Chapter 1
I was chatting with mccree and eating breakfast when we heard a knock on the door well more like loucio tripping and falling on his face,"Umm teas, what was that?"
"WE HAVE A NEW MISSION!" He yelled at us,"JACKS COMING AND HES MAD!" I looked at mccre,"So?"
"LINE UP!" Jack walked in and we all rushed into the garden,"THERES A NEW TASK AT HAND!" I heard Lucius laugh,"What's so funny?"
A few hours later
I dodged his bullet and saw reaper he disappeared I turned around and saw him, he quickly grabbed me by my neck,"LET GO!" I yelled at him and pulled my gun up but he slammed me into the ground and used both hands to choke me,"Gah!" I saw mccree come he shot him and helped me up I coughed,"Get widow!" I felt my neck and felt his hand marks on my neck and I looked and saw my reflection and was mortified by the red bloody look I stood up and saw a scarf laying on the ground it was Hanzos soon to be old scarf it was blue I still grabbed it and covered my neck I breathed in and caught and feeling a sharp pain in my back I turned around and punched someone, it was widow, I heard her whisper to me as I choked the last breath out of her,"I'll be back. And feel death creating for you." I let go of her examining my arm seeing it bleed I shored,"Were done here!" I pulled my hair tie around my head off and raped it around my arm,"Mercy I need to talk to you."
"I need you to heal my arm." She looked at me,"Why?" I ignored her and walked up to jack,"Jack I'll be in the garden if you need me." I told him as we reach the gate, I jumped over the wall and into the garden I saw zenyata,"Zen why are you here?"
"I'm relaxing." He said I looked at his motionless robot face, and took my guns out and put my weapons down and sat next to him,"Widow shot you and reaper choked you almost to death and he hesitated to kill reaper." I sighed,"Yes."
"Why did you hesitate?" I looked up to see genji, I looked away,"Because we were once great friends." I stood up and fell onto my knees,"DAMNIT!" I said looking at me leg,"WERES mercy?"
"Umm." I stood up and pushed him to the side,"Mercy!"
"I need healing."
"But why love?" I unwrapped my arm,"Dear lord!" And showed her my leg and she immediately healed it not showing her my neck I walked back out,"Were was I?"
"You and reaper were friend?"
"Right, jack, Gabriel and I were a threesome of friends, but one day I had to leave and well five years latter were all stupid teens and wen i saw all the carouse jack started overwatch and I refocused to join but they convinced me to join but I was shot with a podium thingy and it went wrong and turned me fifteen again, and well that's why I'm like you young." I never maid I contact,"But one day Gabriel, Jesse and I were at a building and it exploded and jesses arm blew up and it blew me back and almost fell of a cliff if it wearing for gabe but he hesitated at saving me like I hesitated to kill him," I stopped hearing my name,"Umm I have Togo!" I said standing up grabbing my weapons and putting them away it was hanzo,"Hey there you are Lilithan have you seen my scarf?" By this time I had nuzzled my face into it only seeing my eyes I popped up,"Noooooooooooo." He looked up at me,"Oh really?"
"Because I think I found it." He grabbed me in his arms,"I saw what happened keep it." I was surprised but that surprisedness turned to a comforting feeling, I hugged him too,"Thank you."
He looked at me,"LILLLLLLIIITHAN!" It was jack,"KUMMIMG!" I kissed hanzo on the cheek and walked out of the room,"Chese?"
"ITS GBE!" He heeled at me,"GANE!" I grabbed the phone,"Lilithan..I'm sorry about earlier." I dropped the phone at his next words shaking,"But I still love you-" that's wen I dropped the phone, I felt my world coming to an end,"LILITHAN LILITHAN! ARE YOU THERE?" I heard him yell,"Omg." I heard Hanzo come out, I quickly grabbed the phone,"I'm sorry Gabriel but there's someone else that I love, but listen to me Gabriel well always be friends!"
"Gabriel listen to me- Gabriel." He hung up on me,"Can this day get any worse?" I sighed and walked towards my room but our alarm went off,"UUUNNNNNG!" I grabbed my gun and walked outside with everyone we got in our car and drove there I jumped out seeng reaper standing there,"Gabriel listen there's no reason to be mad I know what it feels to be reflected but there's always someone else out there. So there's no reason to take this into the battle field." I walked over to him,"ITS TO LATE!" He pulled his gun out and pointed it at me,"I'm not fighting you Gabriel." I held my position,"Shot me." I didn't move,"SHOT ME IF YOU DONT WANNA BE OUR FRIEND ANYMORE!" I saw his hand shake like he was hesitating I heard Hancock,"I forgive you." But as soon as Hanzo walked over to me he shot him,"THATS THE MAN YOU LOVE!" He pulled the trigger on him I granted Hanzo shielding him creating a shield,"Ahhg!" I collapsed bleeding from the bullet,"No!" I heard Gabriel leave and everyone panic I felt light headed,"WE NEED TO GET BACK TO HEAD QUORTERS!"I felt Hanzo pick me up, I gripped his sleeve,"It's ok I've got you."
"We're she shot?"
"The chest and arm."
"Lilithan your gonna be fine."
I laughed,"I was silly to think that he was gonna change Gabriel's always been stubborn and jellis.UHHG!" It hurt more,"Faster jack or she may not make it." Those words rung threw my head, my mom and dad he told her that before she died, my grip loosened,"JACK SHES FADING!"
"LILITHAN STAY WITH US." My eyes slowly closed I heard Hanzo yell at me but I tightened my grip, I whistled and blazer showed up,"Tweet twitter." He cheered at me,"Go." I looked at him and he disrespected and flew away out the window and shot into the sky and infront of us and we were back at head quarters, they carried my inside,"LILI!" Genji ran over to me,"WERES MERCY?" I put my hand up and blazer landed onto my finger he dropped a little nut onto my hand, and picket it up and flew away,"LILITHAN!" I was mercy,"Dear lord!" It was tracer with her,"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!"
"reaper attacked her."
"Ha it was stupid of me to think he was the same old Gabriel."
"Lilithan please stop." It was Jack,"Please Jack, you saw him hesitate to shot me but didn't hesitate to shot Hanzo. He's mad and confused."
"Lili don't say that."
"I thought you died then Gabriel died all because you two got into a fight, Bethany told me not to get into the cross fire and I just did, he's still mad at you."
"Lilithan please." I felt his hand on mine,"Love we need to give you aniseed."
"Mercy I can't feel pain. I'm fine."
"But you freaked out in the car?"
"Yes I feel the pain blazer feels, because he's apart of my soul he's the part of my pain."
After words.
"Thank you mercy."
"Take it easy and that's a nasty scare on your neck." I looked and saw that it had fallen I grabbed it and threw it on,"I'm fine."
I jumped down, and walked out of the room,"LILI!" Hanzo ran up and grabbed me,"I thought I lost you." I saw everyone panicky and tear faced,"Woe, you really care about me?"
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