Chapter 74
The next day Betty woke up to Jughead placing soft kisses all over her face. "Good morning baby" he said when she opened her eyes. "Mmm morning" she mumbled. She blinked and looked around; remembering she was still in the hospital. "How are you feeling?" Jughead asked, lacing their fingers together and rubbing his thumb along her hand. "Sore" she pouted. "And tired! Hospital beds are so uncomfortable" she moaned. "I'm sorry betts, but the nurses came in when you were sleeping and they said they just need to take some blood and then you can go home" he informed her and she nodded.
Later after the doctors confirmed she was good to go, FP arrived with Noah. "Hey little man" jug cooed when he lifted Noah into his arms. "I've missed you" he whispered and kissed the top of his head. FP told them that he would go and wait in the car until they were ready to go and Jughead nodded. "Shall we go and cuddle mommy?" He said and Betty watched with a smile as Jughead sat next to her and he gently placed Noah in her arms. "Hey baby" Betty whispered and held him close to her chest. As she soaked in the bliss of being with her husband and son. She let a few tears fall down her face. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Jug said in concern as he wiped her tears. "Getting attacked scared me... I can't imagine not getting to see you guys again" she sniffed. "Oh betts... we're safe... we're all okay" he said and wrapped his arms around his little family.
When they got back to the bar, Jughead settled Betty in their bed and arranged some cushions for Noah to lay in the bed next to her. "I'm going to make me some coffee and you some tea and then I'll come back and we'll cuddle Okay?" Jug said and kissed her nose, she nodded and turned onto her side and watched as Noah played with her fingers, happily babbling away to himself. "I love you little man" she whispered and kissed his chubby cheek. When Jughead came back he climbed in the other side of Noah and reached his arm over to hold Betty's hand. "I still can't believe we made him" Betty said in awe and Jughead squeezed her hand. "I know... he's so amazing" Jug grinned. They spent the afternoon in bed, enjoying all being together until Betty eventually fell asleep.
When Betty woke up, it was dark outside and she was alone In the bed. She stood up and pulled on her dressing gown before making her way out the bedroom. She didn't see Jughead or Noah anywhere. She was about to go down to the bar and look for them when she heard jugheads voice coming from Noah's nursery. She quietly went into the room and found Jughead talking to Noah in his crib. "I love you so much... you and your mommy" he said. "We have to look out for mommy, she does so much for us and sometime she needs protecting... so she needs her two strong boys to look out for her" he added as he stroked her finger over Noah's hair hoping to get him to sleep. Betty stood in the doorway until Noah was asleep and then she wrapped her arms around Jugheads waist from behind. He jumped and turned to face her, his hands coming to her waist. "I love you" she said, looking up at him with love in her eyes. "I love you too" he said and kissed her softly.
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