twenty-two || sea foams destiny
Taehyun gasped out sharply when they suddenly dove underwater, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as he adjusted to the sudden change and pressure before opening his eyes, looking around in a panic.
Right as he turned his head, he glanced down at the arm around him, immediately clawing at it as panic rose within him, he needed to get back to Beomgyu as soon as possible!
"Hey!" Taehyun exclaimed angrily, slapping Minnie's arms — holy shit she was strong! "Let me go you wannabe squidward walking calamari sea witch! Let me go!"
"Oh stop squirming around!" Minnie hissed, throwing the male forward before using one of her tentacles to wrap around his waist, securing him tight. "This would be a lot easier if you weren't complaining so much!"
"You're telling me not to complain when you literally kidnapped me and jumped off the edge of a cliff with me?!" Taehyun shrieked, squirming around as he hit the tentacle around his waist. "You're actually insane! Now let me go, I need to get back to that idiot Choi!"
Minnie rolled her eyes, scoffing loudly as she began to dive deeper into the blue abyss to where all of the sunken ships were, already annoyed with the males complaining. "Not a chance! You expect me to let you go? We had a deal, don't you remember?"
Taehyun suddenly froze, her words processing in his head before it slowly began to hit him, the memory of him inside of her domain before he had turned into a human had came back to him — the memory of him being told that... that...
"Three days, no kiss!" Minnie said, a smirk was on her lips, her tone was so annoying it was like she wanted to taunting him for his mistake. "You didn't complete it, so now you're mine, remember?"
The male flushed in horror, his jaw slacked open as his eyes widened, his hands began to tremble in realization that she had fucking spelled him! "You- You tricked me! You added an extra spell to the one you placed on me- how could you do that?!"
"Please! You thought I would give you a chance at freedom that easy?" Minnie said, laughing loudly which angered him even more. "Listen, pretty boy, instead of getting all angry at me, you should thank me for allowing you to spend time with that handsome prince of yours!"
"Thank you?!"
"Aww, you're welcome!"
Taehyun's bottom lip began to tremble, his fists clenching so tightly that they were nearly turning white. How could he have been so stupid? So caught off guard? How could he let this slip away from his mind?! Of course he needed one single kiss for them to leave the fairytale — so why did he let this happen?!
Should he also be angry at Choi? The elder obviously knew they needed a kiss to leave the happily ever after... but they were interrupted everytime and had gotten distracted by how... happy they were together.
It was all too much!
"Let me go!" Taehyun spoke up, clawing at the tentacles around him that didn't budge a bit. "Seriously! What do even want me to do for you?!"
He could tell that Minnie was seriously getting annoyed now, he could see a faint red hue creeping up her neck and even some of her veins popping out — wow she's actually kinda terrifying maybe he made a mistake—
"You sea witch!"
A sharp gasp left Minnie's mouth as she halted her movements. Her eyes widened when the appearance of the beloved sea king Yoon Jeonghan appeared before them menacingly with anger tinted in his eyes, the large trident in his hands began to illuminate a mystical golden hue from its absurd power.
Oh shit, now he's here?! Aw fuck I'm screwed! Taehyun thought, his jaw clenching tightly, realizing that someone snitched on him! Oh wait, it was probably Huening Kai or Soobin.
"Oh my, isn't this surprising?" Minnie said, her eyes roaming up and down the powerful kings appearance. "The beloved King Jeonghan of the sea came to see me! To what do I owe you on this beautiful night?"
Jeonghan's eyes trailed over towards Taehyun who was there frozen, his eyes widening for just a moment when he saw his precious son trapped. "What do you want with my son?! Let him go!"
It's so fucking weird hearing one of my teachers call me his son. Taehyun shuddered, grimacing just a little bit. Can he just zap this bitch dead so I can find Choi?!
"The mighty sea king is asking me to let go of his precious son?" Minnie said, a wicked smirk forming on her lips — yet there was pure hatred in her eyes. "You think I would listen to you after you banished me from the kingdom?!"
She's doing all of this because she was banished from the kingdom?? Taehyun tried his best not to grimace in annoyance. She's even worse than Maleficent back in sleeping beauty! What's with these villains always being so petty?
Anger was written all over Jeonghan's face, his eyes darkened in such a malicious manner it was a huge change from his soft expressions from before. His jaw began to clench fully as his hold on the golden trident tightened, the mystical weapon began to illuminate a golden hue brightly.
"You let my son go you witch!" Jeonghan exclaimed, aiming the trident towards Minnie who didn't flinch a bit. "Instead of banishment, I should've executed you!"
Minnie hummed softly, covering her mouth as she yawned since all of his little threats didn't hurt her anymore. "Execution? That's so cruel, but go ahead! Try it! Kill me!"
Oh my god this woman is so fucking crazy! Taehyun's expression flushed in a mixture of horror and concern, his eyebrows scrunching as he side eyed the sea witch. It's not everyday where he hears someone encourage someone else to KILL them??
Jeonghan didn't have to be told twice on that order, without any hesitation, the male aimed his trident properly as it began to glow brighter until a golden beam shot out towards Minnie at such a high pace it was barely processable — which made Taehyun freak out as the golden beam came closer and closer before hit—
Just before the golden beam could strike Minnie and practically disintegrate her, a huge force field had appeared out of no where, stopping the blow from even reaching her.
The moment that happened, Jeonghan froze in pure fear, his grip on the trident faltering just a little when he realized what had happened. While Minnie, who was having an absolute blast seeing the downfall of the sea kingdoms beloved king, began to laugh hysterically.
"What... that wasn't supposed...?"
"You idiot!" Minnie laughed so loudly, it was starting to hurt Taehyun's ears. "You absolute idiot of a king! You really thought you could hurt me? I made a deal with your precious son, using blood, and we all know that blood is thicker than water."
Taehyun's face began to pale when realization had hit him, this was way too off from the original fairytale, in the original she had signed a contract instead of plucking a scale from off of his tail... oh shit... he really fucked screwed everything up right now.
Jeonghan looked over towards Taehyun who stared at him with desperation in his eyes, he needed to be freed as soon as possible! He needed to get to Beomgyu before it was all too late, the deeper they go into the ocean the farther the distance from the surface becomes, and unless the elder somehow turns into a fucking fish or something they have no way to find each other!
"Hmm..." Minnie hummed, noticing how Jeonghan's expression faltered in fear. "You know... I'm a girl who always loves a good bargain when the time comes!"
The tentacle that was around Taehyun's waist which kept him secured and still soon slipped away, causing the male to nearly swim away with the small opportunity, but just before he could swim away and go back to the surface, both of Minnie's slimy ugly little electric eels immediately wrapped themselves around the males arms, causing him to scream out in pain loudly when waves of electric shock began to bolt through his entire body.
"Taehyun!" Jeonghan exclaimed in fear, his heart dropping when he saw the male screaming loudly in pain. "No- No don't hurt him!"
Just before he could swim over towards the male and help him, a large tentacle had suddenly slammed into his chest, causing him to fly back into some rocks, a harsh throbbing pain blooming all around his back before looking up to see Minnie hovering above him with a wicked smile.
"King Jeonghan of the sea kingdom..." Minnie said, a slight hum in her tone while her eyes were ignited with flames of pleasure seeing him suffer. "The strongest merman of them all, let's strike a deal shall we? For the life of your precious Taehyun!"
Taehyun's jaw clenched tightly, his teeth gritting together as the electrifying pain ran throughout his entire body, his vision becoming blurry while his mind began to blank out little by little, his consciousness slipping away by the second.
Stay awake! Stay conscious! Taehyun hissed out a pained groan, squirming around which made the pain worse. You can't pass out, you can't die! You need to get back to Choi, stay awake... stay...
"So what'll it be?" Minnie spoke up, gaining Jeonghan's attention. "For the life of your beloved youngest son, give me the crown and the trident to the ocean, then he'll be saved."
It was a horrible deal, a deal that could put the whole oceans fate at risk. But when Taehyun let out another pained cry while slowly losing consciousness, Jeonghan's heart clenched as his fists tightened, his eyes not leaving the males figure before he exhaled shakily, throwing the trident straight in Minnie's direction who immediately caught it.
"Perfect!" She squealed loudly, snapping her fingers which made both electric eels swim away from Taehyun, allowing the male to fall to the ocean floor. "Smart decision!"
It took Taehyun a few minutes to regain his consciousness allowing his vision to clear up, yet his entire body was still throbbing in pain from the ghostly sensation of that electrical pain swirling all around his body.
His head soon snapped up when he heard Minnie laughing hysterically again, his eyes widening in horror when the two eels began to wrap themselves around Jeonghan — causing him to groan loudly when the same pain he had felt a moment ago had now been inflicted onto him, his heart dropping down when he helplessly watched Minnie swim in front of him and aim the trident towards him.
"It's been seventeen years since you've banished me, ruined my reputation, cursed me forever..." Minnie spoke, her taunting tone dropped down to one that was cold. "But now... here I am with the most powerful weapon in the sea! It's time to take back everything you took from me!"
Minnie pointed the trident towards Jeonghan who helplessly closed his eyes, a sign of giving up, which only made her ego spike up even more. Without a moments hesitation, the trident began to illuminate a bright golden hue before a large beam shot out — instantly hitting Jeonghan in the chest.
Taehyun watched in horror when the kings body slowly began to disintegrate before his very eyes, immediately sitting up while he covered his mouth to hold back a shout of fear that was creeping up when he watched him slowly fade into ashes.
what...the... fuck????
"Finally..." He heard Minnie whisper underneath her breath, a manic smile growing on her lips. "It's time to show this kingdom that i'm—"
"You're a fucking witch!" Taehyun shouted loudly, swimming towards her right away to try and get the trident out from her hold. "You- You killed him!"
"Oh be quiet!" Minnie groaned, using one of her tentacles to throw him back, causing him to slam into some rocks around them. "I have spent my whole life suffering in that damn deserted dark sea! It's time for this kingdom to pay for how they treated me!"
Taehyun gasped out a sharp pained breath when he slammed into the sharp rocks behind him, he's already certain that there would be bruises forming and cuts there but that didn't matter, what he needed to do was get this crazy bitch in tact!
"Maybe there's a reason since you're a crazy ass sea witch!"
Oh... maybe he shouldn't have said that...
Anger began to flush all over Minnie's face once he had said that, her eyes darkening as the air (or water) began to become more suffocating and thick, maybe it wasn't a really good idea to insult some sea witch holding a magic trident that can zap people to ashes... oops!
"I don't need you anymore!" Minnie said, flipping the trident so she was holding it with two hands now, the powerful weapon beaming a brighter glow. "You're powerless against me! You deserve to be with your father in the afterlife!"
Taehyun's chest began to heave up and down at a fast pace when she pointed the trident in his direction, his eyes widening just a little when he saw a golden swirl wrap around it before a beam slowly began to grow, his stomach churning in fear — he needed to get up and run! Yet why did he feel so scared and frozen?!
"Say hello to your mother for me!"
The male immediately squeezed his eyes shut when the golden circle slowly started to grow bigger, growing more and more until it shot out and —
Taehyun's eyes shot wide open when he had heard Minnie cry out, his heart dropping down to his stomach when the golden beam had been redirected into a bunch of rocks instead of his chest, immediately looking to the side when he saw... a harpoon floating next to them...?
"What?!" Minnie growled out, looking at her arm which had been cut, turning her head. "How did this—"
She immediately turned her head, her eyes widening when she saw him.
"The crowned prince?!"
Beomgyu's eyes widened when he saw a faint red blob behind that walking sea calamari thing, his heart dropping down when he saw Taehyun injured and frozen in fear. Quickly dropping the empty harpoon shell in his hands, he swiftly turned around and started swimming towards the surface to the boat not to far from him.
"Looks like your lover boy paid you a little visit, princess!" Minnie said, smirking wickedly before pointing the trident in his directions. "Let's go bring him to you!"
Taehyun watched in horror as the two eels that had almost fucking electrocuted him unconscious had started making a beeline towards Beomgyu who was unaware and fighting against the current to head back up to the surface towards the boat again.
Just before the elder managed to get back on the boat, the two eels wrapped around his legs and pulled him back down into the water, his eyes widening as he squirmed around before a muffled scream choked out when he felt the electricity coarse through his body, causing Taehyun's heart to drop.
Get up, get up. stop being a pussy! He mentally slapped himself, trying to get all his limbs to cooperate with his mind. She's going to hurt Choi- He's drowning- get up get up get up!
"Say goodbye to your human heart throb!" Minnie said loudly, closing one eye as she aimed the trident in Beomgyu's direction whose movements began to slow down from the lack of air.
Taehyun felt his breath hitch when he watched another beam of light form up at the end of the trident, his eyes shaking along with his heart as he pathetically watched shoot out from—
Like a swirling surge of sudden energy, Taehyun immediately flung from his spot and jumped onto Minnie, pushing her arms down which made the trident point towards the eels, the huge beam hitting the eels instead, practically disintegrating them as the male swam towards the elder in a rush.
Minnie shrieked in horror when she watched her precious pet eels turn into ashes, her jaw dropping as the little remaining pieces floated towards her like a taunting punishment. "N-No! My babies!"
Her shock had shifted to anger within just a few seconds, her eyes darkening as her jaw clenched as a dark purple mist began to swirl around her, becoming enraged after seeing that stupid mermaid prince and the human one in front of her.
She was going to make them pay.
Taehyun began to swim towards the elder in a hurry, his heart throbbing when he saw him struggling to swim back up. Once he was close enough to him, he immediately wrapped his arm around his waist and began to swim up towards the surface, ignoring Minnie's screams in the background.
The moment they broke through the surface, Beomgyu gasped for air loudly before coughing up a storm, causing Taehyun to grimace slightly while guiding the elder towards the wooden boat.
Oh gosh, was the weather bipolar or something because it was just bright and sunny with clear skies a few minutes ago but now it's all gloomy and rainy with huge dark clouds reigning the sky so damn menacingly.
It didn't help that the raindrops felt like literal needles on his skin, his vision becoming slightly blurry with the amount of water rolling into them, it started to remind him of the first day they were here, but all of that didn't matter, what mattered more was the idiot in front of him!
"Choi, what the fuck are you doing here?!" Taehyun choked out, swimming over towards the elder who hung onto the wooden boat tightly. "You're going to get killed if you're out here!"
It wasn't a lie nor him being overdramatic, the waves were becoming more rouge by the second, harshly pushing them around and splashing cold water in their face — Taehyun doesn't know whether it's because he was half a fucking fish or not but he was sure that these harsh conditions wouldn't give him hypothermia or something, he can't say the same about Beomgyu though, dude looks like he's about to puke being in the sea.
"I came for you!" Beomgyu shouted loudly, wiping his face which was very pale. "Did you think I would just sit back in the palace after watching you dive off a cliff?!"
Taehyun's lips puckered out slightly, he kinda did expect that... but that's because his trust was still wonky right now!
"How did this even happen?!" Taehyun shouted, swimming towards the elder as thunder began to rumble loudly. "How did you even manage to meet the sea witch and bring her to the palace?! Are you stupid?!"
Beomgyu jaw clenched tightly, it was obvious the situation they were in was overwhelming the both of them to the point where they're raising their voices at one another. "It's because I met her on a beach! She used your voice to lure me!"
"I was literally mute for the past few days why the fuck would you believe that?!" Taehyun growled angrily, unaware that the water below them was bubbling up a lot. "You could've avoided it but you followed it! Why would you—"
"Because I was worried, Taehyun!"
Taehyun's suddenly paused the moment the elder had said that, his eyes widening as his heart dropped down to his stomach... did he just...?
"Wh-What did you...?"
"I heard your voice late at night screaming for help," Beomgyu interrupted him once again, ignoring the younger's initial shock. "I was panicking! The minute I heard you scream for help— I couldn't think straight and my mind blanked out! I was- I was worried!"
The male stayed there frozen, his bottom lip trembling as all of the words that were in his mind had suddenly vanished, his attention purely on the male in front of him.
He honestly thought he misheard him and had been hallucinating, but when it registered in his mind, he could feel his heart nearly rip out of his chest from how fast it was beating!
It had been so long since he had heard Beomgyu say his name, so why now... was his face heating up so much despite being in the cold waters, his heart racing so fast it was unbearable... why was his mind repeating that memory over and over again?
Taehyun's jaw clenched tightly. "You need to get out of here, Choi, it isn't safe for you!"
"Stop pushing me away!" Beomgyu exclaimed, pushing the male back who was startled by the action. "You think it's safe for you?! If I hadn't arrived on time you would've been zapped into ashes!"
Taehyun was really starting to get angry now, why wasn't this asshole listening to him?! He has a higher chance of drowning or being killed since they were in the middle of the damn sea with a crazy ass octopus underneath them! It was bothering him so much, the idea of having him around in such a dangerous area made his stomach twist.
"I'm staying here whether you like it or not," Beomgyu said, his voice cracking slightly as he turned away and reached out for another harpoon. "You said it yourself, we work together or else we can't get out."
Now it was really starting to hit him, that uncomfortable emotion growing larger by the second the more Beomgyu was around him in such a dangerous area, now that he pays attention more, he started to notice how the rain began to pick up and how the waves became more rouge, splashing against them harshly while lightning was flashing through the clouds.
Without a second thought, the male plunged forward and grabbed onto Beomgyu's wrist, momentarily stopping his movements as he pushed the harpoon back into the boat, causing the elder to gasp out in anger as he turned his head.
"What are you doing?!"
"I'm pushing you back into the boat!" Taehyun shouted, trying his best to shove the elder into the boat while the water became more crazy underneath. "You can't stay here!"
Beomgyu's eyebrows scrunched in anger while his heart was pounding against his chest, his entire body felt like it was going numb but it didn't matter at all, what mattered was Taehyun and defeating that bitch who stole him!
"I already told you i'm not going back!—"
"I don't care! Leave! Now!"
"Why are you pushing me away again?!" Beomgyu shouted angrily, grabbing onto the younger's wrist to stop him from pushing him away. "I'm trying to help you yet you're—"
Taehyun gritted his teeth tightly as the memories flashed through his mind, causing his heart to clench in pain. He started to frustrate him so much for not listening he was certain he would burst out in tears right then and there. The memories of the elder slowly passing away in front of him came back, the memory of witnessing him being caught in an explosion and nearly drowning to death — he can't handle it anymore.
So without a second thought, Taehyun pushed him back, screaming the first thing that came to mind.
"Because I'm scared to lose you again!"
Now it was Beomgyu's turn to fall silent, being hit with shock as his eyes widened, his mouth hanging open as the words he was about to say came out as a jumbled mess, his stomach swirling around with butterflies when the male had said that.
...what does he mean... again...?
"I-I..." Taehyun's voice began to shake, as if he weren't supposed to say what he said. "I...I nearly lost you in the last fairytale... I-I almost lost you in this one too, I can't have that happen again... so please... leave and go back."
Beomgyu stared at him in silence, his lips trembling while his grip around the others wrist began to falter, his face slowly softening up, but just before he could say anything the loud rumbling underneath them had gained their attention, both looking down in horror when a large silhouette from below began to rise to the surface.
They didn't even have time to process anything as the both of them began to be lifted up into the sky, a horrified shriek ripping through Taehyun's throat as both he and Beomgyu fell back onto a crown on someone's... head...?
Shit! Why are we being lifted into the sky?! Taehyun thought, panic rising in his stomach before it hit him hard. Oh shit- wait a minute- the sea witch turns into a giant monster or something- fuck!
"Taehyun!" He heard Beomgyu call out, forcing him to look over in his direction. "I-I need you to grab my hand!"
Taehyun's exhaled a shaky breath when he glanced over towards the elder who was slipping in his spot, struggling to stay on the weird crown like structure as the enormous creature rising from the sea began to ascend further, causing his stomach to twist in fear from how far they were going, soon looking back at Beomgyu who noticed his hesitation.
"Do you trust me?!" Beomgyu shouted, extending his hand once more desperately.
It took Taehyun long seconds, mentally battling between what was right or wrong in this situation, but when he heard a loud laugh echo out, his body went blank as he immediately grabbed onto Beomgyu's hand.
"I trust you, Choi!"
The moment he had said that and secured his hand into the elders grasp, Beomgyu wasted no time before jumping off of the crown structure, causing Taehyun to be caught off guard as he screamed loudly, the sickening feeling of falling made his eyes water until a pair of arms wrapped around him securely.
The minute he opened his eyes and realized that Beomgyu was holding onto him tightly, it was like his body had moved on its own as he wrapped his arms around Beomgyu's
waist tightly, slamming their chests against each other before flipping them over.
Unable to say anything, they both splashed deep into the water, a choked out breath ripping through as pain bloomed all across his back from the harsh landing.
He gasped sharply as he opened his eyes right away and looked down towards Beomgyu who choked out a breath, his heart dropping down to his stomach as he held onto him tighter and began to swim towards the surface, swimming above water as the elder gasped out a sharp breath, his eyes widening when he saw— what the fuck?!
In front of him loomed the menacing figure of Minnie, who had somehow used her magic, combined with the tridents power, to grow about ten times larger. She towered over them and the entire ocean like a wicked deity while her tentacles splashed in and out of the water, creating huge waves all around.
The thunderstorm that surrounded them began to intensify, lightning illuminating her silhouette while thunder echoed out loudly, nearly popping his eardrums.
Minnie's eyes glowed with a sinister light, her taunting laughter boomed across the sea, blending in with the crashing waves. Her enormous tentacles thrashed wildly, sending huge waves throughout the water as the sky darkened further.
Every movement she made sent ripples of terror through Taehyun's body. The sheer scale of her transformation was overwhelming, her monstrous form casting a shadow that seemed to swallow the sea itself. The air crackled with energy, the combination of her magic and the trident's power creating a suffocating force.
"Now I rule the seas!" She exclaimed loudly, holding up the large trident as her piercing eyes stared down at the two who were just ants. "I'm going to make sure every powerless creature suffers! Starting with you!"
"What the hell did you do to her?!"
"I might've accidentally made her kill her two pets— WATCH OUT!"
Taehyun immediately pushed Beomgyu out of the way before rushing in the opposite direction as a massive octopus tentacle came crashing down toward them. The tentacle slammed down harshly, sending a shockwave through the water, the impact suddenly knocked him underwater, losing his balance as he slammed into the rocks below while a loud groan escaped his lips as pain shot through his body.
Shit- Shit! Taehyun's eyes shot wide open when he heard the sounds of loud creaking noises, flipping around to see a giant trident swirling around in a circular motion, creating a huge underwater whirlpool that had so much power — the sunken shipwrecks began to move.
He could feel himself being pulled into the strong force, his eyes instantly glancing towards the surface searching for Beomgyu desperately, forcing himself up as he tried his best to fight against the current that swirled sunken debris all around, nearly hitting him.
Panic was surging through Taehyun like a sickening daze, his eyes glancing everywhere as he tried his best to look for Beomgyu who had gotten separated from him, the thought of losing the elder again was horrifying, it made him want to scream out loudly from how frustrated he was! Why couldn't he just go back to the surface?!
After a few minutes of anxiously looking around and avoiding sharp wooden edges, Taehyun began to panic even more when he swam back up to the surface, looking around before his eyes landed on a rope swinging in front of him.
He could practically feel the force of the giant whirlpool from down below dragging him in, so with no other choice the male immediately grabbed onto the rope as tried his best to climb up, ignoring the stinging pain from receiving rope burns.
Where are you, Choi?! Taehyun thought, worry lingering in his mind as he tried his best to shove those thoughts away. Fuck- Why did I push him away- fuck! please don't be hurt-
He pushed the elder just in time to avoid getting struck by the giant tentacle, but now he doesn't know where he was! He could barely see with the heavy rain and the dark clouds, the rouge waves splashing around while in the middle was a huge whirlpool vortex spinning everything around it, causing sunken ships to rise above and crash around.
Taehyun groaned loudly as he managed to climb all the way up the rope, his eyes widening when he found himself on a rock in front of Minnie who stared down at him right away, shivers boarding through his veins when he saw her lift the giant trident up in his direction, causing his heart to drop.
"Prince! How kind of you to present yourself right before me!" Minnie beamed brightly, the trident swirling with gold as a beam began to build up. "Let me reward you with a kind thank you: a quick death!"
Taehyun gritted his teeth tightly, hanging onto the rope with all of his strength as he stared Minnie down with anger swirling in his eyes, because of her, Choi was out there in the sea injured somewhere and he can't find him! Oh how pissed off he was.
He doesn't even care if she was a friend from school anymore, this octopus bitch has seriously pushed his last nerve.
"Go to hell!"
Beomgyu gasped sharply the moment he made it above water, quickly wiping his face as he looked around in a panicked rush, his eyes widening when he realized he had been separated from Taehyun.
"Shit- Shit! Taehyun! Taehyun?!" Beomgyu called out, using all of his strength to fight against the current of the rouge waves.
Just before he could dive underwater and search for the male, he suddenly felt a strong force from below pull him in, his head snapping in that direction — immediately flushing in horror when he saw a giant whirlpool start to form, his heart dropping by the second as he turned back and tried his best to escape the area.
Yet, curse his human body and weak muscles, he could barely make it out in time before he was swept back and under the water, a muffled shout echoing out as his arms flailed around, his entire body burning as he tried to fight back the whirlpool that tried so hard to kill him.
Goddamnit! This whole situation was... was his fault... if he hadn't been so foolish and overtaken by his emotions then maybe they wouldn't be in this situation right now, they wouldn't be fighting for their lives in this damn sea — and this crazy walking calamari wouldn't be trying to kill him.
Beomgyu gritted his teeth angrily, feeling the lack of oxygen hit him hard, looking around rapidly, his eyes landed on a rope that passed by, immediately swimming towards it and grabbed onto it the minute he was close enough to it, using all of his strength to hang onto the rope while being pulled up towards the surface.
In just a few seconds, Beomgyu began to climb up the rope, gasping for air rapidly the minute he was out of the water, struggling to climb up the rope until he landed on the broken deck of a huge boat, a strained gasp leaving his mouth when he felt himself slipping down the surface before he grabbed onto the rope once again.
Oh shit- I'm really going to be sick! Beomgyu thought, feeling a wave of nausea hit him, the same nauseous feeling he felt when he first arrived in the fairytale. I'm going to puke- holy shit I hate my life!-
Just before Beomgyu was going to give up and accept his unfortunate fate, the memory of Taehyun's worried expression and trembling voice flashed through his mind, his heart clenching when he remembered the words the younger said.
He can't lose him again.
He has to fight back — return to Taehyun, so they could go home.
Gathering up all of his strength and tossing aside the sickening feelings of nearly puking his entire guts out, Beomgyu pulled himself up, harshly being pushed around when rouge waves had hit the boat.
The male groaned loudly, using the rope to heave himself up before he heard a loud sickening laugh from behind, his head snapping backwards as his heart dropped down to his stomach when he saw the giant sea witch lady aiming her huge trident at something.
Oh no, oh no, oh no oh no
Beomgyu's eyes followed the direction she was pointing at, his eyes landing on a familiar red blob in the distance which made all of the panic he was repressing soon burst out, a terrified scream ripping through as he stumbled up the rope more.
"Taehyun!" Beomgyu shouted loudly, worry laced in his tone as he watched the male struggle to keep stable on the rock he was hanging onto.
Right before Beomgyu called out for the younger again, he was suddenly interrupted when a huge golden beam flashed brightly, causing him to cover his eyes from how bright it was — until he had heard a loud explosion echo out.
Beomgyu's eyes shot open the minute he heard that, his heart racing as his stomach swirled with an unforgivable emotion and anxiety, it wasn't until he looked over towards where Taehyun was at, his mouth dropping down in horror when he realized that the beam had hit the rock pillar where the male was — which means...
"TAEHYUN!" Beomgyu cried out, climbing the rope higher to see if the male was in the water, but his heart dropped down when he saw nothing but smoke in that area.
He turned his head everywhere, hanging onto the pathetic rope attached to the wooden boat that was thrashing around dangerously in the water, drying to block out the sea witch's loud laughter before he noticed something red in the corner of his eyes pop up, his head snapping in that direction feeling his stomach drop down.
Fear, anxiety, worry, all of those emotions swirled within him like a rising storm, his mind racing with so many thoughts that it was starting to become unbearable. There, he saw Taehyun, hanging off of the rock with a rope attached to his waist, swaying pathetically in the wind as he was... hopefully unconscious.
All of a sudden, that fear and anxiety that swirled around him slowly started to boil into rage and anger, his jaw clenching tightly as he watched Minnie laugh uncontrollably and shout about how she now ruled the seas, just the sight of seeing the younger so injured made his blood boil with so much rage — his vision flashed red.
That's when he remembered right away what the ending was in The Little Mermaid, his eyes widening in realization when he looked down towards the end of the boat and saw a sharp splinted bowsprit pointing near where Minnie's heart was.
That's it! I have to impale her! Beomgyu beamed in realization, but suddenly paused for a second, oh shit... does he really have to kill her? That's really freaky- what the fuck-
He was really about to reconsider it all until the image of Taehyun's unconscious figure flashed through his mind, his anger was more stronger than any of his other emotions. Because of this bitch and his foolish mistake, they're in this situation!
Swiftly turning around, Beomgyu heaved himself up the rope and over to where the quarterdeck was located, his eyes landing on the wooden wheel that was broken just a bit, but it was certainly enough to move the ship.
"Time to take this entire ocean down with me!"
Oh god, this woman is absolutely crazy. Beomgyu thought, pushing himself up the stairs before stumbling down when a wave hit the side of the boat, causing him to cover his mouth as he gagged loudly — he really fucking hates the ocean!
The male raised his arm to cover his eyes which were becoming blurry by the second, his body becoming numb from how cold it was out and from how long he was in the water for, everything was screaming at him to just give up and retreat so he could fucking sleep, but he's pretty sure Taehyun would kill him if he did.
Looking up, he watched as Minnie raised the trident up high as the storm clouds began to rumble loudly, as if she were trying to create a disastrous typhoon to end the entire world, which was a bit crazy!
The male groaned loudly, wiping his face and clearing his vision as he pushed forward, grabbing onto the wheel while straining all of his muscles to move it to the right to steer it in that direction, it took a bit since it wouldn't fucking budge but after a few more seconds of pushing himself the wheel suddenly snapped and began turning in that direction — causing the boat to shift.
"Get off the boat get off the boat get off the boat!" Beomgyu whispered to himself in a panicked daze, slipping for a few seconds before throwing himself off the ledge into the water.
A loud creak echoed out which caught Minnie's attention right before she could unleash her power, her head slowly turning to the side before her eyes widened seeing a boat coming in her direction with the bowsprit guiding it, the sharp splinted end perfectly aiming at her chest which made her heart drop when she realized what was happening.
Yet, she was too late to react, unable to swipe the boat away or even swim away from the situation, her eyes widening as it came closer and closer...
...until she felt the sharp bowsprit impale her chest, causing her to scream out in pain.
Beomgyu gasped loudly when he swam up from underwater again, his head turning in the direction where the sea witch was, hearing a loud bloody murder scream echo out as she slowly sank back into the ocean, her hold on the tridents bright slipping slightly as the bright color faded away.
Minnie screamed loudly in pain as she wrapped her arms around the boat, trying her best to push it out of her chest only for it to plunge deeper into her heart, causing her to fall back back into the water that slowly began to calm down.
Beomgyu watched in horror as he braced himself still with a rope that was attached to a rock, his eyes widening when he watched the sea witch fully submerge back into the sea, the dangerous rouge waters slowly calming down as the skies began to clear up, the dark hue fading away as little beams of golden light shined through.
Holy fucking shit.
He just killed Minnie.
"Sh-Shit! Kang!" Beomgyu gasped out, pushing away his panic as he splashed around, looking for the male before his eyes landed on the area he was in, his heart pounding heavily. "Oh fuck!"
Beomgyu quickly swam over towards the younger despite how sore his muscles were, ignoring the gross sensation of his clothes sticking onto him while trembling from the cold, but getting to the male was more easier now that there wasn't a whole storm raging through.
"Kang! Kang Taehyun!" Beomgyu called out, swimming towards the rock where the younger hung, his eyes widened in horror seeing him still unconscious, the ropes that were around his waist were digging into his skin — turning it red.
Even though his hands were practically blistered and burning from the other ropes from earlier, he pushed that pain away as he climbed up the rock, momentarily slipping a few times and accidentally hurting his leg, but that didn't matter.
Stabling himself on the rock wasn't that easy when it was wet and slippery with moss on it, but once he was stable enough he grabbed onto the rope and began to pull the male up, struggling a bit at first until he finally managed to get the younger onto his lap.
"Hey! Taehyun! Wake up!" Beomgyu called out, quickly cutting the rope around the males waist with a sharp rock, his eyes landing on the red markings on his skin which made his heart hurt. "Kang! Wake up! I killed her- which was really fucking crazy but I killed her!"
After a few minutes of hopeless attempts to wake the younger up, Beomgyu's stomach began to fill with anxiety when the male didn't budge at all, his breathing becoming uneasy as he held up Taehyun's head so it wasn't hanging off the edge.
"Taehyun!" Beomgyu called out again, his voice trembling when the male was just limp in his arms. "Wake up! This isn't funny anymore! Come on! Wake up!"
Now it was really starting to hit him hard, the pain that he pushed away started to stab him in all directions on his body, his heart throbbing and racing so fast he was certain that if he puked right now it would fall out — his mind forming so many different outcomes of this situation that were all bad, making him even more worried than before.
He's an idiot! He should've known that getting out of something like this wouldn't be so fucking easy! He could barely feel Taehyun's breath nor see his chest moving, it was really making him scared—
"Good job."
Beomgyu's breath hitched as his head snapped down towards Taehyun's face, butterflies unleashing inside of his stomach when he saw the younger's eyes slowly open as the color on his face began to come back, his lip trembling as his hold became tighter.
"You're awake!" He exclaimed, almost in a relieved tone as he held onto Taehyun tighter, afraid to let go. "Oh god- I thought she killed you or something- I had to kill her- it was so-"
"I had to kill a dragon to save you," Taehyun spoke softly, obvious that he was weak. "You killed an octopus to save me, I think it's only fair, but... good job."
Beomgyu bit the bottom of his lip to hold back a smile, turning his head away so the younger couldn't see it. He had never felt so relieved and at ease in his life, knowing that Taehyun was fine and not turned into a fried fish made his heart at ease.
The idea of losing him... scared him.
Just before the two of them could get off the rock and find the wooden boat that was hopefully not sunken, Beomgyu suddenly paused when he saw someone new pop up from underwater, his eyes widening when he saw—
"Mr. Yoon?!" The elder screeched, causing Taehyun's head to snap in that direction, his eyes widening seeing the male staring at them with a smile on their face.
"You're alive?!" Taehyun exclaimed, he was pretty fucking sure he watched the dude be disintegrated into ashes — holy fuck was he dying?? Is he able to see ghosts now?? "How are you alive?!"
"You didn't tell me that our mythology teacher was the—"
"After you defeated the sea witch," Jeonghan spoke up, interrupting Beomgyu who was genuinely freaking out. "I regained my power, good job Taehyun! I'm so proud of you!"
"Oh... uhm... thanks...?"
Jeonghan looked over towards Beomgyu, noticing how tightly the male was holding onto his son, his face shifted slightly as if he were slightly judging the male before sighting softly.
"I'm forever thankful that you, pathetic—"
"— human, have saved me and my son. But you also saved the entire ocean, for that I'll grant you one wish for my gratitude."
Beomgyu was a bit shocked by that, glancing down at Taehyun who seemed like he didn't expect it at all as well. So many possible thoughts ran through his mind, he could wish for them to get out of the fairytale faster! Or he could wish for their injuries to all be gone— or he could wish for a new fucking boat!
After a few seconds of endless possibilities, the males eyes landed on the tail on his lap, his heart clenching tightly.
They needed one kiss to get out of this fairytale, but he would much rather do it when Taehyun wasn't a fucking fish and they were safe on land and not in the middle of no where, so with a soft breath he looked back at the king.
"I want Taehyun to be human again."
"We did it! We did it! We defeated that evil son of a bitch!" Beomgyu cheered, running back onto the land before tripping — falling face flat onto the sand, but that didn't matter at all. "Take that you wicked calamari!"
Beomgyu gasped loudly, immediately pushing himself off of the ground despite how good it felt to lay down, rushing over towards Taehyun who shakily got out of the boat, helping him out right away.
After wishing for Taehyun to be human again, Jeonghan was most definitely not pleased with the idea of having his beloved "son" head back to the human world. But after a bit of convincing and promising that Taehyun won't fucking die, the king agreed and turned the male back into human along with giving them a new boat.
Taehyun yelped loudly when his foot slipped, falling forward until the elder had caught him right away, feeling his face heat up as he shakily balanced himself, for some reason it felt so weird having legs again — he should be used to it!
"Shit!" Beomgyu gasped out, his eyes widening in realization. "The happily ever after! Do you think we can still achieve it?! It was supposed to be on the third day but it shouldn't matter, right?!—"
The elder began speaking on and on about the happily ever after, every word slowly becoming muffled nonsense as Taehyun tried his best to focus on what he was saying, but for some reason... every muscle in his body was sore as if it were on fire, his mind blanking out as his stomach twisted in such a painful way it made him choke out a sob.
Beomgyu suddenly paused hearing the male sob loudly, his focus diverting only on the male who seemed... pale...? What the hell? Why was he becoming more pale by the second— he was also trembling!
"Taehyun?" Beomgyu called out, feeling the younger slip out of his hold as his legs gave out. "Taehyun!"
The both of them were dragged onto the ground, water splashing everywhere as Beomgyu was pulled down onto his knees while Taehyun clung onto the elder weakly, his breathing becoming heavier as his eyebrows scrunched as if he were in pain.
"Hey! What's wrong?! What happened?!" Beomgyu began to panic, holding onto the younger tightly.
This doesn't make sense, all of their injuries were healed because of the king! He's pretty sure that he wouldn't curse him either — so what the fuck is going on?!
Taehyun began to choke out another loud sob, causing Beomgyu's heart to throb in pain hearing him suffering. The male was becoming more pale by the second as his body was trembling, as if he were heavily injured.
Taehyun squeezed his eyes shut, his entire body felt like it was on fire while also becoming numb, his mind was blanking out as all of his attention and thoughts were only on the pain exploding throughout his body — he could barely hear the elder either.
"Taehyun!" Beomgyu cried out, grabbing onto the younger tighter, his body was heating up like crazy despite how cold the water was. "Hey! Open your eyes, I'll get you help—"
It was until the elder had glanced down at the males legs, doing a double take until he gasped sharply when he saw the younger's legs slowly fading into... sea... foam...?
Beomgyu sat there frozen when he saw the males legs slowly fading into sea foam, his heart dropping by the second until he snapped back into reality, panic crashing down onto him as he held onto Taehyun tightly.
"Taehyun! Taehyun! Wake up — wake up! You're turning into sea foam! No- No! stay awake please! How did this—"
The male suddenly paused when the image of Minnie flashed in his mind, the memory of her striking Taehyun with a huge beam that exploded the rock he was tied onto... If she... if she didn't kill him on first try with that explosion that meant... that meant- she casted another spell- she wanted Taehyun to have a slow and painful death-
"That fucking sea witch!" Beomgyu spat out angrily, holding onto the male whose bottom half began to only turn into sea foam. "She cursed you- how?! It's okay- I'll get you help- I'll find the sea king to reverse this-"
Taehyun shakily breathed out, forcing his eyes open as he looked up at Beomgyu weakly, he should've known something was up when he didn't fucking die right away when she shot that beam at him.
It was painful and so slow, he could feel his body parts melting away as his body burned even more, he didn't think this would happen. Black little dots began to appear in his vision as he slowly felt his body shut down, feeling his consciousness slip away.
"Don't you dare pass out on me right now, Taehyun!" Beomgyu said angrily, panic soaring through his veins like a disease. "Stay awake! Please I-I..."
His voice began to tremble as he sat there pathetically, there's no way hes able to find Jeonghan in time to reverse this, there's no other options to do! Wait- the kiss! The kiss!
Beomgyu immediately held up Taehyun's body, seeing his arms slowly fade away into sea foam before he leaned down. "I'm going to get us out of here, I promise- the pain will be over soon I-I-"
Just before Beomgyu could press his lips against Taehyun's he suddenly felt the male slip through his arms as his head dropped down into the water, his eyes widening when the younger's body he was holding onto had slipped from his hold, only sea foam remaining on his arms as Taehyun's head only remained (which was absolutely terrifying at the moment).
Beomgyu processed what had just happened for a few seconds before panicking. "NO! TAEHYUN!" He screamed out desperately, grabbing onto the younger, but he paused when right before his very eyes he watched the younger weakly mouth out the words:
I'm sorry.
In just like that, the male breathed out his final breath before fading into sea foam.
. . .
Beomgyu sat there in silence, his mouth dropped open as the bottom of his lip trembled, his hands shaking in frozen fear as he stared at the white sea foam in front of him, his throat closing up as his stomach twisted.
"TAEHYUN!" He screamed loudly, his voice cracking as he desperately tried to regather the sea foam that was washing away in the sea. "NO! TAEHYUN COME BACK!"
Beomgyu screamed loudly, his hands slipping through the foam as his mind was swirling with panic, his heart dropping down to his stomach as he felt his eyes stinging with tears as he desperately tried to rebuild the younger in hopes that he would come back.
But it was all too late, he was too late.
"Please, no, please," Beomgyu begged desperately grabbing onto his hair as he stood up and looked around in a panic. "Please- I just- I just got him back- bring him back to me- please!"
How could he be so dumb?! He should've know that she would've casted another spell- fuck fuck fuck- what should he do?! What can he do?! Taehyun's gone-
taehyun's... gone.
Beomgyu brought a shaky hand up and covered his mouth, a heartbreaking scream building up in his chest as he stared at the sea foam in horror, he just watched Taehyun fade away, he's- he's stuck here.
"I'm so sorry!" Beomgyu breathily said, his head hanging low. "I'm so sorry- It's my fault- I-I..."
Was this the same fear that Taehyun felt? It must be worse, he saved him on time yet here he was... unable to save the male- now he's stuck here, but most importantly... he was gone.
Beomgyu felt himself beginning to hyperventilate while guilt began to crashed down on him like a storm, despite how sunny and bright it was and how beautiful the sky was because of the rising sun, his entire world felt so dull and miserable.
It's his fault.
Everything is his fault.
If it... if it weren't for him removing the males name on the list- then they'll never be here.
If he hadn't been so fucking petty and leave him out in every meeting- this wouldn't have happened.
If he had just tossed away his pride and believed in the male for a moment, then this wouldn't happen.
If he had just let Taehyun voice out his anger instead of fighting the male, he wouldn't have lost him.
Beomgyu squeezed his eyes shut as pathetic droplet of tears dropped into the ocean, ignoring how his hands were stinging with pain before opening his eyes, the glint of something golden glimmered in the corner of his eye — forcing him to look over in that direction as his eyes widened seeing a golden... paper??
A golden paper!
Beomgyu immediately stood up, ignoring how weak his legs felt as he grabbed onto the paper, if it was here then it would mean it has a clue on how to get Taehyun back!
Quickly unfolding the paper, the males breath hitched when he read what was on it.
You have defeated this fairytale and achieved the happily ever after! You are such a hero!
As a reward, you have been given the opportunity to leave and head back to the real world!
Do you accept this offer?
Beomgyu froze in his spot when he read those words, his eyes widening as he reread the sentence over and over again.
Given... the opportunity... to go home early...?
The male stood there frozen in shock, his eyes blown wide... this golden letter... whoever was in control of this fairytale life... it's giving him the opportunity to go home early...? Instead of staying stuck here in this horrible fucking world...?
he can actually... go home...?
. . .
"...What a load of bullshit." Beomgyu spoke angrily, his despair turning into rage as he immediately crumbled up the paper. "You're offering me to go home when I just lost the one person who wanted to go home the most?!"
Beomgyu gritted his teeth angrily as he began to rip the paper apart. "You're a fucking asshole!" He doesn't know who he's screaming at. "Do you really think I would accept this offer?!"
"I would rather die on this island than go home without Taehyun!"
He stood there tearing up the paper and screaming nonsense for a few more minutes until his throat start to hurt and there was no longer any more paper to rip apart, letting the small pieces fall into the ocean as he stood there silently.
His eyes began to sting as his body was numb, slowly breathing in a sharp breath, becoming sick of the oceans smell as he slowly turned around.
All hope was lost, now that he lost Taehyun.
His heart hurt so much, his stomach felt so empty and numb inside. It felt like someone had ripped open his chest and taken half of his heart, the way he felt so sick he could barely stand straight.
It replayed in his mind, the way Taehyun had faded away into sea foam so fast he could barely process what was going on and how to properly fix it, right when he was about to kiss the male he had slipped away from his grasp.
Beomgyu closed his eyes tightly, hesitantly walking away from the water where the sea foam was gone, dissolving back into the water where it belonged.
He's fucking stuck here, but it's better than going home without Taehyun.
The male allowed one last tear to slip down his face, feeling it roll down his cheek before it fell off of his chin, a shaky breath leaving his mouth as he began to walk away.
Completely unaware of how the teardrop didn't fall onto the sand, but instead slowly paused midair and began to float towards the ocean.
Just before he walked away even more, the male suddenly felt a cold gust of air pushing him back, his eyes shooting wide open as he felt the wind suddenly pick up, causing him to turn his head in confusion—
what the fuck.
Beomgyu's eyes widened in shock as he stood there mesmerized by what was unfolding before him. From the serene surface of the ocean, large droplets began to rise as they floated in air, slowly swirling around in a circle as if they were dancing until the droplets began to merge together, spiraling like a tornado that shimmered and sparkled brightly underneath the morning sun.
It began to swirl into a big gigantic dome, his breath hitching when he saw a faint silhouette from inside form as the water kept spiraling until it exploded everywhere, causing Beomgyu to yelp loudly when he was pushed back from the strong force, falling onto the ground as he covered his eyes.
What the fuck just happened?
The male felt faint droplets of water splash onto his arm, his eyes slowly opening as he brought his arm down, seeing the silhouette of someone being slowly descended down from where the water dome was once was and back onto the ground, his breath hitching when the sun wasn't in his way anymore, his eyes instantly landing on... red... hair...?
Taehyun's eyes snapped open when he had heard his name, his jaw dropping when he looked around and down at his hands, his eyes widening seeing his outfit that was a light blue silky dress shirt that sparkled underneath the sun paired with some white dress pants, his head snapping up making eye contact with Beomgyu who sat there shocked.
What the fuck?! Taehyun thought, patting his own self down. I swear- wait- what the hell?! Why was his mind so blank? How did he get in this outfit—
"Ch-Choi!" He stuttered out, staring at the elder who slowly stood up. "What happened?!—"
Just before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly felt someone the elder run into him with full strength as a pair of arms wrapped around him tightly, stumbling backwards into the water.
It took him a few seconds to process what had just happened, dumbfounded until he glanced down at the elder who buried his face deep into his chest, while... trembling..?
"H-Hey!" Taehyun called out, becoming slightly uncomfortable by how close they were. "What happened?! Are- Are you—"
"I thought I lost you."
Taehyun's eyes widened when he had heard that, his eyebrows scrunching in confusion. He doesn't remember anything that had before he found himself standing in the water, his mind was entirely blank — what the hell happened that made the elder so... so scared...? What does he mean... lost?
Before he could speak up and ask Beomgyu what he meant by that, the elder suddenly looked up and cupped Taehyun's face gently before pressing his lips onto his own, causing his eyes to widen.
In that moment, his heart exploded like fireworks in the night sky, a fuzzy feeling of butterflies swirled around in his stomach when he felt his lips on his own, but after a few seconds he quickly kissed back, closing his eyes as he pulled the male closer.
They stayed there like that for a few more seconds until a loud rumble echoed out, both of them pulling away before feeling the ground beginning to open up underneath them as golden mist swirled around them.
The ground began to crumble underneath them and just before they knew it, both of them began to free fall into another rabbit hole, both screaming loudly since they weren't used to the sensation of falling so suddenly.
Taehyun squeezed his eyes shut as he wrapped his arms around Beomgyu to keep him close, the elder doing the same around his waist as they began to fall.
"Hold onto me tightly!" Beomgyu shouted, opening his eyes to see where they had fell from began to close up. "Don't let go!"
"I'll try not to- Ow! Stop digging your damn nails into my back!"
"You're scratching me- stop it!"
The two of them began to bicker annoyingly until Taehyun forced himself to open his eyes when Beomgyu had sudden fell silent, his eyes widening in horror when he realized that the elder was losing consciousness.
Something isn't right.
"Wait! Choi!" Taehyun shouted, grabbing onto the elder to wake him up.
Before he could grab Beomgyu, a sudden gush of golden mist flew into his face, causing his grip around the male to falter as they were separated, his eyes widening as he tried to reach out for Beomgyu who was falling into another rabbit hole.
This wasn't right, this wasn't how it was supposed to go!
Just before Taehyun could grab onto the elder, he looked down and saw that the end of the rabbit hole he was falling through began to glow brighter and brighter, forcing him to cover his eyes as he screamed loudly.
In just a few seconds, he finally fell through the end with a loud thud, a sharp breath punched out of his chest as he laid on the... wooden... floor...?
The males eyes began to grow heavy, but all of his thoughts were only about Beomgyu and how he needed to find him right away- but he barely had enough strength to lift himself up.
The sheer exhaustion was overpowering all of his senses, his eyes fluttering closed as he slowly began to black out, his body growing limp.
Before he felt himself fully lose consciousness, maybe it was him hallucinating after he hit his head to hard or landed in the wrong spot,
...but he was certain that he felt something heavy growing on his head.
the little mermaid arc completed !
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