Evan fucking Fong
Alice point of view
"The gaming Al, you'll be going up in an hour. Would you like to meet the lovely people you'll be attending this meeting with?" The producer asked me.
"Uh, sure." I told the producer.
He gave me a sweet smile and told me to follow him.
I did as told and walked towards the stage.
There I saw four other people standing and joking around with one another.
"C'mon Wildcat who do you think this mystery girl looks like?" A man who had dark brown hair paired with a pair of dark brown eyes. He was short outta of the other three young men that were standing there.
There were another who was slightly taller then him, but buff. He had light brown hair and dark green eyes. He also had an accent every time he spoke. I think he was British, but it sounded like it could be something else.
There was the person I'm assuming that was the person they called Wildcat, who was way taller than the others. He had light brown hair and what seems to be green or light blue eyes.
(A/N I have no idea what colors his eyes really are. In his photos on Instagram it's hard to tell, at least for me.)
Then finally, there was a man with dark hair and dark brown eyes. He was buffer then the dark green eyes and looked Asian.
The producer was about to interrupt their conversation, but I stopped him.
I wanted to hear more.
"I think she is going to be like Itskricken." The green eyed man said.
"Yeah, but with a few adjustments. Like instead of long brown hair, its died a royal blue and she has dark brown eyes." Wildcat said.
I smiled at their imagination.
I had long chocolate brown hair and crystal blue eyes that match the color of diamonds.
I was below average height for a girl my age.
Which my age is 24.
My body is what people describe as, a model body.
I had slight curves, but other then that I have a model body.
"I think you guys have it the other way around, because last time I checked, I had brown hair and blue eyes." I said.
The four men turned and looked at me.
I smiled and held out my hand, "I'm The gaming Al, or you guys can call me Alice."
They looked at me shocked and I swear, if I didn't know better, the Asian and the short guy were checking me out.
They didn't say anything to me so I snapped my fingers at them.
"Ummmm, anybody there?" I joked.
Who I think is Wildcat cleared his thoart.
"I'm Wildcat, but you can call me Tyler." He held out a hand and I shook it.
I took it and waited for Tyler to continue, "This Asian guy here is Evan Fong or VanossGaming. The British guy is Mini Ladd or Craig. Then last but not least this is Lui Caliber."
I smiled and shook all of their hands.
I started with Lui and ended with Evan.
When he took my hand he gave me a strong shake look me dead in the eyes.
I felt myself start blushing and I snatched my hand back.
He gave me a smile and I gave him a small smile in return.
A couple people started entering the room that was holding the Pax panel.
"I guess if we want to get to know each other, we'll have to start later on." Evan said to me.
I nodded my head and we went backstage.
This was my first panel and I had no idea how I was gonna do.
I guess we'll see.
The panel had just started, or was supposed to start about a couple of minutes ago.
Everyone was trying to get situated and other crap like that.
The panel was a, of course, YouTube gaming panel.
It was the evolution of gaming and who better to talk about that topic than a bunch of people who play video games for a living.
The lovely people that are to be representing YouTube Gaming are myself (of course), VanossGaming, I_AM_WILDCAT, Mini Ladd(d), Lui Caliber, Jerome, xRPMx13, and BajanCanadian.
Now that I'm noticing I was the only girl there, also the only person who never talked to any of these guys.
Sure most people in the Youtube Gaming community should talk to each other, but that doesn't apply to me.
A lot of people get hate as soon as they join one person and play video games with them on a daily basis. Especially if their fans does not like that one person who up and joined.
I remember awhile back I was invited to play with The Crew.
For those who don't know who The Crew is an nine all male group.
(A/N I don't know when Legion left the Crew, so for now I'm gonna leave him in the Crew.)
The members consist of KYR Sp33dy, TheDeluxe4, Deluxe20, Leqion, Sidearms4reason, Shadowbeatzinc, Jahovas Witness, NobodyEpic, and G18sprayandpray.
It's funny, because I used to know and go to high school with G18, or Greg.
(A/N I just found somewhere online that his name is Greg. I don't know if it's true but I'm calling him Greg.)
He was in my English class when I was a freshman in highschool.
He was held back a year and had to redo his whole senior year again because he didn't pass his freshman English class.
Sad, I know.
He was known as the class clown in some of his other classes, but he was always quiet in English.
I used to have the hugest crush on him.
I find it funny how I used to like him.
But to him I was a ghost. When I used to play with The Crew everyday, I called him out on that.
But to my surprise he knew I existed. He said he had a crush on me the whole time throughout his senior year and regrets that he never had the balls to ask me out.
But that was in the past.
I still talk to The Crew, just not as much.
Once in awhile I'll play CSGO or Minecraft with them, that's it.
I get enough hate for being me. I don't want anymore hate for being a member of The Crew and for dating G18.
I have too much on my plate.
"Alright ladies and gents, let's get this show on the road." The announcer guy or host or whatever said.
(A/N I'm to lazy to search up his name and stuff. Also I'm too lazy to go through the Pax Panel and just watch every thing that happened. So if I missed something or forgot something wrong, I'm sorry.)
I was walking over to were Jerome and the others were sitting and they started getting ready to make room for me, before Evan stopped me.
"Where are you going?" He asked me.
"To sit with Jerome and them. You guys don't have enough room for me." I told them.
"C'mon Vanoss, let us have Al. We'll treat her nice." Jerome said.
I smiled and Evan stared at me.
"I think we can make room." Evan said.
I look over his shoulder to see Wildcat struggling to make room for Vanoss to sit.
"It's fine, really. Thanks." I said.
I made my way to where Jerome and Bajan were already sitting.
"Al, just sit in between us." Bajan said as he made space between Jerome and himself.
"Yeah, you don't want to sit next to RPM. He forgets to put on deodorant sometimes." Bajan joked.
"Alright." I said.
I did as I was told and sat between Bajan and Jerome.
I look over to wave at Evan and the others.
Wildcat was the only one to wave back.
Lui and Mini must of have been having the conversation of a lifetime, because they didn't look up to see why Wildcat was waving like a four year old.
Evan was just giving a death glare, that made you wanna gulp, to Jerome and Bajan.
They saw Evan and quickly made the situation worse.
Or at least I think it made it worse.
Like c'mon I just meet the kid an hour ago.
Sure Evan made me blush, which most guys can't even do that.
And sure he's really cute.
But he's not my type.
Jerome wrapped an arm around me and I quickly removed it.
Then Bajan wrapped his arms around my waist and refused to let me go.
Every time I loosened from Bajan's grip, he would tighten it even more and make it more difficult for me to get out of this awkward position.
They smiled sweetly at Evan and Wildcat put an arm around his shoulder.
Wildcat said something to him, but all I could make out was, "Why are you so mad? You have Kricken."
That's when it hit me.
Evan fucking Fong has a girlfriend named Syndey.
Sydney's YouTube name is ItsKricken.
I'm so stupid.
How did I not see it before?
I'm a dumbass.
"I know." I heard Evan said.
At this point I was face palming.
I was face palming even more, because guess who I saw in the crowd.
Five members of The Crew.
Speedy, Joel, Hova, Legion, and G mother fucking 18.
My life has slowly became a living hell in the past hour or so.
He gave me a little wave and I waved back.
Bajan and Jerome must've saw, because they backed off of me and quickly apologized.
"Does G18 scare you guys?" I teased.
"We didn't know you knew G." Bajan said.
"Yeah he was in my English class when I was a freshman and he was senior in high school. I had a crush on him, but I thought he didn't notice me." I told them.
"Senpai didn't notice you." Jerome said into the mic.
I felt my checks turn red and both Evan and G18 were staring at me.
I banged my head on the table and the announcer said something about that.
"Seems like Al is getting bored, so let's do this thing." He spined his index finger in a circle like I usually do in my videos.
He was mocking me.
I lifted my head up and smiled shyly at the crowd.
The announcer started introducing people.
He started from the left side and from there focused on their stats.
"First up we have VanossGaming with 10 million or so subscribers..." I didn't listen from there.
The only time I tuned in was for the beginning of each of the left side members and their small jokes.
"Next we have Lui at..."
(A/N I forgot how many subscribers Lui has)
"I like how compared to my stats and Vanoss, there's a huge gap." Lui said while smiling.
He also commented on the fact that at the bottom there was a saying and it read,
Best squeaker voice. Ever.
Everyone told him to do the voice and he obeyed.
"For the last time it's not a voice changer!" Lui said in his little kid voice.
Everyone smiled and laughed.
The announcer introduced Tyler and Mini right before they moved onto the right side.
"Mini you're accent is just over the place. How many countries has you lived in?" The announcer asked.
Mini made some sorta horse noise and thought about it.
"Seeeeeeeeex?" Mini answered.
I giggled at his stupidity.
"Sex different countries. Raise your hand if you've lived in sex different countries." The announcer joked.
He moved onto Wildcat and they talked about how Wildcats channel was meant for watching videos not uploading content.
"Now before I start with the rest of you gents, I'm gonna say ladies first." He smiled at me.
My stats were pulled up on the screen and I smiled.
Even though I don't collab with a lot of other Gaming YouTubers, doesn't mean I only have one million subscribers.
My videos are high quality and mostly montages.
I have game plays, but that's when I started my channel.
"The Gaming Al has reached her 10 million mark and want to give you a little gift." The announcer said.
A random person came up on the stage with a diamond play button in his hands.
I felt my face turn red.
I stood up and shook the announcers hand.
Everyone congratulated me and I had to take a picture.
"I feel like I just got my diploma again." I joked.
The announcer laughed at my joke and I sat back down.
"The play button matches your diamond blue eyes." Evan said to me.
I felt my cheeks get even more red and I hide behind my brown hair.
I saw G whistle for me and tell Speedy something.
G gave me a smile and I returned one back.
"So Al or Alice, what do you prefer?" The announcer asked.
"Alice, just call me Alice." I told him.
"Alright, Alice. You really stay on the down low. These fellas kept asking me who the Gaming Al was. They asked if you were a guy and when I told them you were a female, their minds must've been blown." The announcer said.
I looked at the YouTubers that I was sharing the stage with and I smiled at Every last one of them.
"I really don't like showing my face that often or talking about my personal life. That's why I'm low key. Catch my drift." I sound like a complete idiot.
The announcer smiles and looks at me.
"Actually you did do some collabs with other YouTubers. Actually a famous group known as the Crew." There it is.
Every interview brings this up.
Kinda why I don't go to events like these or do interviews that much.
I nodded my head and kept smiling.
"Seeing that you had great chemistry with the Crew, why didn't you just join the Crew?" And the million dollar question.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I be a millionaire.
"If I sound rude right now, I apologize in advance." I said into the mic.
I saw Speedy pull out his phone and record this.
"The reason I didn't join the Crew was the hate I would've gotten. I know that's such a lame excuse but it's the truth. I get enough hate, even without the Crew. So I want you all to pay attention to these next sentences. I won't repeat myself." I could just imagine that Twitch chat blowing up.
"I don't appreciate it when I read my comments and see a 'go kill yourself' comment. You're not funny or cute. It's annoying and nobody should be telling anyone to go kill themselves. I also hate it when people get frustrated when I play with a new group or person. Get over it. The main reason I didn't want to join the Crew was, A) I got comments saying only Ms. Heart attack is the only girl who can join the crew. B) I knew G18 in high school. I used to have the hugest crush on him. But I thought I was just a ghost to him. Then one day he corrected me and told me he had a crush on me in high school. Now I know you guys think this is irealvent, but it isn't. We almost went out. The reason we didn't was because the amount of fangirls that would be all up in their feelings and making me pay for every second we went out." I glared at the crowd and try to scan out the guilty members.
The announcer cleared his throat and continued the panel.
The crowd was shocked and kinda pissed that I just had to say what I just said.
I saw Speedy, Hova, Joel, Legion, and G all look down at their feet.
"Alice, that was one hell of a speech." I heard Greg say to me.
He was accompanied by Speedy, Joel, and Legion.
Hova must've went to talk to Vanoss and the others.
The panel finished an hour ago and everyone was exiting the room.
I hugged attack Greg and he hugged back.
Then he kissed me on the cheek and I blushed.
"Nice acting. I didn't want to date G18 because of the hate. Man the fans are gonna be really pissed off when they find out that we're actually are dating." Greg said.
I giggled at his impression of me.
"Um, I think someone's already pissed because they found out you guys are official." Speedy said pointing at someone.
I turn to see a pissed off Evan and immediately walk over to him.
I have a shit ton of things to explain to him.
"Oh I don't want to date G18 because of the haters." Evan did his impression of me.
"I can explain." I said.
"Explain what?" Evan was acting like we've known each other for years.
We literally just fucking meet two hours ago.
"Why do you care? I just met you two fucking hours ago." I said to him.
"Three actually."
I gave him my famous 'are you serious' look and continued with whatever I was saying, "Oops my fucking bad. Three hours ago we met. Why do you care so much about me?"
He looked me in the eyes and then over my shoulder.
Even though I couldn't see what was going on behind me I imagine it to be just death glares from the four men behind me.
He looked at me one last time and walked away.
I was confused as fuck on the events that just fucking happens.
"Is that all? You're gonna walk away now?!" I yelled at Evan.
He didn't look back. All he did was wave a hand in the air.
What the fuck is his fucking problem.
I was seriously pissed off now.
I walked back to Greg and the others.
"What did he say to you?" Speedy asked me.
"He was bitching about how me and Greg are together after I made that whole scene. He was being an ass." I told him.
"Seems like someone has a crush on you." Joel said.
Greg and I gave him a death glare that could challenge Evan's from earlier.
"No need to be mad." Joel mumbled under his breath.
I sighed and decided to walk around Pax and see the new games.
(A/N I have no idea if Pax actually shows off the new games or not. I don't know what I'm doing)
"They want us to go and have dinner with them." Hova said to me as I got another beer to drink.
Vanoss and his group of friends wanted the five of us to meet them and have dinner and get to hang out with them.
I, of course, did not wanna go.
Why, you may ask.
Because of Evan fucking Fong.
Ever since his weird behavior today, he had me stressed out and worried on what Greg thinks of this whole situation.
Like the dude hit on me and in front of my boyfriend and threw a whole temper tantrum.
Another fact that bugs me is he hit on a girl who is one year older then him.
He's twenty- three and I'm twenty-four.
Plus I've been going out with Greg for two years now.
"We should go." I heard Greg tell me.
I looked at him with a 'you're kidding me' look.
"I'm not going." I told Greg.
"Yes you are. Let's not make this more difficult then what it already is." Greg said.
"Fine." I put my beer on the table and Hova grabs it.
"Hope you don't have any STDs." Hova said to me before I left to go change.
"Shuddup!" I said on my way out.
I went to my hotel room and quickly changed clothes.
(A/N this is the outfit that Alice wears to go out to dinner)
I grabbed my heart pendent Greg gave me for our one year anniversary.
I grabbed my high top black converse and grabbed my black varsity looking jacket.
It wasn't hot, but it was cold either.
It was cool with a bunch of breezes.
I walked out my room and went back to the room that Hova, Legion, Joel, and Speedy were sharing.
I walked in and saw that Greg was getting ready to leave.
"I'm gonna change. I'll meet you guys in the lobby." He said as he kissed me.
"Alright, is it safe to go in?" I asked.
"Yeah they're all already ready." Greg told me.
I nodded and walked into the room.
I saw Joel, Speedy, Hova, and Legion already dressed and ready to go.
"G said to meet him in the lobby." I said as I walked in.
I looked for the beer I left behind.
"Looking for this?" Hova held up an empty beer bottle.
"Fuck you Hova." I say as I grab another beer.
Joel snatches it from my hand and holds it over my head.
Since Joel is 6 something and I'm over here, 5'4 and cannot reach the bottle.
"This is your fourth one tonight. We don't want a drunk Alice this time. All the other times it's fine, but you're pissed off at Vanoss and we know how you are drunk. This night will go like this..." He pointed to Speedy, Legion, and Hova and they had pieces of paper with names on it.
Speedy had G18 on his paper, Legion had Vanoss name, and Hova had my name on his.
Hova was walking like a drunk person and walked towards Vanoss.
"You stupid idiot. Why did you flirt with me during the panel?" Hova did the worst impression of me.
"I didn't flirt with you." Legion acted his 'best' and I put air quotes around best.
Speedy was about to act as G18, but I stopped him.
"Don't you dare continue." I told him.
Of course Speedy ignored me and acted as G18.
"I'm G18, I date The Gaming Al and I'm so Op that I have to kill my friends every time I play crewcraft!" Speedy said.
He was running around the room like an idiot.
"You done?" I asked him.
"Wait." He did some sort of monkey dance.
"Now I'm done." He said.
"I won't drink the rest of the night." I told Joel.
"We're just looking out for you. You being drunk is like someone cutting off my dick and serving it to me on a sliver platter." Joel told me.
"Jesus!" Speedy said.
"Jesus has nothing to do with this." I teased Speedy.
He smiled and rolled his eyes at me.
"Hey fuckers! G's all done getting ready. You hurrying or not?" Hova asked.
He was halfway through the door and so was Legion.
We followed and locked the door to the hotel room.
As soon as the door opened I bolted towards the elevator.
"Winner gets to tweet out something on the losers twitter." I yell.
I call the elevator and saw that it was at the lobby.
I found stairs that lead right to the lobby and ran down them.
I'm so glad I used to be on track in high school.
Also thank god I wore my converse instead of my combat boots.
I reached the bottom of the stair and Speedy, who was all the way on top, kept yelling out to me, "Team!"
I stopped and stood in front of the door.
"Team?" I asked making sure he meant it.
"Team." He agreed.
I walked out and saw G18 by himself.
I quickly ran over to him and Speedy followed a little while later.
"You followed me down the stairs pretty late. What took you so long?" I asked as soon as I got my breath back.
"Hova, Legion, and Joel won't be here for awhile. I pressed all the buttons but the lobby button." Speedy informed me.
I giggled and looked at Greg.
"Why are you guys so tired?" He asked.
"We had a race. Winner gets to tweet out whatever they want on the losers Twitter. I was gonna dick Speedy, but he did help me so he won't get anything on his Twitter." I told Greg.
"And you pressed all the buttons on the elevator just to make sure that you guys won?" Greg asked.
"Yup." Speedy and I said together.
The three of us bursted out laughing and waited for the other three.
Once they got to the lobby Speedy and I started gloating.
"I won!" I said as soon as the reached us.
"What the fuck Speedy! Why did you press all the buttons on the elevator?" Joel asked.
"Because it was to help Al win. Plus I'm helping her with the tweets." Speedy said.
"So am I." Greg joined in.
"But you lost Speedy." Hova said.
"You gotta team with the best." Speedy said. He wrapped an arm around me and smiled.
"Can we decided the tweets after dinner? I wanna go eat. I'm starving." I told the group.
"I agree, let's go!" Legion said as he ran out the door.
We reached an Italian restaurant place and quickly went inside.
"Speedy! Hova! Joel!" Someone called out.
"Basically is over there. Let's go." Speedy said.
We followed him and found six open spots at their table.
One next to Evan. Three in between Mini and a brown haired girl that was sitting next to Evan. Another in between Lui and Wildcat. The last one was next to Basically.
I walked over to where the three spots were and was about to sit down.
Greg pulled out the chair for me and I sat down.
He took the seat next to me and signaled Speedy to sit next to him.
Legion sat next to Evan, Joel sat next to Basically, and Hova sat in between Wildcat and Lui.
"Now that's everyone here let's order some drinks." Basically said.
"Yassss! Let's get tots drunk!" Mini said in his best white girl impression.
I giggled and looked at the adult beverages.
Speedy tapped my shoulder and pointed to Joel.
Joel was giving me a 'don't you dare think about ordering an alcoholic beverage' look.
I sighed and the waiter came.
He went around the table clockwise and started with Evan.
The table members were people from Evans group of friends.
Going from the right the members were Evan, a brown haired girl who I think is Kricken, myself, Greg, Speedy, Mini Ladd, Mr.Sark, 407, Big Jiggly Panda, BasicallyIDoWrk, Joel, Lui, Hova, Wildcat, and Legion.
The waiter order the drinks for us and I decided to see what was on the menu.
"So Al, seeing that you came to dinner with The Crew, did you really mean everything you said today?" Evan asked me.
I looked at Greg and he squeezed my hand in approval.
"All the hate thing is true. My comment section blew up when they realized that I might be a member of the Crew. There were a few you should do it. The rest were 'if you join the crew I'm gonna kill myself' or 'go die in a hole you ugly whore bitch. You don't belong with the crew.' With those comments made me feel worse, especially if you have a horrible case of depression. Those comments got worse when they saw that Greg and I knew each other and had feelings for each other. I meant everything I said. At first I was ready to reject Greg, but I didn't. I'm glad I didn't. But a reason that we don't want to reveal that we're dating is the fans, they'll get butthurt and I would be the victim of all the hate and other crap." I told the table.
Greg squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek.
I felt myself blush and everyone gave me a reassuring smile.
The only one who didn't give me a smile was Evan.
Not really.
The rest of the night was spent joking around, talking, and eating.
Hova ended up getting drunk and going to the hotel room a little bit early.
Well he didn't go because of drunkness, he went because we forced him too.
Joel walked him to the hotel room since he was getting tispy too.
It was just Kricken, Evan, Wildcat, Greg, Speedy, and Panda.
Everyone else was either tired or drunk.
"I don't think we've been introduced yet." Kricken held out her hand and smiled sweetly at me.
"I'm Kricken and you must be Alice." She said as I took her hand.
"Yup that's my name. How do you know Evan and the others?" I asked.
"I'm Evan's girlfriend." She told me.
I smiled and Evan kept staring at me.
I started to get uncomfortable after awhile.
Kricken and Evan were walking Greg and I to our hotel room.
We got to our floor and Greg wanted to check on Hova and the others.
"I'm tried so I'm gonna head to the room first." I told Greg.
"Alright I'll meet you there." He kissed me and walked into the room.
"I'll walk you to your room Alice." Evan offered.
I didn't want to be rude and say no, plus I want company as I walk to the next floor.
"Alright." I said.
Evan told his girlfriend to wait for him in the lobby and she did.
"I'll take the elevator after you guys." Kricken said as we offered her the elevator.
We nodded and thanked her.
The walk to my room was silent.
Maybe because it was eleven and we were all tired.
I opened my hotel room door and got ready to dismiss Evan till I felt something press up against me.
My lips were touching Evan's and his body was way to close to mine. He had me pinned up against the nearest wall and I kept trying to push him off.
"I've been dying to do this since the moment we meet." Evan whispered into my ear.
My struggle for him to get the fuck off me continue till someone yanked him off of me.
The person punched Evan in the face and made him fall to the floor.
I look up to see who my knight in shining armor is and see that it's the last person I want to talk to after this.
Greg was my knight in shining armor... Fuck.
---Author Note---
I wrote a first book of this a while back and I hated it. So like most of my stories I took them down so I can rewrite them better and fresher. So I hope you enjoy this story and make sure to comment on what other YouTubers you'll like to see. Also vote and follow me.
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