20. the hanging of sarah fier
( ! the hanging of sarah fier ! )
"I FOUND THE witch!" Solomon yelled, grabbing a handful of Sarah's hair as he dragged her out of the Meeting Hall. Paige ran by the side of the building, hand covering her mouth as she looked at the sight in front of her.
Sarah's hair was a mess, there was dirt and sweat all over her. She had a gash in her hairline that was oozing blood. But what caught Paiges attention fast was the cloth around Sarah's arm, but her hand was gone.
The crowd continued to grow as Sarah cried out in pain. Lizzie took Paiges hand in her own, her own look of horror plastered on her face.
But Paige was confused. Confused as to why out of everyone, Solomon was the one holding onto Sarah. She had often seen how Solomon looked at Sarah. He loved her, and Paige didn't understand how he was now the one turning her in.
By this time the sun had begun rising, indicating the hanging would be starting. Paige hadn't noticed how much time had really passed until she watched Elijah Goode grab a large torch and light the top.
Many followed his lead, but the four didn't. Paige made eye contact with Sarah and her eyes filled with sympathy. Mounting a quick "I'm Sorry" to Sarah was all she needed to know. Paige didn't think she had done anything and she knew that meant the others didn't either.
It was a small calming feeling as her sobs continued. Knowing her friends were still her friends until death do they part. But then Sarah's attention turned to Hannah and she knew she couldn't let Hannah die for this.
Hannah had to live, and Sarah would make sure of it.
Everyone began walking to the giant tree right outside Union. Some held torches in their hands while others held nothing. Most of the town was ready to dispose of Sarah and Hannah, seeing them as nothing less than filth.
But as Abbi, Lizzie, Isaac, and Paige found themselves standing farther back from the action, all they felt was guilt and pain. They all wanted to do something, to speak up. But they knew that instead of two dead bodies there would be six if they said anything. Hannah and Sarah knew this too.
Hannah and Sarah stood before the crowd, chains wrapped around their arms and waists as they just looked over at each other. "The penalty for practicing witchcraft is death by hanging!" Elijah shouted, getting instant support.
Those around Paige were shouting to hang the two girls, Mad Thomas' voice booming over the others. Paige made anxious eye contact with Isaac for a moment, frown evident on both of their faces.
"Confess! Confess your sins or burn in eternal hell." Elijah threatened, watching back and forth between the girls. Paige noticed just how close he got when he spoke to them and it sent goosebumps down her arms. "Confess!"
Neither girl said anything and the crowd started to get restless. "Confess!" Thomas screamed. People continued their own shouts. Hang them! Confess! Hang the witches! It continued on and on and Paige watched as Sarah's lips moved, but she heard no sound and automatically knew it was just for Hannah to hear.
Hannah shook her head, tears threatening to fall as she communicated back with Sarah. "I confess!" Sarah shouted, causing Paige to bite her cheek. Hannah turned to the crowd, shaking her head. "No! She's lying!"
Elijah grabbed Hannah and held his hand over her mouth, silencing her. Paige thought of how hypocritical he was. He wanted them to confess but right as Hannah told the truth, he silenced her voice.
It became even more obvious than ever that no one wanted the truth. They wanted someone to blame and force their paranoia onto. It didn't matter if Sarah and Hannah were guilty. People thought they were, so they were.
"I walked with the Devil! I lay with him. I bewitched the good pastor. And I bewitched..." Sarah looked to Hannah for a second as tears streamed from her face. "...Hannah Miller."
Hannah tried to scream, tried to tell everyone Sarah was lying. But Elijahs grip held strong and he quickly shushed her. Sarah's love was about to save Hannah's life, but she didn't want to live if Sarah wasn't standing next to her.
"I clouded her mind." Sarah continued, mumbling something else to herself after. "It was me! It was only me. It was always me. Hannah's innocent."
"Let her go." Solomon spoke, looking towards Hannah. Elijah took his hand off her mouth and began trying to unchain her, but found it hard as Hannah thrashed to be next to Sarah.
Sarah's heart broke as she watched the love of her life beg to stand with her, but Sarah couldn't die knowing Hannah had as well.
Elijah gave up quickly on trying to unchain Hannah and instead just lifted her off the ground before throwing her towards her mother. Solomon walked up to Sarah, wrapping more chains around her neck.
the truth will come out. maybe not today... and maybe not tomorrow, but it will. the truth shall be your curse. it will follow you for eternity. I will shadow you forever. and everything you take and everyone you harm, you will feel the grip of my hand. I will show them what you've done. I will never... let you go.
The shouts to hang Sarah continued again and Solomon wrapped the rope around Sarah's neck, throwing the end of it over a hanging tree branch and over the other side.
Paige wiped her eyes quickly as her lip trembled. Elijah lifted his hand before swiftly thrusting it down, silently instructing the two men at the other end of the rope to pull.
Sarah's feet left the ground and she began to struggle for air as the rope pulled tight against her neck. Her feet dangled and gaging noises could be heard as her body moved from side to side, trying to find a way to save itself.
The struggle continued and Paige put her head onto Isaacs shoulder, turning away. But she could still hear gags coming from Sarah, until they stopped. Paige looked up fast and quickly wished she didn't as she looked at Sarah's face.
Her features were already paler, her eyes were wide open, and she wasn't moving at all. Sarah Fier was dead and she would not be coming back. The men holding the rope tied it to a small bush, allowing Sarah's lip body to just hang in the air.
Paige wanted to yell at them, yell for them to take her friend down and give her a proper burial. But no words came as Lizzie grabbed Paiges hand in her own and wiped her eyes with her other hand. No words came as Paige buried her head back into Isaacs shoulder. And no words came as Abbi wrapped her own arm around Isaacs arm from the other side of them, needing anyone to grab onto.
The only sound Paige could now hear was the sobs of Hannah. Lizzie rubbed her face against Paiges shoulder for a moment, trying to keep her crying quiet.
Abbi just stared forwards as her body shook, face holding a pain filled frown. Isaac held onto Paige and allowed Abbi to continue to hold onto him as he also looked forwards, holding back his tears the best he could. And Paige just kept her head buried into Isaacs shoulder as her hand lightly squeezed Lizzies every now and then.
People soon began to leave. It seemed the buzz from hanging Sarah had quickly died out and Paige hoped that they realized that killing people wouldn't make any of their fears or worries disappear, but she doubted it.
Paige lifted her head, her cheeks red and eyes puffy but her sadness only seemed to worsen as she looked at Hannah, on her knees with her head down as she sobbed near Sarah's feet.
Isaac soon led the three girls away, allowing Hannah to be alone with Sarah. They all knew she needed it. Time to cry, time to feel.
They all found themselves once again in Paiges home, sitting together again. Paige had soon noticed after some time that some of the Union members were walking back towards Sarah, presumably to bury her.
Paige thought it was disgusting to just lay Sarah to rest right under the place she had been killed. A twisted game many had no problem playing as long as they didn't end with her fate.
"This is horrible. She deserved far better than this." Paige spoke, crossing her arms over her chest as she stood up and paced. Lizzie looked to Paige. "Of course we agree, but what can we do now."
"We should have said something, defended her. Maybe we could have saved her." Abbi frowned, looking down at her hands. Paige looked over to Abbi as her pacing continued. "Or we could have ended up dead alongside her. Hannahs fate was sealed until Sarah saved her life. We mustn't dishonor her memory by bringing up scenarios that would have just ended in our dead bodies next to hers."
"The best we can do now is to honor her and make sure her death wasn't in vain." Isaac spoke, catching the small smile Paige threw his way. "And how will we do that?" Lizzie responded, looking around between the other three. No one had a response but their attention turned when a knock sounded on the door.
Paige tensed as she quickly looked through the window but relaxed and opened the door when she saw Hannah. "Um, hi. I thought I'd find you all here. Am I interrupting?"
A sympathetic smile fell on Paiges lips as she saw Hannah's puffy red eyes. "Of course not, come on it." Paige opened her door wider and Hannah walked in with a small thank you.
She got small smiles from the rest of the group, easing her nerves a bit. "So, what are you all discussing?"
Lizzie was the first to respond. "We want to find a way to honor Sarah and her memory, but we can't think of anything." A small smile fell on Hannah's lips. "I might have an idea. But we must wait for nightfall."
And so they did, and at nightfall the group followed after Hannah from Paiges home to where Sarah had been buried. They brought lanterns and shovels at Hannah's instruction. "We can't just leave her here, alone underneath this tree. She deserves a proper burial."
Isaac nodded. "Let's move her, bury her somewhere else. So no one else knows where she is." Everyone else nodded. "Except us." They all said at once.
Paige, Isaac, and Abbi began digging. It took a few minutes but they made it to Sarah's body and Paige frowned at the sight of her dead friend.
The only calming thought was that Sarah looked peaceful, well, as peaceful as she could get. Isaac had bent back down and grabbed a stone and a small screw from his pocket, writing down four words that would change the fates of a few kids in the future.
Isaac reached down and picked Sarah's body up, holding her as Lizzie took the stone and set it in Jer place. Abbi and Hannah reburied the grave and then the group yet again began following Hannah who seemed to have the perfect spot to bury their friend.
They made it to this rock, one that seemed to have significance to Hannah as she looked at it. Paige realized it was just a bit away from where the gathering had happened days before and found herself wondering if this had been where Hannah and Sarah had run off too.
Paige and Abbi yet again began digging up the soil, making a size-able hole for Sarah to lay and rest. Once complete, Isaac carefully put Sarah's body into the grave and Hannah grabbed the lock on her chains. She took the screw from Isaac and began writing four letters.
F. I. E. R.
Paige smiled at the sentiment but cringed at the sound that was made when screw hit metal. Hannah placed the lock back down before pulling out a sort of red moss crown from by the rock.
She placed it on Sarah's head with a small smile. The group sat for a second in mourning before all grabbing handfuls of dirt and placing it back over Sarah before she was fully covered.
One by one they began to make their way back to their own homes. When Paige was about to follow after Abbi and Lizzie, she put her hand down on Sarah's new grave. "Rest easy, Sarah Fier. The day will come when they see the mistake they made."
She stood up slowly and began walking away, Isaac quickly finding himself walking next to her. All was well.
PAIGE WALKED BACK inside to find her mother waiting for her. She looked at Cynthia confused, especially when she saw the wide smile on her mother's face. "Mother? What's happened?"
Cynthias smile only grew as she excitedly got ready to tell Paige the news. "I've found you someone. Someone who has given interest in marrying you! The two of you shall wed and his family shall raise our own and keep you from going hungry."
Paige couldn't comprehend what her mother was saying. "What?" Cynthias smile faltered a bit when she didn't see her daughter expressing joy. She of course knew of Paiges liking for Isaac, but she had never seen it as getting serious or as something that would help Paige in the end.
"Michael Davison has told me he would be interested in marrying you. So, the two of you shall wed tomorrow." Cynthia replied, explaining further. Paiges mind caught up to her mother's words and she felt fiery tears build up in her eyes. "Tomorrow? Wed? Mother— what— why?"
"Because, Paige, this is a brilliant chance for us to live better lives. No more working every day for a meal. We can rest more now." Cynthia replied and she really didn't understand why Paige wasn't excited.
"But— I don't even know him! And Isaac... I'm in love with Isaac!" Paige shouted, those painful tears now falling down her face at a rapid pace. "You feel lust, you are young. The two of you would never work in the end! He would only bring you down." Cynthia cooed, trying to let Paige see her side of things.
Paige shook her head. "There is nothing lustful about it. He's the one I'm meant to be with! Why are you doing this to me?"
"To you? Paige, I'm doing this for you. The plan was always for you to wed someone with more social standing in Union. And I have found someone who has taken quite an interest in you." Cynthia looked at her daughter and watched as the tears fell, a sigh leaving her lips. "You're acting like a child. I want this relationship between us to work but I am your mother, not your friend. You will be wed and you will live a long comfortable life. Why don't you see that's all I want for you?"
Paige wiped her eyes quickly. "You want it for you! You want me to be comfortable so that you can be comfortable! I'd rather be dirt poor than marry someone I don't even know over the one I want. Isaac and I— we've already decided to get married. Please, please, just let me choose for myself!"
But that's when she noticed the small bag on one of the chairs. It was a bag she had seen around often, but now it was full. And that's when she realized what was really happening.
Michael Davison and his family had paid Cynthia for Paiges hand in marriage, and she had taken the money. Paige really was now left with no choice.
"It's been done, I'm sure you see that now. Paige, I love you so much. If I didn't care I wouldn't be doing this but in the end you shall thank me! In the end you will see that I was only looking out for your future." Cynthia stated and a frown fell on her features as Paige ran out of the house.
Her vision was cloudy and she could barely see. Her breathing was staggered as she tried to find the place she was looking for. Her head was throbbing from the endless tears and she couldn't stop the random sobs from escaping from her lips.
And when she saw his face after knocking on his door, her sobs became much more frequent. "Paige? What's wrong?" Isaac questioned, his hands falling on either one of her shoulders.
Paige just pulled him into a hug, sobbing as her head landed on his chest. Isaac was quick to comfort her, confused and worried as to what had happened.
"My— mother... she—she was paid off— by the Davison's. I'm— I'm getting married in the morning and she won't... she won't take it back!" Paige sobbed, her words staggering as she tried to speak when words felt impossible.
"What?" Isaac questioned softly, staring forwards. He wondered if the sound of his heart shattering could be heard by anyone. He wondered why this was happening to them.
"I begged her, but she wouldn't change her mind. I don't want to marry anyone but you." Paige cried harder and Isaac rubbed her back, resting his chin on her shoulder as his own tears fell.
The two just stood there, neither could really believe this was reality. Paige would be marrying someone who wasn't Isaac, he hated that thought more than any other.
So he pulled away and rested his hands back on her shoulders. "Then... then let us leave. We can go far away and never look back." Paige looked up at him with a sad smile, oh how she wished they could.
But they both knew it wasn't realistic. They had never been far from Union and it had always been the tale that the closest town was miles and miles away. They'd die before they found anyone.
And Isaac would be leaving his family, something Paige couldn't let him do just for her. He had to take care of them, he loved them too much to leave them.
And neither could think to leave Hannah, Lizzie, and Abbi. The three were their closest and almost only friends in all of Union.
"I wish it were that easy." Paige frowned. Isaac moved his hands to hold her face, wiping the tears from her eyes with a sad smile. "We will find a way, we will always find a way."
"What will we do?" Paige questioned, a bit of hope entering her heart. "I don't know— we could meet in private. Meet in the woods when no one notices and just forget about everything for a short time. Whenever we can."
Paige smiled with a small nod. "I like that plan." Isaac nodded, then that's what they'd do. They'd find a way, their love would find a way.
Isaac brought Paiges face into his, kissing her for what felt like the last time. His heart broke even more at the thought that this would be their last kiss. He didn't want their love to end and neither did she.
So they savored every feeling of the others lips on their own.
The universe would to try and pull them apart, but, their love would always make it through. They were together until the end of time, no matter who or what tried to stop them.
I swear you guys are gonna hate me so much by the end of this story but I promise it all works out. I legit cried writing next chapter so be ready for that but Paige and Isaac literally deserve the world.
I'm very sorry for the constant sad endings but I had to find a way for Paige and Isaac to be in love without Annie and Simon being related down the line and this is what my mind came up with
I love you all thank you for 92k that's crazy
this was going to be the last chapter but then it would be more than 6k words so I'm splitting it up and next chapter is the last of 1666 movie but I will be writing some extras from 1994!
also the way I kinda back tracked on cynthias character growth but also didn't since she wanted to be more involved with paige and bestie really thought she was doing the right thing
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