"do people actually buy these?" Phe asked, eyeing a bunch of taxidermized roadkill dressed in little clothes that littered the shelves. Killua shrugged. "people buy body parts on the black market" he pointed out. Phe laughed. "good point" Killua was styling a dead rat's fur, and actually it wasn't too bad. "so, you never told me what you were" Killua went for the safe answer. "a psychic" he said. Over much thinking, he realized that a psychic's abilities kind of reminded him of limited hatsu.
Phe nodded. "right. Got any cool abilities?" Killua chuckled, brushing some whiskers on an opossum. "I can make things disappear" he said jokingly. Phe turned her head to look at him. "really?" he grinned. "yeah, just give me some candy and I'll show you" she scoffed. "haha, very funny" Killua smirked. "You think I'm joking?" Phe huffed. "I'd roll my eyes if I had any" he snickered. "another thing I'm really good at is acting like I know what I'm doing" Phe tilted her head. "could you elaborate on that?" Killua settled back, hands behind his head. "I can bullshit my way through most security without an I.D" he bragged.
Phe moved onto another taxidermized rodent. "I suppose that is useful" she said. Killua hummed. "it aint some kind of superpower, but it can be as useful as one. Being good with words can go a long way" he said. Phe glanced back at him again. "what do you mean by that?" Killua thought for a moment. "well for instance, if you gamble, you can use it to confuse and mentally strain your opponent." he said. "Or, you could simply walk up to a delivery truck, act like you're supposed to be there, and be able to get away with shoplifting a couple thousand dollars' worth of merchandise"
Phe was quiet for a few moments. "interesting, I suppose" why'd she react like that? Perhaps it was because he used gambling and theft as examples? Possibly. "just named the first few things off the top of my head, there's plenty more" he said. There was a voice from behind him. "you kids interested in Chaga?"
"keep your arm steady, like this" Folkin said, showing Gon the proper way to fire a bow. He'd been trying to teach him for a while but Gon just wasn't getting it. He sighed. "Mr. Rukin can I just show you how I hunt?" He blinked. "oh, sure thing pup" but I'm not a werewolf- Gon sighed. Since he had a strong sense of smell and an unhuman level of strength, they just assumed he was a werewolf. Gon needed a place to stay, and he quite liked the pack. He didn't want to get kicked out because he was a human.
Folkin grinned. "there's some fowl out there" Gon's eyes snapped over to where Folkin was looking, and he grabbed his fishing rod. Folkin gave him an odd look, but said nothing. Gon focused, taking a deep breath in and out. The bird pecked around in a tree. Not yet... it took flight, then circled around the water. He got ready to swing. As soon as the bird dove for a fish leaping from the river, he shot out his fishing rod, the line wrapping around the bird with a squawk. Folkin's eyes widened in shock as Gon reeled the bird in, then quickly snapped its neck.
Gon beamed, handing him the bird. "see?" Folkin just stared at him a while. "How on earth..?" Gon laughed. "secret" he said with a grin.
588 words
To Be Continued....maybe?
I decided to reread this fic on a whim and realized i had some unposted writing. Might consider rekindling this series. Maybe...writing it a little better- No promises though I'm on the verge of burnout
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