Ezra walked around the ghost holding Dumb Dumbs and Smarties. He tip-toed behind Kanan and wrapped his arms around his neck. He giggled as Kanan fell to the couch. Then Ezra snorted.
"Get off!" Kanan knocked into everything.
"Have some candy!" Ezra snorted and gave Kanan a dum dum.
"What's this." Kanan asked.
Ezra snorted. "A dum dum."
"Go bother storm troopers." Kanan sighed.
"I've got an even better idea." Ezra skipped off into town. Giggling.
"Howdy! I'm FLOWEY!" He yelled from on top of a building. All the people stared. "Flowey the flower." He winked. Kallus emerged from the crowd.
"You?!" He yelled.
"That's right. Flowey the flower wants revenge." He bent down. "Revenge is this thing where you-"
"I know what revenge is!" Kallus interrupted.
"Your being mean!" Ezra yelled. "And stupid for interrupting me." He told him. "Flowey the flower shows no mercy!" He yelled. "I'll destroy the world as you know it!" Ezra strained his voice.
"Shut up kid and get down here!" Kallus grinned.
"I'm not stupid you puny human!" He yelled. "This is a trap you idiot!"
"No I'm trapping you!" Kallus screamed to him.
"I had no idea you were that bad at traps don't know your name. " Ezra purposely forgot his name.
"You do know my name!" Kallus tried to climb the building to get to Ezra.
"Okay Mr. Human! You need some friendliness shards!"
Kallus froze. "What the?!" He yelled up to Ezra.
"Your almost there. You can make it. I'm sorry I didn't bring Cheerleaders but I really don't care whether you fall off and die a terrible death or make it up here!" Ezra smiled.
"SHUT IT KID!" Kallus snapped.
"I'd rather kill you!" Ezra jumped. Kallus slapped his hand on top of the building to climb up.
"Do you think Flowey is evil?" Ezra asked him.
"I don't care." Kallus panted. His other hand came up.
"I think he is." Ezra said. Kallus moved up his feet.
"Now you die." Kallus said.
"Nah." Ezra waved his hand. "Your stupid Mr. Human."
"Your also human." Kallus snapped.
"I'm a flower. Are you blind?!" Ezra put his hands on his hips.
"Shut up." Kallus panted.
"Your stupid for thinking I would. You need some smarties to be smart." Ezra tackled Kallus laughing and snorting and throwing smarties.
"Get off!" Kallus stood up.
"Yikes." Ezra waved his hand in front of his face. "Dude you need a tic-tac!"
Kallus glared at him. He scratched his nose.
Ezra ran to the next building screaming. "Kallus picked his nose! Kallus picked his nose! Kallus picked his nose...." The stormtroopers laughed at Kallus as he ran past.
"I need you to stand still and shut your mouth!" Kallus told Ezra.
"La la la la la la la la!" Ezra yelled. "I can't hear you!!! Oh and FYI there's a little booger on your nose."
Kallus glared at him. "No there's not!" He snapped.
"You gotta get it!" He said. Kallus wiped his nose again.
"Kallus picked his nose again. Kallus picked his nose again!" He ran around yelling.
"Why are you so crazy?!" Kallus held Ezra still.
"Cuz I'm putting on a good show for the camera!" Ezra laughed and pointed across the street. Kallus followed his finger to see a small camera with a red dot lighting up. Ezra jumped across the building and grasped the camera. He saluted to Kallus then hopped off the building and ran back to the ghost. When he got back he downloaded it to his laptop and watched it.
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