[ 7 ]
(quick note that in the last chapter, i accidentally said more people read Chapter 3 than Chapter 4 which actually makes sense, but what i meant to say was more people read Chapter 4 than Chapter 3. i am so sorry i reread it and i sounded so arrogant)
Billy and I walked hand in hand for quite some time just enjoying each other's company while gazing at the people of New York. Occasionally he would catch me looking at him and vice versa, causing the two of us to giggle from embarrassment, but everything was happy for once for me and I loved it.
The sun was starting to set which prompted us to head back to Billy's car at the park, but not before we crossed the street so we could view a new set of scenery. We passed new shops, cafes, and everything one could ever dream of. We even passed a small toy store at one point.
"Billy," I sighed, slightly tugging his arm back.
"Yes?" He asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
I bit my lip as I tugged him along to proceed into the toy store with me. Once in the toy store, we were greeted with small trains running along their selected tracks, and many other toys as well.
"Alice," Billy exclaimed, pulling me along to the far left wall of the store. He let go of my hand to pick up a black teddy bear.
I held my hands up to my mouth as I giggled. "It's perfect for you," I giggled.
He giggled as he clutched the bear to his chest.
I gasped as I found a little assortment of clothing for the bears. "Now it's really perfect for you," I said as I held up a leather jacket to him.
"Yes!" He exclaimed as he took the leather jacket and began putting it on the bear. "Oh my god! I'm a bear," he exclaimed, causing me to laugh rather loudly.
I glanced around at the other bears and found one that I thought matched me rather well. I held out the cream colored bear to Billy and he chuckled.
"Do you think this matches me? Or should I get a different one?" I asked, a serious look on my face.
He shook his head as he laughed. "It'll match you perfectly, but only if you make it wear this," he chuckled while grabbing a police officer uniform.
I swatted him on the chest before taking the uniform from his hands and began putting it on the bear.
"I look amazing," I declared as I held my bear out at arms length.
He chuckled and I noticed him, from the corner of my eye, looking at my face and not at the bear, causing me to smirk.
After the two of us had found matching shoes for our bears, Billy paid once again after we bickered over who should pay for a few minutes.
We left the store hand in hand once again while holding our bears in our other hand. We walked in silence for a few moments before passing a small restaurant that had an open back leading to the outside. A band was playing outside where a few people were slow dancing.
"Do you recognize this song?" He murmured as we stopped outside of the restaurant to listen to the band.
"I do, actually," I murmured as I continued to watch the people slow dance to the music.
The song then died down and the band switched to playing something with an orchestral beginning.
"Ok! You have to know this song," Billy exclaimed as he looked at me.
I shook my head, causing him to gasp in disbelief. He then placed his one hand without the bear within it at the small of my back while turning me to face him.
I raised an eyebrow as I placed my freehand on his shoulder.
"I could stay awake just to hear you breathing," he sang quietly, raising his eyebrows as if I should recognize it.
I bit my lip in thought as we swayed to the music, him singing quietly along.
"I don't wanna close my eyes!" He yelled at the chorus. "I don't wanna fall asleep, because I'd miss you, baby! And I don't wanna miss a thing," he belted out as loudly as he could, causing a few people from the restaurant to look over at us, some wearing cautious looks and others wearing looks of appreciation.
I giggled as I murmured, "'Cause even when I dream of you, the sweetest dream will never do. I'd still miss you, baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing."
"You do know it," Billy murmured with a soft smile.
"I guess you jogged my memory," I murmured.
The two of us remained eye contact for a few moments longer as the song continued on. That is, until it started raining.
"Ah!" I screamed as the droplets began pouring on us, laughing as I did so.
"Our bears!" Billy exclaimed with a laugh. He then grabbed my hand and we ran as fast as we could to Billy's car back at the park, dodging people as best as we could.
When we reached Billy's car he repeatedly hit the unlock button, acting like it would make the doors open faster while yelling, "C'mon! C'mon!" I was a laughing mess as the doors to his car proceeded to open slowly.
We launched ourselves into his car and closed the doors as fast as we could, only to be met with the air conditioning blasting right at us.
"Shit!" Billy gasped as he turned the air conditioning off, rubbing his arms as he heated up.
The two of us laughed as we sat in Billy's car, relishing in the warm air. He handed me his bear and I placed both bears by my feet, setting them up properly to where they were sitting.
Billy put the car in reverse and backed out of our parking spot.
"I have one more thing in store for us," he said with a smile.
"And that thing is?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
He simply smirked back at me as he drove along.
It was a short drive to where he was taking me, and I wasn't exactly shocked at where we ended up.
"A bar?" I exclaimed, stepping out of the car to be met by the cold rain.
"C'mon!" He exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and lead me to the entrance to the bar. There we were greeted with many chairs and tables laid out filled with all kinds of people. There was a stage at the front of the place, and the actual bar itself was on the far right wall.
He lead me to an empty table and we sat down, glancing over the menu of food and drinks as we awaited our waiter.
The waiter came to our table after a few moments of us pondering over our choices. Billy recommended the lemon drop martini for me, which I ordered without hesitation. Billy, on the other hand, having to drive tonight, simply ordered a bottle of beer. We ordered our food as well and watched as people went to the stage and belted out their choice of karaoke song.
Billy and I ordered a few more drinks as we ate our food in silence, watching drunk people stumble drunkenly up the stage and belt their hearts out. I couldn't contain my laughter when one very drunk man, presumably in his forties, belted out "Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry as he pointed to his date.
"I hope you know that you will be on that stage in time," Billy mumbled with a dark smile.
I raised my eyebrows and shook my head. "You will not see me up there," I declared while taking a bite of one of my fries.
He pouted. "C'mon, Alice. Please? For me?" He continued pouting.
I shook my head once again. "You can, but I will definitely not," I stated.
He flashed me his award winning smirk as he replied, "Challenge: accepted." He then stood up from his seat and made his way over to the stage, causing a few drunk women to catcall him, which earned a chuckle from him.
Before he proceeded onto the stage, however, he stopped by some screen that was implanted into the wall. He looked very focused as he typed something into the screen, while also dealing with a drunk woman who had made her way over to him and was slurring something into his ear. He smiled back and mumbled something, causing her to giggle and walk away back to her friends.
Upon placing a few quarters within the slot of the machine, he proceeded to walk up the few steps of the stage and grab the microphone.
"This goes out to you, Alice," he declared as he pointed to me, causing everyone in the bar to look at me. A few drunk women gave me angered looks as they mumbled something about me to their friends.
Billy then began dancing around the stage and gyrating his hips as the guitar riffs filled the bar. Billy belted out the first verses of the song and he actually sounded really good. The chorus then started to begin and he made eye contact with me as he sang. "Well, I'm not paralyzed, but I seem to be struck by you. I wanna make you move, because you're standing still," he belted out as he pointed at me while gyrating against the microphone stand, causing me to laugh. "If your body matches what your eyes can do, you'll probably move right through me on my way to you," he sang while smirking at me.
The song ended after many more verses and obscene dance moves from Billy, and he dramatically bowed at the end, earning a large round of applause. I even stood up from my seat and clapped and screamed, causing him to chuckle as he made his way back to me.
"That was jaw-dropping," I stated with a very dramatic look as he sat back in his seat.
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck before mumbling, "Your turn."
I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Can I have some quarters?" I asked, prompting him to hand me a few. I then made my way over to the screen and began scrolling through the songs. I giggled when I found the perfect song and made my way to the stage after sliding the quarters into the machine.
"This one goes out to you, Billy," I mumbled into the microphone, feeling brave as I pointed at him. I then yelled, "Shot through the heart, and you're to blame! Darlin', you give love a bad name." The guitar riffs filled the air and I danced very dramatically to them while closing my eyes and giving my body away to the music. I felt free for once, like I wasn't caged in. I could be myself, and that's exactly what I was going to do.
"An angel's smile is what you sell. You promise me heaven, then put me through Hell. Chains of love got a hold on me. When passion's a prison, you can't break free," I sang. "Oh, you're a loaded gun, yeah. Oh, there's nowhere to run. No one can save me- the damage is done," I yelled. The chorus then proceeded to go on and I belted out every word to the best of my ability. I even saw some people singing along with me, one of them being Billy as he smiled the entire time. And when the time came for me to belt out the chorus with just the drums going along, I saw Billy gaze at me with something I haven't seen to this magnitude from him. He shook his head and looked at the table with a worried expression before pushing his chair back and walking very quickly out the door.
I gazed after him as I stood still as I finished the rest of the song, not knowing exactly what was going on. Had Austin texted him something and I didn't notice?
After the song was over, I made my way off the stage and pushed my way past a few people. I finally reached the exit and turned to my left to see Billy leaning against the wall, trying and failing at lighting a cigarette. The rain had stopped, but droplets occasionally fell onto Billy's head from the gutter of the bar.
"Billy," I began hesitantly as I walked towards him. "What's going on?"
He cursed as he continued to try and light his cigarette a few more times before giving up and throwing the cigarette on the ground.
"I don't know if I can do this anymore," Billy murmured as he leaned his head back against the wall while closing his eyes.
"What do you mean?" I asked, moving a step closer to him.
Billy shook his head and chuckled lowly. "Us, Alice. Whatever we are isn't real. It can't be," he stated.
I placed my hand on his shoulder gently as his eyes opened and snapped to mine. "Then stop me," I murmured as I cupped his face gently with my freehand and placed my lips softly onto his.
He sighed into the kiss and cupped my face with both of his hands as he pulled my face harder into his. He then quickly placed his hand at the back of my head and turned us around. He pushed me up against the brick wall with his hand still placed at the back of my head, protecting me from the contact of the bricks.
The kiss we shared was very greedy and lustful while also giving off a sense of passion and yearning. The kiss showed that he had been thinking of me in ways I hadn't allowed myself to think of him until today, even if we hadn't gotten to know each other for very long.
Billy pulled away from the kiss and his eyes bore into mine, filled completely with lust and admiration.
"Alice, we shouldn't be doing this. Not here," he murmured as he glanced around him.
I bit my lip as I responded, "Austin's guys are probably gone by now, right?"
He smirked at me as he grabbed my hand while we ran to his car. We giggled as we got inside of the car, and he drove off at record speed.
We made it back in my driveway in no time because of how fast he was driving, and upon getting out of the car I ran to my front door and began putting the key in the keyhole. I felt a pair of hands at my hips as my neck began being peppered with kisses, causing me to bite my lip to stifle a moan.
I finally got the door open and the two of us stumbled in, my arms now wrapped around his neck as I pushed his back against the door to close it.
After many failed attempts at locking the door, I finally got it locked and he picked me up. My legs wrapped around his waist as he pushed me up against the wall, our lips still massaging against one another's passionately. I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled his face even closer to mine, causing him to moan into the kiss.
"Bed," I gasped into the kiss, hoping he would understand what I meant. He set me down and the two of us ran to the staircase, giggling the entire way. We finally made it into my bedroom and he picked me up before laying me on the bed. I unwrapped my legs from his waist and we began ripping off our clothes, laughing as we did so.
Finally, the two of us were completely naked and I pulled myself farther back onto the bed, giving him enough room to crawl onto it. He loomed over my face before placing a soft kiss upon my lips, and then he began placing gentle kisses down my body, trailing towards my inner thighs.
I gasped as I felt him get closer to my sweet spot, causing me to jerk my head in his direction and watch him. His eyes met mine as he placed a kiss on both of my inner thighs before placing a very long and passionate kiss against my clit, causing my eyes to roll back as I moaned.
"Billy," I sighed, holding his head in place as he continued to eat me out. "I know you promised me you wouldn't hurt me," I began before being interrupted.
"And I'm keeping that promise," he murmured against my clit, causing me to moan.
"But Billy," I sighed, pulling his hair, wanting him to meet my lips once again. He peppered kisses up my body as he made his way back to hovering over my lips. I gazed into his eyes, hoping to show all of the unspoken words within my eyes. "I want you to kill me," I whispered.
He smashed his lips against mine as he pulled my legs to wrap around his waist. I moaned as he placed his hand underneath my head while grasping my hair. He put his other forearm next to me as he prepared himself at my entrance.
I gazed into his eyes before he pushed himself into me, and I knew that all of unspoken words that we had held back were being shown within this act. This wasn't either one of us claiming each other as our territory, like it had always been with Austin. And this wasn't either one of us forcing each other into something.
I pulled his hair as he entered me, gasping at the feeling of him within me. He rocked his body against mine slowly while the two of us moaned and gasped at the feeling of pleasure.
And that was the start of my complete and utter disintegration from life itself. That was the moment when Billy Redford killed me.
After many hours of making love to one another, I was laying on my back as Billy laid on his side beside me while facing me. His hand that he didn't have his face resting on was playing with my hair and trailing up and down my chest gently. I was relishing in the feel of him beside me, against me, and my mind was whirling with possibilities of everything we could be. But I knew deep down that that was just a fallacy; that we would never be able to be what we wanted to me. Unless we escaped somehow, but there wasn't a place that Austin couldn't find us.
"Billy," I sighed, turning my head to gaze into his eyes.
"Yes?" He asked as he placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Would you believe me if I said that you're the only person, besides Austin, who I've, um, done things with?" I asked while biting my lip.
His eyebrows raised for a second before he nodded his head. "Looking back on everything, yeah. I'd believe it," he murmured.
I closed my eyes and sighed as he placed a kiss on my cheek.
"Would you believe me if I told you that you're my second, as well?" He asked.
My eyes snapped open to see he was gazing at me with such intensity that I almost melted. "Really?" I asked in almost a whisper.
He nodded his head and closed his eyes. "You're the first person I've felt comfortable having sex with since," he mumbled as he waved his hand. "Vinny," he whispered as he gulped.
"But that wasn't your choice," I mumbled as I cupped his cheek with my hand.
He smiled weakly. "But it was still sex, wasn't it?" He swallowed before continuing. "I wasn't comfortable with it at all, believe me. You know that," he murmured as he leaned into my touch. "But there's nothing I could ever do to take back those months of him doing that to me," he mumbled as he closed his eyes and sighed.
A single tear escaped my eye, causing me to sniffle as I wiped it away.
"Hey," he murmured as he kissed my lips. "It's ok, Alice. I'm ok."
I smiled weakly in response. "Billy," I whispered. "I think we can help each other out."
"How so?" He asked as he placed the back of his knuckles against my cheek gently.
I inhaled a deep breath before pulling his face down to meet mine, meeting him in a passionate and loving kiss. I took another deep breath before whispering, almost inaudibly, "Help me get out of here."
Billy pulled his ear away from my lips and placed a small kiss on my forehead. "I can try," he murmured. "But we can talk about this later, ok?" He whispered as he placed a kiss on my jawline.
I nodded my head in agreement. "And you can come with me," I sighed. "Or you can leave a few days after me, or a few weeks after me so it's not suspicious," I mumbled.
He smirked against my jawline before placing a kiss on my lips. "I guess now is later, huh?"
I giggled in response.
"Yes, Alice," he murmured as his face loomed over mine. "Let's get out of here."
but shit's going down real quick.
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