8- We meet again II
"Truly, today is the worst day of my life!"
I recalled how devastated I was earlier that day. I was drowning in the feelings of failure and disappointment. In my frustration, I had run into the woods, cried my eyes out, and slept there till dusk.
I took another swallow of well-chewed apple before sitting on the cream coloured couch.
"It's so cold out here," I grumbled.
Despite the darkness, the gazebo was bright but the moonlight garden wasn't. Only the shine from night bulbs intercepted the darkness, assisted by noisy fireflies.
I took another apple from the basket, furrowed my brows at the sight of tiny flying insects. I waved at the insects, to chase them away, at the same time, stepping backwards to my seat.
The light from the luxurious mansion shimmered like a 5-star hotel. For the twentieth time, I'd viewed the interlocked walkway leading to the porch of the building but Mr Addison was not forthcoming. I had all the time to mentally relive the events of my crazy day.
When I lost my way home and encounter the black snake and Pitbull, I concluded that mother earth was against me. "If not for Mr Addison, you would've been food for that dog, you know. Eww!" my inner voice jeered. "stop that."
I picked a twig off my hair. It was a fragment of dried cover crop, some of which clung to my tattered hair, T-shirt and feet. little wonder, It itched me badly. I angrily snuffed the grass off my ankle and felt my lost solace return to me.
"I can only imagine how I look right now!" I mumbled. Are you serious right now? Keren, you are worried about your looks, when you should be thinking of getting into college! My inner voice scolded. "I know, but what do I do? I'm just a freaking loser." I spoke out loud in a weary tone.
I took another bite of the apple while resting my back on the couch, my attention suddenly fell on the apple in my hand.
You're eating these apples without permission. What if you get caught? I thought. Gosh! I shuddered at the humiliating feeling it would bring.
No way, finish up quickly and seat still as if nothing happened. surely, he won't notice. I convinced myself and chewed hastily.
As I took the fourth bite of the third apple, I raised my eyes and at the entrance of the gazebo, stood Addison. His eyes descended on me and I was temporarily frozen.
Although, there was nothing extraordinary about his look, still, I found myself gaping at him. I could not explain what made him look so breath-taking. Could it be his brown wavy hair or the calm cascading beard that grazed his broad face, or his broad torso which was wrapped in a white T-shirt and what seem to be grey joggers.
'God, is this a man or a demigod!' I literally exclaimed in my mind. Then his bold voice snapped me out of the haze of overthinking.
"Are you ready?" He asked while tugging at the neck of his shirt. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting." He added.
"No! ugh- It's- it's fine." I sounded more confused than I look. It took me moments to readjust on the couch as if I had no plans of going home. I looked around the couch searching for nothing.
"Yes... I'm ...I'm very ready." I stood up after swallowing the small chunk in my mouth.
To my surprise, he moved away from the entrance and sat on the armchair on one side of the gazebo, crossed his leg confidently. His soothing voice followed,
"When you're done, please let me know."
He brought out his cellphone and clicked on something to keep himself busy. I had no idea what he was doing.
"Oh, I- um." The words came short as I cast my gaze on the half apple in my mischievous hand and my chin moulded close to my body while I ate the forbidden fruit. At that moment, I remembered Eve in the garden of Eden. Sadly unlike her, I was caught in the act.
I felt like a little thief, I couldn't look up at him, even when he kept staring at me. I wished the bright white bulbs would grow dim, so he doesn't see me anymore. I felt, even more, self-conscious and hot inside me.
I could not utter a word, Gosh how could I! If you were in my shoes what would you do? All in one day, the worst of my imaginations outplayed. Not only did I get rejected from college, my crush- Addison, caught me stealing his apples! What a day!
In full resignation; I finished the apple, stood up and promptly slithered innocently out of the gazebo.
I bothered to say, "thanks for the apples." while avoiding eye contact.
He nodded and gave a quick smile, before standing up.
'How cruel could he be?' His silence was worse than a thousand slaps. I kept walking on an interlocked walkway leading to the entrance of the main building. Then he called from behind
I turned to him without saying a word.
"It's this way." He motioned with his right hand in the opposite direction.
On a normal situation, I would have scolded him for watching me go the wrong direction; when he could have said something.
As I dashed towards him, I felt my sweaty smell creep into my nose. Maybe I was imagining it; in any case, I was careful not to get too close to him.
We walked towards what seemed to be a car stand. However, the long line of cars; which were arranged according to their brands, belong to one family. Isn't that amazing!
We got into a black Toyota Hilux and drove off. The gate was quite a distance from the main building. After about fifteen minutes slow and steady drive in silence, I said,
"Please take the next turn, my home is over there." I pointed to the street on the left. A minute later we parked in front of my house.
There were very few people going up and down in the dark street. Only lights from people houses served as Streetlights.
"Thank you for bringing me home and I, I didn't mean to steal your apples, I'm sorr..."
"Hey hey wait, Keren!" He cut in, "You didn't steal just apples from me, you stole something more."
"I didn't steal any other thing, I can swear on it. I- I was hungry and I'm sorry I took your apples. I don't mind paying back."
I was talking so fast and wearily, that I began to stammer.
"You don't mind paying back?" He wore a coy smile and It was questionable. The car was well lighted, I could see him.
"Yes, I'll pay."
"You can forget about the apples, but you have to pay for the other thing you stole."
"I stole nothing from you!" I yelled.
What could she have stolen?
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