Two Years Later...
(A/N I decided to change the cover. I hope you guys like it... Took me awhile to do it. Also the picture above is how Ally has her hair now. Hope you guys enjoy this story)
Alice P.O.V
My phone was buzzing like crazy. I turned it on and saw a message from Mini and Wildcat.
Mini and Wildcat:
Ally get your lazy ass up and get ready. We're gonna to pick you up in twenty minutes so we can all go clubbing.
I rolled my eyes. I did the same thing to my body. I rolled onto the cold hard wood floor of my apartment room.
It's been two years since I've been able to enjoy myself. Two years since I've seen that stupid Asian.
I remember that day like no other.
I was running away from my ex-boyfriend, Greg. I was trying desperately to get over him. I was so close, but the idiot fucking kissed me.
Not knowing what to do I ran away. Far from the park, far from him.
As I was running I bumped into a familiar man. I didn't recognize him when I bumped into him. It was until I looked up and saw him staring at me.
Evan had saw the whole thing. I was trying desperately to explain everything to him. But he just wouldn't listen to me. He was calling me a liar and I just had to ask the million dollar question.
"Why do you care so much?" I asked him.
"You just don't get, do you?" He then turned around and walked away from me.
After that I never saw him again...
-Flashback over-
I walked towards my closet and picked out a set of clothes.
Since we we're going clubbing gives me a chance and excuse to wear a skirt.
I quickly brushed out my chocolate brown hair and proceed to put on makeup. I grabbed my mascara and eyeliner and applied them on.
I looked at my clock and saw I had five minutes to spare. I ran to my kitchen and grabbed a piece of bread and quickly made a ham and cheese sandwich. I got a buzz in from someone as soon as I took the first bite of my stomach.
"Who is it?" I asked through the intercoms.
"Wildcat. Hurry up Ally."
"I'll be down there soon. Hold on." I ran to the bathroom and ate my sandwich as fast as I could.
I brushed my teeth, grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys. I rushed down to the garage where my ride was waiting for me.
I got in the car with Mini, Wildcat, Sydney, Kelly (Wildcats girlfriend), and Nogla.
"Hey Ally. You ready to party!" Sydney said. She sounded a little drunk. She must've had a lot of champagne.
The car we were in was a limo. Nogla knows a guy who owns limousines. My guess is that he had for one as a favor to insure our night out was a good one.
Did I mention this was my first time out since Evan left?
"Who let Sydney party early?" I asked.
"Well I'll tell you she was a little tired after the party we had." Mini said. His face was glowing.
He just fucked Sydney.
I rolled my eyes at him and looked at Nogla. He's not the kind of person to go clubbing. Neither am I, but I couldn't help it. I wanted a thrill and I was hoping that going clubbing would give me a thrill of a life time.
"Why you here Nogla? Got bored of talking to Bernice." I teased.
He blushed at the thought of Bernice. They've only dated for three months, but he's head over heels for her. I wish I knew how it felt to feel about someone like that.
Sure I claimed to be in love Greg, but it wasn't real love. It was me filling my mind with comforting thoughts. It was so I didn't feel alone anymore.
"I'm not bored of Bernice. I just need a break every once in a while, isn't that why you're here too?" Nogla asked.
He did have a point.
I nodded and looked away from him.
Let's just get this night over with.
Once we got to the club, we all took our positions.
Mini and Nogla went to go find an open booth for all of us. Kelly and Wildcat went to go dance together. Sydney was gonna try and see who is gonna be the next person to buy her a drink. I went to the bar and ordered a drink for myself, so I can drink alone.
Once I ordered my drink a random person walked up to me.
"You come here often?" He asked.
I sighed, "I rarely come out to the club."
"Let me buy you your next drink." The guy said.
"No thanks."
"C'mon sweet heart. Why you gotta be like that?" The guy said.
"Because I have no interest in you. Can you leave me alone?" This guy was seriously starting to piss me off.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me close.
"Let go of me creep!" I told him.
The bartender put down the glass he was cleaning and was gonna do something, when the guy told him not to interfere.
"If you play you're cards right I'll let you say goodbye to your friends." The guy whispered.
I went to throw my drink at him when someone grabbed the random person by the collar.
"Did you not hear the lady? She said to leave her alone." Another person said.
He looked familiar to me. I swear to god, if he's one of the members of the Crew I am going on a rampage.
"Listen buddy this is between me and the Miss." The guy said.
"Well, this is now between me and you." The person told him.
The creep got out of my knight in shining armors grip and went to punch him in the face, but it was blocked. My knight punched him in the face and knocked him out.
The bartender went to go call security till my knight stopped him. He slipped him a twenty and the bartender allowed him to stay.
"Thanks." I told my knight.
"No problem." He mumbled.
"Do I know you? Like I feel like I've seen you around." I told him.
The guy stayed quiet. He was letting me continue.
"I just can't put my finger on it. Wait!" The guy tensed up. "You're from the coffee shop aren't you."
The guy chuckled.
"I know it's been two years, but c'mon Ally. You don't recognize me."
I felt butterflies form on my stomach. My heart was beating outta my chest. My face turned red. I was frozen in my seat.
"Ev- Evan?" I asked the man.
"Hey Ally."
I was torn between emotions. A part of me wanted to hug him and cry my eyes out, but a part of me wanted to rip off Evans stupid little Asian head.
I grabbed the nearest drink and threw it Evans face.
"Fuck you." I told him.
I walked out the club. My breath was sharp and quick.
"Ally!" I heard Evan call out behind me. I ignored him and continued to walk away.
I looked around to see if they were any cops around, but nothing. Just me and Evan fucking Fong.
"Get away from me!" I told him.
I walked away from him.
"Ally please listen to me."
"Listen to what. Your excuse onto why you left me for two fucking years?" I was furious.
"You gotta hear me out." He told me.
"No I fucking don't. You left me for two years when I needed you the most. I know I said that about Greg and the rest of The Crew, but this time I mean it. I needed you and you left me. I still remember what you said to me before you walked away. I don't get it. I never will, but that's no reason to abandon me. You're no better then the Crew." I walked away from Evan who was frozen in place.
Tears were threatening to fall, but I didn't let them. Crying was a sign of weakness. I don't think I'm ready for Evan to see me weak again. Not yet at least.
I walked towards the nearest parked taxi I could find. I quickly got in and told them my address.
"Wait!" I heard Evan say.
"Step on it." I told the driver.
Evan rushed into the car and said he was going to the same place as I was.
"No you're fucking not!" I told him.
"I'm sorry." Evan said.
He was out of breath and determined to make me listen to his excuse.
"Fine, but you're paying for the taxi ride." I told Evan.
We reached my apartment in no time. I got out and rushed to the elevator. I was determined to get ride of Evan.
I rapidly pressed the close doors button, but Evan got in right as the doors were closing.
"I know that trick all to well. Don't even try." Evan told me.
I sighed and looked at the elevator buttons.
Plan B is going to be put into action. I pressed all the elevator buttons for each floor and was about to get off the second we reached the next floor. But Evan grabbed my arm and stopped me.
"I know that trick too." Evan said.
"Damn you!" I told him.
I forgotten that I used these two tricks on him before. I'm just shocked he remembers them.
After a while of going floor to floor, we reached my floor.
"C'mon." I told Evan.
"Race you!" Evan shouted.
I rolled my eyes and played along.
"You'll regret racing me." I told him.
I passed by him and reached my apartment. Once we stopped we were out of breath due to laughing and running.
"Man I missed this." I told him.
"I do too." Evan said.
My smile turned to a frown in no time. "Well you wouldn't miss it if you didn't abandon me." I said to him coldly.
I unlocked the door to my apartment and invited Evan in.
"I'll go get us something to drink. What do you want?" I asked.
"You have a beer?" He asked.
"Yes I do. One beer coming up." I told him.
I rushed over to my kitchen and grabbed two beers outta the fridge.
"Oh wait, I gotta tell the the others where I'm at." I told Evan.
I turned my phone back on and all I could hear was buzzing.
I had five missed calls from Sydney. Two from Nogla. One from Wildcat and Kelly. Three text messages from Mini.
I made a group chat and told them I was okay and took a taxi home.
I grabbed a bottle opener and opened the two beers. I walked over to where Evan was sitting and handed him one of the beers. I can tell he already made himself feel at home.
"Alright let's get this over with. What's your excuse?" I asked Evan.
"I left because my mom was sick." Evan said bluntly.
"Are you telling the truth or telling me some lie? Because if you're lying that is a horrible thing to say about your mother." I told him.
"I'm not lying. That day I told you to meet me in the park, was when I got a phone call from my dad telling me my mom was sick. So I made a decision, I was gonna say bye to you and leave to Canada tomorrow. But when I saw you and Greg kiss I decided to keep it to myself. I wasn't even in contact with the others. I'm sorry Ally." Evan explained.
I felt pity for this idiot.
I sat next to Evan and hugged him.
"You didn't have to leave me on a bad note you know." I told him.
"I know."
"Promise me..." I said.
"Promise me that you'll never leave me like that again. I don't think I can take anymore abandonment." I whispered in his ear.
"I promise Ally." Evan said.
I let go of Evan and looked him dead in the eyes. "Let's watch some T.V." I told him.
"Alright. What should we watch?" Evan asked me.
"How about Ouran Host Club? I just discovered it the other day and I love it." I told Evan.
"Sounds like a great idea."
Evans P.O.V
We were three episodes into watching Ouran Host Club and Ally was already asleep.
I decided to lift her up and take her to her bedroom so she can sleeonin her bed.
I decided to change her into pajama pants. I grabbed the nearest pajama pants I could find and slid them underneath her skirt.
I then took off her skirt and jewelry. I laid her down in her bed and tu led her in. I kissed Ally on the forehead and was about to leave till I felt something tug on my shirt.
"Don't go." I heard Ally say.
"I won't." I sighed and climbed into bed with her.
I wrapped my arms around her.
"Good night Evan..." Ally whispered.
"Good night Ally." I told her.
Even though I left for two years, I never once forgot about Alice. Not a day went by without her in my mind. I missed her. I regretted not telling her that I had to leave.
I regret not telling her how I feel...
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