A Sad Ending
Love... One thing I never thought I would find. One thing that I thought was the most stupidest thing ever.
But it wasn't. It was the most beautiful thing ever. It really was.
I woke up next to Evan. He was sleeping so peacefully...
I got a phone call from an unknown number. I answered it to see who it was.
"Hello." I said.
"Hello I am calling for an Alice Clark?" The lady on the other end said.
"This is her." My heart was beating fast.
"We got your test results back. Would you like to come in and see them?" The lady said.
"When can I come in?"
"Around five."
"I'll be there."
I took a test to see what was wrong with me. I had been getting weak. I've been losing weight and I can barely stand up after awhile.
I decided to finally get myself checked.
"Clark?" The nurse called out.
I got up and followed her.
"Good morning Ms. Clark."
"Morning." I mumbled.
Two years ago I started collapsing without warning. It got to the point where I had to get check. They didn't tell me what was wrong.
All if it happened when Evan left me.
"Ah, Ms. Clark. What brings you by?" The doctor said.
"My test results."
The doctors frown turned from a smile to a frown in no time.
"Have you been experiencing any weakness in your legs or fainting out of no where?" The doctor asked me.
"Yes I have." I was scared for what my results were gonna say.
"I'm sorry to inform you Ms. Clark, but you have..."
Evan's P.O.V
I woke up in the bed Alice and I share together. She wasn't here this morning. She must've went for a jog.
I walked over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Once I got changed I heard someone come through the door.
It was Alice. I walked over to living room and saw she was soaking wet. Her eyes were poofy.
"I'm back." She said with a stuffy nose.
"Let me get you a towel." I told her.
She nodded her head and started to take off her jacket.
I brought her a towel and told her to quickly get in the shower. She nodded her head and walked slowly towards the bathroom.
There's something wrong with her. I wish I knew what it was.
Alice's P.O.V
I undressed myself and got ready for my shower. I let the warm water hit my skin. I stood there for a good five minutes. That was until my Asian boyfriend walked into the bathroom.
"Evan what are you-?" He was undressed and he got in the shower with me.
"What's wrong?" He asked me.
"Do you smell that?" He asked me.
I gave him a confused look.
"I smell bullshit." He cracked a smile.
I looked down at our feet. How do I tell him? That I'm dying.
"I'm sorry to inform you Ms. Clark, but you have ALS. We can't really do anything, we understand you had surgery when you were younger. Those surgery's only took you this far. In about a month you should be feeling numbness in your legs and at one point you'll get weak you'll have to be hospitalizes."
-Flashback over-
"So are you gonna keep avoiding the questions?" Evan asked me.
I didn't respond.
"Ally, please tell me what's wrong. I know you don't want to but I can't read minds. Tell me what's going on."
"I'm dying." Those words left my mouth.
It was nothing but the sound water hitting our body's.
"C'mon Ally. That's not fun-"
"It's not a joke..."
Tears started to fill my eyes.
"I'm dying from ALS. Apparently I only have a month from hospitalization." I told Evan.
He stayed silent.
"You still have a chance to leave. Forget me. Find a new girlfriend. Have a good life." I told Evan.
"Why would I leave you and find a good life when I already have one with you." Evan told me.
I looked up at him.
He stared dead at me.
"I meet you three years ago and on that day I fell for you. Hard. I never thought I could live someone like I love you. So Alice Clark..." He got down on one knee.
Tears started rolling down my face.
"Will you do me the honor and become Mrs. Alice Fong?" Evan asked me.
"You're such an idiot. Of course I will be Mrs. Alice Fong." I told Evan.
He got up and kissed me.
A month later I was hospitalized. We decided to have our wedding at the hospital, but Evan had other plans.
"Do I really have to wear this stupid blind fold as you guys get me ready and stuff?" I told Sydney and Kelly.
They were getting me ready for my little surprise that Evan had planned.
"Yes, now shut up." Sydney said.
"Rude." I mumbled underneath my breath.
Kelly and Sydney finished dressing me in something that seemed a little bit uncomfortable. They now started fixing my hair.
"What am I wearing?" I asked them.
"You'll see soon." Kelly told me.
"You guys are the worst." I told them.
I sat there patiently as they got me ready for god knows what.
Once they finished they put me in a wheel chair and rolled me out.
"Let's go hot wheels." Kelly told me.
"Hey they see me rollin. They hatin." I joked.
We all laughed and we're taken to a private location. The whole time I kept asking, "Are we there yet?"
The whole time they answered no till we got there.
"We there yet?"
"Yes!" Sydney said.
She took of my blindfold and I looked at her and Kelly. They were both wearing matching bridesmaids dresses. My eyes widened at the look of them.
I looked down to see myself in the most beautiful wedding dress I have ever laid my eyes on. It was a white, of course, off the shoulder lance dress that fit me surprisingly well.
Sydney handed me a mirror so I can see my hair. She made nice curly waves and gave me a crown that was held together by a silver broch.
Tears started to fill my eyes.
"Come on Ally. Don't cry." Kelly said.
She was wiping tears away from her own eyes. So was Sydney.
"Did he plan all of this?" I asked.
They both nodded their heads.
"Idiot." I mumbled underneath my breath.
"Alright I'm ready to be rolled down the aisle." I told them.
"I'll be glad to do that." I heard a familiar voice. It was Greg.
"Greg?" I asked.
"Ladies can we have a minute alone. You two can go on ahead. I'll signal you for when I give her away." Greg said.
They both nodded their heads and wished me good luck.
"I know we had some issues that never got resolved and I'm sorry for that." Greg told me as soon as Sydney and Kelly left.
I just stared at him the whole time.
"I really did love you. But the way Evan looked at you and the way you looked at Evan. I knew it was all to good to be true. You two were in love since day one. That's why I'm glad you guys are finally happy. Even if you're dying Ally. I'm sorry for everything. Can we still be friends?" Greg asked me.
I looked up at him and smiled. "We were always friends loser." I told him.
He smiled and bowed down before me. "Can I, Greg Perez, have the honor of walking soon to be Alice Fong down the aisle?" Greg formally asked.
"Yes you can." I told him.
He grabbed my wheelchair and started pushing me down the aisle. From the distance, I could see Evan stand up straight and look at me.
Third person P.O.V
As Greg rolled Alice down the aisle, Scan stared at her. Amazed on how beautiful she looked. He was completely breath taken.
As soon as Alice got to the front.
(I have no idea what's it's called.)
The pastor started saying the usually wedding stuff.
"The couple has their own vows." The pastor said.
Evan and Alice faced each other and smiled. As a joke Evan got down on his knees to look Alice in the eyes.
She snickered at his foolishness.
"Alice Clark, I have been in love with you since day one. Sure I was the biggest asshole that you ever meet and sure I destroyed a good relationship that you had with Greg. But it was all in good intentions. If I never did any of that I wouldn't be here. On my knees..."
"The story of your life." Alice joked. She was referring to the last sentence.
"Whatever," Evan continued, "Saying my vows to you. I am deeply in love with you Ally. I vow to be the best and most amazing husband there is for the rest of your days. Every fight we get into, I'll apologize. Even if I'm right. Every little fuck up, I'll forgive and forger. The same way you did when we finally became friends. Alice Clark I vow to be the best goddamn husband there fucking is." Evan told Alice.
Alice had her hands in her face. She was crying and didn't want anyone to see.
"Alice, do you have anything you'll like to say?" The pastor asked.
"I do. Evan fucking Fong. When I met you I thought you were the biggest asshole that I have ever met and trust me. I met my fair share of assholes. But you took the cake. Getting to know you and forgiving you for destroying my relationship, I slowly fell for you. Now here I am. In a wheel chair and a man on his knees in front of me, who I love so very much. I vow to be the best wife you will every have. To love you as much as I can for the rest of my days. Evan fucking Fong, I am honor to be calling you my husband." Alice said.
They both were very emotional and on the brink of crying.
The pastor continued on and asked for their I do's.
Once they said it Alice was reissued back into her hospital room were she lived the rest of her days with Evan.
Four months after her wedding day, Alice passed in her sleep. Leaving Evan alone and their adopted daughter, Annalise.
Years later Evan ended up remarrying to Sydney and everything was Happily Never After.
Sorry for the late update for the worlds suckest chapter and non edited. I was really uninspired and managed to get this out of me. Any who. I am starting a knew story about the Crew. You know KYR Speedy and his friends. So be on the look out for that and without further ado like comment and follow.
-love mouse.
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