The Truth
(Has anyone been telling the truth recently? I feel like everything in my life so far has been a fucking lie. I know some people that just only lie about everything and I don't understand it. It's not hard to tell the truth unless it's like homework or grades to your parents. I don't know what to believe anymore. I don't even have any motivation to win this game anymore.)
*Y/N Pov*
Isaac: "Yo so I saved your life, could I get that address now?"
Rebekah: "No."
Isaac: "Please?"
Rebekah: "No."
Isaac: "Why the fuck not?"
Rebekah: "Because I said no."
Isaac: "You gotta give me something."
Rebekah: "Oh my god no, not even in your dreams."
Isaac: "This is like a dream."
Y/N: "God this feels like I'm third wheeling."
Arachnid hands Rebekah a silenced pistol.
Isaac: "What the fuck is that? She gets a gun!? I'm asking for a gun every damn day and I get one for Christmas, I had to earn bullets for it. You said she is dangerous and then-"
Arachnid gives Isaac a pistol.
Isaac: "That's what I'm fucking talking about man! Wait what is this for? Arachnid what is going on!?"
Arachnid: "We are going to Solomon's to raid that shit."
Isaac: "During the day? Are you serious?"
Arachnid: "It's the best time to go they won't expect it."
Y/N: "Yeah they won't expect it but they will fucking see us."
Isaac: "It's not the best time of day."
Arachnid: "With John gone it's 4 vs 2. I mean Jesus is dead right? You killed him right?"
Isaac: "I knocked him the fuck out dude. I hit him in the back of the head and knocked him the fuck out."
Arachnid: "The fuck you mean you knocked him? Why wouldn't you kill him? You had 2 vs 1."
Isaac: "Do you think I would kill someone named Jesus!? I'd go straight to hell for something like that!"
Arachnid: "He sure as fuck would have killed you!"
Isaac: "Well it's not just about Jesus right!? Like what about Gingey?"
Arachnid: "Fuck that bitch he isn't even ranked!"
Y/N: "Again, in the day they are going to see us easily."
Isaac: "You gotta think about this shit man."
Arachnid: "Fuck that, we're going to finish this shit."
Isaac: "Nah man."
Isaac puts his hand on Arachnid so he would back up.
Isaac: "I think this is a mistake."
Arachnid: "What?"
Rebekah: "Why?"
Arachnid: "Is there something you aren't telling me?"
Y/N: "I'm with Isaac on this."
Isaac: "We just shouldn't fucking go."
Rebekah: "What the fuck are you two doing?"
Arachnid: "We gotta kill those motherfuckers!"
Rebekah: "If Arachnid wants to go then we should probably fucking go."
Arachnid: "See, even your hoe wants to go."
Rebekah: "Bitch shut up."
Isaac: "Arachnid you are under leveled, she is under leveled and I'm under leveled! We are all under leveled here they are level ?. It doesn't matter about numbers when they are higher leveled!"
Arachnid: "I don't give a fuck what level they are we have a fucking level ? right here! Do you know how many of those motherfuckers I took out!?"
Y/N: "I'm not doing your dirty work bitch. Arachnid you knocked them down and they got back up!"
Arachnid: "And I knocked them down again!"
Arachnid is in Isaac's face.
Arachnid: "Why you being such a fucking pussy!? You're always a fucking pussy!"
Isaac punches Arachnid in the face.
Y/N: "Dude fucking chill!"
Isaac: "I'm angry! I'm sorry it's still my fucking step mom dude!"
Arachnid: "You better get over that fucking shit!"
Isaac: "Yo Rebekah and Y/N can I talk to you two outside please?"
Rebekah: "Yeah that sounds like a fucking good idea!"
Y/N: "Sure."
Arachnid: "What do you need fucking therapy!? Little sexual healing?"
Isaac and Rebekah: "Shut the fuck up."
Rebekah: "Go."
Y/N: "We'll be back in a min!"
Arachnid: "Yeah sure you will."
Rebekah: "What the fuck were you doing in there!? We need him for Malachi!"
Y/N: "Should you be yelling his name?"
Isaac: "Things have changed. We can't go."
Rebekah: "Well why the fuck not?"
Isaac: "I met Solomon in real life."
Y/N: "I think I know where this is going."
Isaac: "How?"
Y/N: "I've met Solomon in real life as well."
Rebekah: "Okay and why does that matter?"
Isaac: "It's a little fucking girl."
Rebekah: "Are you kidding me?"
Y/N: "He isn't."
Rebekah: "I knew that shit was a little over the top. The fuck where are the parents at and why is she playing this game?"
Isaac: "That's what I'm saying. But look I promised her that we wouldn't kill her and I have to keep that promise."
Rebekah: "So how are you going to win this game?"
Isaac: "I don't know we will find another way."
Rebekah: "If you can't kill her than how are you going to kill me? What are you going to do to win this?"
Isaac: "I don't want to kill you or Y/N. I don't want to kill her. I don't want anyone else to die! It's not worth it, not anymore."
Rebekah: "She didn't care when she was shooting John huh?"
Isaac: "Well that shit isn't right."
Y/N: "He had it coming."
Rebekah: "Isaac this whole game isn't right!"
Isaac: "All of life isn't right! So what you just quit and stop playing!? It means you don't have to do hard things? I don't know. Look I told the little girl I wouldn't kill her! We kill Solomon and we kill her! I don't think that's fucking right and I don't think he's going to fucking understand that cuz all he wants to do is win this game I don't think he gives a shit about anything in his life-"
Isaac starts to cry.
Isaac: "Just has to be a little fucking girl! Fuck! Fuck! I lost my little sister, when she was just- It was just a few years ago and I was expected to look after her- I was her older brother and I had to be there for her and I wasn't there! I play this game because I just want to get away from it! Everything I do in my life I see her and I think about her and I think about how good she was and how innocent and perfect she was! I think about how she thought the world of me! That's why I come to this world! To leave all that shit behind! Fuck!"
Rebekah holds Isaac to help him feel better.
Isaac: "I can't kill this girl. That's my wish, I want my sister back and I'm not about to kill a little girl for her. I just want her back."
We sit here for a few moments. Arachnid ran out to see what was going on at one moment and went back in.
Isaac: "My life hasn't been the same since she's passed. Everything is so dark. I don't want to live anymore but this game has kept me going because there is the possibility that I could be with here again. I don't even know if it's possible but I wanna at least try but I'm not about to fucking kill her, I just want to get to Haven and get that wish."
Rebekah: "I'll help you. I'll take you to Haven myself."
Isaac: "What about your wish?"
Rebekah: "Isaac my wish isn't as important as your's."
Isaac: "Thank you-"
Y/N: "Isaac I know how you feel..."
Isaac: "What?"
Y/N: "My wish was similar to your's."
Rebekah: "What's your wish?"
Y/N: "I want my family back..."
Isaac: "Your family? What do you mean?"
Y/N: "My mom, sister, and brother are dead. *starts crying* They died in a fucking car accident! But I don't I think want the wish anymore."
Isaac: "Why don't you want the wish anymore?"
Y/N: "What's the fucking point!? Everything that is around me ends up dying! I can't do anything to protect them! I lost my fucking family and my two best friends! I loved Ashley and she fucking died that day! Right before she died she admitted she loved me! I don't want to live either Isaac! I don't give a fuck if I die anymore, I would rather be fucking dead! For me, Happiness isn't real!"
Isaac: "Then why are you still playing the game?"
Rebekah: "What is your goal?"
Y/N: *Stops crying* "I'm going to help Isaac get his wish."
Isaac: "Dude you don't have to, just get your wish!"
Y/N: "Sorry dude but I gave up on my wish. I'm going to help you win."
Isaac: "Thanks, you two. Will you two have my back when he tries to kill everyone?"
Rebekah: "Yeah he won't touch her."
Isaac: "I can't kill her."
Y/N: "Same here Isaac. I'll kill him if he tries to kill her."
Isaac: "Okay."
Rebekah: "Ready?"
Y/N and Isaac: "Yeah"
Rebekah: "Let's go."
Isaac: "Rebekah, Y/N hold on. Thank you, seriously."
Rebekah: "You're welcome Isaac."
Y/N: "No problem dude."
We head back inside.
Arachnid: "You guys done hooking up? Let's go."
Isaac: "Stop."
Rebekah: "Isaac's right."
Y/N: "We aren't fucking killing Solomon."
Arachnid: "What? The fuck did you tell them?"
Y/N: "He didn't have to tell me anything bitch. I wasn't going to kill Solomon in the first place."
Isaac: "You heard them."
Arachnid: "I don't like this shit! I knew you two motherfuckers shouldn't have hooked up! SHIT ALWAYS HAPPENS! FUCKING PUSSY GETS IN THE WAY!"
Isaac: "Shut the fuck up dude."
Arachnid: "You always going to be a bitch? Feel sorry about your step mom? Always need somebody to make you feel better? You have an alliance with Solomon?"
Isaac pushes Arachnid.
Isaac: "IT'S A LITTLE FUCKING GIRL DUDE! Solomon is like 10 years old in real life! Is that how you want to win this game Arachnid? By killing a little fucking girl?"
Arachnid: "Nah."
Y/N: "What?"
Arachnid: "She's playing this game, she knows what the fuck she is doing!"
Isaac: "Okay but her parents probably don't even know that she is playing this shit! Like you don't sign anything to play! It's not regulated."
Rebekah: "I thought the police were investigating this anyway."
Isaac: "Exactly dude!"
Arachnid: "Fuck the police! She knows what the fuck she is doing! She shouldn't be in this fucking game, she's gotta die, Solomon dies tonight!!"
Y/N: "We aren't fucking killing her."
Isaac: "There's gotta be another way. There has to be."
Arachnid: "You fucking pussy! How do you think you are going to win this game!? You're just gonna be in my way!"
Isaac: "You really wouldn't feel any for killing a little girl?"
Arachnid: "No!"
Rebekah: "Are you fucking serious!?"
Arachnid: "Don't I fucking look serious!?"
Y/N: "That's fucked up dude."
Arachnid: "How do you even know it was a little girl!? Did you meet her!?"
Y/N: "I'm guessing Isaac met her recently, I met her a long time ago. I promised her I wouldn't kill her and same with Isaac."
Arachnid: "And you know it was Solomon?"
Y/N: "Yes I met her when she started playing the game."
Arachnid: "You motherfuckers are being played!"
Isaac: "Whatever dude."
Rebekah: "Do you give a fuck about anybody but your god damn self? She's not even old of enough to know better!"
Isaac: "Yeah dude, are you that detached from reality where you wouldn't feel anything for killing her!? If that's the case man, you have no fucking soul. I don't know what happened to you man, to make you get to this point but maybe it's like what I said in the hot tub. That you have never felt love before and that's just sad."
Arachnid: "I love this game, it's the only thing I have. I'm getting to Haven. It's kill or be killed! I didn't come this fucking far to fall for a guilt trip."
Isaac: "Okay dude it's not a guilt trip."
Rebekah: "If you kill everyone off then there will be no one else to play the game with."
Arachnid: "You don't know shit. It's all a game, it just keeps going. It never ends."
Y/N: "It may be a game Arachnid but there will be a point where if you kill everyone then there actually will be no one else in this game!"
Arachnid: "It's a simulation nothing really matters."
Y/N: "Dude you better shut the fuck up."
Rebekah: "I think you need to lay off the fucking XP."
Isaac: "Yeah dude what the fuck are you saying?"
Arachnid: "Your whole life is just a game Isaac."
Isaac: "Dude shut the fuck up man. You can't say shit like that. You can't suddenly just write stuff off that's bad just because it's a game man. That's not an excuse."
Rebekah: "What if we got Solomon to quit? What if we just took her helmet away I mean we just need Solomon gone right?"
Y/N: "I was thinking the same thing!"
Isaac: "Yo that's a good ass fucking point! I think we can do that!"
Arachnid: "Peace, Love, and positivity! That's not what this shit is for! It goes against our nature!"
Isaac: "Like you know what this shit is for man. I mean we can get Solomon at gun point, force her to quit the game! Like a spawn trap or some shit! If we can trap her here she has no choice but to stop playing!"
Arachnid: "What about our XP?"
Isaac: "We might not get her XP but we can get all of the XP they have. It's fucking genius! Let's do it!"
Arachnid: "Oh here we go, as long as we don't do it hard!"
Isaac: "Excuse me?"
Arachnid: "Just barely skating by. You spoiled little punk ass bitch! I knew when I first laid my eyes on you that you get everything handed to you! You haven't been through shit! You rely on everybody else-"
Isaac: "I lost my little sister when she was young! You don't know anything about that shit! Because you don't care to, nobody does man you don't care about anyone but yourself, it's true! Just like how you don't care about this little girl! God forbid Arachnid! Other people have feelings! People are going through shit every fucking day! Did you ever just think that maybe her shitty home life is that bad that she needs to escape and become a mobster in this game!? And we are just going ta- Hey don't do that man. You look at me!"
Isaac pushes Arachnid clearly tired of his shit.
Y/N: "Isaac..."
Isaac: "And don't mistate my compassion for a weakness motherfucker! I've been through more shit then most people have just in the last week than their entire life times! I don't give a shit if you see me cry because every single of my tears is just fueled by fire! And do not get in the way of that!"
Isaac has a gun up to Arachnid's head.
Isaac: "I've got more purpose than you'll ever have bitch. Because I don't bring myself up to love and when you do that you can't be stopped! And that's why I'm going to win this game because she is pushing me every step of this way! Just so I can be with her again!"
Y/N: "Isaac calm down!"
Rebekah: "Isaac please."
Isaac moves the gun away.
Isaac: "Sorry. Ayyee now you got some tears you motherfucker hows that feel? Look we can't go tonight. I have a funeral tomorrow and I can't be up late so let's raid tomorrow night. Yeah let's raid tomorrow night and force Solomon to quit, cool?"
Y/N: "All good to me."
Rebekah: "Sounds good."
Isaac: "Sweet."
Rebekah: "What if Solomon starts shooting though?"
Y/N: "I don't think he will to be honest but if he does then we gotta find a way to stop him like knocking Solomon out. Like what me and Arachnid did to Malachi, shoot in the legs or something just don't kill Solomon."
Rebekah: "Alright cool, I'll go get my crossbow."
Isaac: "Cool I'll see you tomorrow night."
Rebekah: "Bet you will."
Isaac: "Maybe I can get that address."
Rebekah: "Nope."
Y/N: "Feels bad man."
Isaac: "Does that sound good to you black widow?"
Me and Isaac turn around to see Arachnid smirking.
Arachnid: "Yeah neither of you run this team, think you are doing a good thing? That compassion? It's going to kill you in the end."
Isaac: "So be it. It's the only thing driving me I'll see you tomorrow night Arachnid."
Y/N: "He won't be dying Arachnid! I'll make sure of that!"
Then we both left and logged out and I decided to hang out with my dad for now.
A/N: Over 2700 words! There as really no action this page but did get to learn about some peoples past! Next page won't be the happiest thing ever.
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