twelve || a temporary truce
"Crowned prince! Where are you going?!"
"Come back, please!"
Taehyun huffed loudly as he ran down the hallway and away from the servants who were desperately trying to catch him, his eyes darting around as he approached the grand stair case and immediately hopped onto the railing and slid down it, a soft gasp of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he did.
"Crowned prince! Stop! You have to get ready!"
Taehyun scoffed and shook his head, hopping back onto his feet as he ran out towards the large gates, away to where the sounds of horses were at. He was not going to spend his day learning dumb prince shit!
It had been an entire day of living in the palace, and he would say it's been absolutely ass! At first, he thought he would live in luxury and have anything in the world handed to him on a silver platter, but after discovering that the price of being a prince comes with a bunch of nonsense lessons on how to be a proper king and sword fighting random dummies, he would rather dip and run away!
At least the food was good...
But after mentally fighting with himself after a boring lesson about how to properly sword fight, as much as he didn't want to, he decided that he would venture out of the kingdom walls to find Beomgyu, so the both of them could find a way to achieve the happily ever after.
Just how did sleeping beauty achieve her happily ever after...? Taehyun's eyebrows furrowed, it had been so long since he watched sleeping beauty that he barely remembers the happily ever after for it! Maleficent placed a curse on Aurora... but that's it... that's all I know for the most part.
There was also the iconic ending of Sleeping Beauty, but he would rather not think of it or else he would lose his mind.
Taehyun breathed loudly as he ran past the gates, looking around frantically as his eyes landed on a horse, pushing himself to run faster and away from the servants as he stumbled near the horse who was startled by his sudden appearance.
"Hey! Hey! Calm down, fleabag!" Taehyun said, holding up his hands as the horse was freaking out. "Calm down! I need to get out of here!"
The sounds of panicked voices behind him started to become louder, Taehyun gritting his teeth in anger as he grabbed onto the horse and forced it to stay still, waiting for a few seconds before hurriedly getting on it, fortunately it had a saddle so he wouldn't be bouncing around everywhere and nearly falling off!
"Prince Taehyun!" Haechan called out desperately, rushing outside just as the male got on the horse. "Please reconsider this! Your mother will be angry!"
"She can stay angry! I have shit to do!" Taehyun exclaimed, grabbing onto the reins tightly as he hooked his feet onto the safety stirrups. "Now leave me alone!"
The male flicked the reins hard, causing the horse to whine loudly as it jumped onto its hind legs in a shock, causing Taehyun to yelp loudly as he desperately clung onto it for life and to not fall off before it went back to the ground, ready to go wherever they needed to go.
Just before Haechan could finish his sentence, Taehyun groaned loudly as he flicked the reins one more time, the horse immediately taking off as it started rushing out towards the gate, leaving a dust cloud behind as the prince finally took off.
"Shit! Shit! Slow down oh my god!" Taehyun exclaimed loudly as he began to panic, it began to hit him that he literally does not know how to ride a horse properly at all. "Watch out! Watch out!—"
The horse suddenly jumped over a stack of crates that had citizens exclaiming in shock, landing on the ground with a loud thud as it began to run away towards the middle of town, causing Taehyun to freak out even more as this fucking horse was going at its own pace!
Why did he even make himself do this?! He should've just let Beomgyu find his own way to the damn palace, make him suffer through days of random shit thrown at him like he had experienced! But he knew it was better to find the elder because one, he was stupid and most likely hasn't figured out what fairytale they're in, and two, he's stupid.
Hopefully this time I can get back home faster, to complete this dumb fairytale missions faster since I know what the fuck I'm doing. Taehyun thought, his grip on the reins tightening as he flicked it one more time which lead the horse out the kingdoms gates, out to the open field. I can't say the same for Choi though, he's dumb.
As much as he hated it, searching for the elder so soon, he knew it would be beneficial for the sake of their chances of ever returning home. Just why in the world were they chosen to be in these dumb fairytales? It's so stupid, and how?! Magic doesn't exist so how the hell did this all happen?
It all didn't make sense, but he knew it was better to question it later than now.
Taehyun gritted his teeth tightly, the thought about working together with that dumb Choi was definitely not something he was looking forward to, but he also dreaded the fact that he was even searching for him in the first place!
That haunting memory of what happened in Cinderella replayed in his mind every second of the day, a full wave of disgust washing over him as his stomach bubbled with pure sickness, he was certain he would throw up.
In all honesty, he would've spent days locked away inside of his royal chambers trying to recover from the disgusting kiss that he had to do, but no! Here he was searching for the same exact person he wanted to avoid.
I'm never going to forgive myself, it's that stupid golden letters fault. Taehyun huffed loudly, his lips trembling at the sheer memory of what happened. He is the last person I would ever kiss, matter of fact, i'd never kiss him!
It was just a one time thing though, thankfully, it won't happen again.
The temptation to just find the male and smack the shit out of him, probably beat his ass too, was far too unbearable for Taehyun, but he knew that no matter how much he hated the idea of it. They were sent into this stupid fairytale together with roles that obviously support one another, there's no way to beat a fairytale without the help of one side, and as much as he hated it, he knew he had no choice.
But... if it's the only solution that could bring them back to reality, he's willing to throw out his pride and work alongside with that horrible demon who made his entire life a miserable hell.
He knew Beomgyu hated him the most, he was the one person that he could never stand and between the both of them, his hatred goes through the roof, so it was definitely going to be difficult to get him to cooperate with this whole stupid thing!
But whether he likes it or not, Taehyun was determined to get that scum bag to work with him, even if it meant that they had to... talk... normally... ew...
"This whole thing is a fucking joke, a shit fest." Taehyun grumbled, at least he was blessed with the role of prince charming this time! But what the fuck did Prince Philip even do in sleeping beauty? He doesn't remember anything. "Find that stupid Choi, and avoid the spindles, then it's all over."
Even though it was a working plan in Taehyun's mind on how to avoid the unfortunate fate that awaits them, he couldn't help but be nervous about one damn thing.
Would Beomgyu even be willing enough to cooperate with him without a fight?
"Oh Beomgyu! Wake up sleeping beauty!"
"Come downstairs Beomgyu!"
Beomgyu grumbled in annoyance as he shoved a pillow over his head and curled into himself, ignoring the annoying calls from his friends who were really eager to get him to come downstairs for some reason!
Ever since he appeared in this dumb fairytale! It's been anything but kind towards him, such opposite treatment he's experiencing since Cinderella! He's used to nice treatment and pretty things served to him on silver platters, not suffering the blazing sun and rabid animals that really like his ankles!
He hated it so much! Just one hour into the stupid woods and he only came back with five bite marks, bruised arms, and a basket full of sticks and leaves! He could barely find any berries in the dumb woods and he was certain that the little three evil minions downstairs were going to send him back to the woods if he got up!
But... it was a bit weird, whenever he was around them, they would mutter under their breath around each other about his birthday, keeping him here until the day ends, making sure no spindles were around him... it was so strange.
Hey! At least he survived day one of the mysterious fairytale, so if it was that easy, achieving the happily ever after would be a breeze! If only he knew what fairytale it was so he could have an idea on what to do.
"Beomgyu!" Huening Kai appeared out of nowhere, grabbing the blanket that kept him so warm and snatched it off of the male, causing him to immediately shiver as the cold air wrapped around him. "Wake up, you need to come eat!"
"Leave me alone!" Beomgyu said, removing the pillow from his face and threw it at Huening Kai who was hit smacked dab in the face. "I'm already tired of this bullshit!"
"Hey! Don't tell me you're still mad about the bunny shit from yesterday!" Yeonjun was the next to suddenly appear out of no where, crossing his arms as he kicked his bed to get him up. "It's all over and we tended your wounds, now wake up, you moody teenager!"
"Moody teenager?! You're not that much older than me, you raggedy old man!"
"You little bitch—"
"That's enough! All of you come downstairs now!" Soobin's voice cut through all the arguments that were about to bubble up, causing both Huening Kai and Yeonjun to comply without hesitation as Beomgyu groaned loudly.
He guesses he has no choice, if this is what the fairytale wants then whatever!
The male laid there silently, procrastinating heavily before finally getting up from bed, his clothes from the day before hanging up on the wall all dry and new with no gross mucky water stains on it. After coming back to the cottage in a blind angry mess and complaining to Soobin about it, he was able to wear a shirt mended from the fabric that suddenly appeared out of no where as both Huening Kai and Yeonjun tended to his clothes.
He doesn't remember it being blue though, wasn't it pink?
That's beside the point, he'll just question it later.
So after spending more long minutes getting ready and styling his okay-ish blonde hair, the male walked downstairs and saw a huge pile of cut up fruits and baked delights on the table, which made him a bit confused on why a breakfast was so big.
"Come sit down, Beomgyu!"
Don't have to tell me twice. Beomgyu thought, sitting down right away as a plate of apples was slid towards him.
The four of them ate the heartwarming breakfast in silence, it reminded Beomgyu a little bit of back home when he would coop himself inside of the council room trying to prepare everything by himself since he hated working with Kang, sometimes missing out on breakfast until Soobin would show up with a bag full of treats, the both of them eating in silence as he worked away.
He's really starting to miss his real life right now.
"So... Beomgyu," Yeonjun spoke up, gaining the attention of the male who had been spacing out while shoving apples into his mouth. "Your birthday is tomorrow, would you like for us to do anything?"
Yeah, get me out of this damn fairytale. "No, not really, why?"
The three boys looked at each other with a suspicious look in their eyes, something that Beomgyu couldn't pinpoint at all, but just before he was going to ask what was wrong and what did they need, Soobin suddenly stood up with a gentle smile.
"We plan on baking you something sweet for your birthday, it is a special day after all," He said as he walked away from the table and grabbed onto a new basket that was much more sturdier. "But we need more berries, do you think you can get us them?"
Beomgyu's jaw fell slightly, a devastated expression washing over his face as the basket was placed in front of him, seriously? Berries again?! Why couldn't they get it on their own!
"No! I literally got jumped by rabbits yesterday and laughed at by birds!" Beomgyu exclaimed angrily, pushing away the basket which startled the other two boys in the room. "Why can't one of you get the damn berries or use a recipe that doesn't require them at all!"
Oh wow, this attitude was a bit over the top lately, it startled even Soobin for once.
"Oh please, Beomgyu! It wouldn't hurt to try again, you know what they always say, second times the charm!" Huening Kai said enthusiastically, clasping his hands together as he beamed brightly.
Beomgyu's anger faltered just a little bit when he saw how enthusiastic the younger was, it made him feel a bit bad for even blowing up at the three of them, but he really hated it! Being laughed at by birds while chased by bunnies and falling into nasty pond water? No thank you! He would much rather suffer through boring prince classes than that again!
"It's your birthday tomorrow," Yeonjun said, gently placing his hand on top of the males. "We want to make it special and berries are just the perfect thing for it, so please, Beomgyu, get them for us!"
Beomgyu was really against the idea of going back out into those terrifying woods, but after seeing the pleading puppy faces on his friends faces, he eventually gave in and nodded his head, groaning loudly as he stood up and grabbed onto the basket.
"Alright, but if I come back bruised and on the brink of death, you all are gonna pay for it!"
Beomgyu soon turned around and walked towards the door, hesitant for just a few seconds as he sighed and gave in, leaving the cottage with a loud slam.
The three boys waited patiently for a few minutes to make sure that the beauty was truly gone, and once he was, all three of them collapsed into their seats with an exhausted groan!
"Soobin, how much longer of this?!" Yeonjun said, glaring at the male who seemed the most tired out of all of them. "I'm sick of being all human like! What's the point of being a good fairy if I can't even be a fairy?!"
"Stop complaining!" Soobin groaned, his head tilting backwards as his eyes fluttered closed. "We're doing this for Beomgyu! You know that it would mean danger if we used our magic, we just have to keep him here for one more day then we'll be fine!"
"The curse will just pass by, plus the king had ordered that all spindles of the kingdom to be destroyed and burned, so there's no way our beautiful prince will fall ill to the horrible curse!" Huening Kai said, a hopeful glint of light shining in his eyes.
It was clear and obvious that all three fairies were slowly becoming tired of their human bodies, but they made an oath to protect Beomgyu and keep him hidden until his birthday passes, then once that's over and the curse is gone, they'll bring him back to the palace where he can happily marry the prince who was betrothed to him long time ago!
"Oh I just hope that this will work."
"It will, Maleficent will never find him."
It was only a matter of time until Beomgyu can shine brightly in the kingdom once again, no longer fearing the dreadful curse that will change his fate forever after.
Beomgyu sighed loudly as he strolled through the forest, the soft sounds of leaves crunching under his boots were only heard as he walked around looking for berries that didn't seem poisonous.
It was only thirty minutes into the woods and he was absolutely bored out of his mind! At least no bunnies or birds popped up anywhere, but at the back of his wack ass mind, what scared him the most was... what if an alpaca appears out of nowhere? Oh god he was probably going to shit his own pants if it does.
"Stupid fucking fairytale," Beomgyu grumbled underneath his breath, kicking a branch away as he traveled further into the forest for berries. "What the fuck is the happily ever after? Getting berries? If I successfully fill my basket with berries, will I go home?"
He hopes that it would be that easy.
Stupidly enough, he decided to walk more further into the damn woods he had no idea about, what could go wrong? Absolutely nothing since he's so positive that he'll stumble upon the mother load of random berries that could fill his basket to the brim to where he doesn't have to worry about going out to collect more!
Beomgyu's eyes widened as he immediately turned around, his eyes darting around as his heart was pacing
against his chest when he saw a —
a fucking bunny.
"I got worked up over a stupid bunny?!" Beomgyu exclaimed angrily, throwing the damn stupid basket towards the bunny who scurried away immediately. "I hate this fairytale! I want to go home!"
With an irritated grumble, he stormed towards the basket and aggressively picked it up, nearly breaking it in the process. The moment he picked it up, he suddenly paused when he saw the bunny sitting there staring at him, tilting its cute little fluffy head at him as if it were curious about something.
"What the hell? I just told you! Leave me alone unless you know where some berries are!"
The bunny squeaked (what the fuck sound do bunnies make?) loudly as if it were trying to gain his attention, but what did it want? It has his full attention, so what the hell was it squeaking about?!
It wasn't until Beomgyu realized that the bunny wasn't staring directly at him, it was staring above him. So with furrowed eyebrows, he slowly turned his head and looked up, his eyes widening when he saw three squirrels jump down as one landed on his face while the other two landed on his body.
"AAAAHHHH!—" Beomgyu screamed loudly, thrashing around in a panic as the squirrel clung onto his face. "GET OFF GET OFF GET OFF!"
Taehyun halted in his steps- or the horses steps when a faint voice from deep within the woods echoed out of no where, his eyes widening when he recognized that annoying high pitch walrus like scream.
"What the hell?" Taehyun muttered under his breath, had Choi already gotten himself into trouble? Seems like someone is the more incapable one here! "I swear... if Maleficent already found him."
The male grabbed onto the reins tightly and pulled the horse in the direction of where he had heard the elder shout, flicking the reins quickly as the horse took off in that direction, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to focus on where the males voice came from.
Yeah that was Choi.
Taehyun gasped loudly when the horse had suddenly jumped over a large branch, he still wasn't used to riding a fucking horse like this, also his hips were really starting to hurt!
Never mind that, he can complain later. After hearing the elder shout one more time for who knows what dumb reason, Taehyun pulled the horse towards the left side of the forest where he had heard him, his eyes squinting slightly to see past all the trees and stuff.
He really hated this! Why did that nasty Choi have to be all the way out here? He figured that since Choi took the unfortunate role of Aurora, he would be out here deep in the woods since the good fairies locked him away from the kingdom, that's all he remembers about Sleeping Beauty.
This little shit. Taehyun gritted his teeth tightly, flicking the reins so the horse would go faster. I swear to god if he caused trouble on day one I'm going to kill him!
It was a bit uncomfortable for Taehyun, to see the number one person he hated in the entire universe after unfortunately kissing him, but he had no choice! He was 90% sure that Choi didn't know what fairytale they're in! So being the knight in shining armor, he has to tell him, also to try and unfortunately form a truce between the both of them.
After at least a few minutes of rushing through the forest with Beomgyu's screaming being on and off, eventually a silhouette came into view not so far from where Taehyun was, his eyes widening when he saw a blonde person flailing their arms around as a bunch of animals were surrounding him...?
What the hell...?
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" Taehyun called out loudly, pulling onto the reins of the horse to get it to pause as they approached closer towards the blonde person.
"Get this fucking squirrel off of me!"
Taehyun's eyes widening a little, this blonde monster was Choi? Oh gosh, that explains why all the animals were surrounding him, looking like they were ready to eat him alive when he falls down.
Hesitantly reaching forward, Taehyun grabbed onto the squirrel that clung onto Beomgyu's face, the elder groaning loudly as a few scratch marks were left on his face. Just as Taehyun was about to freak out, holding a random squirrel that was literally going crazy in his hands, he did the only reasonable option and threw the squirrel somewhere random, hearing a loud thud in the distance.
Beomgyu groaned loudly as he rubbed his face, easing the pain after fucking flailing around with the dumb squirrel on his face for at least a couple minutes, once he was done with that, he slowly looked up to see who had helped him.
"...Kang?!" Beomgyu grimaced in disgust, a little surprised to see the male standing in front of him with his arms crossed like an angry mom, but he also really displeased to see him. "What the hell are you doing here? You here to kiss me again with your nasty poisonous lips?"
Taehyun's squinted his eyes in disbelief, his jaw dropping slightly before shaking his head. "Oh my god, just drop that shit! I would rather die than kiss you again — anyways I came here looking for you!"
"For me?" Beomgyu snorted, there's no way he would come here willingly unless someone sent him. "Why? So you can come make fun of me? Shame me?"
Taehyun's jaw clenched tightly, he knew this wouldn't be an easy task. It really made him start to regret even coming out here for the elder, maybe he should've just let Beomgyu prick his damn finger and sleep for thousands of years!
"Okay, look, as amazing as that sounds I came here to talk to you," Taehyun said, watching Beomgyu walk past him with a irritated expression, picking up the basket he had thrown to get the damn squirrel off of him. "I need to talk to you about the damn fairytale we're in!"
"Oh my gosh, captain sherlock figured out we're in a fairytale!" Beomgyu gasped sarcastically, covering his mouth and glanced over at the male with stars in his eyes. "Oh my, what should we do? It was like I was supposed to be fucking home by now!"
Okay, now Taehyun was really starting to get impatient and more irritated than he already was. "Are you serious?! I thought I would be home too and not in this stupid fairytale with you again, but look here we are!"
"It's probably all your fault anyway!" Beomgyu pointed his finger towards the male who scoffed in disbelief. "A kiss? Seriously?! There's no way a true loves kiss could truly bring us back, also news flash, it's true loves kiss! Maybe the reason we didn't go home is because your bitch ass fucking hates me!"
"You hate me as well, so don't blame me!" Taehyun said, smacking the elders hand so he would stop pointing at him. "That's beside the point! Do you remember the stupid golden letters we received when we first woke up in Cinderella?"
Beomgyu crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow, what the hell was this all about? "Yeah, no shit, after you nagged and nagged on me about it how could I forget?"
"The golden letter I received was different from yours," Taehyun continued on, ignoring the annoying nonsense of words that came out of the elders mouth. "Basically, in short, so your dumb brain can understand, we have to go through five fairytales and achieve each happily ever after to go home."
After Taehyun finished his sentence, the two of them fell into an uncomfortable silence, Beomgyu staring at him with wide eyes... it was so silent he could nearly hear the blinking of the animals around—
"AND YOU JUST TOLD ME THIS NOW?!" Beomgyu exclaimed angrily, grabbing onto Taehyun's collar as he pulled him close, ready to beat him up. "WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME THIS NOW?!"
"Calm your fucking tits dude!" Taehyun hissed, grabbing onto the elders wrists as he yanked his nasty hands off of his collar. "I just remembered like not that long ago so can you blame me? I was so focused on going home and getting away from your stupid air headed ass that I forgot it!"
"Yeah, so focused that you forgot to tell me an important detail of this stupid fairytale life we're stuck in!" Beomgyu snapped, pushing the male away as he looked him up and down, judging his outfit. "What the hell are you supposed to be? A wizard or something?"
"Do not start this right now," Taehyun grumbled angrily, his fists clenching tightly as he was practically trembling to hit the male. "You look like a knock off version of Cinderella, blonde hair and blue? So unoriginal!"
"Excuse me! My outfit was pink before today!"
"Pink? That's even worse!"
Just as the two of them were about to start arguing once more, Taehyun soon sighed loudly as he stepped back and held his hands up, as if he were signaling that he... didn't... want to fight...?
"Listen," Taehyun said, irritation laced in his tone as he stared at Beomgyu with hatred in his eyes. "I obviously am not happy about this, I would rather die than spend another fairytale life with you, but we obviously have no choice unless we want to stay stuck in this dumb fairytale forever."
Beomgyu pursed his lips tightly, crossing his arms as he calmed his anger down just a little. "Yeah? Feelings mutual, anyways, do you even know what fairytale we're in?"
Of course this dumbass hasn't figured it out yet.
"We're in sleeping beauty," Taehyun said, seeing Beomgyu's eyes widen. "You're Aurora and I guess I'm her lame ass prince."
Beomgyu fell silent when he had said that, his eyes widening as all the gears shifted in his head. Although he hadn't properly seen Sleeping Beauty, it was a fairytale that not many could miss out on. How his three friends were color coded after the good fairies? His birthday being literally tomorrow? The mentions of spindles? It all made sense now!
"Why are you always my prince or princess?!" Beomgyu exclaimed in disgust, backing away from the male who was really starting to get annoyed. "Why couldn't it be someone else? Why does it have to be you? Ew! Dealing with you in Cinderella was enough, now I have to deal with you in Sleeping Beauty? Fuck!"
Taehyun watched as Beomgyu stomped around and complained like a child, it was honestly a wonder how the elder even became council president when he was as childish as this. But with a loud sigh, he closed his eyes and mentally tried to calm himself down.
"Can you just calm down for once in your fucking life and hear me out?!" Taehyun suddenly said loudly, his face blooming red as Beomgyu suddenly paused in his steps. "Do you think I'm enjoying this? I'm not! I would rather die than ever work with someone like you! But we have no choice!"
"It's obvious that our roles in this dumb fairytale support one another, as much as I hate to admit it, we wouldn't have gotten out of Cinderella if you didn't put the shoe on my damn foot!" Taehyun said, looking away as he felt ashamed to admit it.
Beomgyu was a bit surprised to hear those words, the younger basically implying that he couldn't have escaped without him, but look where they are now! Stuck in another fairytale!
"Listen," Taehyun breathed out, glancing back over at Beomgyu with a blank expression. "I don't like you, I never will, but for the sake of our chances on going home..."
Beomgyu scoffed, his eyes squinting slightly as he stared at the male cautiously, waiting for him to finish his sentence when he suddenly paused. Just what the hell was he planning? At least the feeling was mutual, he really did hate Kang's guts.
"Let's at least tolerate each other, just a little bit?" Taehyun turned to face Beomgyu who was a bit startled by his words. "No strings attached, no friendship, none of that. Just tolerating each other and limiting our fights, we should hear each other out on what ideas we have, as much as I hate it, we have to work together for us to go home."
Beomgyu stood there and stayed silent in pure disbelief, shock painted all over his face when the male had said that. For once in their entire life after five years... Kang is really... asking for them to limit their fights...? To tolerate each other...?
He could barely go an hour being around Kang before he blew up because of the dumbass ideas he spewed out! Asking to tolerate each other for who knows how long was absolutely ridiculous! Not when their temper towards one another was like a ticking time bomb.
But... as much as he hated it... the younger was right.
They were sent here together in a fairytale world where the both of them has the roles of the main characters, there's no avoiding that, and after Cinderella it really seems like there's no other choice than to work together, unless they wanted to stay inside the fairytale for eternity.
It was really the only solution they could think of that would benefit the both of them, bring them closer to home, it was the only thing that made sense.
So, with an irritated groan, he nodded his head. "Fine, sounds like a plan, I'll try to be less irritated with you."
Taehyun nearly breathed out in relief that Beomgyu had complied to the dumb idea, he really did hate it, tolerating the male and limiting their fights? There were so many reasons why he would blow up at the male and get angry! But now he has to limit that.
"A temporary truce?" Taehyun said, extending his hand out for a handshake to finish it off.
Beomgyu glanced down at the younger's hand, a bit taken aback that he even wanted a handshake since in Taehyun's eyes, touching him was a big sin! But after contemplating whether this truly was a good idea or not, he eventually gave in.
"Okay," Beomgyu breathed out softly, extending his hand out as he accepted the handshake. "A temporary truce."
It was official, they both shook on it now they have to tolerate each other and limit their fights just so they could go home.
Beomgyu was the first to immediately pull away, grimacing slightly as he wiped his hand on his pants. "Okay, princess, what's the plan from here?"
Taehyun was a near second away from blowing up after hearing that annoying nickname, but with a low breath, he brushed it aside for now.
"Sleeping Beauty has a curse on her, right? To prick a spindle needle on her sixteenth birthday."
"Huh, so that's why my birthday is so soon in this dumb fairytale, apparently I'm turning eighteen tomorrow."
Taehyun's eyes widened after hearing that, if it was true and they were really part of sleeping beauty, that would mean tomorrow was the day where the curse would definitely activate if the male was around any spindles, but since the entire kingdom burned them down, it should be okay right?
"I have no idea what the happily ever after will be, I barely watched sleeping beauty," Taehyun spoke truthfully, earning a snort from the elder who stared at him as if he were dumb.
"Seriously? The prince kisses Aurora cause she pricked her finger."
"Do you really think I would want to kiss you?" Taehyun asked him, who soon realized what he said and kept silence, there was still a bit of awkward tension around the two ever since Cinderella happened. "Exactly, now listen up dumbass."
"We'll just avoid the curse, come to the palace tomorrow so I don't have to come out to these dumb woods. If we just avoid any rooms with spindles it'll be fine, happily ever after achieved."
Beomgyu tilted his head in confusion, it wasn't really the brightest idea, but it kinda did make sense. If they just avoid any rooms with spindles they'll be fine, plus, it's not like there would be any since they were all burned down.
"Alright, anything else, princess?"
Taehyun's jaw clenched tightly hearing that stupid fucking nickname again, he was really about to throw away the temporary truce that only lasted five minutes if the elder didn't fucking stop right now.
"No, but you should really read that golden letter in your basket."
"Golden letter? There was never—" Beomgyu looked down, falling silent when there was in fact a golden letter inside the basket — what the fuck that wasn't there before! "What?"
Taehyun scoffed loudly and snatched it from the basket, opening it up to read it out loud.
Four more journeys to complete! Great job on finishing the first one!
However, do you think it'll be that easy? That's so boring! Each and every fairytale will not be as easy as the last!
Find your happily ever after and achieve it to find a way back home!
Taehyun growled loudly as he began to rip apart the stupid golden letter! What the hell does it mean by each fairytale wouldn't be as easy as the last? That's so dumb! It's just finishing the damn story is it not?
"Yeah, I'm starting to think whatever sent us here wants us dead, it's your fault anyway." Beomgyu said, crossing his arms as he watched Taehyun pathetically rip apart the damn letter.
"Whatever! Just go with the plan, ask the good fairies tomorrow to bring you to the palace, meet me in the throne room then we can get out of this fairytale!" Taehyun said, storming past Beomgyu and over towards his horse which was eating some grass.
Beomgyu rolled his eyes and groaned loudly, he really hated this idea, working together with Taehyun will definitely shorten his life span, but whatever! If it helps him get home sooner, he guesses he can tolerate the younger's bullshit.
"Okay, now leave me alone!" Beomgyu said, grumbling under his breath about how he still needed to find some dumb berries, watching as a black crow flew away and past Taehyun, he really wishes it popped on him.
Taehyun sighed softly, a bit relieved that this whole thing was over now. As he got onto his horse, he noticed that the elder was pouting angrily and grumbling about something dumb... berries? What the fuck...?
"I saw a bunch of berry bushes east from, just look for bushes that are lighter in color, dumbass." Taehyun spoke up, causing Beomgyu to snap his head towards him.
Just before the elder could yell at him about how he didn't need his help, Taehyun suddenly took off with his big dumb horse, leaving a dust cloud in front of Beomgyu who coughed loudly.
"Fucking idiot." Beomgyu scoffed, there's no way he's going to listen to him.
. . .
Okay whatever, he's going to go find them.
After walking for a few minutes, Beomgyu soon came across a bunch of light green bushes with colorful little dots, his eyes widening as literal stars formed in his eyes when he finally came across berries!
"I can finally get out of this forest!" Beomgyu said, falling to his knees as he began to pick them one by one and dropping them into the damn basket.
It all started to dawn upon Beomgyu now, he really did agree to try and work together with Kang again, to not start fights as much as usual.
It made him sick to his stomach, there's no way that the both of them are willing to really tolerate each other that well.
But if it means going home soon, he guesses he can lessen his arguments with the male.
There's no way a friendship will bloom again though, that's far gone.
"Mistress! Mistress!"
The woman turned around and stared at the crow who was chirping away, her piercing green eyes staring into its soul as she tilted her head.
"The beauty is found! He shall go to the palace tomorrow!"
Her eyes widened in pure excitement, a smile growing on her lips as her fangs peeked out, oh it was all coming to plan. Eighteen long years of waiting and desperately looking for the little rodent, it's finally time.
"It's his eighteenth birthday tomorrow, it's only ever so heartwarming to bring the prince a gift, hmm?"
Turning her head, she couldn't help but smirk seeing a spindle shining bright under the veil of a green light.
"Let's go pay our dearest Beomgyu a visit."
a/n : sleeping beauty's arc is actually a bit shorter than the rest, but the next arc is longer and that's where the storyline will definitely shift more :]
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