thirty-two || monstrous beast, distant memories
The air around them seemed to shift the moment Beomgyu uttered the male's name. What had once been a tense, terrifying atmosphere now felt filled with confusion and shock, as if the beast above him hadn't expected him to speak that name at all.
The creature — or rather, Taehyun — froze above him. His previously fearsome scowl and sharp teeth vanished, replaced instead by a confused, wary gaze.
After a beat of stunned silence, Beomgyu's mind finally caught up with the situation, and once it did, a wave of nausea hit him like a freight train.
Holy fucking shit.
This big hairy walking dog... is... is Taehyun?!
"Oh my god!" Beomgyu gasped out, horrid at the sight in front of him. "T-Tyun! What the hell happened to your face— actually, what the hell happened to all of you?!"
"What...?" He heard Taehyun whisper under his breath, slowly backing away from Beomgyu which allowed the male to sit up. "How do you—"
"Is that a fucking mask you're wearing?!" Beomgyu shouted, his voice an octave higher than usual. "What the hell?! Are you wearing some sort of weird Halloween costume? You look like the weirdest... furry cosplay I've ever seen! Oh my god, I'm going to puke—"
Taehyun backed away from the male who was blabbering on and on about nonsense, feeling confused and dazed as to what was happening right now. But now that he was away from Beomgyu and standing up properly, it gave the latter a proper view of the horrifying sight in front of him.
What was once his adorable cutie patootie Taehyun, less taller and had actual human skin and features, was now a giant beast towering over him — doubled in height while he was covered in fur from head to toe and his head was as huge as a bowling ball, similar to a rabid animal, oh god wait a minute... were those horns on his head?!
Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit what the fuck, the fairytale- this damn fairytale- not only did it make him a farmers boy with a crazy idiot obsessed with him but it- it...
It turned the boy he's in love with into a big giant beast- a damn dog!
Wait a minute.
...Taehyun is a beast...
...holy shit.
Beomgyu gasped out a sharp terrified breath, startling both Yeonjun and Taehyun, but he ignored their reactions as the gears FINALLY shifted in his mind — all of the strange things happening for the past day; the book obsession, the mean townsfolk, a crazy ass admirer, Taehyun being a damn beast— it finally clicked.
The fifth and final fairytale they're in, is Beauty and the Beast.
"Taehyun!" Beomgyu wailed loudly, shuffling onto his feet while the beast took a step back. "It- It turned you into a giant werewolf- a dog! This has to be a bad dream! Taehyun-ah! Bro, are you okay?! Speak to me!"
Taehyun blinked at him in confusion, one moment Beomgyu was terrified of him but the next... he, himself, was filled with terror from how loud and freaked out this dude was. "What are—"
Beomgyu was full on panicking now, everytime he caught glimpse of the younger's face — can he even call it a face when it's literally fur? He has the urge to break down and cry BECAUSE FUCK THIS FAIRYTALE FOR MAKING HIS ADORABLE TAEHYUN INTO A WALKING FURRY!?!!?!
"Yeonjun!" Beomgyu wailed once again, looking over towards the elder who sat there stunned at the whole interaction. "Do you see this?! Do you see what they did to my- my boyfriend?! He's a giant, furry, horned beast now! Is this what they mean by 'true love' or whatever?! Because I was not prepared for this!"
Yeonjun glanced up at Beomgyu, still struggling to understand the full depth of what was going on, but Beomgyu's dramatic meltdown only continued with the time passing by.
"I'm so pissed off!" Holy shit Beomgyu was actually crying. "Why did it have to be that! Why did it have to be this?! My adorable little chihuahua is a giant dog! Why couldn't it be like a hot, misunderstood guy with a little bit of fur?! Not this- this whole thing!"
"B-Beomgyu calm down- you're not making any sense!" Yeonjun shakily said, glancing over towards the beast who was just hiding away in the shadows. "My Beom, just- just go before he hurts-"
"NO!" Beomgyu cried even louder before pausing, taking another long look at Taehyun, feeling another wave of emotion flow through him. "Taehyun, baby, I love you. Even if you look like the lovechild of a werewolf and a bear having an identity crisis... I can't do this right now!
Taehyun stared at the male in pure fear and confusion, so many thoughts and questions running through his head, especially one question: how the hell did he switch his emotions so fast? Why was he having this emotional breakdown?!
Beomgyu couldn't bear it anymore, forcing himself to look away, he felt his heart break by the second because, what the hell did they do for him to deserve this?! Turning his precious, sexy, love of his life, into a giant furry?! This was just cruel! Screw you fairytale and golden letter life.
Okay — okay, calm. He needed to calm down. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
The reality and realization of the situation finally dawned upon him, this entire time, the last fairytale was Beauty and the Beast. Which explains a lot, why he has an obsession with books and why Heeseung was literally the role of the annoying Gaston in that movie.
So this entire time, this entire fucking time, while he was panicking and wondering what fairytale they were in, the answer was literally presented to him on a literal golden paper! Could you still love him, if he were a beast?
When that thought came into mind, Beomgyu took another glance at Taehyun, who was standing awkwardly in the shadows, looking away from him as if he were ashamed with his appearance.
"Taehyun!" Beomgyu cried out, startling the poor beast, it's a shocker how he turned into a horrifying murderous creature to a shy, embarrassed, thing within seconds. "We're in Beauty and the Beast! Do you know what the happily ever after is?"
Taehyun glanced over towards Beomgyu, his animalistic eyes staring at him with a twist of confusion and unrecognizable intensity, baring his fangs for just a few minutes as if he were questioning what the male was saying.
"I'm sorry... I..." Taehyun muttered out softly, his giant paw scratching the back of his furry neck. "I don't... I don't understand what you're talking about."
"Don't be ridiculous!" Lord, he cannot handle this anymore. "The happily ever after? We're in the last fairytale! We need to get out and go home together! Don't you remember?"
There was a beat of silence, only the faint sound of howling wind was heard after Beomgyu had said that.
Something wasn't right, Beomgyu could feel it, and it wasn't because the fairytale had turned the love of his life into a damn dog, there was something more.
"I'm sorry I..." Taehyun spoke up once more. "I don't even... know who you are."
Beomgyu froze, the words slicing through him like a cold wind.
What the hell did he just say?
I don't even... know who you are.
Those words echoed in Beomgyu's mind, each repetition sinking deeper into his chest. He stared at Taehyun in shock, waiting for him to break into a grin and reveal that this was some kind of twisted joke. But the silence stretched on, and Taehyun's expression remained sincere — too sincere.
This wasn't a joke.
Taehyun... doesn't recognize him?
He choked out a small scoff, shaking his head. "Don't- don't be ridiculous! This isn't time to be playing games, Tyun-ah!"
"I'm being honest!" Taehyun shot back, his voice laced with guilt. "I don't know you. I've never met you before, not until now. I only know you're... connected to this criminal over here."
It was like a bucket of ice cold water had been dropped down onto him, Beomgyu staring at the male in utter disbelief. There's no way, there's no way this is actually happening- why doesn't- why doesn't Taehyun recognize him? This has to be a joke- it has to be!—
To save your life, a sacrifice has been made.
Beomgyu felt his breath get caught up in his joke when those words from the golden letter rang out again, his eyes widening in realization at the depth of this situation again.
The one who gave up all must be saved.
When they were in the Tangled fairytale, Beomgyu had died. He didn't know how long it lasted — he didn't even remember what happened in that time. But after what felt like an eternity, he had come back to life. He came back to life with Taehyun beside him, eyes full of tears, he was alive and saved, but... his hair had been cut.
How? How had Taehyun managed that? It should've been impossible to bring him back.
The adrenaline had clouded his thoughts at the time, but now it all clicked into place.
Beomgyu froze, his eyes widening when he remembered what the first sentence of the golden letter was: A sacrifice has been made, this will impact your adventure.
Taehyun had given up something so precious, so irreplaceable, in an act of love, just to bring him back.
He had sacrificed something precious, something that impacts their journey, something so precious that it would be considered important—
Their adventures together.
Falling in love with each other.
Regain what's lost before the final tick of the clock.
Taehyun had sacrificed something so precious unwillingly, he had lost... his memories.
Start anew, for if love is true, he'll be restored.
Beomgyu felt his knees weaken as the realization hit him harder. They were starting over. From scratch. Stage one all over again.
But if the last petal falls and you fail, he'll be gone forevermore.
The happily ever after wasn't a true love kiss or some ridiculous ending, with each petal falling, it was a countdown — their countdown.
Beomgyu has to restore Taehyun's memory in order for them to escape this fairytale.
His mind raced, the weight of the discovery settling in with cold certainty.
They had to start over, but this time, Beomgyu had to make Taehyun fall in love with him all over again — make him remember it all.
...but if he failed, Taehyun would be gone—for good.
When all of the pieces finally clicked together, Beomgyu nearly stumbled over in horror and shock at the discovery, instantly covering his mouth as a scream filled with heartbreak began to build up inside of him because of what was happening.
This fairytale had taken away his Taehyun, their precious memories together.
It felt like a part of him was ripped away, leaving an empty hollow spot within his heart.
Beomgyu immediately snapped back into reality when Yeonjun had weakly called out his name, his head snapping over in the direction of where the elder was, instantly wiping away the tears that had fallen without him realizing.
Okay, so Taehyun lost his memories and it's up to Beomgyu to make them come back.
That's totally not a big deal! It'll be so easy- yep- so easy!
Okay but he seriously thinks that this fairytale could've made Taehyun's beast form more human like— god this was so frustrating.
He glanced over at Taehyun, who was sitting quietly in the corner, his massive form slumped and still, staring at nothing. How the hell was he supposed to make him remember?
A thought suddenly struck him. What if he... flirted with him?
Like, why not? In Tangled, he was marvelous at it and it was enough to swoon Taehyun even more, he thinks, so maybe if he does it again then it will trigger the spark between them and something in his memories!
Ugh, he's so smart he could kiss his own brain if he could!
So with a deep breath, he squared his shoulders and sauntered over to where the bar cells was, holding up a finger to tell Yeonjun to be quiet. He has to be confident, maybe smooth even!
With exaggerated grace, Beomgyu leaned against the bar cells, giving Taehyun a flirty-ish smile. "Hey Tyun-ah," He said, his voice suddenly low and dangerously smooth. "You know... I've always been into guys with... a little bit of a bite."
"Beomgyu what the hell are you doing?" Yeonjun hissed, but was quickly interrupted by Beomgyu slapping a hand over his mouth.
Taehyun looked up at him with wide, confused eyes, his massive furry ears twitching at what the hell he's hearing right now. "Uhm... bite???"
"Yeah!" Beomgyu continued on, ignoring Yeonjun's horrified and confused expression. "I mean- look at you such- such large... furry... proportions! Such... strong uhm, sharp teeth, and wow... uhm... claws!"
The tensed air slowly began to turn awkward as Taehyun shifted nervously, like he doesn't know how to handle this situation. "So you're saying you... you like my... beast features?"
Beomgyu was really starting to sweat now, feeling the painful awkwardness creeping up. "Uhm, yeah! Totally, whatever floats your boat, Y'know what I meaaan? Haha, you're- you're like uhm, the- the main lead in a werewolf romance novel and I could be your- your bride...?"
Taehyun just blinked. "...a werewolf romance novel?"
Beomgyu nearly choked on his own words, realizing he had dug himself into an even deeper hole. "Yeah! Totally! It's... uh, a niche genre. But, like, who wouldn't want a handsome beast saving the day, right?"
"Uhm..." Taehyun just shifted awkwardly. "You're like... really weird, do you know that?"
Beomgyu felt his eye twitch at the words, wondering why the HELL his flirting attempt wasn't working, but he just brushed it off and continued on. "Yeah but, look at you. You've got this... wild thing going on, and it's really working for me. You know what they say, right? A little bit of a beast can be a real... turn on."
"Beomgyu, what the fuck!?"
Taehyun stared at him in utter silence for what felt like a decade.
The seconds dragged on. One... two... three— Okay, I can't fucking take this.
"Agh!" Beomgyu groaned, throwing his hands up in frustration as he spun around. "Okay, whatever! How about a fucking offer? You let my, uh, brother go!"
Taehyun scowled, brushing off the awkward flirting attempt like it never happened. "Why the hell would I let your criminal of a brother go?"
"Oh, come on!" Yeonjun groaned from the side, clearly fed up. "It was a goddamn rose! You have a whole garden full of them! What's one less gonna do?!"
Beomgyu couldn't hold back the groan that followed, he buried his face in his hands for a second, wondering if he could just disappear. It's official, he's never flirting again.
With a deep, collected sigh, he turned back to face Taehyun. "Look, this whole thing is stupid! Just let him go, alright? My brother is a pain in the ass, but like, just trust me let him go and i'll offer you something better...?"
Taehyun crossed his arms, clearly not moved by either the plea or the previous awkward exchange. "And what exactly are you offering? Someone has to pay for his crime."
Beomgyu opened his mouth, scrambling for a good answer. His brain was in overdrive — think, think, think — until, suddenly, the perfect idea hit him like a lightning bolt. He wasn't just going to sit around while Taehyun's memories were locked away! He needed to stay close —really close, if he was going to fix this.
"You can take me as your prisoner instead!" Beomgyu exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face like he'd just made the most brilliant proposal in history. "I mean like, I don't steal roses and I'll serve as his placeholder for his crimes! Soooo take me!"
"Beomgyu, have you lost your goddamn mind?!" Yeonjun hissed, already fed up and fucking confused after witnessing whatever the hell show he put on. "I am not letting you rot here with- with this thing!"
"Oh be quiet, trust me on this!" Beomgyu scoffed before looking back over towards Taehyun. "So... do we have a deal, or no deal?"
Finally, with a low, annoyed huff, Taehyun stepped forward, making Beomgyu flinch just a little. The sound of jangling keys echoed in the silence, and Beomgyu's eyes widened in surprise as Taehyun shoved past him, unlocking the door with a swift motion.
"The deal is sealed," Taehyun grumbled angrily, his fangs baring just for a second. "But if I see him again, there won't be a second chance."
Before Beomgyu could say anything, the cell door was thrown open and Taehyun stepped to the side, and without even thinking, Beomgyu immediately ran inside of the cell and fell to his knees, hugging Yeonjun tightly as the elder immediately wrapped his arms around his waist — holding him close, as if he were begging him not to do this.
"Beom, you can't do this," Yeonjun spoke under his breath, loud enough for the both of them to hear. "I've lost enough already, I-I can't lose you too."
A pang of guilt shot through Beomgyu hearing that, but he knew he had to do this in order to go home — he couldn't leave Taehyun behind, not when there was a whole waterfall of memories of the both of them together waiting to be unlocked.
"I'll be fine, I promise," Beomgyu muttered reassuringly, gently patting the elders back. "Just trust me on this, I swear I know what I'm doing!"
Yeonjun didn't say anything for a long moment. The silence between them was heavy, thick with unspoken fear and concern. Finally, Yeonjun sighed, a long, weary sound, but he didn't pull away. He just held Beomgyu tighter, as if that could somehow keep him safe.
"Just... come back soon," Yeonjun murmured, his voice barely audible. "Please."
Beomgyu didn't say anything, he couldn't bring himself to say anything knowing he most likely wouldn't be coming back — but he shouldn't get so emotionally attached to this fairytale Yeonjun, he already has a real Yeonjun back in the real world!
So with a soft smile, Beomgyu stood up with the elder, gently patting his head before he shoved him out of the cell — causing Yeonjun to yelp before he grabbed onto the cell door and swung it shut, a loud slam echoing out.
"Beom!" Yeonjun called out, but before he could say anything, a large beastly claw had grabbed onto the back of his shirt and began dragging him down the stairs.
"Hey! Be careful with him!"
Taehyun glanced back at Beomgyu, that cold unfamiliarity swirling in his eyes as he did, it made the males heart clench in pure pain because he... he was staring at him like he was a stranger.
"You're an idiot." Taehyun muttered, his tone flat, devoid of any warmth.
The words landed like a blow. Beomgyu felt a sharp pang pierce through his chest, a physical ache so strong it nearly knocked him off his feet. Why does it hurt so much?
Before he could spiral more into thoughts, Yeonjun's voice broke through the tension, desperate and pleading. "Beomgyu! I'll come back for you, I swear! Just- just hold on, okay? I won't leave you!"
But as Taehyun dragged Yeonjun further down the stairs, Beomgyu heard the fading echoes of his voice, growing quieter and quieter. The footfalls grew distant, the sound of them slowly disappearing as they descended into the depths.
Then, with a loud slam, the door was shut. And just like that, silence.
Beomgyu stood there for what felt like an eternity, though he couldn't tell how long. His gaze was fixed on the flickering candle, its faint golden light casting shadows across the room. His knees trembled, but he couldn't bring himself to move.
After the whole embarrassing and dramatic moment, reality was hitting him hard.
He lost Taehyun.
Taehyun had lost his memories, he had forgotten everything between them, their childhood together, their hatred, their newly bloomed love for one another.
Now it was up to him to... to somehow regain that...?
But the warning of the petals loomed over his head, with every fallen petal, its less time he has until he loses him forever.
Shit. shit shit shit. He slowly started to freak out, running a hand through his hair as he gritted his teeth. I-I don't know if I can do this.
It was always Taehyun saving him, and he was successful with it.
But now it was Beomgyu's turn, and he's terrified that he won't be successful at all.
He wont give up though, this was their fate and future on the line, he won't give up on Taehyun — on them.
I'll bring them back, Tyun-ah, I promise. I'll make you remember again and get us out of this painful mess.
Time seemed to pass by slowly in this fairytale.
Beomgyu doesn't know how long it's been since he traded spots with Yeonjun, he doesn't even know whether Taehyun was coming back or not.
For the last two hours(?) he's been doing nothing but leaning up against the cold stone wall and listening to the howling wind outside while staring at the dull ceiling above him — man he was really bored, maybe he shouldn't have flirted with Taehyun so awkwardly since it drove him away.
God, how am I supposed to help Taehyun regain his memories if he won't even come around me?! Beomgyu closed his eyes and groaned, his ass feeling sore from the hard ground. This is literally impossible! What even happened to my awesome flirtation skills?
He sat there in silence, wishing he had something to distract himself with, like... a pencil and paper. If Taehyun was going to keep him locked up like a prisoner, the least he could do was provide some way to pass the time—
Beomgyu's head snapped up, his eyes darting toward the sound. The door had just made a loud, distinct noise, and he watched in confusion as it slowly began to creak open on its own. The sound of the hinges echoed off the stone walls.
What the hell, did that... door just open by itself?
Beomgyu instantly stood up, becoming alert and wary as he backed away into the farthest corner. It certainly wasn't Taehyun who had opened the door, there's no way that beastly form could quietly come up the stairs — so what the hell just opened it?!
"Oh, forgive our princes' rude behavior, mon belle!" A voice suddenly spoke up — a familiar one at that. "He has major issues, but please! Don't be alarmed!"
A sharp gasp echoed out as Beomgyu immediately pressed himself up against the wall, who the hell was talking to him— actually why did... why did the thing sound a lot like...
"Oh!" Soobin gasped, as if he weren't expecting Beomgyu to know his name. "You- you know me? Wait! This is great, this is so so great! You weren't affected by the magic!"
Beomgyu's eyebrows began to scrunch in confusion, he could hear Soobin but he couldn't see him at all, was he hiding behind the wall where he couldn't see him? What the hell was going on, the elder was a bit too tall to hide this easily.
It wasn't until Beomgyu heard the soft tapping of something metal against the stone floor that he noticed the faint flicker of candlelight approaching. Then, the figure appeared in the doorway.
"Oh, look at you!" Soobin exclaimed, stepping fully into view. Beomgyu's jaw dropped. "You're gorgeous!"
"AAAAHHH!!" Beomgyu screamed, grabbing a nearby wooden stool and swinging it at the figure — sending Soobin crashing into the wall.
Holy. Fucking. Shit. Soobin — he was... a candle?!
Wait. No. He was that same golden candle Beomgyu had used earlier. Oh god, Beomgyu felt his stomach churn. This was too much — he was about to lose it!
"Ouch!" Soobin yelped as his metal body hit the stone, then slowly righted himself. His flames had gone out from the impact. "Don't be alarmed, I swear i'm harmless!"
Beomgyu was so damn confused and terrified, his brain couldn't keep up. He backed into the wall like it might somehow shield him from this nightmare. Soobin — a talking, walking candle — was... approaching him. Nope. Nope. Nope. This was way too freaky.
"Soobin! I told you not to meddle with anything! Taehyun's going to kill us!"
His breath hitched as he heard another voice, and his gaze shot to the door. His eyes widened in horror as a literal clock walked into the room.
"Huening Kai!" Soobin called out- wait a minute did he just fucking say Huening Kai? "You can't get mad at me now, look how wonderful he is, and I've witnessed it all! He can break the curse and free us!"
Huening Kai, who was a goddamn walking clock, huffed out an exhausted sigh and readjusted his hour hand so it was all up in his eye. "This is ridiculous! We aren't for sure he can break the curse!"
While candle-Soobin reignited his flames and started bickering with clock-Huening Kai, Beomgyu could only stand there in mild shock and horror, trying to process what the hell he was witnessing. First, his beloved was a beast. Now, two of his friends were talking household objects. What's next? A chair that offers unsolicited life advice?
"I've seen him in action! He flirted with Taehyun, ignoring his beastly horrifying face! He is the one!" Soobin suddenly spoke up, making Beomgyu flinch at the memory.
God, he doesn't even want to remember that failed flirting attempt, he was really confident it would get at least some memories back!
Both Soobin and Huening Kai looked over at him, making him feel a bit more nervous now, okay so... maybe this was the most freakiest thing he's seen after all — like sure, Soobin was a damn horse last fairytale but at least Huening Kai was an actual human?!
"Uhm, listen—"
"It must be so cold in here," Soobin sighed dramatically, eyes lighting up with an idea. "How about we give you a room in the East Wing? Yes! Let's go! Huening Kai, tell Chan and Felix to brew some warm tea for our guest!"
"Wh-Wha-" Huening Kai stuttered out, clicking aggressively before grabbing onto Soobin. "What are you doing?! Giving him a damn room in the palace? Taehyun will melt us- put us on fire! You can't-"
"Oh you worry too much!" Soobin playfully pushed Huening Kai, causing the poor clock to fall down. "Now come along, mon belle! Follow me to your new and improved room!"
Beomgyu was hesitant to follow him, finding everything so atrociously weird, but... if he wanted to take the first steps of helping Taehyun and getting them out, he might as well do it while being comfortable, a soft bed and some tea sounded a hell of a lot better than sleeping on a stone slab like a prisoner.
With a small, uncertain smile, Beomgyu stepped over Huening Kai, who was cursing at Soobin under his breath, and followed the candle down the stairs. God, this was so weird.
At least, maybe now, he may have a better chance at helping Taehyun.
"So now you see, the palace is a marvelous place- though it does need a few dusting here and there in some places, but that's why we have Hyunjin, our beautiful and best cleaning lady- uh- man?"
Beomgyu blinked for a moment, trying to process. For the past few minutes, Soobin had been going on and on about how marvelous and wonderful the palace was, even though it looked more like something straight out of a fancy horror movie or a video game. He was pretty sure the candle was just trying to convince him to stick around a little longer.
"You are allowed anywhere in the palace, mon belle," Soobin spoke up again, hopping up the grand staircase while Beomgyu briefly followed. "The kitchen, our chefs will cook you a lovely meal — the garden, such a beautiful comforting area when it's not a blizzard out there — and oh oh, the library is to die for!"
"Not the west wing though," Huening Kai chimed in, suddenly appearing out of nowhere, his clock hands clicking with irritation. "You're forbidden from going into—"
"Hyuka!" Soobin hissed, cutting him off sharply.
Beomgyu's curiosity was piqued now. "Wait, what's in the West Wing?" he asked, suddenly intrigued by this conversation.
Soobin and Huening Kai exchanged a wary glance, as if silently communicating with each other. After a beat, Soobin let out a soft, nervous chuckle. "Nothing important, mon belle," he said, quickly changing the subject. "Now come, come! Your new humble abode awaits!"
They shouldn't have told him about the west wing, now Beomgyu is a nosy little shit and he's definitely going to spend time trying to break into that area. But before he does that, he needs to make Taehyun's memories come back.
"Oh by the way, where's Taehyun? I'd love to see him again!" Beomgyu said, smiling coyly as Soobin literally squealed.
"The young master is hiding away in his room," Huening Kai said before Soobin could respond, his tone dry. "...I think he's a bit flustered and weirded out by you."
Okay now that's just mean! But... flustered? So maybe Beomgyu does have a chance! This was going to be so easy, making Taehyun fall in love with him again will definitely work!
But... it does hurt just a little.
After a few more minutes of walking through hallways, they finally reached a corridor with a large golden door — this must've been his new room or something.
"Welcome home!" Soobin beamed brightly, pushing the doors open revealing a beautiful suite inside — most definitely royalty like. "This is where you'll be staying for the... uhm... however long you like!"
Beomgyu walked into the room, admiring the whole interior — it was just like the bedroom he had woken up in inside of Cinderella, but less blue and more of a golden vibe. It was so beautiful, but it would've definitely been better if he was here with Taehyun by his side.
Beomgyu turned toward the large bed and walked over, intending to sit down, only to be engulfed in a cloud of dust that made him cough loudly and step back immediately.
"Oh, sorry about that!" Soobin said, after witnessing what had just happened. "I'll make sure to get Hyunjin to come clean up quickly, but for now, you can stay here... hopefully—"
"Can I join Taehyun for dinner?" Beomgyu interrupted, he didn't want to waste anymore time. "I mean like, I really want to see him again—"
" — so you can flirt horribly with him again?"
"No, shut up, Huening Kai," Beomgyu snapped, then looked down at Soobin. "I just want to get closer to him. So instead of him hiding away like a scared puppy, can you arrange that?"
"Of course I can! Now let's go — we've got matchmaking to do!" Soobin declared with a mischievous grin, grabbing onto Huening Kai.
"Wait- Soobin- this isn't right!"
"Shush now! We'll be back soon, Beomgyu, but oh- leave your door unlocked for Chan and Felix! They'll be delivering you some warm tea!"
Before Beomgyu could get another word out, Soobin had already dragged Huening Kai out of the room, the door slamming shut behind them. Their voices faded down the hall, leaving Beomgyu standing in silence, blinking a few times as he processed what had just happened.
Okay, that was really weird. He scratched the back of his neck before he glanced over at the large windows. This has got to be the weirdest thing ever, but at least it's the last fairytale.
He sighed softly, walking over towards the window and taking a glance at the weather outside. It was just heavy snowfall all around, he could barely see into the distance because of the white out that is happening. He's worried for Yeonjun, he really wishes he could've said something more but... but hopefully the elder was okay.
And Taehyun... oh god, he really hates this fairytale. It took away his loves memories just because he wanted to save Beomgyu? He couldn't help but feel a little bit of guilt building in him because of that.
Now they're at stage one all over again, and what could that mean? Does that mean Taehyun hates him again? Were Beomgyu's chances of making him fall in love once more close to zero? The fear of losing him entirely tightened in his throat.
But he wasn't going to give up. He couldn't give up. He would make Taehyun remember everything — one way or another. Even if it meant flirting horribly, awkwardly, and relentlessly.
Screw the golden letter, screw this fairytale life — they had promised each other they'd get out together. He's not breaking that now.
Shivering from the cold air seeping through the room, Beomgyu pushed himself away from the window. His eyes landed on an old fireplace with a few sticks of wood left inside. He walked over and knelt down, fumbling with the sticks, determined to light a fire and chase away the chill.
Regaining Taehyun's memories — it shouldn't be that hard... right? He bit his lip, the doubt creeping in despite his determination.
I just need to do it before the final petal falls.
Because if he failed... he didn't know what he would do then.
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