Ch41: Nazuna
(Y/N POV - Sengoku Jidai - A day later)
The next morning after defeating the Ne no Kubi we set off once again to find the Shikon Jewel shards, but after two days of looking we didn't find any trace of another jewel shard besides the one we got.
Nor any sign of who freed the Ne no Kubi, not that I figured we could uncover anything but even Inuko couldn't a trace of them. So we still had to be a little bit more cautious during our trips to the Sengoku Jidai now.
Currently we were on our way back to Kaede's village as me and Kagome had to be back in our own era soon for school. We may have also wondered a bit too farther than we had planned, but it seems both Inuko and Yura knew a quick way back.
Only there was two issues with that method.
The first was that we had to get there by boat as the way was a river that ran not that far from Kaede's village. That turned out to be easy enough as we soon found two boats within an hour. And I doubt the owners would miss them.
Considering we stole them from a bandit camp. We didn't really have to do anything, I just said to Yura that she could keep their hair as long as she left them alive.
Let's just say that Shippō clung to my leg as she raised that camp to the ground and stole their hair before dumping their unconscious bodies under a tree.
Anyway down this river we would have to go quite a ways downstream am d would have to camp out for the night somewhere. But either way we should be back in the modern just to maybe miss part of our first class instead of missing a larger portion of the school day by foot.
It was on the river that we encountered our second issue.
"This is the worst..." Shippō groaned out as he leaned out the side and tried not to throw up. I just sighed as I gently rubbed his back.
Apparently Shippō easily gets seasick, quiet a bit in fact.
We have already given him antacid a while ago, back it seems not to work all that well on kitsune. At the very least he wasn't throwing up, but his stomach was still pretty much upset.
"Poor Shippō..." Kagome said as she looked at the seasick kit.
"He'll be alright, we will need to find a place to camp out sooner or later as it is getting dark." Inuko said as she leaned over the side of her boat, keeping an eye on for any fish to catch while Yura worked to steer it away from the shore.
Currently we were more or less preparing for dinner, with myself and Yura steering the boats while Inuko was keeping an eye out for fish and any yokai that might be lurking on the shoreline. Along with me and Kagome looking out for the seasick Shippō.
That and keeping the fish we already caught frozen.
Wasn't to much of a drain now along with all that water around here.
Besides Shippō being see sick this was pretty nice, just traveling down stream in nice cool weather and enjoying the surrounding nature. Something Kagome agreed with me on.
Speaking of which it was safe that she was no longer wishing to inflict as much harm as she could to Yura now...more than usual anyway. While things were still tense between the two and I doubt that it will ever be otherwise, at least things seemed to be better now.
That and Kagome was excited for our first once we are back in the modern era and we have time. So am I, though I was a bit worried that it could go wrong. But talking with her had mainly mitigated those worries as we had settled on just watch a movie, but the worry was still there a little.
Besides that Inuko had been a bit more quiet since after we defeated the Ne no Kubi along with Myōga. Along with her being a bit more on edge than usual today, though I suppose That can be chalked up that there was a new moon coming up. The first one that she would have experienced in 50 years, so I can tell Inuko was not looking forward to that.
Well neither was eye for that matter, mainly if it a new moon then we would be quite a while from the nearest village if any yokai attacked.
As for her being quiet, I suppose that with whoever unleashed the Ne no Kubi possibly being behind what happened to Kikyō I can barely imagine what she was feeling right now.
"I hate this..." Shippō groaned out and breaking me from my thoughts as he dry heaved off the side of the boat.
"Don't worry Shippō, hopefully it will all be over soon." Kagome said, trying to comfort the seasick kit.
"It will still be a while girl, but not for the reason you might think." Inuko growled out, confusing me for a moment before realizing she might have detected something. And I got my answer while staring right ahead.
Across the river was large strands of webbing crossing both sides and lined the trees on the riverbanks.
Welp that's just great, it seems this section of the river was invested by some type of insect or spider yokai. Though by the size of the webbing I can't really identify what we could possibly be facing if we had decided to come ashore.
That is if they didn't decide to attack us right now from the trees.
Something that Yura seem to be thinking of as she began to spread her hairs about and drawing Benigasumi to cut down the webs. Something Inuko was already doing with her claws.
Though she growled in irritation as she ripped some strands that got stuck to her sleeve. And it also quickly got stuck to her hand.
"You have got to be kidding me." Inuko growled out as she ripped to strands off her hand and tossed them into the river.
"Are you alright Lady Inuko?" Myōga said as he jumped onto her shoulder.
"I'm fine, more concerned with what could be lurking around here." Inuko said as she kept an eye on the riverbanks.
"Agreed any idea what we could expect Y/N?" Kagome asked me as she pulled the still seasick Shippō closer to herself. I just shook my head at that.
"Sadly there are too many possible yokai species to narrow it down. But Yura do you have any idea?" I asked as she began to cut down the spiderwebs.
"I do master, but is not good master. I had heard this area had a swarm of Kumogashira, but I did not think that it would be this bad." Yura said as she cut through the last of the spider webs, getting me to sigh.
This was not good at all.
"I take it from your expression that this is not a good sign." Kagome said, getting me to nod.
"The Kumogashira are a particularly nasty type of spider yokai. I have nothing against spiders in general, but these yokai are enough to make someone second guess. There is no need to worry about them as they are practically extinct in our era, except for a few deserted islands that is." I said, getting Kagome to shudder at my words.
Not that I blame her, my father's notes that they are a particularly nasty species in general.
I actually like spiders, but the Kumogashira are an exception.
There was a rustling sound from a cliff just ahead of us. So it would seem like the Kumogashira have decided to attack us.
Only to be surprised as a girl in a green kosode emerged with her back facing the cliff.
"Don't come any closer!" She cried out as something shot out of the bushes and she fell backwards off of the cliff.
"I got her." Inuko said as she jumped off of her boat and I started to bring us ashore by freezing the water around our boat.
Inuko caught the girl and we came ashore as she landed on the riverbank.
What was on top of the cliff quickly took off back into the underbrush.
"I take it that was a Kumogashira?" Kagome said as she carried to still groaning Shippō onto the shore.
"It was girl and the only reason it retreated was that the filthy headhunter knew that it was outnumbered. So there is a good chance it will come back with more unless it finds more prey." Yura said as she attached hairs to the cliff ace and pulled her boat ashore, getting Kagome to shudder.
"You alright?" Inuko asked the girl.
"I-I fine. Thanks for saving-" The girl said, before getting a closer look at Inuko and her expression turned enraged. "Let go of me you yokai!"
She tried to push Inuko away from her, but the inugmai hanyo kept a tight grip of the girl.
"What do you think you are doing?" Inuko questioned as the girl kept struggle before the both of them soon found themselves in the river.
I just sighed as Inuko pulled herself out of the water and the girl tried to pull herself out of the water and onto my boat, shivering.
"S-So cold, why is it so cold?" She shuddered out as I began to dispel the ice around the boat.
"Sorry about that." I said as reached out a hand towards her, with the girl looking between the water and my hair. "No I am not a a yokai just in case you were asking, I'm a hanyo and so is Inuko. Now I don't expect you to get along with us, but it might be best to stick with us in case that Kumogashira comes back. At least for now, alright?"
The girl looked at my hand for a few moments, before grabbing it and allowing me to help pull her out of the river.
"Fine." She said, before wincing.
Looking at her legs it looked like there were several scrapes on them. Either from the Kumogashira, the cliff, or the both at them.
"How about we get those looked at the shore. I believe that Kagome has a few things to help them out..." I said, trailing off and getting her to sigh.
"Nazuna, and as long as you keep that dog eared yokai away." Nazuna said, throwing a glare at Inuko.
"That can be arranged." Inuko said gruffly as she began to shake herself dry.
I sighed as I helped Nazuna to shore.
Although honestly I could probably heal her scrapes up with my mist, but given her dislike for yokai she would probably lash out if I did. Besides I am pretty sure some spray would work on her for the most part.
And given her hatred for yokai and what I had heard about Kumogashira could do, I could very easily guess what the cause of that and why...
(Kagome POV - 10 minutes later)
"And that should be the last of it, how do you feel?" I said as I put down the anti bacterial spray.
It didn't take long for me to begin treating her scrapes, figuring why Y/N didn't use his powers on Nazuna to help her.
Currently he was with Shippō, giving him a rice cake now that he had mostly recovered from his seasickness.
For the most part Nazuna was mainly abrasive to Inuko which I can more or less understand. And was more confused with how she should treat Y/N and Yura. The former for being half human and the later for being more confused than anything.
Then again we never clarified that Yura was a human or not along with being Y/N's vassal.
But there was clearly some jealousy aimed at Yura, mainly at her figure and something I do not fault Nazuna for it...
And at least she mainly left Shippō alone, although that might be because we were here with him or the warning glare I sent her.
"I'm fine, thank you." Nazuna said.
"It's no problem, but I take it that was a Kumogashira?" I asked getting her to nod.
"That it was, they moved into the nearby mountain earlier this spring. Managing to destroy several of the villages nearby. It traps people in their webs before devouring them. They are a frightful swarm of yokai." Nazuna said with a shudder.
"l see." I sighed out.
I kind of figured that from her reaction to yokai and what Y/N had said earlier. She must have suffered quite a lot from them judging by her tone of voice. The Kumogashira sounded like they were bad news already and the people of this era had to worry about something like thIs attacking their homes besides the widespread wars coming to their doorsteps.
"Do you think there is something that we can do about the Kumogashira here?" I asked, looking to either Inuko, Yura, and Y/N.
Given how quickly they spread there was a good possibility the Kumogashira could spread towards Kaede's village sooner or later. And given how wide their territory already is, once they reach the village and the well they would hold a giant swath of territory to truly get rid of them. And I would to dread to think what they could do in the modern era if one could get their hands on a jewel shard.
With Tokyo still repairing the damages and counting the exact number of people who went missing due to the Nikuzuki no Men when we left, I doubt my neighborhood could fare well against a swarm of spider yokai for long.
"If they don't have a jewel shard then forget it for now." Inuko said, surprising me and Y/N.
"Are you sure about that?" Y/N said, voicing my thoughts.
I thought that she would have at least checked the situation out.
"Believe me when swarms of yokai like this are easy to deal with, but extensive to deal with. You would need to find where their numbers gather to truly get rid of them. It will take a while to do so. You and Y/N both are heading home and it will take a day or two to possibly get rid of them all. Considering how close the Kumogashira are to Kaede's village, believe me when I say that it will be done." Inuko said pointedly, looking away from us.
Alright I will admit Inuko raised some good points, but why do I get the feeling she is deliberating making an excuse to avoid a fight she knew we could handle?
Something she only tried to avoid with Hiten and Manten and we still got dragged into anyway.
"I do agree with the bitch is right, at least on making sure that master is safe before going after those filthy headhunters. But I will go after the Kumogashira for one purpose besides master ordering me to, a single dose of venom is good enough to preserve human hair for weeks." Yura said happily, getting Nazuna to look at her strangely and Shippō to move closer to me.
"Is that true?" I asked Y/N, getting him to shrug.
"Perhaps, Kumogashira make more of themselves through the corpses of their victims. Preserving the corpse perfectly until a few Kumogashira burst from it. Though it doesn't always work." Nazuna said with a shudder, with myself shuddering in turn.
These Kumogashira are starting to creep me out more and more. Especially with what Yura possibly meant by calling them headhunters and her obsession with hair. It probably meant one thing.
"So do the Kumogashira have something to do with human heads?" I asked, dreading the answer.
"Actually yes. The one that attack Nazuna was a grown up Kumogashira, which have a humanoid appearance minus a spider like head. Although the human head aspect come from their young. Kumogashira produce asexually into their victims, producing several eggs that emerge into large spiders although only two or three manage to survive. The young look just like regular spiders only twice the size of the human head. And one of them wears the corpse's head as their own until they start to grow and those ones tend to live twice as long as the other Kumogashira." Y/N explained, getting Shippō to look nauseous again and myself to pale.
During the past three weeks I had seen plenty of gross things. A Shibugarsu puppeteering a corpse from the inside, the Tsukumo no gama, Manten, and the Nikuzuki no Men.
But minus the later, just hearing this was the worst!
Seriously nI have heard some pretty nasty things yokai can do from Gramps, but this was among the worst of them!
I am so glad they are practically extinct in our era.
"Believe me it is as disturbing as it sounds and seeing it happen is a different thing entirely." Nazuna said with a shudder, before turning to Y/N. "You are quite knowledgeable about them, are you a scholar?"
"My father was one though, what I know was from his notes." Y/N said with a sigh. "And I take it that you have not seen the master of the swarm then?" He inquired, surprising Nazuna.
"No you mean there is someone leading them!" Nazuna said angrily.
"A swarm this size requires a master, a filthy headhunter or there own." Yura said, getting Y/N to nod.
"They can be either male or female with a human torso, but otherwise have multiple limbs connected to each other like a web, they are rare and stronger than the others. Killing the master will cause the swarm to scatter into smaller swarms or to die out without someone to guide them." He said, getting Nazuna to nod and Inuko to growl.
"Then I know what I am going after once we get you and Kagome back home." She said, getting me to sigh.
"How about after we get Nazuna home first, just to make sure that no more Kumogashira come after her." I said.
"That does sound like a good idea, I take you live somewhere safe from the Kumogashira considering we are probably on the edge of the swarms territory?" Y/N asked Nazuna.
She nodded before sighing.
"I live with my master at a nearby temple which he seals away from the Kumogashira. Which I would rather sully with the presence of yokai." Nazuna said looking at Inuko, Yura, and Shippō. She sighed once again before facing me and Y/N. "I am thankful for you helping me and I have nothing against hanyo, but I prefer not to be beholden to a group of yokai."
Nazuna walked over to the nearby cliff and tried to climb up a nearby vine.
Well that was pretty rude of her. I can get why she would hate yokai, but that was a bit much.
Yet it seems karma struck her for her vine broke mid climb and Nazuna crashed into a bush below her.
"Ow..." She groaned out.
That's what you get I suppose.
"Now how about we get you home now?" I asked Nazuna with a small smile, getting her to sigh.
"Fine." Nazuna said, not looking to happy about the option as she tried to stand up. Only to wince and sit back down. Looks like she injured herself again.
"Inuko can you carry Nazuna?" I asked her, getting her to growl but sigh.
"Alright, let's just make this quick." Inuko growled out as Shippō began to climb onto Y/N's shoulder.
"Yura would you mind securing the boats?" Y/N asked, getting her to nod.
"Consider it done master." Yura said as she walked away as he began to generate a small bit of ice in his hands before walking over to Nazuna.
"Here just put this on where it hurts the most, it should help alleviate the pain." He said, getting Nazuna to look at the ice that he was trying to hand to her before taking it.
"Thank you." She said before looking relieved as she placed the ice on her ankle.
Hopefully we can get Nazuna to this temple soon as I would prefer not to stay in Kumogashira territory for as long as I can stand it.
The more I hear about them the more I am starting to agree with Inuko about getting away as quickly as possible,
(Y/N POV - An hour later)
As it turns out this temple rested on top of a small mountain. It took us quite a bit to get up here while Shippō continuously looking at the widening view from the mountain top.
Besides Nazuna constantly glaring at Inuko the whole track up here, there was hardly any sign of the Kumogashira. Sure we had seen some of them lurking up in the treetops, but they disappeared or Yura scared them off. There was a few, but considering they were mostly nocturnal yokai they would be more active during the night.
So as long as we stayed together camping and it was not the new moon tonight everything should be alright as we camp out on the riverside.
That is as long as it didn't get dark before then.
We finally arrived at this temple and I immediately noticed one thing outside of the temple.
There was a lot of sotobas lying outside of the temple. A particle graveyard with most of these markers probably lacking a body due to the Kumogashira.
"I take that all of this was caused by the Kumogashira?" Kagome asked Nazuna, getting her to nod.
"Most of them, but there are a lot more all around where there used to be villages before they were destroyed. Me and master made all of the sotobas for the temple." She said sadly.
"So it's just the both and your master at the temple?" I asked.
"Yes, but they were other monks at this temple but it was one of the first places the Kumogashira attacked. A few monks including my master survived, but they were all killed repealing the Kumogashira." Nazuna said as we walked towards the temple entrance.
Looking at the walls you could see a lot of scratches and a bit of webbing. Likely from the Kumogashira attack and possibly any attacks being repelled by Nazuna's master's seals. He must have quite a bit of reiryoku in order to repel the swarm for this long.
As we began to walk through the temple's entrance, I looked back at the sotobas and I have to admit it was quite a view.
The view of the sunset from the mountaintop and the shadows of the sotobas was quite the site.
"What do you think of the view from here Shippō?" I asked with a small smile as I pulled out my phone.
"It's very pretty." Shippō said before looking over my shoulder. "So you are going to take a picture of this view."
"Of course." I said as I took the picture.
"I should have known that you would have stopped to admire the view." Kagome said with a smile. "So I take it that you are going to try and paint a picture of this later on."
"That I am, perhaps in Kaede's village before we head back to our era. Or during the days before are next excursion into this era." I said.
"I take it that you are leaving this one in the Sengoku Jidai, to preserve this myth of the 'legendary painter.'" Kagome teased with a grin, getting me to roll my eyes.
"Still having trouble wrapping my head, but perhaps leaving it in the village for a week to see if anything happens. If not just bring it back to the present." I said with a shrug as I walked through the entrance.
A simple enough method to tell at least if it is counted among the paintings. If not then I suppose I would just hold onto it for awhile until it does or something else comes up.
Anyway walking through the temple's gate we were soon greeted by a old man in Buddhist monk robes.
Considering what Nazuna said, this was the master of the temple.
"Nazuna!" The monk said as came towards us.
"Master." Nazuna said as she pushed herself off of Inuko and rushed towards him. She did not get far before her injury acted up and she stumbled before the monk helped support her.
"Nazuna, what have I said about about leaving the temple at this time alone. The Kumogashira start to become active." The monk said as Nazuna separate herself from him before bowing her head.
"I was just picking flowers to place on the graves and I have brought some wicked yokai onto this place. I am sorry master." Nazuna apologized to him.
"She is still going on about that." Shippō grumbled out, getting me to sigh.
"Yokai, you say?" The old monk said as he got a good luck all of us.
Considering how he was able to repeal a swarm of Kumogashira from this temple with sultras for possibly months, it might be best to be prepared to leave. Although with how dark it was getting and how we were currently in the middle of Kumogashira territory that might not be the best idea.
"Don't bother, we are just about to leave anyway." Inuko said as she turned to leave.
"Wait, you all are free to stay here for the night." The monk said, getting Inuko to stop in her tracks and for Nazuna to look at him in surprise.
"But master-" Nazuna tried to say, but the monk cut her off.
"Nazuna my dear, they brought you back here so it is the least I can do. Besides it will be their decision to stay for the night. But I do wish to have some way to repay them should they leave. So can you please prepare dinner for our guests?" The monk said, getting Nazuna to look like she wanted to protest.
But she bowed her head with a sigh and her shoulders slumped before nodding.
"Of course master." Nazuna said before she straightened herself out.
She gave on last glance towards us before walking towards the temple.
"I apologize for Nazuna's rudeness. She has lost her parents and village to the Kumogashira and leaving her in my care. Since than she has developed a fear of yokai." The monk said.
"It's alright, we kind of figured something like that something like that happened." Kagome sighed out sadly, with me doing the same.
Such a fate was all too common in this era, entire villages being wiped off maps and from history due to yokai attacks and clashing armies. There was just no telling what Nazuna saw the day that happened with the Kumogashira.
"Then it is best not to inconvenience her than, let us leave than." Inuko said with a wave of her hand as she began to walk towards the gate.
"Have to agree with with the bitch on this master." Yura said to me.
"I would advise against it, which way are you traveling upon?" The monk inquired.
"The river, should be enough to get down stream to find a good place to camp out." Inuko growled out.
"Then I am afraid you might not have enough time, the Kumogashira become especially active once night starts to set in. And they surround the temple in droves. As more and more men lose their lives to war and the Kumogashira wiping out the nearby villages their numbers increase. The temple is well protected with sacred sultras, so I implore that you at least consider staying here for the night." The monk.
"I believe that we should at least stay here for the night, at least until the Kumogashira clear out." Kagome suggested, getting a nervous looking Shippō to nod.
Both of them glance towards Inuko as she was the more vocal about heading out.
She looked between them and me as I shrugged.
Honestly I was fine with either choice, but if we did leave we needed to be careful given the chance of a new moon and a swarm of murderous spider yokai out there.
Inuko looked us once more before sighing.
"Fine." She sighed out with a frown, getting Kagome and Shippō to look relieved.
"Then I will show all of you your accommodations for the night." The monk said, gesturing for us to follow.
We began to take a few steps before I felt myself being pulled back a bit.
"Y/N a word, and have the kit go with the girl." Inuko said, getting me to probably figure out what she wanted to talk about.
"And what would that be?" Kagome asked.
"Something that I will tell you in a minute, this shouldn't take to long." I said, hoping to soothe her.
"Besides I will be here with master." Yura said.
I tried to say something, but Inuko beat me to it.
"Fine by me." Inuko said, getting me to sigh as Shippō jumped off my shoulder and onto Kagome's.
"I am just staying away from the creepy lady." The kitsune kit sighed out, getting Kagome to sigh while shaking her head.
"Don't take too long Y/N." She said.
"I won't." I said with a smile, which she returned before following after the mark.
Yura moved closer to me as Inuko let out an exasperated sigh.
"I really wish you could have agreed with me on this, especially on tonight of all nights. As a hanyo I would have thought as much." Inuko said irritably.
Well looks like tonight was the night of the new moon then.
"Didn't see any signs about it last night, and the new moon has recently passed in the modern era. Besides wouldn't you rather spend the first new moon you experienced in fifty years in a protected temple rather than out in a campsite worrying about the Kumogashira. One of them saw us when we saved Nazuna, there is a good possibility a portion of the swarm would have caught up to us among the river's edge." I said, getting Inuko to pause for a moment.
Honestly I am sure we could handle a portion of the swarm, continuously through the night and in the middle of Kumogashira territory that was possibly debatable.
Inuko thought it out for a few moments before sighing.
"Fair enough, but I do not trust this place or really anyone from here at this point. Kind of hard not to after decades of experiencing this. Even I can barely tolerate the girl and the kit knowing this. The only reason why I am even revealing this to the hairy bitch is because I know that she wouldn't care and cling to you even more tonight. Besides I am pretty sure without you she would try and kill me." Inuko said, growling in the last part.
"She's right on all accounts master." Yura said as she drew closer and pressed herself against me.
"Yura can you please take a step back away from me?" I asked.
Only for her to press herself even closer to me and for Inuko to look a little amused.
"Bin-""There is no need to do that master!" Yura interjected as Ashe quickly took a step away from me.
I did not want for her to make a repeat of what happened three days ago and give Kagome even more reason to try and attack her again. Things were still tense but much better than they were two days ago.
"While I do enjoy this, I am not okay with this. Even with this place, something about that monk smells off. Can't really tell what though, the new moon alway dulls everything. It is subtle, but gets worse until night falls." Inuko growled out, getting me to pause.
This can't be good.
"Are you sue?" I asked her.
"Damn right, he smells human and a lot like death but so does Nazuna. While the monk reeks of it. With the amount of sotobas outside the temple I am not surprised. But there is something else to his scent, can't tell what but it definitely isn't human." Inuko said with a huff.
Well this isn't good.
"So this monk might not even be human. He could possibly part yokai, but with your senses dulled it could be hard to tell. I can think of a few types of yokai that I can call up, but nothing concrete at the moment. Unless they are someway connected to the Kumogashira. Anyway do you know anything Yura?" I asked her.
"I do know one thing master, that some lead Kumogashira can take a human form. But they would have been spotted easily master. So I don't really know." Yura said with a sigh.
"It's alright, but it might be best to check up on him or the temple later so the monk would get suspicious. Still be ready for anything tonight, considering what's going on it seems like I am going to count on you to help us a lot through the night." I said, getting Yura to cheer up.
"Of course master!" Yura said happily.
"So we are going to have to rely on the hairy bitch to do the heavy lifting while we are human, that's just great." Inuko grumbled out before she shook her head. "And what are you going to do if this is a trap, burn it down."
Huh, that might be a good suggestion.
Worst comes to worse we can set this temple on fire.
"That actually could work, if we are human and if we are in danger during the night Yura can set the temple on fire as we get out of there with everyone inside depending on the situation." I said, with realization dawning Inuko's face.
Before it turned into a savage grin.
"Trapping what inside and along with my rope and your aversion to heat removed we should be alright. Although we will have to mainly rely on Kagome, Shippō, and the hair bitch still it will be worth it." Inuko said with a grin. "Could use some work, but it is more than enough."
"That is if things go wrong, so it might be best to prepare for worst just in case." I sighed out.
"Believe me on the night of a new moon things will always get worse." Inuko said as she began to walk past me. "I think it might not be a good idea to keep Kagome waiting any longer and to tell her just in case."
"I was already planning on it." I sighed out.
"Don't worry master, I am ready to bring this temple down or do whatever it takes to protect you. Along with the others too if you order it master." Yura said calmly, getting me to nod and sigh as I follow after Inuko.
A new moon, in the middle of the territory of murderous yokai, and already considering burning a Buddhist temple if things go wrong.
Tonight was going to be a long night...
(Chapter 41 end)
Hey guys Mukuro7 here and I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter.
Anyway we have been introduced to Nazuna in this chapter along with Inuko, Y/N, and Yura suspecting something is wrong and preparing for the worst.
For the latter it will pay off next chapter which will be long. Along with something you have all been waiting, the beginning of things between Y/N and Inuko. It is going to take quite a bit to develope, especially with what happens in the next arc. So it will start a little, but grows from there and I hope that you all will enjoy when it comes out.
As for Nazuna, well waiting for next chapter to flesh things out for future plans before adding anything in. But it will be interesting to reveal, at least for me.
Anyway two things to cover before we finish things off.
First as of this time Hanyo of Snow has passed 200,000 views!
I honestly could not have expected this at all when I first started this story at all, but here we are about three years later. Anyway I have to thank you all for enjoying this story and your continued support. I could not do this without all your continued support, so once again thank you.
Finally let's update the count for the extended list shall we.
And the results are:
Janis: 5
Izanami: 9
Sara Asano: 4
Kaguya: 5
Female Magasuchi: 4
Kyūki: 3
Zero: 3
And that is all for now, still plenty of time to vote and suggest.
Anyway next chapter things take a turn for the worse and just a warning for anyone with arachnophobia, there is going to be a scene you might find disturbing. You have been warned.
So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and until next time, ciao!
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