in the secret service or something?" Dan leaned across the table, making sure his voice was below a whisper.
You cracked a smile leaning in as well for effect, "Or maybe he's just nervous that you've finally started to unfold our gruesome plan to snipe you."
Phil sat down in his seat, passing the drinks around the table and nearly knocking his over.
"Perfect timing Philip, so we've established that you and Y/N are planning my abominable death to every mere detail." Dan laughed a little at how ridiculous he sounded, but kept a stern look on his face.
Phil finally looked at ease so he didn't have to lie about the bigger issue anymore, going along with it.
"Oh yes, it's intense. I definitely wouldn't want to be in your place." Phil smirked darkly, tapping his fingers together.
The atmosphere filled with our laughter, drawing attention towards our table quickly.
"Alright Y/N, try what we picked out for you!" Dan bounced, his eyes glistening.
"You better like it, or else." Phil spoke deeply, wagging his finger at you.
"Phil, you are a walking candy shop you will not do a thing to harm her or anyone." Dan laughed, nearly making you choke on your drink.
Phil just sulked, the both of them watching you intently as you take your first sip.
You just shrugged, "Tastes like chemicals and not falling asleep until 6 a.m." You didn't think it was terrible, you just didn't see the point.
Dan and Phil stared at you as if you were deranged.
"Well staying up until 6 a.m should be normal for you anyways, correct?" Dan leaned in once again, a playful smirk on his face.
"Yeah, it would have been if you haven't ignored me for 3 days straight." You shot back, sitting back in your seat and folding your arms over your chest.
Phil bowed his head, muffling laughter.
Dan's face turned crimson, trying to come up with any excuse he could.
"I-Ugh." He buried his hands in his face, embarrassed.
You chuckled, "Dan you should know by now I love to watch other people suffer for my own enjoyment, it's fine." You peeled his hands away from his face, looking him straight in the eyes.
He pouted deeply, his eyes flickering down to your lips every few seconds.
"You're terrible."
You held your breath, tension obvious in the air.
You managed to stay content, shooting him a sly smile, "I know."
Phil cleared his throat loudly, grimacing.
"You know when I invited you two to lunch I meant all of us as a team, not you two undressing each other with your eyes and force me to watch uncomfortably." Phil let out an airy laugh, causing the both of you to blush deeply.
"I'm uh-I'll be right back." Dan stammered, speeding off.
"That always does the trick." Phil smiled at you, who was still flustered.
Hopefully this meant that Phil was finally going to tell you what he wanted to before.
Sure enough, he spoke up. "Dan is already going to kill me when we get home so I might as well just tell you everything." He smiled sheepishly.
You nodded eagerly, wanting to know everything.
Basically what Phil told you was that he has never seen Dan so genuinely happy since he's known him. The reason why he shut you out was because he didn't think he was good enough for you, so he tried to keep you off of his mind which Phil talked him out of, of course. Dan hasn't fully admitted to it yet, but Phil's been noticing small changes in him.
Your stomach was aching the whole time, trying to process all of the things Phil was trying to tell you.
"Whenever I see him smiling down at his phone, I confront him about it and he just says your name, like he's in some daze or something. It's quite adorable actually." Phil chuckled.
You just sat there gawking, unsure of what to say.
"Well what do you think I should do?" Your voice was shaky.
"Tell him how you feel." He spoke as if that was the obvious answer.
You scoffed, shaking your head rapidly. That was terrifying, what if Phil's just making assumptions and Dan doesn't even like you? That would ruin you. You couldn't risk your friendship just because of a little crush.
Okay it was definitely more than a crush, but still.
"Don't you think Dan should be the one to first?" You twiddled your thumbs, keeping your voice down just in case he comes back.
"Oh no, Dan is so stubborn. He won't say a word unless you do first." Phil sighed in frustration.
Why did he have to be so stubborn? You didn't have the courage to admit something like that, not now at least.
"I-I can't!" You objected, starting to become agitated.
"Well then I guess I'll have to." Phil turned around, in search of Dan.
You reached across the table, tugging at his shirt to get his attention.
"Phil don't you dare!" You grit your teeth, eyes wide in fear.
"Fine, but I'm going to find a way to get you two together if its the last thing I ever do." Phil nodded his head in determination.
"Tell me why there was someone giving birth in the mens loo?" Dan seemed unsettled, reaching for his coffee then setting it back down right away and pushing it towards Phil.
You didn't even take notice that everyone around you were cluttered together, trying to help.
"That's London for you, did you still get to pee?" Phil laughed when Dan shot him a look.
"Yep, let's go." He said nonchalantly.
It took you and Phil a minute to catch on before you two doubled over in laughter, Dan just glaring at the both of you.
You spent the rest of your night in town, visiting little shops and watching Dan and Phil fangirl over anime related things. It was interesting seeing them act like teenage girls, even though they basically were in your eyes.
"Oh my god, Y/N, I am getting you this." Dan held up a Pikachu onesie, one of the eyes were missing and the smile was poorly sewn. He roared with laughter when he saw your reaction.
"That's Pikachu on acid, Dan." You held your hands up in defense, backing away.
"But it's calling your name, you know you want it." He made a demon like Pikachu imitation, causing you to squeal and run off. He laughed while chasing you around with it and once he caught up to you he pulled you into his chest, gripping you tightly.
"Stop running away from me Y/L/N." He scolded, panting.
You squirmed for a few seconds before relaxing, turning around to face him.
"I could tell you the same thing, Howell." You spoke boldly.
"You're really not going to let this go are you?" He raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips.
You haven't had the urge to kiss him so badly in your life.
"What's the fun in that?" You inched closer, as did he.
Dan's eyes fluttered shut for a second, letting out a shaky sigh before releasing you.
"Come on, Phil's probably thinking we've abandoned him." His eyes were full of something you couldn't recognize, but you decided not to focus on that.
"Y-Yeah." You felt a lump form in your throat, staring down at the ground in disappointment.
The car ride back to your flat was silent, the only words being exchanged amongst the three of you were,
"That was fun."
You and Dan just agreed, and that was it.
It seemed as if the same thing was happening again and you were exhausted.
You opened the car door, saying your goodbyes until Dan chimed in.
"I'll walk you in."
Your head snapped to Phil with wide eyes and he only winked at you, whispering not to mess this up.
You and Dan walked into your apartment building in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. It was just nice to be in each others presence.
You reached your door and you turned to him expectantly waiting for him to say something, but he just pushed you against the door, your noses nearly touching from how close you were. You finally recognized the look he was giving you, it was lust. You were almost positive you had the same look in your eyes.
A broad smirk formed on his lips as his hand trailed to the nape of your neck.
"D-Dan what are you doing?" You choked out.
Before you could say anything else he kissed you.
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