Chapter Five
Evie awoke with a startle, in a cold sweat with her heart racing. She bolted upright in bed, expecting to find herself in her bedroom at home, surrounded by dancing posters and her stuffed animals. Instead, she was in a little tiny bedroom in New York City, her little sister asleep across the room. She'd had yet another nightmare. Ever since her fall at the competition it had replayed in her head constantly and haunted her sleep. If only she'd...she didn't know what, but it was all her fault. It was all her fault now that they were here and not at home.
Sighing with the weight of the world on her, Evie swung her legs over the unfamiliar bed and padded her way down the hallway to the bathroom. Luckily no one else was in the hallway. She loved her big sister but this didn't feel like home. She was a guest here, and was worried she was burdening Pippa and Lin.
At least yesterday afternoon Lin had helped her find a dance studio to go to in Washington Heights. She always felt better when she danced. Somehow, all the frustrations and suffocating emotions seemed to float away, or worked their way out through the movement of her muscles and limbs. Whatever it was it was like medicine for her soul.
After a quick shower she tried to dart back to her room unnoticed but her sister had seen her. Pippa was working on her laptop at the table, nursing a cup of tea, no doubt.
"Morning, bug," she called. Evie stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes. She knew her sister was probably doing to make her eat something. Lin and Pippa had insisted at lunch and dinner yesterday, and afterwards she'd felt awful. Too full.
"Morning," Evie called back, forcing herself to add happiness in her voice that wasn't really there.
"What do you want for breakfast?" Pippa asked, pushing herself out of her seat and looking at her younger sister. She could see her sister hesitate and knew what she wanted to say. "And don't say you're not hungry."
"But I'm not," she insisted as she followed behind, rubbing at her arm uncomfortably. Evie was being honest. Her body just didn't want food right now. The thought of it repulsed her sometimes.
"Probably because you haven't been eating well for so long," Pippa countered, going to the pantry. She pulled out several boxes of cereal and set them on the kitchen island. "We need to get your body used to eating more and regularly."
Evie suppressed an eye roll. She resigned herself to the fact that while she was here, however long that would be, Pippa and Lin were going to make her eat. At least a little bit. But if the past were any indication, it wouldn't be long. Soon she'd be back to her old life: school, dancing, eating the minimal amount, and fear.
After reluctantly picking the Cheerios box, Evie poured herself a small bowl and sat at the table with Pippa. She took a few bites to appease her sister, who kept stealing glances to make sure she was actually eating.
"Did you call me in absent again?" she asked, pushing the tiny oat circles around.
Pippa closed her laptop and crossed her arms. "Actually, I had a fairly long conversation with your principal," she began. "I explained the situation and told him we needed to work out an alternative arrangement."
Evie furrowed her brow. "Why? We'll probably be back next week. I can just do my work over Google Classroom."
Pippa let out a tiny sigh and closed her eyes for a moment. She wasn't sure her sister fully understood the situation they were in. She'd gotten a call from CPS that morning to say they were opening a full investigation. The girls were likely to be interviewed, along with her, and there may very well be criminal charges.
"Evie, this has gone on way too long," Pippa told her sister as gently as possible while looking her in the eye. "We both know that Mom and Dad's is no environment to be brought up in. They're way too critical and have completely unreasonable expectations. You're a wonderful dancer, a great student and a great kid. I can't stand by and watch them crush you. Or Stella."
Evie felt a wave of anger seemingly out of nowhere. "Since when?" she spat, crossing her arms. "How many years did I go without seeing you?"
Pippa knew she deserved that. She'd been so focused on Juilliard, then finding her way into the Broadway scene that she'd completely neglected her sisters. It was a guilt she'd have to learn to live with.
"I'm sorry," Pippa told her, looking her in the eye. "I feel guilty about that every day. But the important thing is that you're here now. And Evie...I think you and Stella should stay for a while. Even if the investigation doesn't pan out. We know the truth."
"I can't stay in New York City," Evie said immediately, looking confused. "My whole life is in Libertyville."
"I know," Pippa said, nodding her head. "But I think you both need a change of scenery. You need to get away from Mom and Dad completely."
Evie was confused, not knowing what to say. "You think I should just up and leave? My school, my friends, my dance company?"
Pippa heard how much she'd emphasized her dance company. She'd been so much like her as a teenager. Singing had been her life. It was the most important thing to her, and dancing was the same for Evie. Leaving her home dance company after over ten years would be difficult.
"I know it sounds hard," Pippa sympathized. "But there are so many good dance studios in New York. World renowned studios. Dance clinics. You name it."
Before Pippa could continue, Stella stood abruptly, covering her mouth in disgust. She hurried down the hallway back to her bedroom, almost running into Lin on the way.
"Good....morning?" Lin greeted her, bewildered. The door shut firmly as Lin continued into the dining area where Pippa was looking thoroughly stressed again. "What was that about?"
Her boyfriend was adorably disheveled like he always was in the mornings, but Pippa was in no mood to appreciate it. She rubbed at her temples in frustration. "I told her that she should think about staying here for a while. She kind of blew a gasket."
Lin went to the coffee maker and filled up a mug, then sat down at the table with Pippa. "Well, it would be a big change for her."
"I just thought she'd be more relieved you know?" Pippa mused. "I was desperate to get away from our parents. A one-way ticket to New York City would've been a dream to me at fifteen."
"But Evie's not you," Lin reminded her, resting his chin on the palm of his hand.
"I know," she sighed, staring at the table.
"I think she does want to get away from your parents but it's just scary," Lin reasoned. "Think back to when you were a teenager. Having to leave your home and your friends? That would be, like, apocalyptic for me."
Pippa nodded silently in agreement. Evie probably just needed time to get used to the idea. In her mind, this was probably still all temporary. Of course she'd been thrown off at the suggestion it could be permanent. Lin tenderly kissed her cheek and grabbed her mug. He refilled her empty mug with a fresh tea bag and hot water, then set it in front of her.
"Give it time," he urged her softly. "I think she'll come around."
Just then, they heard yelling down the hallway. Evie and Stella were fighting about something. After a few more shouts, the door opened and Stella bounded out, slamming the door behind her. When she saw Pippa and Lin sitting there, she immediately apologized.
"I'm sorry," she said worriedly. "I didn't mean to slam the door. I got carried away."
Pippa stood and held out her arms for a hug. Stella gratefully stepped into them, relieved that her sister wasn't mad like her parents would've been. "It's okay," Pippa assured her, rocking her bath and forth a little. "It's just a door."
Pippa pulled back a moment later and looked at her youngest sister, cupping her face in her hands. "You okay? Were you arguing?"
Stella sighed dramatically, letting her head fall back in exhaustion. Most of the time she and Evie got along well, but they got into spats like any two sisters. It usually happened when Evie got into some sort of mood. When she'd come back to the bedroom a few minutes ago she'd been short and snappy with Stella.
"She was acting like I was in her way," Stella complained as Pippa stroked her hair. Lin got up and found a bowl. He'd quickly learned her favorites and started fixing a bowl of Rice Krispies. "Excuse me if I wanted to watch some videos on Youtube."
Lin and Pippa made eye contact, wondering what they should say. Stella deserved to be in the know as well. If this might be semi-permanent they needed to be open with her about it.
Lin poured some milk into the bowl and set it on the table with a spoon. Pippa lovingly pulled Stella's dark hair behind her shoulders as she sat, ready to dig into her breakfast. "Well, I was just talking to her about something and I've been meaning to talk to you about it too."
Lin and Pippa both sat down at the table. Stella looked back and forth between them as she chewed her first bite. Adults sitting down and giving you their absolute attention was sometimes unsettling.
"What?" she asked, her mouth full of cereal. Pippa looked at her boyfriend and he gave her a wink of encouragement.
"What would you think about living with me and Lin for a while longer?" she asked gently. Stella chewed and didn't answer as she thought. The pause was killing Pippa.
"You mean, like, another week?" she asked innocently.
"Not exactly," Pippa said. "Mom and Dad...they want what's best for you but they don't go about it the right way. I should've stepped in sooner but I didn't and I'm sorry. Even if this police investigation doesn't pan out, I think you and Evie should stay with us. Indefinitely."
Stella stopped chewing and looked down at her sister's hand, which had just settled on her forearm. Pippa's hand gently rubbed as she waited for her sister to respond.
"Is that what Evie was upset about?" she asked.
Pippa nodded. "It's really hard to move when you're a teenager," she said. "It can be hard anyways, but your dance studio and her friends are really important to Evie right now."
Stella nodded in agreement, knowing first hand how important dance was to her sister. She danced non-stop and was really good. Stella wanted to be just like her when she got older.
"So....we can stay?" she asked, looking at Pippa again, then Lin. Lin nodded and gave her a small smile.
"Yeah," he said. "What do you think?"
Stella broke out into a smile and she nodded excitedly. She liked Libertyville, her friends, and her dance studio but she loved New York. The last few days had dazzled her. The people, the noises, the all seemed like a dream. Why would she want to go back to her personal hell in Libertyville?
Pippa and Lin both let out a laugh of relief. At least one of them was excited about this. They suspected Evie would come around once the shock wore off, but it would take time and they'd need to be patient and understanding.
"Great!" Pippa exclaimed, relieved at how happy Stella seemed. Stella stood up and rushed over for another hug. Even though she was ten and was getting bigger, she climbed into Pippa's lap, resting her head against her shoulder. Pippa grinned widely, her eyes sparkling as she held her youngest sister.
She looked across the table at Lin, her boyfriend and biggest supporter, meeting eyes. They sparkled at her as he watched the two sisters. Both knew they were making the right decision. Now they just needed to convince Evie it was the right one.
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