Vase of Roses
Jack immediately lunges for the ring. I put out a hand to stop him.
"Are you insane?"
"That thing got us in here, it can get us out!"
"We break it," Adam declares. I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, because that worked out so well the last few times we tried it."
Adam scowls at me. "Do you have a better plan, genius?"
As a matter of fact I don't, so I let Adam and Jack walk towards the ring.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," says a voice behind us. I just about jump out of my skin and whip round to face the owner.
And I see a woman.
The same ghostly figure who watched us as we where whisked away, with her face twisted into a cruel smile. But here, she isn't transparent blue. She just looks normal. As I look at her, I get that jolt of familiarity inside again, stronger than before, as if I've seen her somewhere before. I strain my memory for information, but I don't remember anything about her.
"Who are you?" snarls Adam. The woman smiles.
"There's no need to be so hostile, Adam."
Adam looks taken aback. "How do you know my name?"
"What do you want with Jack?" I cut in sharply. "It was you, wasn't it? You've been possessing him?"
"So many questions. Let's see. Yes, I don't deny possessing your- well, he's not your brother, is he?"
"He is," whispers Rosie. The woman pauses for a while, then continues as if she was never interrupted.
"But as for what I want with him... nothing. He was just a means to an end. A pawn, if you like. No, I want something else."
I'm about to ask what that is, when I realise that the whole time we've been talking to her, she hasn't taken her eyes off one person.
And it suddenly hits me with the force of a runaway train.
I remember Jack telling me about his dream. He told me he dreamt about Rosie, Rosie in the future.
But what if it wasn't a future version of Rosie? What if it was an older version of Rosie?
"Rosie," says the woman quietly, her eyes fixed hungrily on Rosie's face. "What a lovely name."
I see Rosie frowning, trying to work out where she knows this woman from. Then her eyes widen.
"When you were born," continues the woman, her voice a sly whisper. "The first thing I noticed was the vase of fresh roses your father had just put by my bed. So I named you Rosie."
Rosie stands rooted to the spot, her mouth dangling open, her face pale, cheeks flushed, eyes bright.
"Mum...?" she breathes. Her eyes are fearful and full of hurt and sorrow.
"Yes, my darling baby girl," replied the woman. My aunt. Amber... Amber Koding. She moves forward, her arms open as if to embrace my sister, but Rosie backs away rapidly. Her hand closes over mine.
"You left... I was only a baby..."
"I wanted to take you with me," Amber looks at Rosie with eyes glazed with tears. "I tried to take you, the night I left, but Fred stopped me... he told me he would ring the police... I shouldn't have let him keep you. Just because I had grown to hate your father, I chose to leave rather than to stay with you. I could have raised you myself... but it's not too late, sweetheart. That's why you're here. This can be our home-"
"I don't want a home with you." Rosie looks sickened, and her voice is barely audible. "I'm glad Dad didn't let you take me. He's the best father in the world. And I have Erin and Adam, and now Dad's married, and I have a new mother, and another brother. I already have an amazing home!"
Tears slip down Amber's cheeks. "I'm your mother, Rosie. I'm the only family you need-"
"You're not my mother," Rosie is crying too now. She buries her face into my shoulder as Amber goes from crying to sobbing, pleading.
"Where are we, Auntie?" asks Adam harshly, stepping forward. "How do we get back?"
"I'll tell you everything," Amber wipes her face, still gazing at Rosie. "Please listen. Try to understand. I'll tell you my story from the beginning."
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