**Scott POV**
Few Months Later
Kirstie is now half way through tour and she's starting to show. About a month ago is when we told our fans that we were back together and having another baby.
We did this cute little announcement with a picture of Rose on both our social media platforms and everyone went crazy!
There was of course some hate, but not as much as I thought there would be. All the love from fans showered over the hate and blocked it out. I'm so glad we have such supportive fans that will stick by us no matter what we might go through or do during our careers.
It's a humbling feeling to say the least.
Rose is not ten months almost eleven months! It's crazy how the time is flying by.
Kirstie is about three almost four months along in her pregnancy and things with us have been going great. Sometimes, we sit around our hotel room on her days off and think about baby names.
"What do you think of the name Axel?" I ask Kirstie.
"For a boy?" She asks.
"Yeah." I simply reply.
"I don't know. I was thinking of naming the baby after you if it was a boy." She says sitting down on the bed looking sad.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I feel fat." She says.
"You're not fat, sweetie." I say comforting her.
"I was never this big at this point in the pregnancy with Rose. Something about this baby feels different." She says laying her head on my shoulder.
"Not every pregnancy you go through will be the same. Maybe if you're feeling different with this baby, maybe that means it's going to be a boy." I say rubbing her back.
"I don't know, Scott. I have an Appointment tomorrow morning with a doctor in Chicago. I'll just see what he says." She says laying down.
"Everything's going to be fine." I say laying down next to her giving her a kiss.
**Kirstie POV**
I like that Scott is comforting me and calming me down, but I just feel like something is wrong with this baby or something.
I know I shouldn't be worrying and stressing so much about it because it's bad for the baby, but I can't help it.
I lay awake for a few hours next to Scott, who is now sound asleep, just thinking.
Then I get a call from Mitch in the middle of my thoughts.
"Kirst, I need answers now!" He says.
"About what? What's wrong?" I ask.
"Jeremy is going around saying you're pregnant with his baby. Is this true?" He says.
"Of course not! I never slept with him!" I say angrily waking Scott up.
"What's wrong?" Scott asks in a sleepy voice.
"Mitch, I'll call you back. I have to explain everything to Scott." I say before hanging up the phone.
I get up and run my hands through my hair with anger trying to calm myself down.
"Babe, what's wrong?" Scott asks again.
"Jeremy is saying I'm pregnant with his baby!" I say.
"What! That's not true is it!?" Scott asks.
"Of course not! I never slept with him!" I yell.
Before I could answer Scott, I run to the bathroom and throw up.
I'm stressing out so much I'm throwing up! Scott runs in after me and holds my head over the toilet.
"Calm down, sweetie. We can handle this in the morning. For right now you need to rest and stop stressing." Scott says putting my hair back in a ponytail.
He helps me up and walks me over to the bed and lays me down, when Rose wakes up crying.
"I'll take care of it. You relax." Scott says walking over to Rose.
Ugh! I thought I was done with drama, but it just seems to keep following me!
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