What A Lovely Little Suprise
Evan's P.O.V
I woke up on the sofa bed that Brock offered for me.
I really need a place of my own. Today's gonna be my last week at Brock's since I'm going to be moving out soon. I still haven't found a place, but Ally offered a room for me in her apartment.
Might as well take it. I get to see Ally more often and that's a good thing.
I looked to see who was calling me. A picture of Alice who was making the most halrious face I have ever seen her do.
"Hello." I picked up the phone.
"Hey I was wondering if you were busy today?" Alice asked.
"Nope I'm all yours." I joked.
"Good. Meet me in the park in twenty minutes." Alice told me.
"Fine. See you in twenty minutes."
"Also when you get to the park, check the park bench I always sit at." Alice told me.
"Okay?" She was acting weird.
She hung up and I rolled outta bed. Even though it's a sofa bed it's really comfy. I could stay in it all day, but life awaits me. Ally awaits me.
I walked over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I then got something to eat. After I ate, I brushed my teeth again and got ready.
Since the park we always meet at is literally five minutes away, I had three minutes to spare.
I grabbed a pot and wooden spoon. I was gonna wake up Brock, since he asked me too.
I walked into his room and started banging the spoon against pot. In seconds Brock woke up.
"When I said wake me up, I didn't mean like that." Brock told me.
"I know, but there would be no fun in that. I'm going to meet Ally. Bye!" I ran out the room.
I made my way towards the park. Once I got there I walked towards the bench Ally and I always met at.
On the bench I saw a note that said Evan on it. I grabbed it and opened it. On the note I noticed that the front cover had a picture on it. It was me and Ally at Pax when we first met.
Dear Evan,
Welcome to the little Scavenger hunt I have set up for you. This is a celebration for three years of friendship. I hope you love it.
First hint:
Where we first meet...
What does she mean? We met at Pax. We met at freaking Boston. All the way in New York. Plus this hint is not the most creative hint. She should really check her riddle skills or something.
I looked around to see any signs of a brown haired and blued eyed girl. Nothing.
I'm walked around and started thinking. Where we met....
We met at Pax. It was Wildcat, Lui, Mini, and I all together. When she came onto the stage she told us we were imaging her wrong. She came onto the stage... THE STAGE!!!
I ran to the stage that was nearby the park. How come I didn't get it sooner? It was obvious.
I ran to the stage and saw a lady performing. She was performing one of Ally's favorite songs. Hotel California.
I walked towards the girl singing. She stopped and looked at me.
"You must be Evan." She handed me a note that read Evan but this time with a heart instead of the A.
I opened it and read the card. On the card there was a little mini gatiar signed by the guys who sang Hotel California.
(A/N I'm too lazy to look up the artist who made Hotel California. All I know is that they're Eagles something.)
Hope you're liking the hunt.
Second hint:
Listen closely to the lyrics of the song closely. Remember the hotel we shared a forbidden kiss.
It really wasn't a creative hint.
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find it here
Hotel California... What about the song?
Hotel... Hotel!!!
The hint is to go near a hotel. But which one.
"Do you know which hotel she wanted me to go to?" I asked.
"The hotel you guys met at. The company one." She told me.
I gave her a confused face.
"The hotel is literally a block away." The singer told me.
"Thanks." I was getting ready to run to the nearest hotel, but the lady started performance Stand By Me. The original version.
I decided to stick around and listen to it. Once she was done I gave her a tip for helping me out and for the great performance.
I got to the hotel and walked towards the front entrance. There was a guy standing in front of the hotel.
"Are you Mr. Fong?" He asked me as soon as I got there.
"Yeah." I answered.
The man pulled out a note with my name on it. This time instead of a normal looking E it was an e that was back words. It looked like a three. The note had a pen taped on it. On the pen the name of the hotel that Ally and the Crew members, that went to Pax with her, stayed at.
I opened the note and started to read it.
To the place where I was delivered right to your doorsteps...
I hate how this hints are so easy to get, I just don't get it. I get them like five fucking hours later. Fuck... Where the fuck was she delivered to my doorsteps? Maybe she moved onto the second day.
I remember asking Speedy to bring her to me. I also remember him telling me that they went to Cracker Barrel. CRACKER BARREL!!!
I ran to the nearest Cracker barrel. I ran towards the front entrance. I looked around the chairs they always have placed around. On one of the chairs I found a note with my name on it. This time the n in my name was a ñ.
The item on the note was a key chain that had Crackers Barrel logo on it. On the back of the key chain I saw an address.
Where I got the news that my life would be forever changed...
Okay, I hate these hints. Okay what news changed her life? More importantly where did it change her life? Ally isn't gonna here the end of this when this scavenger hunt ends.
Okay I remember her leaving and when she came back she got punched by Greg. We took her to the hospital and there Ally was knocked out. When she woke up we gave her bad news. News that meant her life was gonna change. Oh wait! The hospital!
The address must be the hospital she wants me to go to. I walked over to the hospital Ally wanted me to go to.
I walked in and walked over to the check in area.
"Are you Evan Fong?" The lady at the front desk asked me.
"Yeah, do you have my next hint?" I asked her.
"Yes I do. Here you go." The lady handed me the card.
The note, like all the others, had my name on it. Like all the others a letter in my name was different. The V in my name was now replaced with a √. On the card there was a wrist band that read Clark, Alice. Must've been the wrist band they put on her when we took her to the hospital.
To the building where I rented my new life in California...
This is what I'm talking about. A hint that I can finally get.
She wants me to go to the apartment building where she first moved into after Pax. After her horrible break up.
I walked over there and walked over to the front entrance. On the front of the building the was a note. Unlike the last four notes, I saw my YouTube name. On the note a picture of me and Ally moving her into her new apartment.
Last and final hint:
To the place where our friendship and many more things was going to be put on hold...
Okay what place could she want me to go? Ughhhhh!
I wonder what she's doing right now. She's probably gloating. Saying the hints are easy. Why am I not done yet!?
Well you know what Ally? Go fuck yourself!
I'm done with life.
Where the fuck did our friendship get put on hold. I remember when I left to Canada I was at the park to say goodbye to her. That was the last time I saw her. At the park... Oh fuck off Ally!
I walked towards the park that I met Ally at. I walked over to the bench and saw a huge poster with my name and Ally's mashed up together. On the poster I saw a post card with an address on it. It was Ally's address.
To the place where I dream, eat, and live...
Now this hint is to go to her apartment. The one she owns now. I look at my phone and check the time. It was almost five. I spent the whole day going around town. I loved it.
I wonder what she did the whole time I was doing the scavenger hunt.
Alice P.O.V
I was calling Evan so I can make plans with him today. More like make plans for him.
Today I had a scavenger hunt planed out for Evan. Or just a little trip down memory lane. Today was the day when we met three years ago. Today was the day he entered my life.
So I wanted to surprise him with something. So why not send him all over the city while I get shit ready?
He wanted to move in next week, so instead of doing that. I'm making it today. It'll be easy. I have all the furniture ready and everything. All I need to do is set things up. Make it perfect for him.
Plus unpacking for him will be easy. His gaming equipment is being brought and set up by Mini. All I have to do is clean and unpack his clothing. Everything else, like decorations and other stuff like that is all done.
"Hello." Evan said into the phone.
I asked if he was busy. He told me no. So I told him to meet me in the park in twenty minutes. I made sure he checks the bench I sit at.
I had Wildcat and Brock set things up. Brock was going to set up the hints. During that Wildcat is going to watch Evan and make sure he goes to the right places.
I hope he loves the hunt.
Evan P.O.V.
I reach Ally's place and get stopped by Wildcat and Brock.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
They don't live in the same building as her, I know that for a fact.
"Here to give you this." Wildcat pulled a condom out of his pocket.
"What the fuck man!? I'm not having sex with Ally. I like her, but I don't think she see's me like that." I told them.
"That's what you think." Brock took the condom and put it in my pocket.
With that they both walked off. Idiots...
I knocked on the door.
"Come on in!" I heard Ally say.
Ally's P.O.V
I heard a knock on my door.
"Come on in!" I told the person.
The door opened and an Asian walked in. I smiled and walked towards the person.
"Your hints were difficult." He told me.
"You should've been there when I was helping Kelly do a scavenger for Tyler. He had to bribe for help from the people we got doing the hints." I told him.
He gave me a small smile. There was something on his mind. I just don't know what it could be.
"You alright?" I asked.
"Yeah." He lied.
"Alice." Something was definitely up. He never calls me Alice. It's always Ally or Al.
"Where they really that hard?" I asked.
"It's not that... It's just..." He was holding back.
My heart was beating a mile each second.
"It's just what?" I asked.
He looked up at me. He came closer and closer. It got to the point where we were face to face with each other.
He grabbed me by the waist. He pulled me even closer.
"I love you." He told me.
I was lost at words. I don't know what to do. It's not like I don't have feelings for Evan. I love him too or at least I think I do. I don't know my life is fucked up and I don't know.
I grabbed his face and kissed him.
It was a long sweet kiss.
Unlike all the others he stole from me.
"I love you too." I whispered.
I was in a warm embrace with Evan. Even though he doesn't know my true past, he still loves me.
Even though he doesn't know the real me, he still loves me.
Even though he doesn't know what's going to happen next, he still loves me...
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