We remember places not just as a location, but as the moments spent in them. Never once have I passed by the otolaryngology office I visited numerous times as a kid and simply remembered spending much of second grade there. I recalled the needle that popped my ear drum and the smooching sound that it made inside the cave. My wails would fill the hallway and the layered cheese cloth underneath my head would be soaked.
Restaurants we connect with friends and dates. Schools connect us with embarrassment, laughter, failed tests, and last minute projects. Libraries connect us to voting, politics, silence, that smell of crisp paper.
I drive down the same highway that is in desperate need of repaving after each workday. It was Friday, and a 52 hour work week forces me past my old home shared with my parents. Now divorced; angrily and bitterly divorced. That bothered me.
Inside that horrendous green home occupied cabernet stains on the kitchen ceiling from a thrown glass bottle. Broken drywall from fists and doorknobs. A blood stain that could never be removed from me tripping down those damn hardwood stairs at age four. A split eyebrow and splattered blood on my white t-shirt was still much better than that overwhelmingly large need at the ear, nose, and throat doctor.
My home now resides of me and my best friend, Ania. I met her shortly after than unfortunate meeting with my stairs. My skin was still glued shut from my tumble. Ania came from a fragile, yet not broken family. They were chaotic and witty, but had their own issues. Just as everyone else did.
I remember love and laughter in this apartment. Michael, my ex-boyfriend, spent a couple years warming me in front of my fireplace. Loving me in my bed. Singing to me with an empty wine bottle in his hand that paired well with his now burgundy teeth. This apartment was home. No shattered glass or harsh tones.
My daydream of Michael's emerald eyes were being interrupted by Ania. Her voice was hoarse from chain-smoking from age 15 until four months ago. She was nearing twenty one.
"That is really interesting, Ania," I told her. I kept going back in forth between a group of radio stations just to find a song playing.
"Mabel, listen. Are you listening?" She asked.
I laughed, "Yes I am."
"Great. I need a super hot, super awesome outfit to go on this date in next weekend. Please come shopping with me tomorrow," Ania begged.
Ania was going through a breakup. I have never seen her go on so many dates to distract herself from her broken 10 month relationship that ended a month ago. It was serious, but it also wasn't very long, you know? I wasn't really a fan of her ex-girlfriend anyways. She was very nice, but just kind of...odd. Nothing exciting or different about her. Just kind of a cookie cutter girl.
"Um..." I hummed. I tried to perfectly park my car in my horribly slanted parking space in front of our apartment complex while trying to make up and excuse not to go. I loved Ania, I loved getting out. But I really just wanted to sleep if I'm honest.
"We can go later. I know you'll be tired." She said.
"Okay." I agreed. "Let's just go later in the day, okay?"
"Okay, no problem." She said. She paused while I climbed out of my car. It never gets easier to do in these pencil skirts. Every day a pant suit sounds much better of an idea. "Do you want me to rub your shoulders when you get here?" Ania asked.
I groaned, from loving the idea of course, "I'm already here and yes please," I replied. She knew how close to death I was after a long work week and knew how to make it better. Nothing like a good best friend back rub and probably a ton of junk food.
We got off of the phone with each other and I struggled to unlock our front door. Mostly because I was rushing and wouldn't be patient to get my keys in the hole properly. I kicked my heels off as I entered the small home. A one bedroom apartment with a full kitchen and a ten minute commute to work. It was all I needed and I split the rent. Super cheap equals super awesome.
I loved spending most of my Friday nights with Ania watching old movies and keeping cozy in our pajamas. The only times we were apart were if she had a date or I was working super late. Neither of which were unusual recently.
"Mabel!" Ania excitedly yelled. "How was work?" She asked.
"Normal. We have a group of interns coming in next week and I am so excited to have someone else to do paper work with," I chuckled.
We proceeded to watch movies and chat about little things in our lives. I was always a bit envious when Ania talked about her family. I longed to see my brothers after many months. I never spoke to my mom and was constantly on the phone with my dad. I guess I would sacrifice the screaming and yelling to come home to a family again.
It's another Monday. Another cold, drizzly, dreary Monday. Another cup of coffee, another set of blisters from my shoes that will never get broken in.
I left our home and cursed at myself for not owning an umbrella. It seemed anyone who had it together also had purchased an umbrella at some point in their life. I wonder when that time will come for me.
I checked my watch as I got into my car. Ten minutes early, as usual. Being punctual was a trait I picked up from my anxiety ridden mother. I was conditioned from grade school to be on time, every time.
I parked in my assigned spot which was lengthy walk from the actual building. If I ever want to become a CEO, it's because I want a good parking spot, just know that. I grabbed my faux leather bag and held it over my head. I carried this around to appear more professional. It was actually just full of fashion magazines and maybe a packet or two of business papers. I may look slammed with paperwork, but in reality I'm reading up on the new issue of Vogue.
The long walk to my building felt underwhelming today. My feet didn't hurt and my clothes weren't damp from the light rain. I checked my watch as a swiped my card to enter our building.
I made my way towards the elevator and a man I was unfamiliar with was waiting for it to come down. Not a man in this office had well kept bond curly hair. I would take notice if one was this tall, and had a suit this well ironed. He turned around as he heard my heels clicking down the tile. His skin was pale and his neatly trimmed beard sculpted his face rather well. I swiftly turned my head to look out the window once we made brief eye contact.
"That's a nice face," I thought to myself. I was interested in the symmetry of the stranger's face, oddly enough. Science says attractive people have symmetrical faces.
I waited patiently behind him as the elevator came down. In the midst of the awkward setting of two strangers standing in an elevator, I sent a text to Ania.
To: Ania
New guy at my building. Hope he stays. Think of Chris Hemsworth, but softer.
The elevator dinged which gave me an opportunity to use my brain instead of hide my face in my phone. The stranger stepped on, I followed, and another guy came scrambling onto the elevator, looking rather late. I had met him before. He was "late guy" in many of my stories. He was a kind soul, though. His energy sat well with me.
"What floor?" Soft Chris Hemsworth asked. His voice was mellow, he sounded almost tired.
"Six, please," I shyly replied. The number was lit up already, indicating that we were heading to the same floor.
"Three", Late Guy said. He keep checking his watch. He was very frantic and all over the place and I just really hoped his day would get better, truly. He had dark hair like me and chubby cheeks. Tanned skinned and the loveliest smile I had ever seen. He was a favorite character from during my story telling times.
We all rode in silence and I admired the tattoos peaking out on Late Guy's hands.
The third floor approached and he bolted. He literally ran straight off the elevator. Like a teenager late for sixth period.
"Seems he was late," he said, pointing out the obvious. He looked over, more so down, at me and gave me an easy going smile. His intimidation was oblivious to him.
I dared to look him in the eyes, which were the most perfect shade of blue.
"Yeah," I replied calmly. Small talk wasn't exactly my "thing".
The elevator dinged as we hit the sixth floor.
"Well I'm 10 minutes early and wish I could spare a few minutes for that guy earlier," he laughed.
I smiled, "Me too. Better early than late."
We got off and started heading in the same direction.
"I'll see you around, Mabel," he smoothly said.
I stopped in my tracks, casually nodding back at him as he headed down the hall. Concerned was the best word to describe how I felt towards a stranger knowing my name.
I don't think I cared. But I did want to know his.
guys........i'm so excited about this.......AND NO THIS WONT BE LIKE 50 SHADES OF GREY LMDAOSISBS
thank you if you're reading this and i appreciate all votes/comments!! I LOVE YOU GUYS
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