Christmas E.V.E
(Christmas was around the corner. I don't enjoy holidays anymore ever since people close to me started leaving... It's usually only me and my dad around the house these days. I want them back, and the only way that can happen is if I win this game.)
*Y/N Pov*
James: "HahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Y/N: "The fuck are you laughing about!?"
James: "Oh nothing really! How excited are you to die and see your friends!?"
Y/N: "..."
James: "What? Are you giving me the silent treatment now?"
I'm standing at the entrance and he is standing on the stage. We both have somewhere we can run to for cover, I can do this. I have to get revenge on him. For being with that gang and killing Kyle! I pull out one of my pistols and shoot at him but he knew what I was doing so he ran for cover. I ran to cover as fast as I could before he could start shooting.
James: "What are we just going to play the corner peeking game!?"
I ignore him but I do have to agree with that statement. That is what we are going to be doing, we continue to shoot at each other. I shot fast and hit him in the leg! If I can just keep getting these hits then it will lead to my victory! then he starts shooting a bunch so I couldn't really look and shoot. Then there was complete silence so I decided to lean my shoulder out and look. That was a bad idea because he shot me in the shoulder! That hurt like a bitch! He was waiting for me to peek, that's why he wasn't shooting anymore. We kept shooting until we ran out of bullets and then we ran at each other for hand to hand combat. He went to punch me in the face but I caught his fist and punched him in the face. He backed up from it to recover a bit then I ran at him thinking I had the upper hand but that lead to him kicking me in the stomach. I bent a bit because of this and he started to punch me in the back a bunch until he decided to try to knee me in the face. I dodged and leg sweeped him and he fell, I got on top of him punching him in the face.
Y/N: "I WON'T *hit* FORGIVE YOU *hit* FOR KILLING *hit* HIM!"
I went to punch him again but he moved his head and punched me to get me off of him which worked. I got up and turned around and he stabbed me in the stomach... Where the fuck did he get the knife from!? Did my knife fall out of my back pocket when I got on top of him!? I walked backwards a bit into a wall and slid down it to the point to where I was sitting against it. He starts walking slowly towards me.
James: "How did that feel? Just so you know I didn't run out of ammo! I saved one bullet with your name on it!"
He was standing over me now. I had to think fast! How could I get out of this situlation!? He points the gun at my head but it's not too close. I kick him in the knee so he misses his shot and I take out my second pistol and shoot him in the stomach.
Y/N: "H-hey how did that feel?"
I stand up slowly while he fell to the ground holding his stomach. I look down at him.
James: "Where did that second pistol come from!?"
Y/N: "I always carry a spare pistol on me."
James: "Then why didn't you shoot me way earlier!?"
Y/N: "That would have been too easy. How does it feel to be on the ground beaten? Like shit huh?"
Y/N: "Those are your last words huh? You really are pathetic. Say goodnight!"
I pulled the trigger *BANG* After I shot him I fell to the floor. I still can't believe I got stabbed and shot by him. I grab a mini mirror that I always carry with me and log out. I'm now in my room with blood coming out of my nose and mouth. I walk out of my room towards the living room where dad is.
Archie: "Hey Y/N how did things go with your frie- WHAT THE HELL!?"
Y/N: *In A Weak Voice* I settled things with that friend..."
Oh no I'm going to pass out...
Dad was extremely worried after I passed out but a few hours after that I woke up. It's now been a couple of weeks since that day and it's now Christmas E.V.E... I hate holidays. But I try my best since I don't want to let my dad feel worse. My dad left a while ago saying he had to go to Joseph's for something. I decided I finally wanted to pay someone a visit. Arachnid but I plan to do that tomorrow. For today I'm going to take it easy and rest. So much shit has been happening recently so I just need to take a break for today.
*The Next Day*
Today is the day I see Arachnid. It's been awhile since I have seen him, maybe he'll be overjoyed to see me! Most likely not. I am outside the house but I see Isaac come out!? He takes out his phone and calls somebody asking for coordinates to someone. He quickly hangs up seeing Arachnid come out and explains what he did.
Arachnid: "Alright let's go-"
Isaac: "Y/N what are you doing here!?"
Y/N: "Hey Isaac! *Smirks* Hello Arachnid. Nice to see you."
Arachnid: *Takes Out Gun* "What the fuck are you doing here!?"
Y/N: "Paying you a visit my friend! What's the issue with that?"
Arachnid: "Are you two fucking friends!?"
Isaac: "Yeah dude we met in elementary school and we haven't seen each other since then. Dude calm down with the gun shit!"
Arachnid: "You two are teamed!?"
Y/N: "I wouldn't say exactly *teamed* I just help him when I can okay? I'm not here to start shit with you.
Arachnid: "Right then why the fuck are you here?"
Y/N: "Just came to see what you two were up to. So what are you two up to?"
Arachnid: "And why would I fucking tell you?"
Isaac: "Dude what's the issue? Y/N could help us with what we need."
Arachnid: "Yeah and he could just shoot me while I'm not looking!"
Isaac: "Yeah but you are unranked and I don't think he will shoot you."
Y/N: "Arachnid you could shoot me as well so why would that matter? We don't trust each other but how about this, we truce for now so I can help out okay?"
Arachnid: "Yeah right and how can I believe you?"
Y/N: "I'm not to sure on how you can believe me but come on dude. You know by now that I would have tried to shoot you."
Arachnid: "Fine but I'll fucking kill you if I feel like you are going to pull something."
Y/N: "Yay now we can be friends!"
Arachnid: "Fuck you we ain't friends."
We hear foot steps while we are in the forest so we pull our guns out.
Isaac: "Whoever the fuck is out there show yourself bitch!"
It's that fucking girl that elbowed me in the face!
Girl: "Awww would you look at what we have here. Are you guys playing with your daddy?"
Y/N, Isaac, Arachnid: "Fuck you we ain't-"
We look at each other and back to her.
Isaac: "The fuck do you want Rebekah?"
So that's her name? Wait how the fuck does he know it!?
Rebekah: "First of all, put your fucking guns down."
Y/N: "You're that bitch that elbowed me in the face!"
Isaac: "Wait a minute are you wearing my hat!? Is that my hat?"
Rebekah: "Yeah it's cold as fuck out here"
Isaac: "Yo what the fuck?"
Arachnid: "Are you guys working together?"
Isaac: "No just everyone is wearing my fucking hat, I don't know what the fuck this is!"
Rebekah: "Bitch don't flatter yourself."
Isaac: "Bitch I will kill you-"
Rebekah: "Again, put the- I'm pretty sure I already killed you once motherfucker!"
What...? She starts to get in Isaac's face until I push him out of the way and get in her face.
Y/N: "Bitch you killed him!? Do you want me to kill you? You fucking smurf."
Arachnid: "What do you want?"
Rebekah: "First of all get the fuck out of my face."
She pushes me away.
Rebekah: "Second stay out of my way, the XP is mine."
Arachnid: "No fuck you that XP is mine, that motherfucker stole it from me!"
Isaac: "Yo yo you don't want to fuck with him, I mean you both fucking killed me so ya'll are perfect for each other. Just stay out of our way alright?"
I hear someone in the distance.
Y/N: "What the fuck? You guys hear that?"
Arachnid: "Yeah."
Isaac: "Yo is that him?"
Arachnid: "Let's go!"
I split off from them to get the XP but I couldn't find it. Where the fuck was it? Then I see Isaac confronting the guy we are looking for. I decide to stay back a bit and watch.
Malachi: "You wouldn't do it because guess what! There is something you don't know! If you flip the fucking switch and I put a bullet in your fucking head you're dead!"
Isaac: "I've already died before-"
Malachi: "YOU ARE DEAD IN REAL LIFE! You are dead in real life."
Isaac: "I'll do it I don't care if I die in real life."
Malachi: "Do it."
I see Arachnid and we nod. I shoot Malachi's left knee and Arachnid shoots the right one.
Malachi: "AHHHHHHHH!"
Isaac: "Holy shit."
Arachnid: "I told you to flip the switch if you were going to kill that motherfucker."
Isaac: "Dude he said something about dying in real life or some shit. Holy fuck dude."
Malachi: "Ughhh my fucking knee caps you fuckers shot them!"
Arachnid: "Where the fuck is my XP at!?"
Malachi: "I don't give a shit about you! You shot my fucking knee caps!"
Isaac: "Answer him motherfucker where is the XP at!?"
Malachi: "I don't give a fuck about you! I thought you were unranked!"
Isaac: "Yeah Arachnid I thought you were unranked."
Arachnid: "I am unranked."
Isaac: "Then how the fuck did you shoot him!?"
Y/N: "He used a lag switcher."
Isaac: "Then how did you shoot him Y/N!?"
Y/N: "..."
Arachnid: "Yeah Y/N, how did you shoot him?"
Y/N: "Because I am ranked."
Isaac: "What the fuck dude!? How long have you been ranked!?"
Y/N: "Since I started playing this game."
Isaac: "What level are you?"
Y/N: "Ten..."
Malachi: "You motherfuckers!"
Isaac: "Yo where is it Malachi?"
Arachnid: "Where the FUCK IS MY XP AT!?"
Malachi: "Behind the tree."
Arachnid: "You will never steal from me. What the fuck?"
What the- Rebekah is stealing the XP!? I hate this now... Waste of time.
Rebekah: "Seeya motherfuckers!"
Arachnid points his gun at her but Isaac stops him.
Isaac: "Yo yo dude she played us fair and square."
Arachnid pulls Isaac away.
Arachnid: "I don't give a shit what she did! You finish what we started! You kill that motherfucker or I'm going to kill you!"
Y/N: "No you won't Spidey!"
Isaac: "Now what Y/N!?"
Y/N: "Like he said, you finish what we started. Kill him, that's if you can. I'm gonna go now! Seeya Isaac! Bye Malachi! If you need a wheelchair call me!"
I walked away and logged out. So Malachi told Isaac about dying in real life while ranked huh? Now Isaac might start asking me questions.
A/N: Y/N and Arachnid working together!? I didn't expect that! Okay maybe I did since I am the one writing this but now we truly understand that they don't like each other. See you guys in the next page!
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