x2. happy ending
( ! happy ending ! )
ANNIE STOOD BEHIND the counter for the pharmacy in the Grab & Bag Simon worked at. Kate, Deena, Sam, and Josh were all on the other side as Simon was grabbing some pills to help kill Sam. "A few months ago, my brother Timothy had an unfortunate experience in which he ingested too much of a certain substance. He was dead for two minutes. But..." Simon did a small drum roll on the counter. "We got him back!"
Simon handed Annie some of the pill bottles he had grabbed, having her help organize them as he had just dropped them onto the counter. Annie quickly understood and began making them all a bit neater so Kate could grab stuff better.
She had often found herself hanging out late nights with Simon on nights she didn't have to work and he did. They'd run around the store or even sometimes try random pills to see what they did (which usually ended in Kate or Deena having to come make sure they didn't die).
Annie and Simon had had their first kiss in this very store. It was the place they found had always been their special place. It was where the feels began and developed to what they were today.
"Kate. It's time for your close-up." Deena instructed and Kate nodded, a small smile falling on her face. So Kate began. She opened different bottles one after the other, now having an easier time finding what she needed after Annie grouped them together.
"You need to take these in order. Pile one takes the edge off. You're gonna feel like you're being fucked by a unicorn." Simon described, pulling the small first pile Kate made a bit away so it didn't get mixed with the next pile to come. Sam nodded, taking in the information.
"Pile two is gonna bring your core temp way down. You may feel slightly sick." Simon continued, now moving pile two away a bit and putting it near pile one. "Now, you need to take a five-minute interval between pile two and pile three. That's really important, okay? Pile three brings you down and out, so you gotta take that "take five" or it's all gonna go to shit!" Simon moved pile three next to pile two.
Annie watched as Sam and Deena both looked over the piles carefully, keeping Simons words in mind. "How many do we have?" Kate wondered, now holding the EpiPens that would need to be stuck in Sams leg to bring her back.
Simon grabbed the EpiPens. "Tons! Like a thousand." Deena looked at him confused. "Wait. EpiPens?" Simon pointed to her, now holding some of them in his hand. "Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. This is why brings her back. This is Jesus!"
Deena nodded, understanding. Now all that was left to do was set the bait, also known as everyone but Deena and Sam.
Sam cut her hand again, showing the wound to the four who needed it. Annie put two fingers into the blood, not looking as she then turned to Simon and began marking an X on his chest. Simon smiled at Annie. "We'll be okay." Annie nodded, not looking up to his eyes as she finished the X.
He somehow always knew exactly how she felt.
Simon put his hand on Annies chin and lifted it up, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Don't freak out, we've got this!" A small smile fell on Annies face and she nodded yet again, feeling her chin being pulled towards Simons face before her lips were connected with his.
Annie was the first to pull away, taking a bit more of Sams blood and putting it on her own chest in an X. Simon grabbed the hand Annie had touched Sams blood with, not caring it was now on his hand as he held her own in his. It comforted them both to have the other standing there.
Kate smiled at the couple bravely, trying to calm her own nerves after drawing her own X on her chest. Sam walked away, allowing Deena to mark the X on Josh.
"You guys ready?" Kate questioned, needing to hear their opinions to help calm her racing mind. Simon squeezed Annies hand in his, causing the girl to nod. "Yeah, we're ready."
Kate nodded slowly, grabbing Annies other hand and standing closer to the couple. Sam walked back over after having grabbed something to help wrap her bleeding hand. "You guys remember half an hour ago, when you wanted to murder me? You don't have to do this. You can leave."
"Remember when you decided to sacrifice yourself for us? We're ending this together." Kate responded, causing Sam to smile a bit with a nod. Annie smiled a bit towards Sam. "And besides, we just need to run around the store long enough for you to die and come back. Super easy."
Sam laughed a bit, feeling her nerves calming a bit. She was happy to know the group of three didn't hate her. Simon put his free hand on Sams shoulder with a smile. "Die well, my friend."
"We got back door patrol." Simon pointed to Josh, signaling for the boy to follow him. Simon let go of Annies hand with a small smile before turning and wrapping his arm around Josh, who did the same for Simon.
Annie bit the inside of her cheek. "Hey!" Kate stated, getting Josh's attention who stopped. Annie took that as the moment and ran back over to Simon, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.
Simon kissed back quick and they both knew they felt it. Annie pulled away, resting her forehead against Simons forehead. "Be careful, okay? If you die I'm gonna kill you." Simon chuckled a bit, nodding. "I promise."
Annie let out a deep breath, nodding. She felt Kate grab her hand and pull her away from Simon. "We'll run interference up here."
Annie and Kate walked away, each sending everyone else small smiles before linking their arms together. They made it away from the rest of the group and Annie smiled. "So, Josh?"
Kate smiled, rolling her eyes a bit. "Maybe." Annie chuckled. "Don't worry, it's cute. I'll always hold a place for you in my heart as my could have been lesbian lover, though."
Kate covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing too loud, tears welling up in her eyes as she stopped in her tracks. Annie stopped as well and now the two stood looking at each other in the cereal isle.
"Thank you for being my best friend." Kate smiled, her eyes watery. Annie smiled back, wrapping Kate up in a hug. "We're gonna be fine, Kate." Kate nodded, still holding onto Annie. "I know but, just incase, I wanted you to know I love you."
"I love you too, weirdo. Now, let's go become demon bait."
ANNIE WALKED AROUND the isles slowly with Kate. Kate now had a shopping basket on her arm and was grabbing random items. "Should we split up and look around?" Annie questioned, watching as Kate stated at hair spray before adding it to her basket. Kate stopped and looked at Annie. "Not a fucking chance."
Annie nodded and the two went walking a bit further before stopping at the sound of metal clanging a bit away. "I really hope that was either the boys or Deena and Sam." Annie whispered, looking the direction of the far off noise as Kate did the same.
Kate nodded slowly, turning back around. "I... I bet Simon just knocked something over. Come on." The two continued walking through isles and Annie caught a glimpse of a multi-purpose lighter. She quickly pocketed it, hoping it could come in handy.
The two continued in silence, walking around a bit more. They began making their way around back to the place they had left Deena and Sam. Hearing footsteps, Annie put her arm out in front of Kate, stopping the girl.
Kate went to speak but Annie quickly put her finger over her own mouth, signaling Kate to zip it. The next thing Annie knew, Skull Mask had ran right past them, far too focused on Sam to even think of them.
Annie pulled the lighter out of her pocket, handing it to Kate who had pulled out the hairspray. Running forwards at the sound of Deenas scream, Kate took the lighter from Annie and began spraying the hairspray with the turned on lighter in front of it, creating a blaze of fire chasing away Skull Mask from the girls.
"Go, go, go! Go!" Kate yelled to Deena and Sam. Annie ran over to them, helping Deena rush a drugged and sick Sam away as Kate stayed back to fight Skull Mask, who was now on fire.
"I need to die. I need to die." Sam stated as Annie and Deena carried her away from the danger. "I'm gonna figure this out!" Deena replied before stopping them. She noticed the lobster cage and it hit her, drown Sam.
The three made it over to the water and Annie looked to Deena. "I need to make sure Kates okay! You got this?" Deena looked back to her friend with a thankful smile. "Yeah, I've got it. Thank you Annie. Be careful."
Annie nodded, jogging off quietly as to not make any noise. The sounds of Kates screaming could be heard and Annie quickened her pace, moving around the back side of the store.
Annie made it towards the frozens, running as she tried to find where Kates screams were coming from. They seemed to be echoing around the store, making it almost impossible for Annie to trace where her friend was.
She wasn't paying attention and felt her body slam into another. Annie looked up frightened but sighed when it was only Josh. Josh looked to Annie with relief but that quickly changed when Simon came running towards them.
"Go! She's right behind me!" Simon screamed, upon noticing Annie, he grabbed her hand and tried to pull her with him. Josh went running but Annie pulled Simon back. "Wait!"
She let go of his hand, looking around before catching a glimpse of the rack that was next to where Simon exited. She ran towards it, ignoring Simons calls for her to come back.
Annie quickly threw it towards the ground, creating a blocking that would take an extra second for Ruby to get past. It wasn't much, but, it would save them a few seconds which could save their lives.
Running back over to Simon, he wrapped her up in his arms before moving his hand down to her own. Ruby suddenly came towards Simon and Annie, stopping shortly because of what Annie had thrown to the floor. When Ruby stepped over the fallen object carefully, her foot had gotten stuck in one of the holes in the holder.
Annie, seeing the moment quickly ran over, her foot connecting with Ruby's stomach, sending the girl falling back and causing a breaking noise to sound out, Annie knew it had to be Ruby's leg.
Simon quickly ran forwards and grabbed Annies hand, running the opposite way of Ruby. When they were in the clear, he stopped dead in his tracks and grabbed Annies face between his hands, smashing his lips onto hers. Annie kissed back but it had been a short kiss as Simon looked her in the eyes. "I love you." Annie smiled, feeling tears well up in her eyes. "I love you too."
They then turned the corner from the isle they were in and Annie gasped at the sight in front of her. Skull Mask had Kates head moving towards a bread slicer slowly as she screamed and fought.
Annie, Simon, and Josh all ran forwards. Annie turned the machine off as she hopped the counter while Simon ran around further and jumped on Skull Masks back.
Josh helped Kate up and moved her off the platform to the slicer. Annie turned her head as she started dodging the attacks from Skull Masks knife. "Deena! Hurry this shit up before I kill both of you!"
Skull Mask continued to frantically wave his knife as he 1. tried to get Simon off his back and 2. tried to stab Annie. Kate grabbed Annies hand quickly and pulled her away right before Skull Mask swung down towards her.
"Shit. Thanks." Annie breathed out, hugging Kate quickly and tightly just happy she was okay. Simon hopped off Skull Mask, yelling as he ran towards the group.
He quickly pulled Annie off the floor and continued sprinting away, the same scream continuing to leave his lips. Kate and Josh ran behind the two, hand in hand.
"Simon you are leading them to us with your screaming!" Annie reminded. Simon panted. "Sorry! I just watched Kate almost become bread and you almost get stabbed! I'm freaking out here!"
Kate looked around before pointing forwards. "Shit. Guys? Nightwing straight ahead." Annie looked forwards and saw that Nightwing was indeed ahead, running towards them from the front of the store.
"I'm gonna take this as a run moment." Annie advised, turning around quickly. But Josh put his hand up to stop her. "Wait! Look! Skull Mask coming our way from the other side! We're trapped."
"Fuck." Annie replied, squeezing Simons hand in her own. They now had to pray Deena could kill Sam in time to save them all.
The killers kept running towards the four at high speeds and they all basically accepted their fates. Simon pulled Annie into his chest, laying his head down on her shoulder so he didn't have to watch. Annie hugged back but kept her hand out to hold onto Kates hand as Kate and Josh held each other.
Annie squeezed her eyes shut, but never felt anything. She realized the pounding footsteps even stopped. So, she lifted her head and laughed a bit when neither Nightwing nor Skull Mask where there anymore.
"No way. She did it." Kate smiled, squeezing Annies hand. But Deenas frantic shouts sent the group sprinting while she begged them for help.
Annie watched as Josh ran over with the EpiPens and Deena began slamming them down onto Sams chest. Sam looked cold and pale, along with wet obviously.
It was freaky to see Sam like that, dead. "Is that how you're supposed to do it?" Josh questioned worriedly, watching as Deena stabbed EpiPen after EpiPen into Sams chest.
"I don't know— I don't know." Deena replied while she kept going. Tears streamed down her face as she stopped with the EpiPens, begging Sam to come back to her. "Try— try CPR." Kate offered, finding herself next to Annie now.
Annie wrapped her arms around Kates shoulders as she faced forwards, Kate wrapping her arms around Annies waist. The two watched as they held onto the other for support.
Deena quickly tried the idea, pushing down on Sams chest over and over again. She kept trying before finally giving up with a cry.
But right when all hope seemed to be lost, Sam gaged and spit out water and puke as she began coughing. "Gross." Annie mumbled quietly, earning a small laugh from Kate and Simon.
Deena hugged Sam close, so fucking glad she was okay.
After a second Deena looked back up at the rest of her friends. They were all okay, every single one of them had pushed through and made it out.
This was truly the best result that could have come up.
Annie smiled back at Deena before looking between all her friends. This was good.
well here it is, folks. the moment you've all been waiting for... an actual happy ending!
hope you enjoyed my spin on what I thought would happen if Josh and Simon would have ran up just a little bit earlier and how much that could have changed everything.
I'm guessing this chapter will be much more liked than the sadder ones but the sad ones are definitely needed
love you all kiss kiss muah muah and more is to come!
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