Dealing With Demons
(Have you ever felt like you don't know what to do anymore? Like you are fighting a war inside your head just so you can feel better about yourself? An endless war that you can never win. Everyone has their own demons, but they just never give up. I always end up thinking about the past and hating myself more and more. I can never win against these demons. Will I end up going insane? Will I never be happy?)
* Isaac Pov*
SHIT! Me and Arachnid are fighting the brotherhood and we just ran out of ammo but then there was one loud gun shot. Everyone stopped moving and all looked in that direction. I looked and saw Y/N!? Where has he been!? He is surrounded by 4 people with one dead in front of him.
*Y/N Pov*
???: *In the distance* "Hey! He is the other one we are supposed to kill!"
???: "Don't worry about that. Us four can handle him!"
Y/N: "..."
???: "What are you not going to speak? Are you afraid to die!?"
Y/N: "And why would I be afraid of death? I already want to die but it's not happening here..."
I looked back at the guy I was talking to and he removed his mask. It's Chad? Thought he was too scared of me.
Chad: "Remember me!? I'm the motherfucker you let live that night after killing his unranked friends!"
Y/N: "I don't give a shit who you are. You're going to be dead anyways."
???: "Boss can we just kill him already!?"
Y/N: "Isaac! Arachnid! Go already! I'll keep them distracted!"
They nod and split up with some of the brothers following them.
Chad: "What are you trying to do? Trying to play the hero?"
Y/N: "No. I could never be a hero, If anything what you will be seeing is a demon."
Chad: "A demon? Please that's just some stupid-"
I did the same thing again like the last time. I shot three of them and was instantly in front of Chad with a knife up to his throat.
Chad: "W-what a-are you!?"
Y/N: "Like I said, I'm going to show you a demon."
Huh...? I look behind me to see a hooded figure with a gun pointed at me. I look at my shoulder and see that I was shot...
Hooded Man: "Just making things fair *Demon*"
I let go of Chad and held my shoulder. It hurt like a bitch! Why does this shit keep happening!?
Chad: "Thank you whoever you are. Besides this kid wouldn't have been able to kill me easily in the first place."
Y/N: "What are you talking about?"
Chad: "I'm level ??"
What the fuck!? How is he the highest level now!? He reveals his wrist and he wasn't lying.
Y/N: "That doesn't matter. I'll keep knocking you down over and over until you are dead."
I charged at him and tackled him to the ground and started punching him in the face. Until that hooded man shot me again in the leg this time
I got off him because of the pain I was in. I need to use some of the XP I have before it's too late!
Chad: "Again I can deal with him on my own! This is my mission!"
Y/N: M-mission? What are you talking about?"
Chad: "The Overlord doesn't seem to like you! So he asked me to kill you and I will be rewarded for it!"
Y/N: "And you actually believe him? What if he doesn't reward you?"
I knew it... I knew the Overlord wanted me dead.
Chad: "That doesn't matter. Because I want you dead in the first place for looking down on me that night!"
Y/N: "Dude you looked like you were going to piss yourself not my problem."
Chad shoots me in my other leg.
Chad: "Don't worry everything will be over with soon!"
I take my knife back out and throw it. It lands right in the between his eyes and he falls over.
Y/N: "Finally..."
I consume some XP and was about to get up but I was shot again. The hooded man was still there and shot me in the stomach so I fell back down.
The Hooded Man: "..."
He aims the gun at my head and was about to shoot but then he started getting shot at and ran.
Moderator: "Y/N! Are you alright!?"
Y/N: "Does it look like it? I have XP so I'll be fine."
Moderator: "But what about the real world? You won't be fine there."
Y/N: "That doesn't matter. Did Isaac and Arachnid get away?"
Moderator: "I just helped Arachnid out. I'm sure Isaac got away."
Y/N: "Good, Now I have to deal with some things."
Moderator: "Are you logging out?"
Y/N: "Yes, Either way I'm gonna end up passing out."
I log out and instantly collapse. Too much blood loss huh?
*In Y/N's Head*
Other Y/N: "Hello there."
Y/N: "..."
Other Y/N: "Ahh you remember me huh?"
Y/N: "Yeah, I do."
Other Y/N: "Do you remember anything after that?"
Y/N: "No..."
Other Y/N: "Well I think that's for the better! How was that near death experience?"
Y/N: "I'm still alive? Great..."
Other Y/N: "You really don't like living huh? I guess it's almost like torture to you. Well you can deal with that then! I'm leaving now Y/N! Don't forget about me!"
And he's gone... Everything is black right now so I guess I'm still unconscious...
Arachnid is shooting an assault rifle just for fun I guess.
Isaac: "YO ARACHNID! YO YO STOP SHOOTING MAN! Aye alright, what are you going to do with that? You know I will fuck shit up with this hammer. Alright can I show you something?"
Arachnid: "What?"
Isaac: "Alright, you ready for some fun times? Introducing the new member of team piece of shit!
Rebekah shows up.
Arachnid: "Fuck no. Fuck no."
Isaac: "No this is bloody tampon."
Rebekah: "Shut the fuck up."
Isaac: "What that's your nickname everyone needs one. That's shit for brains."
Arachnid: "What the hell are you talking about!?"
Isaac: "She saved my life that day with the brothers. She earned her keep."
Rebekah: "Uhh excuse me I saved your life not theirs."
Isaac: "I know but I'm associated with them so that's how-"
Arachnid: "What's your rank!?"
Rebekah shows her wrist and is level 10 now.
Arachnid: "That's what I'm talking about! What you just get someone on the team and you don't talk to me!? Just like this bitch over here!"
Y/N: "..."
Isaac: "Dude she comes with a crossbow and a sword you don't need to suit her up man! It's ten levels-"
Arachnid: "No the team is right here! Not outside of this!"
Isaac: "Dude if she wasn't there that day with the brothers than I would have died!"
Arachnid: "No you get the fuck over here we are talking over here! You get the fuck over here too!"
He drags me over with them.
Isaac: "Yo bitch calm the fuck down."
Arachnid: "I told you I don't trust that blue haired bitch!"
Isaac: "You don't trust anyone man-"
Rebekah: "Uhh it's purple! It's purple now."
Isaac: "It's purple now dude."
Arachnid: "I don't fucking care what color it is. I told you I don't fucking trust her."
Y/N: "Huh? Why am I here?"
Arachnid: "Have you not been paying attention at all!?"
Y/N: "Sorry... A lot has been going on recently."
Isaac: "Okay man well she killed the brothers that day. What more do you need?"
Arachnid: "What more do I need? She fucking killed the brothers think about that. Why was she there right? Because she wanted more XP just like the XP she stole from me."
Isaac: "And so what? Everyone wants XP- You'll get over that man. She saved my life-"
Arachnid: "We could have been level 15 by now! We could be fucking level ?'s right now!"
Isaac: "Well guess what? She's level 10!"
Arachnid: "That's what I'm talking about!"
Arachnid shows his wrist and he is level 10 like her.
Isaac: "Okay and you are level 10 as well but what about me man? I'm level 5, how do you think I feel?"
Arachnid: "Don't you get it? She's fucking dangerous! It's bad enough that we have this dumbass over here! They both could kill us at any fucking second-"
An arrow lands next to my head since I was leaning on the pole. I moved my head in time for that.
Arachnid: "What the fuck!?"
Isaac: "That was a pretty good shot man you gotta admit that."
Y/N: "Thanks for the gift."
Isaac and Arachnid head inside to talk and I stayed outside with Rebekah.
Y/N: "..."
Rebekah: "Aren't you going to make some dumb joke?"
Y/N: "Nah."
Rebekah: "Surprising, you aren't mad about me almost shooting you in the head with an arrow?"
Y/N: "Not really, I dodged by instinct. Wish I didn't..."
Rebekah: "Why do you seem depressed now? You are always making jokes and now you are being silent."
Y/N: "No reason really. Just a lot is going on right now."
Rebekah: "Okay then? Well if you ever need to talk about it, I'm right here."
Y/N: "Yeah..."
Isaac comes out.
Isaac: "Yo aye guys sorry about that."
Rebekah: "What took so fucking long!?"
Isaac: "Something about a nun going missing and then a VR with the mobsters body."
Rebekah: "What the fuck are you talking about? Are you high?"
Isaac: "Nah not right now. Ummm anyways me and Arachnid talked about you joining the team and we ummm we came to the conclusion that uhh-"
Rebekah: "Just spit it out."
Isaac: "We're cool right?"
Rebekah: "Do you think I would be standing here if we weren't?"
Isaac: "Like the matching hats, that means we're dating that's what that means?"
Rebekah: "No absolutely not."
Isaac: "Oh that's not what that means?"
Y/N: "Why would that mean that in the first place? All she did was save you."
Isaac: "Uhhh yeah that means she's stuck with my ass. I'm your's pledged forever."
Rebekah: "Lucky me."
They just kept talking about some dumb shit and Isaac did this dumb easter egg but Rebekah brought up Malachi.
Rebekah: "Did you tell Arachnid about Malachi?"
Y/N: "Malachi? What about him?"
Rebekah: "You don't even know?"
Isaac: "I couldn't tell them! Arachnid would kill me if he knew!"
Y/N: "Isaac? Is Malachi still alive?"
Isaac: "Y-yeah sorry about not telling you."
Y/N: *Sigh* "I knew you wouldn't kill him. Besides Arachnid isn't going to kill you. He still has to go through me and her."
Rebekah: "Yeah so who fucking cares?"
Isaac: "Oh really you both have my back?"
Y/N: "Well yeah, he doesn't like me in the first place."
Rebekah: "Well obviously."
Isaac: "Alright I see you."
Rebekah: "Ain't no one afraid of that old bald motherfucker."
Isaac: "Yo that's what I'm saying and I'll knock those dentures right out of his face-"
Rebekah: "And I'm not threatened by you two either. Look I don't care! Am I on the team or not?"
Isaac: "You are- I gotta think about this."
Y/N: "Isaac? What are you doing?"
Isaac: "I'm thinking hold on."
Y/N: "Well I'll be over here while you think then."
A/N: Too much action recently? But I like it that way keeps everything moving and exciting! Next page might have some action in it too. Bye!
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