Chapter 71
Over the next couple of weeks Betty and Jughead basked In the glory that was new parents. Even though they were tired, sleep deprived and hadn't showered properly, they couldn't be happier. Noah was a happy baby so when Noah was 1 month old Betty and Jughead decided that Jughead was okay to go and work down In the bars office for a few hours a day so that he could sort all the paper work out and make sure everything was okay; Besides he was the boss.
"Good morning gorgeous" jug said as he kissed Betty good morning. Betty smiled and rolled over in bed to kiss him back. "Morning Juggie" she smiled. "Are you sure you're okay with me going and doing work today?" Jughead asked. "I'm sure, I'll be just fine" she smiled. "Okay" He said and pulled her closer to him. When they finally got out of bed, Betty went to grab Noah and Jughead headed for the shower. "Good morning my baby" Betty said sweetly as he picked up Noah from the crib and held him close. Noah just babbled happily and smiled a gummy smile at his mom. "Are you hungry?" She grinned and Noah reached up a to touch her cheek. "Come on you, let's get you fed" she smiled and went into the living room and sat on the Couch, pulling her top down to let him latch on.
When Jughead came out the shower, dressed and ready for the day, he found Betty in the kitchen, making breakfast. Noah was on her hip, babbling away as Betty spoke to him. "Hey little man" jug beamed as he took Noah from Betty and held him up in the air, causing Noah to giggle and then dribble on Jugheads cheek. "You should've expected that" Betty laughed and wiped it off with a cloth. "Worth it" jug smiled, placing a kiss on Noah's head. "I'm making us waffles for breakfast Before you go" Betty announced. "Thanks baby" jug said kissing her before moving to place Noah in the high chair.
Later on in the day Betty was trying to tidy the apartment why Noah was sleeping. Jughead had messaged her throughout the day, to check in but she was missing him. Noah woke up and wouldn't settle, he wasn't hungry so she changed his diaper but he was fussy and wouldn't stop crying. This went on for a few hours before betty finally gave in and messaged Jughead:
Betty: I need you.
Within minutes Jughead was rushing into the apartment. He took in the sight of the messy apartment, frazzled wife and crying baby. "Betts? What's happened? Are you okay!?" He said. "He won't settle! I've tried everything!" Betty cried. Jughead realised she was spiralling and he quickly stepped in. "Okay, Okay" he said, taking Noah and rocking him gently. "It's okay, he Probably recognises your stress" jug said as Noah started to calm down in his arms. Betty just walked into the bedroom and shut the door. When Noah was asleep in Jugheads arms, he put him in the crib and then went to Betty. He found her curled up on their bed, tears falling down her face. "Baby.." he sighed, his heart aching for her. "It's so hard Jug" she sobbed and he wrapped her up in his arms. "I know but you can do it, It was the first time you were alone, but you're a new mother and you'll get better" he assured her while he stroked her hair and kissed her softly. But could this be the start of a bigger problem for Betty?
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