A/N: just thought id leave this here
"You know, it's been two hours since I've arrived and Louise still hasn't had the decency to show up." Dan grunted, annoyance visible on his face.
"Awe, is this your first time being stood up?" You cooed, batting your eyelashes.
"You're a real comedian Y/N." He deadpanned.
You wondered why he was suddenly acting so impatient, you thought that the two of you were having fun. Once he walked through the door, the two of you haven't ran out of things to talk about. You were in tears from laughing at the awful jokes he made, and he was the same with you. It was like you've known him forever.
"What's up your ass Daniel?" You smirked, sitting down next to him.
Dan suddenly looked nervous, "O-Oh nothing." His voice cracked, groaning in frustration once he realized what he's got himself into.
So you decided to have fun with this and stare directly into his eyes, making him antsy. He was hiding something from you and you were determined to find out. He subtly moved towards you, then put his head in his hands.
He sighed heavily before continuing, "I haven't told anyone this before, not even Phil, so you better keep your mouth shut." Dan warned, raising a finger towards you.
You were surprised that Dan was actually going to open up to you. It made you feel overwhelmingly happy that he could trust you with something.
"Oh a secret? I'm terrible at keeping those, but I suppose I could try." You grinned mischievously.
Dan's eyes widened, "I'm going to regret this aren't I, well, here's the thing. For the past few weeks I've been kind of sort of watching The-" and all you got out of that was absolute jibberish.
"Daniel I can't hear you." You sing-songed, nudging him obnoxiously.
"Bloody hell alright, I've been religiously watching The Powerpuff Girls." And with that he vanished under a blanket.
You just sat there, stifling your laughter. He didn't hear, so he assumed that you weren't judging him. Once his head popped up, you busted into hysterics. Dan turned crimson, clearly upset that you were laughing.
"It's not funny." Dan whined, folding his arms over his chest and turning away from you.
"If it makes you feel better, I watch Pokémon." You smiled sheepishly, hoping he wouldn't react the same way you did.
He did.
Which led both of you on the floor trying to refrain yourselves from laughing so hard.
You haven't laughed this much in a long time, and you liked it.
"I see you two have hit it off." Louise stood in the doorway with a smug look on her face, Darcy on her hip.
You and Dan were watching The Powerpuff Girls, which he hurried to turn off, fumbling with the remote.
You were still a little upset with Louise that she had this all planned out, but she was right all along. Dan was the most intriguing loser you've ever met.
"Yeah I suppose so." Dan muttered, standing up.
"Why do you two look so suspicious-" Louise gasped and put Darcy down, darting towards Dan as if she were going to murder him.
"Louise, Louise i-it's not what you think." Dan stammered, only making it worse for himself.
"Daniel James Howell I swear to god if you touched my little cousin I will shove-"
"LOUISE!" You screamed, watching as she backed Dan into a wall. He was shaking and lost all of the color in his face.
"Me and Dan literally just met, who do you think I am? For gods sake you're acting insane!" You chuckled, trying to ease the tension.
Louise looked up at Dan, who was horrified, then slowly backed away from him.
"So have you thought of pursuing that psychopath career yet?" Dan spat, brushing himself off.
Louise laughed loudly, "I'm very overprotective over my cousin okay, I don't want anyone taking advantage of her." She engulfed you in a tight hug, causing you to choke a bit.
"So Louise, what did you want anyways?"
"Oh, right." Louise cleared her throat, trying to come up with an excuse.
Dan finally started to catch on and he glanced over at you, rolling his eyes playfully.
"Well your plan worked Louise, you can consider me and Y/N the best of pals." Dan grinned widely, coming up to you and putting his arm around you.
You melted instantly, beaming up at him.
"I wanted something a little more than that to happen but I suppose that'll do." Louise mumbled under her breath so neither of you could hear.
"Alright well I should get going I have a show- I mean I have a very manly workout to do. It's intense." Dan corrected himself, giving you a look.
You just shook your head, lifting yourself up onto the island and studying him.
"Bollocks, I'm surprised you made it here in one whole, coming all the way to our flat is exercise for you itself." Louise dismissed him, making him frown in defeat.
"Stop putting me down for being puny, one day I'll come back looking like the hulk and then you won't be saying anything. I'll show you." Dan threatened, opening the door.
Somehow you were important enough that before exiting he turned around and smiled warmly at you, waving.
You had no idea what to do with yourself, so you just awkwardly waved back and was more than likely smiling like the joker.
"Yeah okay goodbyedaniloveyouseeyousoonbye." Louise pushed him out the door, but he stuck his foot out.
You swore you heard him whisper something to Louise, but you weren't positive.
"You really proved me wrong about her, I hate it when you're right."
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