Chapter 30
The next few says past quickly. Jughead was out with FP fixing his bike when both of their phones beeped; a message from Betty sent to all the serpents:
Serpent group chat:
Betty: I need everyone at the bar immediately. Important meeting.
Jughead looked over at his dad worriedly and they both hurried back to the bar; a million thoughts running around in his head. When they got there all the serpents were already there and looking over at where Betty was stood on the stage. "Betts? Baby? You okay?" Jug said rushing to her and placing a hand over her bump. "Yeah, I'm fine so is bug I just have some news" Betty said and he let her talk. "Okay thanks for all coming I have some news for everyone" she started. "I had a call this morning, my mom is being sent to jail in an all women's prison over in New York" she said and everyone gasped. "There's a trial and me and jughead will eventually be called to testify but I explained recent events and my pregnancy and they said they'll have us testify towards the end of the trial so we only need to make one trip" Betty added. "Also, my sister Polly is testifying this week and so I offered to look after the twins" Betty said and looked to jughead. "Is That Okay?" She asked him. He smiled and nodded. "Of course betts their my niece and nephew... and it will be good to have some practice" he said and she giggled. "Okay Thank you for listening, I just wanted to update everyone" she said and jughead helped her down from the stage. They all had lunch together and then Betty and jughead made their way up to the apartment. "Babe?" He said as she went to get a glass of water. "Yeah?" She said. "How are you feeling about your mom?" He asked, his arms coming to hold her around the waist. "Honestly I don't know, relieved, nervous... overwhelmed" she sighed. He kissed her softly and looked down at her. "I'll be here the whole time okay baby?" He said and she nodded.
The next day Polly dropped juniper and Dagwood off at the Wyrm. "Auntie Betty! Uncle juggie!" They yelled and ran as fast as their little legs could over to them. "Hey guys I've missed you" Betty grinned hugging them. "Hey Polly" She said. "Hey guys thanks for doing this, their cases are there and they have a bag of toys, I really have to go or I'll miss my flight but call if you need anything!" She said. "It's not trouble Polly, good luck" jughead said as Polly rushed back out to her car. "Auntie Betty?" Juniper said looking up at her aunt. "Yes Junie?" Betty smiled. "Is there a baby in your belly?" She asked curiously. "Yes there is, a baby boy" Betty said. "A boy?" Dag asked, jughead picking him up. "Yeah you two are going to have a little cousin" he said. "Wow!" Both the twins said in amazement. "Will the baby like pizza?" Dag asked causing both Betty and jughead to laugh.
After introducing the twins to all the serpents they all sat around the table for dinner. "I like your hair, I wish I could have pink hair" juniper said to Toni. "Thank you, but I like your ginger hair" Toni smiled. "Auntie Betty?" Dag said. "Yes sweetie?" She smiled, wiping his face which had mac 'n' cheese on it. "Will the baby have pink hair?" He asked and everyone laughed; the twins were asking a lot of questions about the baby and it was adorable. "No I think the baby will have blonde hair like me or black hair like uncle jug" she giggled. Dagwood nodded and turned back to his food. A moment later he spoke up again. "Uncle juggie?" He said and jughead looked at him. "Where do baby's come from?" He said innocently and jughead nearly choked on his food, everyone else laughing.
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