Chapter 10
Alex paced back and forth in the hospital room, waiting for Eliza to wake up. She was breathing, but she looked pale, and her face looked thinner, where you can see her cheekbones.
Pippa was sitting in a chair, playing on Alex's phone, trying not to be scared. But the poor 5 year old girl was terrified. She was scarred after her mother collapsed in front of her, and how all these people ran into her home, and the loud noises coming from the ambulance. For 10 minutes, she clung on to Alex for dear life.
All of a sudden, a weird beeping noise echoed through the silent room. Alex and Pippa shot their heads up, and ran to Eliza, who's chest was rapidly moving up and down.
"Phillipa! Press the red button!" Alex exclaimed, taking Eliza's hand. Pippa did so, and ran so Alex, hugging him as doctors and nurses came to the room and ushered them out.
"Wait! Th-" Alex started, but was cut off with the door slamming in front of them. He looked down and saw Pippa silently crying. He picked her up and put her on his lap as he sat down outside of the room.
"Pippa, what's wrong sweetheart? It's ok, I'm here. Shhhhhh" he said, rocking his daughter back and forth.
"I-I'm scared, D-Daddy" she whimpered, and continued to cry, hugging him.
Alex was shocked, and about to cry himself. He was trying his best to hold it in for Pippa, to not scare her anymore than she was already. But this put him over the top.
"D-Daddy? You c-called me Daddy" Alex confirmed
"Y-yeah. Are y-you mad?" Pippa questioned, looking at her father with tearful eyes.
"No, Phillipa. Not at all. Thank you. I love you, Pip, I really do" Alex said, tear drops falling on his face.
"I-I love you too, Daddy. Is Mommy gonna be ok?" she asked, still frightened.
"I think so. Mommy should be fine" Alex said, but didn't feel confident.
Then the door flew open. The nurse looked at the man and the little girl, a wet, crying mess, and gave them a sympathetic look. The she said "you two can see her now" and walked off with papers.
Alex practically ran into the room with Pippa in hand. There he saw Eliza laying on the bed, but it was elevated so she was sitting up a little, and she her eyes open, squinting them when she felt pain.
"Eliza! Oh my god are you ok?! You really scared me what happened! Eliza I-" Alex exclaimed, until the doctor interrupted him.
"Excuse me? I have to talk too" the nurse said snottily.
"Excuse me, but can I not ask her questions about her health?" Alex replied in the same tone. He never lost an argument, and he was not going to start now.
The nurse was silent. Then he shot "I don't know why your so concerned for her health, when you haven't been watching her or helping her in that matter lately, as it seems".
Alex was pissed. "And I don't why your a doctor. You don't seem to be doing anything except making me want to report you" he replied, smirking.
"And why is that? Because I'm making you mad? Awe poor baby!" he mocked
"ALEXANDER!" Eliza said, trying to break apart the argument. "Phillipa is right here. Good job. Both of you. Nurse, I would like to see my doctor now, thank you. And Alexander? Shut the hell up" she directed sternly, but weakly. The nurse scoffed and walked off.
"Eliza... what happened?" Alex asked softly, almost like a whisper
"I-" she started, but a new doctor walked in at that exact moment. "Hello! My name is Dr. Ross! So, I have your papers, and we have figured out what happened to you, Ms. Elizabeth" Dr. Ross confirmed.
"Is it bad? Is Mommy gonna be okay?" Pippa asked, and Eliza and the doctor smiled at her.
"Yes, honey, your mommy should be fine. She just needs TLC! Tender Loving Care. Can you be a big help and do that for me?" the Dr. Ross asked nicely.
"Yeah" Pippa said, wiping her tears away
"Ok! I'm sorry to say this, but Elizabeth has a form of EDNOS".
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