Ch40: A Killing Frost
(Kagome POV)
The Ne no Kubi roared out as it's extensions created a mass of roots to impale us. But it seemed like it never learned as we dodged the roots with Yura and Inuko cutting them down and Y/N frosting then over.
It lasted a few moments before one of the extensions burrowed underground.
And I trained my arrow to where it would emerge. It emerged near Inuko to attack her and let it lose before a root forced me back.
The arrow only clipped the Ne no Kubi, but it did destroy a good chunk of it in a burst of reiryoku. It roared out in pain as it tried to attack me.
Only to be sliced in half by Inuko, who cut into it one more time to make sure the extension stayed dead.
"Damn you!" The Ne no Kubi roared out from it's main body as it raised a massive root from the ground to crush me and Shippō.
I barely had anytime to move out of the way and notch an arrow at it before it began to cover itself in wooden spikes. But instead of launching them, the Ne no Kubi tried to smash me with the spiked root. Inuko cut it down and I launched an arrow at the main body.
However it blocked by another massive root that was reduced to ashes in a burst of reiryoku.
"Seems like that overgrown weed is finally learning from it's mistakes. Better save your reiryoku girl." She stated, getting me to nod before I notched another arrow and trained it on the last extension.
Only to see Yura crushing it's head with it's own spiked root. A sadistic grin on her face and Y/N frosting over it's roots.
"She is really enjoying herself." I stated as I moved my aim to the Ne no Kubi's main body. Honestly I was not surprised that she was doing so.
"She is kind of scary." Shippō said with a shudder as the last extension of the Ne no Kubi's head was crushed by the root and the bottom root shattered into frozen shards.
"Don't worry about it Shippō, she can't do anything to you while we're around." I said to reassure him.
"Your right, she doesn't stand a chance against any of you!" Shippō exclaimed, getting me to smile a bit.
Honestly I'm pretty sure that is not true for myself given I am still working on my reiryoku. Or I am sure she could easily kill us in our sleep if she wasn't loyal to Y/N or the threat of breaking her comb. But it was nice to know that he has that much faith in us.
He lit up the fire cracker as I launched the arrow into the Ne no Kubi.
It landed in one of it's eyes and detonated, but it did little more than annoy it.
"Will all of you just die already!" The Ne no Kubi bellowed out as three massive spiked roots erupted from the ground and pulled themselves back.
Before I could do anything, me and Shippō quickly found ourselves pulled back by Yura's hairs towards her and Y/N as he raised a barrier of ice.
"A little warning next time." I said to Yura as the Ne no Kubi let lose it's attack while Inuko joined us behind the barrier.
"Perhaps." She said, although her grin was pretty unconvincing.
We stayed there for a few moments, but from the looks at it Y/N constantly had to replenish his barrier as it looked like it was on the verge of constantly shattering. And the mist around us grew thinner and he looked more and more exhausted with each passing moment.
The barrage stopped and Y/N finally let the ice barrier shatter.
While the attack might have ended, I could sense six Hitōkon approaching us. They could be a nuisance to deal with while Y/N is currently catching his breath, but it will be enough time for the Ne no Kubi to attack.
But at least it looks like that overgrown weed suffers from the same effect of it's extensions when creating the Hitōkon from itself, Though the effect seems less taxing for the main body than it does on the extensions.
"Y/N are you alright?" I asked as he started to regain his composure.
"Not really, almost out of yoki and I only have a little more left." He said as the Ne no Kubi started lash out with it's roots once again.
"Then stay back here for a little bit master, we got this." Yura said before fixing the Ne no Kubi a murderous glare. "Oni-bi Gushi!"
She lit her hairs aflame and started lashing out with them, cutting and burning through the Ne no Kubi's roots and main body. It's roars of pain only increased when Inuko began to cut through it's roots with Tessaiga.
I notched an arrow to fire at the overgrown weed when I sensed a pair of Hitōkon coming towards me. Before I could even turn to fire my arrow, Shippō launched some foxfire at it while Y/N bisected the parasite with Shūsui. Leaving it's remains to lightly burn away.
"Leave the Hitōkon to us, just focus on the Ne no Kubi for now." Y/N said as he cut apart the second one.
"We got this." Shippō said with a smile as he lit the remains aflame.
"Alright." I said with a smile before training my arrow at the Ne no Kubi as it tried to fend of Inuko and Yura with it's roots.
I let lose my arrow and it struck one of it's many eyes. With it letting out a pain filled roar as a good chunk of it was blown away by burst of reiryoku.
Yet it did little more then destroy a small portion of the Ne no Kubi given it's massive size. But it only enraged it further as it tried to crush me with a massive spiked root once again while I notched another arrow.
I fired it and it collided with the root, splitting in it into two parts.
The Ne no Kubi roared out in pain as I notched another arrow. While Yura wrapped part of the split root in her hairs and flung it back at the overgrown root.
"Oni-bi Gushi!" She shouted as she lit a strand of hair attached to the root aflame. Causing the flaming root to crash into the Ne no Kubi and for part of it to catch on fire.
I smiled a little as the Ne no Kubi tried to smother out it's flames and giving me the perfect chance to fire my arrow.
Which hit dead on and for for another chunk of it to explode in a burst of reiryoku. In addition to the damage from out attacks and being set on fire all our attacks had been dealing quite some serious damage to that overgrown weed.
Though it always seemed to recover soon after and lash out in a blind rage due to it's sheer size. Although it seemed like that it kept getting smaller, but was less noticable alongside the fact it's body seemed to restore itself.
Given that the Ne no Kubi's main body just seems to be a disgusting mass of roots, wooden teeth, huge red eyes, and a collection of decapitated human heads I believe that it lacked a true center.
So it is best to destroy it entirely or wait until the villagers had arrived with the water. Either way this needed to end soon as Y/N was running out of yoki and I am not doing that much better in terms of reiryoku.
Better to end it now.
I went to draw another arrow, only to find that I had only one left and it was one that Shippō had attached a fire cracker to it.
"Well that's just great." I sighed out as I notched the arrow. "Shippō do you mind?"
"On it!" He said as he lit up the remains of the last Hitōkon before lighting the fuse.
"Thank you." I said as fired the arrow towards the Ne no Kubi as it finally smothered out the flames. It landed in one of it's eyes. Before detonating and causing the Ne no Kubi to roar out in pain.
Great and now I am out of arrows.
And three massive spiked roots burst out of the ground ready to fire once again.
"Kagome get behind me." Y/N said as he generated an ice barrier in front of us.
"Alright, how long do you think the barrier will hold?" I asked as the Ne no Kubi prepared to fire.
"I don't know." He said before the Ne no Kubi suddenly roared out in pain.
Before I could wonder the cause of it's pain and enjoy it, I saw past the barrier that Inuko had cut down one of the roots with Tessaiga before cutting up into a few pieces. Which Yura wrapped up in her hairs and threw towards the Ne no Kubi.
After lighting them on fire.
I will admit that I took some satisfaction in the overgrown weed being coated in fire, I did not find any when the Ne no Kubi started to fire off the wooden spikes all over the place wildly.
"Honestly that could have worked better." Inuko grumbled out as she and Yura jumped behind the barrier. Which only managed to get a few spikes crashing against it, but otherwise held up.
"Perhaps I am pretty sure that overgrown weed is just going to put out that fire eventually and I am out of arrows." I said as the Ne no Kubi was doing exactly that as all the spikes stopped raining down. It continued to roar out in pain as it tried to put out the fires on it's body.
"Then how about me and Yura try to gather any arrows that are still intact Kagome you, Shippō, and Inuko can focus on causing even more pain onto the Ne no Kubi for a bit. Either until the villagers arrive or just for a few moments." Y/N suggested, getting me to nod.
"Good idea, but I don't really have anything else to use at the moment. Except for the purification salt Kaede gave me, but I doubt it will do more than annoy the Ne no Kubi." I stated.
"True but with your reiryoku it will cause a little damage, but it will also be less draining than an arrow. That and opening it up for a lot of pain." Inuko said with a grin, before cutting down one of the Hitōkon with Tessaiga.
With the other three being in cut up by Yura's hairs and burnt by Shippō's foxfire.
Okay with them dealt with and the Ne no Kubi almost done putting out the fires out it might be time to deal with it before it goes back to attacking us.
"Ready Shippō?" I asked as the kit pulled out a pair of firecrackers.
"Of course, let's finally be done with this overgrown weed!" Shippō cried out, getting Inuko to chuckle a little.
"Like your spirit kit, but save it until after that happens. Also make sure to hang on." Inuko said as I climbed onto her back.
"And we will provide you some cover. Yura can you help me out real quick?" Y/N said as he pressed his hands against the cracked ice barrier.
She nodded as the barrier broke apart into a few ice shards that she wrapped in her hairs. And flung them at the Ne no Kubi as Inuko jumped into the air.
The overgrown weed roared out in pain as it had several of it's eyes gorged out. And they increased moreso when Inuko landed on top of the Ne no Kubi and buried Tessaiga into it's mass. Along with Shippō throwing down some of his firecrackers.
Several smaller roots emerged from the Ne no Kubi itself to attack us, but Inuko just cut them down with Tessaiga before jumping to another part on top of it.
While she did so put my hand in the bag, trying to think of a way to channel through the purification salt.
Maybe I should think of it like channeling through the arrow. Maybe instead of grabbing the salt, perhaps I should think of it like notching a bow.
I went to try that method, putting my hand in the bag imagining notching an arrow and pouring my reiryoku into the salt...
And it worked.
Pulling out the purification salt I saw that it all was glowing with a sold violet hue of reiryoku.
"Kagome have you figured out how to use it yet." Inuko called back to me as the Ne no Kubi tried to reach for us with it's vines.
"I have." I snapped back before turning to Shippō. He figured what I was going to ask and brought out a few firecrackers out with a grin.
I smiled at him and we dropped the purification salt and the firecrackers while Inuko was midair.
The Ne no Kubi roared out in pain as the firecrackers detonated and to my surprise the purification salt as well. Although much smaller there was a series of tiny violet bursts that occured where the salt landed.
"I thought that you said the purification salt wouldn't harm it all that much." I said as Inuko landed and hacked away at roots with Tessaiga.
"With your reiryoku it probably was about as strong as one of the kit's firecrackers." Inuko said as she took off into the air.
"Then we are going to need a lot of more firecrackers then." I said, getting Shippō to grin as he pulled a large amount out firecrackers.
For the next minute we continued to deal damage with Inuko cutting through the roots, myself using the purification salt, and Shippō using a lot of firecrackers.
While we were distracting the Ne no Kubi on top of it, Yura and Y/N where attacking it's side. Using Shūsui, Benigasumi, and her hair to cut through the roots before lighting them on fire. Occasionally mixing in some flaming hairs and a icicle to add even more damage to it along with gorging some eyes out.
But it seemed like what we were doing was barely doing little overall to the Ne no Kubi, but it was still attacking with the same blind furry inorder to kill us to no effect.
So it was a bit of a stalemate at the moment and I am not sure how much longer it was going to last.
"I'm out of firecrackers, this is the last one left." Shippō said, holding it in his hand.
Never mind.
Inuko leapt up into the air to avoid some roots grabbing her, only for a massive wooden jaw to open up where she would have landed.
"You have got to be kidding me!" Inuko growled as she fell through, but not before stabbing Tessaiga at the edge.
Shippō clung on tightly as not to fall in deeper.
If this overgrown weed thinks that it could eat us, then it has another thing coming.
I held the pouch of purification salt in my hands and focused on channeling the reiryoku to the salt inside as I prepared to drop it. Along with Inuko using Tessaiga to pull us out.
I threw down the pouch of purification salt and Shippō threw down his last firecracker as we got out of the Ne no Kubi.
And I saw a violet bust from the closing jaw as the Ne no Kubi began to writhe in pain.
"It burns, it burns!" The Ne no Kubi thrashed about as grinned at it's pain. Before a massive spiked root rose from the mass of roots in to attack us, but Inuko jumped out of the way and onto the ground.
"Not bad girl, but will not do much to this overgrown weed." Inuko said with a grin.
"I know, but I am not sure how much longer we can keep doing this until the villagers arrive." I sighed out as Yura and Y/N landed right next to us.
"Then we don't need to wait long." Y/N said as he pointed behind me. Looking back that way I saw four villagers carrying buckets of water close to us. Behind them was Rikichi and four other archers, all of them had arrows drawn at the Ne no Kubi.
They were here meaning that we could finally end this thing once and for all.
"Even with all that water master it might take a little bit more effort to put down this overgrown weed for good. I believe this might do the trick girl." Yura said as she used her hairs to bring me... Kikyō's arrow.
"It was the only arrow not broken by the Ne no Kubi. It should be enough." She said as I inspected the old arrow.
"I agree with the hairy bitch and I know better then anyone just how effective the damned thing is. No matter how much reiryoku you might have left, it should do enough damage for Y/N to finish off this overgrown weed." Inuko said, getting me to look at the arrow for a few moments before nodding.
Just a little bit more and we could finish this.
"Alright then, I am going to need a few moments." I said to them as I notched the arrow and trained it the Ne no Kubi.
"Fine by me, I just get to cut up that overgrown weed a bit longer!" Inuko snarled out as she leapt back into the air and started to cut apart the Ne no Kubi.
It roared out in pain before noticing what I was doing. It sent several roots towards us, but they were quickly cut apart by Yura's hairs and all that overgrown weed got for it's troubles was five arrows to it's eyes.
Alright just focus on gathering my reiryoku and to get a clear shot at the Ne no Kubi to deal the most damage I could inflict on it.
Surprisingly it was easy to channel my reiryoku into the arrow, easier than usual. But it was difficult to find a good place to fire at the Ne no Kubi.
I figured around it's center, but Inuko was constantly jumping around and slashing it apart with Tessaiga. Constantly getting in the way of my shot.
It was a little annoying to be honest. Maybe it would be better to fire where she was.
To finally get rid of the Ne no Kubi and to send her-
Izanami no!
There is no way I am sending Inuko to Yomi, but I am going to make sure to clean up this mess with the overgrown weed! Something that should have been done by you!
I move my bow back away from Inuko and found the perfect shot. Here goes nothing.
I released my arrow and almost fell back in as the exhaustion hit me harder then being attacked by Mukade Jōrō as I ran out of reiryoku.
But it was worth it as the arrow hit the Ne no Kubi in one of it's eyes. It proceeded to scream outing pain as streams of reiryoku spread out through a good chunk of it's body, destroying them and tearing that overgrown weed apart. This lasted for a few moments before the Ne no Kubi collapsed into a heap, trying and struggling to pull itself together.
It was still alive, but I took some satisfaction in seeing it in pain for all the trouble it has caused us.
"Are you alright Kagome?" Y/N asked me, breaking me from my thoughts. Turning to see both him and Shippōlooking at me in concern.
"I fine, completely exhausted but fine. Just make sure to finish off that overgrown weed for me. Also try not to get hit by that jewel shard. " I said with a smile, getting him to nod.
"I will, but I make no promises on the later." Y/N said, getting me to sigh as that was true.
"Yura, can you please bring the water." He asked as he walked towards the Ne no Kubi. With Yura gleefully doing so, the water buckets trailing behind her carefully in her hairs.
I do hope that he will be careful with the jewel shard, but I knew he got this.
And I felt happy knowing that we were doing something my previous couldn't do and finally ending the Ne no Kubi.
Alright, time to finish the Ne no Kubi once and for all.
So this would be my second time doing this, and I do hope that the Ne no Kubi will stay dead after this.
Just need to remember what I promised Hiten and the out of there before the jewel shard rockets into my chest again...
"If you are going to finish it you better do it now." Inuko said as the Ne no Kubi started to pull it's pieces together, only to roar out in pain as five arrows pierced it.
"I know and I intend to finish it. Yura you know what to do." I said as I started to generate even more mist around me and Yura nodded as she suspended herself in the air.
She used her hairs to positions herself and the buckets over the Ne no Kubi as I walk closer to it. She proceeded to use her hairs to manipulate how much water fell onto the Ne no Kubi all over it. The root yokai looked confused for a few moments it turned to fear as it realized what I was planning on doing.
"Finish this up master." Yura said with a sadistic grin as she wrapped some hairs around around me and discarded the buckets.
I just nodded at that and approached the Ne no Kubi who started to lash out with it's roots.
"Stay back!" The Ne no Kubi bellowed as one of it's roots made contact with mist.
Only to roar out in pain as the wet root started to wither, freeze, and shatter. Along with another roots that made contact with the mist. It tried to burrow underground, but I managed to grab one of it's roots and looked directly into one it's eyes.
There I showed it how I truly felt about it.
That while I would prefer not to do this, but the Ne no Kubi needed to die for how dangerous and spiteful it was.
It tried one last time to impale me, but I used all the water all poured all over the yokai to cover us both in a massive explosion of mist.
From there I poured every last bit of my yoki into the mist, all with the intention to freeze the Ne no Kubi entirety and shatter it. Making sure that it would not return return a third time.
The Ne no Kubi let out one last pain filled roar before it faded into silence.
I panted a little as I ran out of yoki before finding myself being pulled back by Yura's hairs and out of the mist.
Along with the Shikon Jewel shard rocketing right into my chest.
Damn it, not again...
I bit back a scream of pain as my vision became blurry and pain coursed throughout my body.
For a few moments I could barely see or hear anything before I found myself coming to with Yura overtop of me.
"Master how are you feeling?" Yura asked as I could see Inuko and Kagome running over.
"In pain and out of yoki, but I am pretty sure that I am alright." I said with a smile before finding myself out of breath when Shippō tackled into my chest.
"Y/N I am so glad that you are alright!" He cried out as he clung onto me for dear life. The last time he did see this happen to me I did nearly died and frozen in a massive block of ice.
"It's alright Shippō, I am okay. This isn't like last time. There were five shards, there was only one shard this time. So I am going to be sore for a while, that's all." I said trying to reassure the kit. And it seemed to be working as he started to settle down.
"Have to say that I am glad that this time that your kill didn't come back from the dead." Inuko said, jabbing a finger to the fading cloud of mist. The frozen remains of the Ne no Kubi that were slowly shattering into pieces.
And was it just me or was an owl pecking among the remains?
No wait it was one, but it will probably fly away once
"Same, though I am glad to still have some resistance left. I think that I have about four more shards left before this resistance wears off." I said with a groan, dreading the fact that it was going to happen sooner or later. That and I'm 56% yuki-onna at this point.
"That sounds about right master." Yura said as looked surveyed around us. "And while I must commend you for making sure the overgrown weed doesn't come back like the crazy thunder bitch, but master whoever freed it and gave it a jewel shard is still on the lose."
She has got a point.
Someone freed the Ne no Kubi and gave it a Shikon Jewel shard. Someone possibly involved with what happened between Kikyō and Inuko 50 years ago.
We were dealing with someone whose motives I could barely decipher. They didn't seem to care all that much for the jewel shards as they gave one to the Ne no Kubi to deal with us. Unless of course they were strong enough to kill it to reclaim the shard and smart enough to manipulate the Ne no Kubi to manipulate it from the start. And possibly to do so from the very beginning before putting enough distance between us and it. Then again it could possibly not care enough about the jewel shards as it already haa enough to not care about losing one that it could reclaim later.
So the possible motivations that I could think of for whomever freed the Ne no Kubi was revenge on the village for what happened, killing us all and claiming our jewel shards, testing us, just looking to cause mayhem for their own benefit, or a mixture of any of these motivations.
There was too many unknowns to even gauge what we're going up against that I dreaded meeting them. And given our goal of collecting the jewel shards, there is a great possibility that we will encounter them sooner or later...
"Leave that to me then. Y/N and Kagome are already exhausted enough and out of yoki and reiryoku." Inuko said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "You two have been through enough and whoever did this might not even be around, so Iwill check around here for a little bit. The two of you get some rest and take the kit with you. I am pretty sure he is starting to nod off."
"I am not." Shippō protest, trying his best not to yawn as I stood back up. Getting Kagome to giggle at his actions.
"She's right Y/N, we just dealt with that overgrown weed and Shippō is nearly tired out. So let's just save worrying about this until the morning, alright?" She said getting me to sigh.
"Alright, but Yura can you please go with Inuko after we head back to the village. Just incase they are still around." I said, getting her to sigh.
"If that is what you wish master, but I suggest that you get back to the village. Your leg is starting to frost over." She said, and true to form I could feel my yoki slowly returning. And my leg was starting to frost over.
Damn it.
"Well then let's head back to the village. Be careful Inuko." I said as me, Kagome, and Yura began to walk back to the village.
"Don't need it, but thanks anyway." Inuko called back.
Honestly shouldn't have expected anything less from her.
And I can feel my hand starting to frost over.
"Can you hold him?" I asked Kagome, getting her to nod.
"Of course." Kagome said, taking the kit from me. "Come on let's get you to bed Shippō."
"But I'm not tired..." Shippō yawned out, on the verge of nodding off. And getting me and Kagome to smile.
All three of use were exhausted and it was time to get some rest...and work on getting my powers under control again.
Do not want to accidentally frost myself in sleep again.
Plus Kagome is right. Worrying about who was behind the Ne no Kubi could wait until the morning.
Make that for when we depart to look for more jewel shards tomorrow. Cause there is something that I wish to try tomorrow morning, that is if I can remember it correctly.
(Inuko POV - A minute later)
That damned owl has been pecking at that frozen corpse for a while now.
At first I thought that it was nothing, and seemingly everyone else did to. Nothing more than an predator thinking that it had a chance for an easy meal.
But once I caught the scent of it, I knew that it was somekind of yokai. Never seen one in the shape of an owl before.
However once I did it seems like it's illusion shattered and the owl now had four red eyes.
It took a quick look at me before flying off in a panic.
Oh you are not going to get away from me!
"Wait Lady Inuko, let Yotsume go. It will only bring you more trouble then you could handle right now." Myōga said as he jumped onto my shoulder.
"Really and why should I, for all I know that damned owl could be the one to release the Ne no Kubi! Perhaps you could even explain how you know him!" I snarled out at Myōga.
Yet to my surprise he didn't flinch or show any fear.
"If you think this will bring you any answers to what happen 50 years ago then forget it, I know for a fact that he was on the mainland at the time you were sealed away. That and Yotsume is too much of a coward to release the Ne no Kubi without the right persuasion." Myōga said, getting me to nod as I began to try and calm down.
So he was like Myōga if he was an owl yokai. Well then I have nothing to worry about.
Except there was someone else possibly after us, more specifically me.
"I take it that this Yotsume works for any enemy of my father." I groaned out, getting Myōga to shake his head.
"Not exactly, they were friends and rivals as they were both equally powerful. Yotsume is actually the vassal to one of his retainers, most likely sent to check if you have truly awakened. Still attacking him at this moment is not a good idea Lady Inuko, it is most likely draw Lord Kirinmaru to you if he truly has awaken. His retainers might try something, but if you attack now it will only be seen as a preemptive attack. But as you are now Lord Kirinmaru will leave you alone until he seems you a worthy challenge, something he considers your sister Sesshōmaru to be. And I know for certain that he would disprove of them freeing the Ne no Kubi, still I would not put it past them to try something without his knowledge." Myōga said, getting me to sigh.
Well that's just great, one of my father's enemies has decided to show themselves. And if what Myōga said was true their was a good chance his retainers could come after me at anytime.
"What are the chances they could come after me?" I asked, getting my father's retainer to shrug.
"Unclear, it could either be a one time thing or they could come after you a few years from now. It is difficult to tell with Lord Kirinmaru and his followers. But I suggest that you be prepared Lady Inuko." Myōga said, getting me to shrug.
"I have been dealing with and running away from yokai after me for being a hanyo or being the daughter of the Inu no Taisho for decades. A few more will be nothing more to me. Still keep this quiet from the others for a little bit." I said, surprising him.
"Are you sure that is a good idea Lady Inuko?" He said, getting me to nod.
"If there is a chance they will not attack if there is nothing to worry about, but Y/N and Kagome have enough to worry about with whoever did free the Ne no Kubi. Give them some time, but feel free to tell them anything related to this Kirinmaru if you get the chance. Given Y/N and Yura they should be able to fill the rest in on their own." I said, getting Myōga to bow with a sigh.
"Then I will follow your lead Lady Inuko." Myōga said, getting me to nod as I picked up the scent of the Ne no Kubi and Yotsume.
I am going to track that overgrown weed first to get a better idea of what we are up against before tracking that owl next just incase.
Sesshōmaru and Hiten, and now whoever was behind the Ne no Kubi and this Kirinmaru.
Hate to say it but that crazy thunder bitch was right. Breaking the Shikon Jewel has caused everyone to come crawling out of the woodwork and each and everyone seems to be after us in someway.
Doesn't matter who it is though, if they think they can come after myself, Y/N, the girl, Kaede, or this village I am going to make sure that they are torn to shreds either way!
(??? POV - In the Forest - Same Time)
So Y/N proved to be as effective as I had hypothezied. The Ne no Kubi was the perfect test and the hanyo had proved effectively.
Seems like he is a worthy specimen after all.
"Should I dispell myself now?" My kugutsu inquired, getting me to shake my head.
"Negative, keep an eye on this village incase of any new developments or any factor that can hinder my plans. The only way your purpose ends with your destruction." I said, getting my kugutsu to nod.
"Affirmative, and speaking of negative factors." My kugutsu said, pointing to the skies above us.
Ah, so the tatarimokke is departing, I believe not.
I extended a tendril and brought it back down, getting it to squawk out in pain.
"Now then, you are going to tell me who you work for tatarimokke." I said, before using another tendril to wrap around a parasite. "But first there is another matter to deal with."
Pulling back the tendril it revealed the last remnants of the Ne no Kubi. A small cluster of root with a small red eye. With it's main body destroyed all that is left is a few splintered roots no better than a smarter Hitōkon. Leaving all but a few parasites left of it that could easily be dealt with.
The Ne no Kubi had nothing left to offer me in it's current state, but it was still the principle of the matter.
"You have proceeded to serve your purpose well, but it seems like you could not keep your end of our agreement. And for that you must pay the price." I said with a small grin as I pulled back my tendril. The Ne no Kubi tried to break away, but it was quickly absorbed into myself.
It took a few moments to intergrade the Ne no Kubi into myself and I turned towards the tatarimokke that looked at me fearfully.
"Now then, if you wish not to suffer the same consiquences as the Ne no Kubi then I advise that you tell me what I want to know." I said, planning on absorbing the tatarimokke as well even if it gave me the answers I was looking for.
It would be unwise to allow another unknown variable to interfere in my machinations. Along with depending on who this tatarimokke serves I could possibly turn this to my advantage.
"Never, I would be killed otherwise." The tatarimokke said as I tightened my grip on it.
"I see, if you will not tell me willingly then I will have to resort to other means." I said as I prepared to absorb the tatarimokke.
Until I heard the sound of something ringing and multiple stabbing pains in my back.
From there a swarm of violet insect yokai I had never seen before attacked myself and my kugutsu before my vision was blocked. I felt something cut through my tendril and then another ringing sound the swarm was gone.
Along with the the tatarimokke, and a cut tendril. Retracting that revealed that it had been cut by a blade due to how precise it was.
It seems like an unknown factor has decided to spirit off the tatarimokke incase it did speak up or if they needed that yokai back. Either way the was clearly a major unknown variable at play now.
Looking in the clearing and having my kugutsu help cover up happened here incase Inuko comes looking around. I would prefer not to deal with her, especially with the amount of foreign miasma that was injected into me. While I was quickly intergrading it into myself, I would prefer not to be guard off guard another time tonight.
My kugutsu found a corpse of one of the insect yokai to reveal it to be a form of violet Samiyōshō, with a bit more of an armored carapace. But quiet weak undersides.
I have been nearly all over Honshū, but I have never encountered this variant of yokai before. Meaning this unknown variable was most likely from outside of or had access to resources outside of Honshū. And considering how easily they were able to vanish without a trace, it was a safe estimate that I would not be able match them at my current state.
"Keep your eyes on Y/N for as long as you continue to function and eliminate any potential variables that pose a threat to our machinations. I'm going back to searching for more jewel shards and and yokai to absorb." I said before walking away, taking the corpse of the insect corpse with me to study it further and for spare parts.
So the events of tonight have proved to be beneficial with the validation of Y/N as a worthy specimen and obtaining another jewel shard, it has also shown me that there was soon to be a new variable in motion that I could not predict.
(Kagome POV - Kaede's House -Later that night)
After taking down that overgrown weed once and for all things had begun to calm down minus some celebration. Which was warranted given how much trouble has brought them now and it did fifty years ago.
Still I did take some satisfaction that we did something Kikyō didn't do all those years ago and that Y/N did make a quick recovery and enough control of his powers not to freeze anything in his sleep accidentally.
Which was a good thing as Shippō was sleeping curled up on him, and it was adorable to see.
But while they were sound asleep and Yura back in her nest, I was still awake as their was still two things weighing on my mind.
The first was that I was worried about how Inuko was feeling right now. She had mainly been quiet after killing that overgrown weed and finding no trace of whoever freed it in the first place.
Considering the possibilities of it being related to what happened fifty years ago and it has only been around two and a half weeks for Inuko I could barely imagine what must be going on in her head. Except probably the thought of ripping them to shreds for what happened back then.
Still that paled in comparison at least for me on what Yura had suggested to me earlier.
It still gets my blood to boil what she had suggested and I would have shot her down both literally and metaphorically if that hair manipulating harlot had not made a damn good point.
Still the thought of polygamy was something I could barely wrap my head around it.
It was practiced in Japanese history for centuries but it wasn't all that much common before being made illegal after the Pacific War among with other reforms.
That and our experience with Hiten didn't really help with that image. And I would prefer not to.
But once again I have to give that the hair manipulating harlot was right about dealing with this as soon as possible. Along with myself being correct about giving myself time to think. I needed more information before I can even think of making a decision.
But there is only source I could think of being reliable to this issue without it being related to Hiten, or could be exaggerated or portrayed negativity.
And considering that he was nowhere near Inuko at the moment I might have a chance of asking him before taking off into the night once again. I wouldn't know the next opportunity to ask Myōga this until shows up and everyone was asleep.
There was no way I could ask him with everyone else awake.
So I walked through Kaede's house before I found Myōga looking outside the front door, looking like he was about to hop away.
"You are just going to run away again I take it." I said flatly, getting the flea yokai to stop and face me.
"Actually there is something that I need to check up on." He said getting me to sigh.
After some time knowing him and a little prodding from Inuko reveals that he usually takes off into the night when not running off in fear. Though she has a hard time telling if he was doing it out of personal reasons or for anything related to her father as it could be either or.
Still I did have something that I needed to know.
"Myōga I have something to ask you, but can you please keep quiet about it?" I asked him, getting Myōga to sigh and mutter something under his breath.
"Fine then, what is it that you wish to know?" He asked me.
Alright here goes nothing...
"I-I want to know if both Inuko's and Sesshōmaru's mothers knew each other and their relationship with Tōga?" I asked, getting Myōga to stare at me for a few moments before letting out a chuckle.
"So that's why, don't worry I won't tell anyone." Myōga said with a chuckle, getting me to pale. He figured out why I asked so easily!
"L-Look I-" "There is no need to explain, Y/N reminds me of Lord Tōga. At least personality wise anyway. Honestly I should have expected this after what happened with that crazed raijū." Myōga said while cutting me off, getting me to sigh.
"Please don't bring up Hiten on this." I said, getting him to nod.
"I understand given what she planned, but it is for the best to consider the possibility of what she had planned but different. Lord Tōga had many admirers throughout his life. Usually after him for his power and title, all of them ranging from being unable to admit those feelings to be utterly psychotic over their admiration for him. There was one yuki-onna that made that raijū look sane in her pursuit of him, so much so that she nearly killed Lord Tōga when rejected and was forced to kill her as she was too dangerous and crazed otherwise." Myōga said with a shudder, getting me to shudder at that thought.
Someone that was crazier then Hiten when she was driven insane and a yandere from what he described with powers similar to Y/N to add into the scare factor. To think that some like that actually existed was a little terrifying...
"But there were only a few who loved him for who he was instead of his power and title. His wives Lady Inukimi and Lady Izayoi. Lord Tōga met Lady Izayoi nearly 800 hundred years after marrying Lady Inukimi and having Sesshōmaru. And once the two met I had no idea what was going to happen. Lady Inukimi was colder then usual that day and it was terrifying, but that was because he was considering on marrying a human." Myōga continued, surprising me a little before I got over it.
Different era and might be something relating to yokai. But now I know that the flat chested bitch's attitude was genetic.
"So Sesshōmaru's mother also had a low opinion for humans as well." I said flatly, getting Myōga to nod.
"Not to the extent of her daughter, but pretty close. Still the two did get along when Lady Izayoi showed just why Lord Tōga had fallen for her. Her kindness and force of will, mainly the later. Lady Izayoi was the kindest person I ever meant, but when pushed did have a stubbornness and temper that surpasses Lady Inuko. Although terse, the two slowly got along with each encounter. Until Lod Tōga's death that is." Myōga sighed out sadly.
"And things fell apart from there." I said, getting the old flea to nod.
"For years afterwards Lady Inukimi blamed Lady Izayoi for Lord Tōga's death, although she would not show it. She only saw Lady Izayoi twice after that. Once after their husband's death and several years before Lady Izayoi's death. Both encounters were less than idea and Lady Inukimi has never met Lady Inuko. I honestly don't know her exact regards on Lady Izayoi after all theses years, but Lady Sesshōmaru holds the majority of that hatred now." Myōga said sadly. "If Lord Tōga had survived that night things might have gone very different. Perhaps Lady Inuko and Lady Sesshōmaru could have at least tolerated each other grew under the care of Lord Tōga and Lady Inukimi once Lady Izayoi's life had ended. But I suppose that I will never know what will happen."
"Because it all ended while their relationship was still forming with Tōga's death." I said, a feeling of dread filling me at the prospect of this happening.
With Tōga's death everything fell apart. A bond starting to form shattered just like that.
And Yura was suggesting something like that inorder to lessen heartache. Though considering that Y/N at this point seems to become a bit of a trouble magnet it could only potentially invite more heartache.
But I do know that neither one of us will allow him to suffer the same date as Tōga, along with Shippō and Inuko.
"Take your time on this matter Kagome. The concept of love is a fickle thing to behold. It is often as beautiful as it can be tragic. I have seen it blossom so many times and the aftermath it can leave behind. I have seen Lord Tōga with Ladies Inukimi and Izayoi, Lady Inuko with Lady Kikyō who is still recovering from what happened all those years ago, and now you and Y/N starting to grow. I am not sure what the future holds for you two, but I can tell I can see great things between you and Y/N. My advice for you Kagome would be to take your time thinking of this matter and try to find common ground with those you wish to include that isn't Y/N. It will help you get to know one another and form a bond that will help you go through to implement your decision or not. So your better not rush this through Kagome or you could only invite more pain for everyone involved." Myōga said, getting me to pause.
...He was right.
This would require sometime to think everything over. And the prospect of bonding of Yura was something I would rather not do. But finding something of a common ground with her will be helpful in the long run, even if I do reject this insane idea of hers.
But the sooner I could better grasp on how this idea will affect everyone involved, then I would be able to find the best decision before it could be too late.
I was just hope that I could figure everything out soon...
"Thank you for telling this Myōga, it have given me a lot to think about." I said tersely, getting the old flea to nod.
"If you need any more advice on this issue, then I will provide what I can." Myōga said as he was about to take off.
"Of course, but I have one more thing to ask for tonight?" I said with a little dread in my tone.
"And what would that be?" He asked.
"You said there was a few others who also admired Tōga, do you believe that..." "No, Lady Inukimi would not allow it and Lord Tōga never noticed their admiration. But their was someone who came close, however she and Lady Inukimi despised each other and she would have been at odds with Lady Izayoi for her being a human and falling in love." Myōga said seriously, answering the question I was going to ask.
So not much of an answer, I should have expected anything less.
"I see, thank you for telling me this." I sighed out.
"It is no problem Kagome, make sure to get some rest. It has been a long day for everyone and it would be unwise to spend the rest of the night pondering about this. You resume your search for the jewel shards and it would not do well to weigh on your mind. I shall be joining you all soon enough." He said before taking off, getting me to sigh.
Myōga had a point and I was feeling tired after all. I had gotten some answers and a lot to think of on my mind.
It is probably for the best that I save it for when we set of tomorrow and get some sleep...
(The Next Morning)
I woke to something that I smelled really good. Something familiar.
Wait wasn't that...
"So you are finally up girl, you slept in a for bit." Inuko said as I rubbed my eyes to see her with a bowl of oden.
More specifical the breakfast oden Mom would make sometimes. Or at least close to it.
"Take it that Y/N made breakfast?" I asked, getting her to nod.
"He did, though it seems like he made it a little too hot for my tastes." Inuko sighed out. "Kaede is currently making sure everyone in the village is recovering and about to begin repairing the village, not sure where that hairy bitch is, and I believe Y/N is making sure the kit isn't burning his tongue off. I suggest that you better eat up, we set off in a few hours."
"Alright." I said while getting up and about to exit the room. But stopped once I noticed how tired looking Inuko was. "How are you doing, considering everything that happened?"
Inuko just stared at me for a few moments before sighing.
"I'm fine, dealt with a lot of shit in my life so someone trying to kill me isn't new and I am going to take some satisfaction in sinking my claws into them to get some answers!" Inuko growled out before sighing. "But I would be more worried about that things have just gotten even more difficult for us looking for the jewel shards. For now I suggest that you do not worry about it." She added, giving me a look that basically said just to leave here alone for now.
I just nodded and left the room. And she is right about not worrying about it now.
Got enough on my mind as it was right now.
But right now my main focus was in breakfast.
It didn't take long to see Y/N and Shippō eating around the table. The kit happily eating away at the oden and letting out a breath of mist onto his bowl.
"Let me guess, too hot for you." I asked as I sat next to him at the table.
"A little bit hotter than usual, not sure if it is because of the new jewel shard, I messed up your mom's recipe, or both." He said as I got a bowl.
"Maybe. So when did mom give you the recipe?" I asked him.
"Two days ago, after trying to stop you from killing Yura. Said that you would like it." He said, getting me to nod.
I could have seen Mom doing something like that.
"So that is why you decided to try and make it today I take it?" I asked getting him to nod.
"More or less. Better here then out on the road, and I know that this was a favorite of yours. Kind of figured that it would be a good way to celebrate defeating the Ne no Kubi last night." He said, getting me to smile.
"You got that right." I said as I took a bite of the breakfast oden. "This is actually pretty good, a little hot and not as good as mom's but it is pretty good."
"Thanks." Y/N said with a smile as he took a bite of his own. "So we head out today and make sure to come back in two days."
"Yep and hopefully we only miss first period or second period on that morning. And after that spend sometime back in our era." I said, getting him to nod and his face to flush a little.
"And although we might not have time, but maybe if we can find the time-" "We can go on a date?" I guessed, getting him to nod.
"Well considering we keep going back and forth from the Sengoku Jidai to look for jewel shards it is difficult, I figured that maybe we could try it out sometime back in our era." Y/N said, getting me to smile.
"I would love too, we could figure something out as it would be a while away." I said happily.
Honestly it could be a simple date like going to the movies or an extravagant date, as long as it is something we both can enjoy it and keeps me happy I would love it.
"Sounds like a plan to me." Y/N said with a smile.
"Can I have some more oden?" Shippō said as he held a now empty bowl.
"Of course." Y/N said as he took the bowl and began to refill it.
I wish moments like this could last longer, but in a few hours time we would be looking more jewel shards. That and the possibility of someone responsible for my previous life's death was out there looking for the shards and Yura's proposal still weighing heavily on my mind.
But with Y/N and I guess Shippō as well none of that mattered to me at the moment. Just enjoying this meal with those that I care about and thinking o the date to come.
(Chapter 40 end)
Hey guys Mukuro7 here and I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter and the end of the Ne no Kubi arc.
With that overgrown weed dealt with things have been set in motion with when things coming to a head, although it will be another while before the forces under Kirinmaru make a move.
So yeah as I said before bringing events occurring in Yashahime early, but there will be quite a few things different. Including making the Shikyō less of a joke. While strong, over half of them I believed were used less than ideally at the time of their deaths. Especially Kyūki, as she and Konton seem to be in command of the four.
And with what I have planned, the conflict between the group, Naraku, and Kirinmaru and Zero will be interesting to say the least.
And with this chapter there are thoughts weighing down on Kagome's and Inuko's minds on the moment. They will be explored in the next chapter which will begin the New Moon arc. Which will also see someone new join the group and a warning of those with arachnophobia you might want to back away from.
And finally let us see the new update for the extended list. And the total votes now are:
Sara Asano:3
Female Magatsuchi:2
Still plenty of time to vote and for suggestions, but I am still a little surprised by the results of this list to say the least.
Anyway until next time, ciao!
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