𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧
I had just finished my lunch when a voice appeared in my ear.
J: "Evans. Your asked on the grid. We need to test your gun. They think there might be a problem with it."
K: "on my way."
I cleaned my lunch up before walking out of the cafeteria. Duke was still on leash and easily walked with me. I arrived there and let Duke sit at the side of the barrier. I pulled of my jacket of the uniform as it was really hot. I placed my bulletproof vest on top of it and readjusted my beret. I took place on the ground with my gun and unlocked all the safety locks. The stands were still full of people who were now looking at me curiously. I looked to the other side of the grid and found lots of staff people of the racers stood there watching me as well. Great. Just what I like... not. I got a clear sign and I shot on the board easily shooting in the rose. I got up and locked every safety lock again.
J: "how does it shoot?"
K: "not that smooth but it's okay."
J: "here try this one."
I took a new gun in my hands what was slightly bigger and unlocked the safety locks. I was lying down again and shot a few times again. People around me were covering their ears from the sound but I couldn't care less about it.
K: "much better."
J: "want to throw apples and shoot them for entertainment? We have some time to spend."
K: "never saying no to that."
He got out a bucket of old apples that weren't good to eat anymore and started throwing them in the air as I was sat on 1 knee. I hit all the apples and afterwards we high fived and went back on the pitlane. John cleaned everything up while Duke and I had our shift again. I was walking around the pitlane again when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
?: "that was quite a show."
A guy with a thick Spanish accent said to me. He had dark hair with dark eyes which suited him perfectly.
K: "yep."
C: "I'm Carlos Sainz. Driver for Ferrari."
K: "Kensi."
C: "you must be world champion short answers?"
K: "don't know. If you don't mind I have to get back to my job."
C: "can I invite you to a party?"
K: "no. I don't party if I have to work next day."
C: "why?"
K: "have to get up at 6 AM."
C: "understandable then."
He placed his fist in front of me to fist bump him and so I did. We both walked off and I focused back on my job.
𝕃𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧
It was Sunday morning. Kensi had been on my mind a lot and I would find myself looking for the brown haired girl around track and the hotel. Every time I got a glimpse of her I found myself smiling to myself. This is just stupid. She could get any boy without doubt. I was waiting in my drivers room when I grabbed my phone and opened Instagram. I searched the name Kensi Evans and found an open account. She had around 3.5 K followers. I clicked on her most recent picture.
Kensi.Evans (imagine the girl to look like Kensi)
Liked by James Evans and 1.423 others
Kensi.Evans: best bud💕
3 hours ago
3 hours ago. That's not that long ago. I looked thru the comments that where placed and found some of her friends. After I looked thru her account some more I decided to just click on the follow button and when I did... I face palmed myself. I'm so dumb jeez... now she must think I'm stalking her or something. Have to deal with it tho. I felt my phone vibrate and looked up.
Kensi.Evans started following you.
𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧
I hadn't had a long day so I'm able to watch the race. I had a few hours shift from 7 to 12. It was finally twelve and I was walking towards the security building to get changed. I felt my phone vibrate and opened it. I was reading the notification and then opened it. Lando Norris was following me? Weird. I looked at the account and then remembered the blue eyed boy with brown curly hair. I followed him back and continued my walk towards the building to change. When I was there I let Duke off leash and he went to drink. I grabbed my casual clothes from my backpack and went to the bathroom we had to change into the dark grey jeans with the black oversized t-shirt I had packed. I pulled on my black airforce ones and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. I pulled a few strands out and placed my 2 silver necklaces on along with 3 small loops for my ears. I let the my make-up by just the mascara that I was wearing and walked out of the bathroom. I cleaned after myself and then took Duke back on the leash. I walked out of the building and walked towards the stands with Duke.
L: "Hey!"
K: "hai."
L: "are you watching the race?"
K: "yea... I'm going to the stands now. Bye."
L: "wait!"
K: "what?"
L: "you can watch from the garage... if you want?"
K: "I really have to-"
L: "please."
I pressed my lips into a thin line and gave him a nod. He smiled widely at me and I walked after him with Duke. We entered the garage and he pointed out what was a good place to watch. I sat down on one of the McLaren crutches and let Duke lay down underneath it. After a few minutes Lando came back with 2 orange headphones. One had a weird shape and the other one was normal shaped. I looked at him with a questionable look.
L: "to protect your ears."
K: "ah. That's for him?"
I pointed to Duke and Lando nodded. I placed them around my neck and then placed Duke's headphones over his ears. He didn't mind it.
K: "thanks."
L: "no problem."
He looked me up and down before he was called over and walked away. Why was he so nice to me? He doesn't even know me.
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