Ch39: Under Siege
(??? POV - Outside of Kaede's village - Twilight)
So far the Ne no Kubi has proven to be a bit of a disappointment. For such a yokai that was such a terror decades ago along with being enhanced by a jew shard and it has gone quiet ever since Kikyō's reincarnation had destroyed one of it's extensions in the forest. It had been picking off animals, yokai, and humans before quickly retreating after reducing it's victims to bones.
I expected Y/N to cause such a reaction, but Kikyō's reincarnation. Not at all.
Then again Y/N's powers had grown beyond my parameters if only slightly from what I projected, so perhaps the same principal applied as well. But not enough to warrant the Ne no Kubi to be cautious. Unless the both of them factor in.
That particular scenario was the most likely to occur, but given what I have heard about the Ne no Kubi I expected better results.
And there was the matter of someone else monitoring Y/N or at least.
Whoever sent that tatarimokke could have been observing Inuko given her heritage, but as Tōga had so many enemies it could be difficult to narrow it down.
As long as it didn't interfer in my plans, it doesn't matter in the long run.
Speaking of which, I could feel movement in the ground coming towards me.
I moved a step back as an extension of the Ne no Kubi burst up from the ground.
"Why didn't you tell me the hanyo was so strong or that accursed miko's reincarnation have such control over her reiryoku!" The Ne no Kubi demanded.
I was expecting this outcome sooner or later.
"I will admit the hanyo's strength has surprised me the last time I observed him, but the girl has no where near the amount of control over her reiryoku like Kikyō had. You should have been able to managed her at least." I said, getting the Ne no Kubi to let out an irritated growl at me.
"She might not be as strong as her original self, but her reiryoku does pack a punch. More so then that old miko that had been an irritation all morning. I would have had here if it wasn't for that kitsune kit and whatever that other yokai was!" The Ne no Kubi said irritably, before it's wooden maw contorted into a grin. "Though I must thank you for getting rid of that accursed miko."
"So they already figured out that I did it then." I said, getting the Ne no Kubi to bristle.
"No I figured it out on my own, Tōga's halfbreed daughter knows she didn't kill that accursed miko." It said.
"It matters not to me if she knows I did it or not. It is 50 years too late for her to do anything now. No what I expected was that you would continue going after them with the same ferocity I heard about." I said.
I expected the Ne no Kubi to lash out.
What I did not expect was that it let out a laugh.
"50 years ago I might have, but look at where it had gotten me. 50 years sealed up by that accursed miko. After the hanyo and that girl, I decided it was time for me to play things a bit smarter." The Ne no Kubi said with a wide grin.
Oh, it learned from it's mistakes. Not something I would expect of a yokai of it's station.
"So what are you going to do then?" I inquired.
"Just wait and see, and make sure to have that jewel shard ready." Was all the Ne no Kubi said before it slunk back underground.
Well it seems like this experiment just got a bit more interesting.
"Indeed it has."
"So you have arrived then." I said as I turned to face my main self.
"Would not want to miss seeing if Y/N's potential would exceed my expectations or not." My main body said as I approached us.
"Considering he has exceeded the parameters we had hypothesised, if only slightly should be telling." I said as I gave away the Shikon Jewel shard I had in my possession.
"True but we need to see how handles the Ne no Kubi. Along with if this observer will act or not." My main body said as we both noticed the tatarimokke flying towards the village.
Indeed this will be interesting to see, but no matter the outcome of this experiment what happens tonight will help determine how my plan proceeds from here in out.
(Y/N POV - Same Time - Kaede's House)
Ever since we defeated several of the Ne no Kubi's extensions it had gone pretty much quiet.
Sure there had been a few attacks, but they were near instantaneous. Once an extension claimed a victim and reduced them to a pile of bones or a hollowed exoskeleton in the case of large insect like yokai it goes back underground. Only to emerge somewhere else and strike again.
Considering it's ability to create extensions and Hitōkon it could be anywhere in the given area and potentially lure any victims to it.
Yet it has created a large number of hit and run attacks to replenish itself before disappearing. There had been no sign of it in a few hours and the sun has almost completely set.
Currently we were all at Kaede's house, discussing what to do now.
"The Ne no Kubi has never acted like this all morning. Though given it's encounter with Y/N and and Kagome it possibly had to replenish itself." Kaede said with a sigh as Inuko who nodded from right next to her.
"Given Kikyō sealed it away for 50 years it will take quite a while to regain it's strength, believe me." She said, her tone holding a hint of anger. "However given it's abilities it should have quickly regained it's strength, especially after we had dealt with it's extensions."
"So I guess it is possibly planning for something." Kagome said, getting myself and Yura to nod.
"Given what I know about the behavior of the Ne no Kubi it would have acted more rashly. But if the Ne no Kubi did act as the girl suggestion it could be preparing for an attack." Yura said, getting me to nod.
Ever since we have reunited Kagome is looking like she no longer wants to kill Yura...well as much as she usually does anyway.
According to Shippō the two of them had an argument he couldn't really tell what was going on, minus Kagome looking like she was going to put another arrow in Yura. But it seemed like they had reached an understanding of sorts.
When I asked why he didn't hear about it... Shippō admitted to be to busy eating a bag full of atsu-age.
I just sighed at that, atsu-age is like catnip for kitsune. Although in that case they only have an impulse to consume it voraciously.
I just told him that the next time he should at ignore pilfering atsu-age from the remains of a corpse. If he wanted he could have asked me or Kagome for to make him some starting the next time we get to the present. That or if anyone in the village could get some after we dealt with the Ne no Kubi.
Something Shippō was excited about.
And I promised myself to ask around the village on how to create atsu-age the way they do it in the Sengoku Jidai.
As with on what Kagome and Yura, whenever I asked either of them about what they talked about all I got was the both of them had come to an agreement.
Though Kagome added in that she did so cause of the Ne no Kubi. Once that was fine she was possibly still going to put another arrow through her cause of last night the first chance she could that was not life threatening. If she pissed her off like last night that is.
Once again reminding myself not to piss her off and to keep her and Yura away from each other as much as I could for the next day or two just incase.
Or depending just on how Kagome felt after this whole incident.
Either way, while I do wonder in the exact nature of this understanding the matter of dealing with the Ne no Kubi takes precedence.
"Given the amount of villages in the area it could attack anyone of them in the past few hours and we would probably not be the wiser for it. But the most likely possibility is that it will attempt to attack this very village at anytime now." I said, getting nods from everyone else in the room.
"You do raise a good point master. Given that overgrown weed was sealed away for 50 years by Kikyō and it's hatred and desire to murder the girl it will come back to the village." Yura said seriously.
"So it could complete it's vengeance on what happened 50 years ago." Kaede sighed out.
"And if it did I should sense it if any of it's extensions approach the village." Kagome said, getting Inuko to shake her head.
"Unless of course it has gotten smart enough to stay far enough away, but I doubt it. I can understand why it would want revenge, but also I think there might be something else going on here." Inuko said with a frown.
"What would that be?" Shippō asked with a tilt of his head.
"That something else freed the Ne no Kubi and used the bandits as a tribute along with possibly a jewel shard. I did consider that a possibility." I said.
"Considering what it knew no lowly bandits could have possibly known everything about us, including the jewel shards. With the Shikon Jewel shard could be chalked up to the bandits having it, I imagine if they had it before freeing that overgrown weed then they would have torn each other to pieces long ago." Yura said, shocking Kaede and Kagome.
"So you believe someone purposely let the Ne no Kubi out and gave it a Shikon Jewel shard, to send it after all of you?" Kaede asked astonishly.
"Got that right and given that overgrown weed had an idea of what happened with Kikyō after I told it the truth, whoever freed it might have had a hand in what happened 50 years ago!" Inuko said with a rage filled snarl.
Something she had every right to be.
If whoever was behind letting out the Ne no Kubi was truly behind the what happened 50 years ago...then we are potentially dealing with someone smart and cunning enough to possibly manipulate Inuko, Kikyō, a group of bandits, and the Ne no Kubi to get what they want.
"So we are possibly dealing with someone who could have possibly of orchestrated everything that happened 50 years ago, but could have come close to getting the Shikon Jewel?" Kagome said, her tone filled with some dread and anger.
But it soon melted away into worry.
"The Ne no Kubi, it's getting close." Kagome said as she stood up and started to walk towards the door. After getting her bow and quiver.
Following suite by the rest of us, though I stopped when Shippō started to pull on my pant legs.
"What is it Shippō?" I asked him.
"Can you please get down for a second?" He asked, with myself figuring out what he wanted.
I just shook my head with a smile and complied with what he asked, with Shippō climbing onto my back and clung to my shoulder.
"Alright let's finish this overgrown weed once and for all!" He declared while I just chuckled as followed after everyone else.
"So where is the Ne no Kubi Kagome, I am looking forward to ripping at least one of it's extensions to shreds." Inuko growled out.
"All around the village at the edge, I can sense some of the extensions. But the number keeps growing." Kagome said as she notched an arrow, readying herself for what to come.
"How many can you sense Kagome?" I asked her.
"A dozen at wait 16, no 18. I can sense up to 18 different extensions. They are surrounding the village and getting closer." Kagome said tensely.
Well that's just great, as expected but spent the time restoring it's power. But to create 18 extensions and possibly more.
"The Ne no Kubi wasn't just preparing for it's vengeance, it was preparing to lay siege or just overrun the village entirely." I said grimly.
"We should be able to deal with this overgrown weed master. Though I doubt the villagers will stand much of a chance." Yura said as she began to spread her hairs out.
"Rikichi gather the villagers immediately and have them prepare for the worst!" Kaede barked out to her helper.
He nodded and rushed off along with any other villagers inorder to brace for the chaos about to come.
"Y/N, Yura you two might want to brace yourselves." Inuko said tersely as she looked towards the sky, her ears twitching as she looked like she was trying to pinpoint something.
I was going to ask what she meant by that, when I heard a sort of whistling noise off into the distance. A noise that continued to get louder and louder.
"Yura whatever I don't cover in mist, cover in your hairs." I said, getting Yura to nod as I began to generate mist and she began to spread out her hairs.
"You know master this probably won't be able to save this entire village." Yura said as the noise grew even louder.
And the wooden spikes drawing closer.
So that was the Ne no Kubi's plan.
Gather enough resources inorder to create a large amount of extensions, obliterate as much as the village with a volley of projectiles, and then finish them off by moving in for the kill with the extensions and Hitōkon. And given the amount of spikes there were possibly enough Hitōkon to infect a good portion of the village.
A simple, yet still pretty effective plan. Didn't really think it would have the temperament or patience for such a plan.
Unless there was the bulk of it's attack. There could be more extensions to come after we deal with this wave.
But right now we need to save as much of the village as we could.
So I began to generate mist and hope for the best.
Only for a large violet barrier to appear over the village.
Wait isn't that reiryoku?
To create such a barrier like this, it could only have been Kaede. Only she would have the experience to create such a barrier.
Just in time for the wooden spikes to start crashing down. Neither of them made it past the barrier as the projectiles battered against it, shattering and incinerating upon impact.
"How long do you think Kaede can keep this barrier up?" Kagome asked me. Looking up at the sky in awe.
Given that she could possibly do something similar one day with her reiryoku, I could understand.
"For as long as she could concentrate on it, which shouldn't be for too much longer." I said as the barrage started to come to an end.
Kaede collapsed as she dropped the barrier and Inuko rushed forward to catch her.
"You alright?" Inuko as Kaede shakily stood back up.
"I am not as young as I used to be, but I will be alright. But I will not be able to raise another barrier if the Ne no Kubi attacks like that again." Kaede groaned out as she is faced Kagome. "The barrier was enough to keep the village safe, but I do know there was possibly some of the attack landed on the outskirts. Kagome can you sense if the attack created any Hitōkon?"
Kagome nodded as she began to concentrate for a few moments before nodding.
"Around five, which considering the amount of spikes the Ne no Kubi created there could have been a lot more to deal with. But I can sense it is closing in on the village. Around eight of them are moving to the south of the village where the Hitōkon are. Along with the remaining extensions are all heading towards Kikyō's shrine." Kagome said with a frown.
Neither one of us had ever been there during our time here. For Yura and Shippō the both of them didn't even bothered to go there. For Kagome and Inuko neither one wanted anything to deal with her for their own reasons. As for me didn't really had much of a chance. The best chance I could get was over the past week...but I couldn't make it up those stars in a wheelchair or crutches on my own.
"Honestly I didn't think that overgrown weed could be so spiteful." Yura said.
"Wiping out everything Kikyō stood for and any traces of her existence. Given the girl and Kaede are here the Ne no Kubi would be able to do so. I might hate her to Yomi and back, but not like that." Inuko growled out, surprising both myself and Kagome.
With our past experiences over the past weeks we were no stranger to grudges considering Sesshōmaru, Hiten, and the Nikuzuki no Men. But to raze an entire village and shrine just to get rid of all traces of someone they despised. That was a whole other level of hatred.
I had only heard of such a thing throughout history, but to actually see it being carried out was another thing entirely.
"If the Ne no Kubi has put so much attention to wiping out my village, then it's main body should be somewhere nearby. With my sister's arrow it should be lured out into the open. But it's extensions and Hitōkon need to be cut down first, otherwise they will continue to ravage the village and add onto it's strength." Kaede said, getting us to nod.
"That does seem like a good plan, but there is always the possibility that the Ne no Kubi will just send out more extensions. And who knows how many other extensions it has created." I said.
"Than we will just cut apart any that comes our way." Inuko said."I'll take the ones to the south. Best place to deal with them and luring out the Ne no Kubi around the shrine would be a bad idea."
"Not just because the bitch doesn't want to be around the shrine. If that overgrown weed gets it's true body there with all of the surrounding trees it would take nothing less than a forest fire to eliminate it." Yura said, getting me to nod.
Root yokai are notorious difficult to deal with in forested area as they could merge with the roots of other trees to survive extermination.
Now given the size of in if the Ne no Kubi's extensions and the supposed size of it's true body it would take nothing less than a forest fire to exterminate it. And even then I doubt it would fully kill it. That and I doubt I would survive for long in the resulting inferno.
"I will handle the shrine then." Kagome sighed out before gaining a determined look. "What a better place to start cleaning up Kikyō's mess then at her shrine. That and Gramps wouldn't let me hear the end of it gets destroyed."
"I hear you on that first part girl." Inuko said with a smirk.
"Hey Y/N, can we go with Kagome?" Shippō asked me.
"I was already planning on it Shippō." I said getting him to let out a small cheer.
Considering she was dealing with more extensions, it wouldn't hurt to have some more back up.
Besides I do have a plan to deal with the Hitōkon, but I needed to know something first.
"Kaede do you have anything that can force a Hitōkon out of possessing somebody?" I asked, getting the old miko to nod.
"Nothing I can create at the moment, but with cause purification salt it should be enough to force them out." Kaede said.
Alright that should be good enough.
"Yura can you please go with Kaede and Inuko and help get rid of the Hitōkon. Make sure to only bind anyone up until after you get rid of the Hitōkon. Beyond that don't take anyone's hair and go crazy against the Ne no Kubi." I said getting Yura to nod with a small huff.
"As you wish master." Yura said.
"If that is all, then let's head to Kikyō's shrine. One of the extensions is already in the village." Kagome said, getting me to nod.
"Then whoever gets down taking care of that overgrown weed first meets with the others and drive it out of the village. Before making sure that pest doesn't comeback for a third time." Inuko growled out, getting myself to nod as me and Kagome taking off in the direction of Kikyō's shrine. Shippō keeping a tight grip in my shoulders.
We needed to hurry as the Ne no Kubi was already in the village along with several Hitōkon.
We are going to show that this was a foolish mistake and finish it once and for all.
(Yura POV - Two Minutes Later)
There is a bit of irony in all of this I suppose.
Not even 2 weeks ago I had taken control of the village. I had them all under the control of my hairs in an attempt to kill the bitch and old miko.
Now I am working with said bitch and old miko to save the village.
I wasn't sure master was doing this as a punishment for that incident, he has faith in my abilities, or both options.
Considering everything, maybe both of the later options.
Regardless of the reasons, I am more then looking forward to reducing these overgrown weeds to ashes.
It took less then a minute for the old miko to gather the arrow and purification salt, with her carrying both.
Better keep away from that if I can. Won't bother me like it will to the Hitōkon, but the salt is still pretty iritating to me.
Along with being quit cumbersome to get out of my body if any get stuck on my hairs.
Right now I was traveling on my hairs while the bitch was carrying the old miko. I was following her lead this time as she was the one with the absurd sense of smell.
Which seemed to have worked as part of a house suddenly gave way as the Ne no Kubi burst out from the ground.
It raised a few roots in an attempt to impale a few humans.
Until I yanked them out of the way with my hairs, startling it.
It glared at me before lash out it's roots towards me.
Only to roar out in pain as the bitch cut them off with Tessaiga.
"I am going to enjoy this you overgrown weed. Considering what you were going to do this village, I am going to enjoy exterminating you." Inuko said as the old miko got of her back.
"And why should you care! Kikyō sealed you away for 50 years as well! You should have ripped this place apart to it's very foundations over that! Unless of course that human blood is holding you back! I expect nothing less from a filthy halfbreed!" The Ne no Kubi roared out.
"Simple really. Kikyō has been dead and the one who took that chance from me freed you! Honestly I want to rip them apart for taking that chance for me! I am satisfied with her dead, but the village and shrine are off limits. They are important to Kaede, so that is enough reason to leave them alone you overgrown weed." Inuko growled out, startling the old miko with the ferocity of her tone.
Given what could possibly be manipulating this overgrown weed I do not blame the bitch for that.
Yet I could never give a single damn for this village or anyone who lived in it.
Only that master would be upset if anything happened to it and putting this spiteful, overgrown weed in it's place.
"Should have known, and perhaps I was freed by someone else." The Ne no Kubi said with a sneer.
Looks like it was not going to let anything slip, not that I expected anything less from this spiteful overgrown weed.
That and seeing the bitch getting annoyed from realizing that was amusing.
Well as long as the cause wasn't that crazy thunder bitch.
"Besides if it was the same one then they would not allow me to keep all of the jewel shards you all collected after killing all of you and razing this accursed village to the ground!" The Ne no Kubi roared out.
"Unless you are dumb enough not to realize you are being used to gather the jewel shards you idiotic, spiteful overgrown weed." I said figuring out what it was possibly released for.
There might be more reason s, but it seems like that was the main reason.
"I agree with the hairy bitch, it seems you are indeed that dumb." Inuko said with a smirk.
The overgrown weed let out a snarl at the bitch's word.
Before another two extension burst out of the ground not that far from it. Along with a woman possessed by a Hitōkon judging by the markings around her eye, clutching a knife in her hand.
Seems like the overgrown weed was ready to go on the offensive.
"I am going to enjoy-My eye!" The Ne no Kubi tried to say, but was interrupted as I threw Benigasumi into it's eye.
"You talk to much." I said as I yanked my blade out of it's eye.
Only to plunge it back in and used my hairs to twist Benigasumi. The overgrown weed screamed in pain as I drove my wakizashi deeper into it's eyes and began to use my other hand to weave a few hairs into any openings in it's wooden body.
Alright I think that is enough.
"Oni-bi Gushi!" I said, coating my hairs on fire before that overgrown weed was lit aflame.
It let out a pain filled roar before it was reduced to a burning heap.
"You will pay for that!" One of the extensions roared out as the Hitōkon possessed woman charged at the old miko while it launched a number of roots towards the bitch.
She cut them down with Tessaiga and jumping away from some more roots trying to make a grab at her.
While the old miko through some salt at the Hitōkon possessed woman, forcing her back as some roots to emerge towards her and myself.
The bitch cut down the ones heading towards the old miko and I did the same with Benigasumi. Making sure to slice the remains with my hairs in order to makes sure there would be less of a chance for this overgrown weed to come back.
For the next few moments the bitch and I continued to cut apart the overgrown roots as the possessed woman slipped behind one of it's extensions. This was starting to get tedious.
But I saw an opening as the old miko trained an arrow towards the spiteful overgrown weed.
Perfect, now time to add onto it's misery.
It tried to pull back from the old miko, but I drive Benigasumi into it's wooden jaw. That overgrown weed's roar of pain only increased when the arrow landed, blowing a small chunk out of it's head in a burst of reiryoku.
Before being bisected by the bitch in one swing of Tessaiga. And myself burning the extensions remains.
And binding the Hitōkon possessed woman as she tried to stab the exhausted old miko in the back.
"I would have the bitch keep an eye on your back til we dealt with this overgrown weed." I said as I bound woman even tighter as the old miko threw a handful of salt at her.
"Noted." Kaede said gruffly as the woman went limp and the Hitōkon tried to jump onto her.
Until I snapped it in half with my hair and burned it to a crisp.
Filthy parasites.
"Die!" The Ne no Kubi shouted as a multitude of roots burst out of the ground to impale the old miko and the unconscious woman.
Only for myself to quickly pull them back and the bitch to cut the roots apart.
It roared out in pain as a large root burst out of the ground, wooden spikes jutting off of it.
It pulled the root back, but was promptly cut in half by the bitch.
And upon seeing the root I got an idea, one to exercise as much pain on this overgrown weed as possible.
It only took a quick moment to attach my hairs to both ends of the spiked root and to slam it into the shocked yokai.
And pulled it back.
The Ne no Kubi screamed out in pain as the spiked root dug into it's head. As it screamed in pain I continued to slowly close the root around it's head, greatly enjoying this.
Before closing my hand into a fist and the root full closed around that overgrown weed's head. The extension going limp and letting out a strained growl as it tried to sink underground.
Now I can not allow that, can I?
"Oni-bi Gushi!" I said with a smirk as I lit a few hairs on fire and put that extension out of it's misery.
That felt good.
"That was pretty good, have to admit that you hairy bitch." Inuko grunted out.
"Whatever you say bitch." I said as the sound of a house crumbling in the background. "Figured that overgrown root would have thought to wait a little longer."
"Doesn't matter, we keep cutting them down until there is no more left." Inuko said as she walked over to Kaede, who was handing the unconscious woman to a few villagers.
I took the chance to use my hairs to pull myself towards the overgrown root's current location.
Best not to give it even a little room to breathe otherwise it would continue to come back.
Only took me a moment to locate it trying to look for any potential victims with it's back turned towards me.
I aimed to throw Benigasumi at it's back.
Only to stop to catch a spear thrown by a Hitōkon possessed man.
"Got you!" The Ne no Kubi shouted out as it charged forward, it's roots rushing towards me.
"I think not." I said as I moved my fingers a little.
Dicing up the roots with my hair and binding up the Hitōkon possessed human. And throwing the spear right into it's eye, getting the overgrown weed to roar out in pain.
"If that was your plan to trap me, than it was as pathetic as you are." I said as the bitch and the old miko arrived.
"I see you got a head start on us here." Inuko said as she set the old miko down.
"Feel free to finish it then." I said without a single care as the bitch rushed forward with Tessaiga.
The overgrown weed flailed it's roots wildly at our direction as it tried to pry the spear out of it's eye. They were no match for the bitch's Tessaiga.
As she continued to hack away at the roots, the old miko spread some more salt over the possessed man. With him going limp before the Hitōkon tried and failed to jump away as I burnt it to a crisp.
The old miko laid the man down as she trained an arrow at the overgrown weed as it finally pulled the spear out of it's eye.
"I am going to kill you all! Starting with that black haired bitch!" The Ne no Kubi roared out, getting me to frown.
I was ready to bisect that overgrown weed there and then...but the bitch beat me to it. She cut it off from it's roots connected to the ground and the head began to fell.
But not before I suspended it with a few hairs to prolong it's misery for a few more moments.
Which I got when the old miko shot her arrow and blew up a chunk of it's head and the bitch carved up it's remains as the extension finally died.
I lit the remains aflame as the bitch began to sniff around for a few moments.
"There is one of it's extensions directly beneath us. It isn't moving at all, so prepare for anything." Inuko said as the old miko ushered for a nearby villager to drag the unconscious man away.
The bitch is right. Given how impatient the overgrown weed is, it should have launched an attack at us. Especially after getting rid of its latest extension.
So it was possibly waiting for backup of somekind.
It wouldn't have done this unless perhaps master's and our efforts are taking a toll on it.
I was broken out of my musings as the bitch let out a grunt of annoyance as an arrow bounced off her kimono.
Not that far from us a pair of Hitōkon possessed men approached us. One armed with a bow and arrows, the other armed with a kama.
And it seemed like the overgrown weed felt that was sufficient back up as it emerged not that far from them.
Along with the human head hanging off of it having some luxurious hair despite the condition it was in.
I want that head, and I will get it.
The possessed human with the kama rushed forwards, but I quickly bound him in hair and tossed him to the old miko who quickly exercised the Hitōkon out with him with salt. And I disposed of that filthy parasite as it was just an afterthought.
Compared to that magnificent head of hair, it was.
The overgrown weed had multiple root rise up to block me from my prize, but it was pointless to keep me from my prize. Especially with my hairs and Benigasumi capable of cutting through them.
Not even the Hitōkon possessed human sending an arrow my way could stop me. I just caught it and sent it back to the overgrown weed. Who just seemed more annoyed than anything once it struct it.
It wasn't long until I was just within reach of the hair when one of the roots pierced my shoulder.
"This is for crushing my head with my own root!" The Ne no Kubi said as it tried to drain me of nutrients.
Which did little to deter me as would have gotten barely anything from me.
"What the? What in the name of Yomi are you made of!" The Ne no Kubi roared at as I began attaching hairs to the edge of it's eye and connecting them.
"I am made of hair you idiotic weed. And speaking of Yomi, the only one who I will personally not send to its deepest pits for getting between me and my hair is master. And given he has already been there, how about I give you a sneak peak of what to expect." I said coldly as I sneaked a couple of hairs around the head I wanted. "Oni-bi Gushi!"
The hairs covering it's eyes promptly caught on fire.
That overgrown weed promptly screamed out in pain as its eye was being boiled away, followed soon after by the rest of it's body.
Which was music to my ears as I inspected my catch to find the best angle to cut off the hair.
Only for a arrow to lodge myself in it's back.
Right, nearly forgot about the other possessed human.
A quick twitch of a finger later and I had him bound and dragged over to the old miko.
"Honestly I should have thought that you would have learned by now you hair bitch." Inuko said as the Hitōkon was exorcized out before I killed it.
"You can't find hair of this quality all that much in this era, especially after the condition it was in. And master didn't say anything about taking the heads from it." I said as I used my hairs to line up the hair and drew Benigasumi. "Besides I would be more focused on finding the rest of the overgrown weed's extensions."
The bitch just grumbled a bit and started to sniff around as cut off the hair and tossed the head into the burning heap that was formerly that overgrown weed.
It felt good collecting that hair and adding it into myself.
"Seems like the Ne no Kubi has decided to stick together. Unless there are any other extensions that have appeared or have fled from Kikyō's shrine, these should be the last three are passing by underneath us." Inuko said as she walked up to the old miko.
"Then we need to make sure to get rid of them inorder to drive the main body out." Kaede said as she climbed onto the bitch's back.
She jumped off in their direction and I soon followed after them. Keen on being rid of this overgrown weed.
It didn't take us long to follow it to the center of the village where all three extensions emerged.
With one of them let out a groan of annoyance as two of the villagers pelted it with arrows.
Only to be forced back as a Hitōkon possessed little girl came at them, swinging a nata around.
Have to admit possessed or not, seeing two grown men running from a little human girl like that was kind of humorous to an extent.
That overgrown weed finally noticed us and roots began to rise out of the ground to skewer anyone in it's wake.
Until I threw Benigasumi into the eye of the nearest extension.
It roared out in pain before the old miko fired an arrow that blasted a hole in it's head with a burst of reiryoku before the bitch cut the extension down.
I started to dispose of the extension as the bitch set the old miko down, who looked more exhausted then when she created that barrier.
The little girl rushed towards them, but I quickly bound her up and took the nata away from her.
It would have been a shame if she accidentally injured herself, and I could use the nata against the overgrown weed.
"I suggest you rest for a bit Kaede, me and the hairy bitch will handle this overgrown weed." Inuko growled out as said weed started to send it's roots to attack us once again.
"You don't need to tell me twice." Kaede groaned out as I brought over the young girl and she proceeded to spread salt over her.
"Then let's just get this done." I said as the Hitōkon emerged and was promptly incinerated by me.
With that I believe we eliminated all of those filthy parasites unless this overgrown weed probably created some more, which I wouldn't put past it to do so.
For the next few moments both me and the bitch were cutting up the roots as they came. With both remaining extensions looking like they were getting more and more unnerved as we cut apart and burned their roots.
I guess we were starting to wear them down, which was good.
Continuously lighting my hairs on fire like this in such a short period was starting to take a toll on me, even with the extra power master had provided me.
Eventually it seemed like one of the extensions had enough as a massive root broke through the ground and created wooden spines all over.
"Enough! Just die al-!" The Ne no Kubi tried to threaten, only it was cut off by three arrows landing in it's eye.
Take a chance I threw the nata into it's eye, getting the overgrown weed to roar out in pain.
Which only increased when the bitch cut down it's root.
I used my hairs to grab the root and wrapped it around that overgrown weed's head in an attempt to crush it once again.
However another root emerged near the last extension. It was also covered in spines and was ready to fire.
If that was going to be that overgrown weed:s attempt to stop me from crushing it's head...well it worked.
By providing me with another target.
I remover the root and threw it at the other one. While a few spines did dislodge, it was the surprise needed to finish this extension off.
Grabbing a few of the spines with my hairs and the root, I proceeded to impale the overgrown weed with them. And with how brittle it had become, it only took a few moments to crush it's head entirely.
I quickly set it on fire and headed
towards the overgrown root to finish what I started.
With it looking slightly anxious as me and the bitch approached it.
Good, time to finish this overgrown weed.
Only a pair of Hitōkon kept into our way.
Damn it, should have known that overgrown weed created more with it's last attack.
Either way, those filthy parasites were quickly killed off by me and the bitch.
But that overgrown weed took the chance to burrow away underground.
You have got to be kidding me, there is no way either me or the bitch are letting it get away this time!
"Inuko go on without me, I shall join you shortly to bring out the Ne no Kubi." Kaede said, getting the bitch to nod.
"Alright then, we will see you then." Inuko said before facing me. "Let's go."
"Don't need to tell me." I grumbled out as the bitch took off after the overgrown weed.
I followed her, ready to be done with this.
If that overgrown weed is running away then either it is luring us into a trap, down to one of it's last extensions, or maybe both. Either way this whole situation will be other soon.
This is enough confirmation for me that master was alright and shall soon be reunited inorder to finish this overgrown weed once and for all.
Now the only thing better tonight would be if I could get that kitsune's fur...or the girl accepts.
Preferably the former, but all that could wait until we exterminate it once and for all.
(Y/N POV - Four Minutes Ago)
"Shippō you might want to hand those arrows over to me now, that Ne no Kubi is just ahead." Kagome said as we could see the entryway to Kikyō's shrine coming up. With Shippō currently attaching a firecracker to one of her arrows.
"Are you sure, I only attached two of them?" Shippō asked as he handed the arrows to Kagome.
"Anyway number of them would do, so thank you Shippō." Kagome said, getting the kit to nod with a smile.
She had asked if Shippō could attach as many firecrackers to her arrows as he could on the way here.
Admittedly she didn't think that it would do much, but it was easier to use than charging her reiryoku while still inflecting damage to the Ne no Kubi.
Which was a good strategy, though it would probably would have been better to do so earlier. But better late then never.
Speaking of which, better start generating mist.
I began to generate mist, but kept focused on keeping it close to me and
letting lose once the Ne no Kubi shows itself.
Though I hope it is soon as Shippō was starting to shiver a little.
Until the ground started to cave in underneath me and I took a step back as the Ne no Kubi rose up from the ground in an attempt to bite down on me, only for myself to sidestep it.
And proceeded to cover us both in an explosion of mist, quickly dispersing it as the Ne no Kubi was reduced to an ice sculpture.
And found myself panting a little, probably put a little to much yoki in that attack...
"You alright Shippō." I asked as he brought out a pair of firecrackers.
"A little chilly but I'm okay Y/N." Shippō said as he tossed the firecrackers into frozen jaws of the Ne no Kubi.
Which was set off a few moments later, causing the frozen head to fracture and break apart before clattering onto the ground.
One down, nine more and who knows how many others to go.
"You okay Y/N?" Kagome asked as she notched an arrow.
"Just used a little more yoki than I intended, but I will be alright. Still have plenty left to use. Anyway can you sense anymore extensions coming are way Kagome?" I asked her as I drew Shūsui and began to cover the surrounding area in a thin mist.
Kagome looked around for a few moments before training her bow towards the shrine's enterance.
"There are five extensions coming out way, make sure to stay close to me." Kagome said.
I just nodded as one by one the extensions burst out of the ground, growling at us.
"I should have expected you to have come here, you are Kikyō's reincarnation after all. It is only fitting that you die here before I raze this shrine and the entire village for what your previous life did to me!" The Ne no Kubi roared out, getting Kagome to glare at the extension that spoke up.
It just sealed it's fate with those last words alone.
"First off I could careless about this place, but I would prefer it not to be destroyed. And I may be Kikyō's reincarnation, but I am not her and I wish to have nothing to deal with her if I can help it. But there is you, an overgrown weed that Kikyō should've exterminated 50 years ago. And we are going to make sure to do what Kikyō couldn't do and end you!" Kagome said angrily.
She let lose the arrow and blasted a good portion of the nearest extension with a burst of reiryoku. It let out a loud roar before it collapsed onto the ground and I proceeded to freeze it's remains over.
Besides adding in another entry in the category of things not to piss of Kagome, couldn't help but admire that she was getting better at tearing her opponents apart. Verbally and physically. Even Shippō looked in awe of her.
It was much better then when we started out in the Sengoku Jidai, but she still has a long way to go with her reiryoku.
But judging by how enraged the Ne no Kubi was with it's roots bristling it was more than enough for now.
"I am going to enjoy ripping all three of you to shreds!" The Ne no Kubi roared out as roots began to emerged from the ground to strike us.
For the next few moments we were on the defensive while the Ne no Kubi tried to attack us with it's roots.
With myself and Shippō working to keep the roots at bay with frost, firecrackers, and Shūsui. While Kagome managed to fire a few arrows at the Ne no Kubi and I managed to evoke a good bit of pain from it by freezing several roots off, all it seemed to do was enrage it even more.
So far there had been no opening that we could exploit, but Shippō jumped off of my shoulders and onto Kagome's. Quickly picking up an arrow from her quiver.
"Can you please give me a little warning next time Shippō?" Kagome said to the kit as she notched another arrow.
"Sorry, but there was an idea that I wanted to try." The kit said as he began to attache something to the arrow.
"While you might want to get behind me first." I said as a massive root emerged from ground and wooden spikes sprouted off of it.
"Die!" The Ne no Kubi bellowed out as it sent the wooden spikes flying.
I created a barrier of ice infront of us that took the brunt of the spiked, but they managed to crack the barrier pretty badly. But it looks like the barrier managed to hold up.
Though now we have a pair of Hitōkon to deal with before the Ne no Kubi created any more of them.
Wait a minute...there was only three extensions around us when there should be four.
Where was the fourth one?
A root burst out of the ground and wrapped itself around my throat before the Ne no Kubi emerged from the ground and proceeded to pick me up.
Shit, there it is...
"Let go of him you damned weed!" Kagome shouted as she launched an arrow at the extension. However a Hitōkon jumped in the way and was promptly incinerated in a burst of reiryoku.
The Ne no Kubi sent a bunch of roots towards her and Shippō, forcing them back.
Before shifting it's focus back to me, tightening it's grip on my throat and lungs and knocking Shūsui out of my hands.
It was getting really hard to breathe...
"I was told to leave you alive, but given your heritage you are the biggest threat to me besides the Kikyō's reincarnation and the kunoichi. Add in that you have a Shikon Jewel shard on you I will be taking it from you! For it will give me more than power to raze this pathetic village to the ground!" The Ne no Kubi bellowed out as it raised a root to impale me through the heart.
Not going to...let that happen...
I really hope this works...
Taking in whatever air I had left I let out one last breathe.
Letting out a small stream of mist that coated the roots bounding me and part of the Ne no Kubi. Covering it in frost and causing it to frost over and wither.
The Ne no Kubi roared in pain as the roots holding me up shattered and I collapsed into a heap onto the ground.
I groaned out in pain as I quickly began to fill my lungs with as much air as I could.
Thank Amaterasu that worked...
Once I got enough air back into me I saw another large root burst out of the ground as Kagome trained an arrow to the half frozen extension with a heated glare.
I threw up another ice barrier as the wooden spikes discharged and Kagome fired her arrow. The barrier once again held up and Kagome's arrow hit it spot on.
The Ne no Kubi screamed out in pain as it vanished in a burst of reiryoku. Leaving no trace of that extension.
Though the blast seemed to have been exhausted her quite a bit.
"You alright Kagome?" I asked her.
"I'm fine, just need to catch my breath for a second. Might have put a bit too much reiryoku into that attack. But it was worth it." Kagome said as with a grin.
A Hitōkon broke through the barrier, but was quickly delt with by an ice shard and Shippō's foxfire.
"Though I am more worried about you considering the Ne no Kubi just tried to choke you out." Kagome growled out as she fired an arrow at an approaching Hitōkon.
It broke in half and I promptly frosted over the remains.
"Still a bit sore, but I will be alright. For the moment though let's focus on dispatching the Ne no Kubi." I said, getting her to nod as multiple roots started emerge around us.
Soon we were forced on the defensive once again as the roots tried to skewer us. Along with the last Hitōkon that tried to jump towards Kagome's back, only to be cut into pieces by Shūsui.
"How about you try this Kagome." Shippō said, presenting her the arrow he had been working on.
And Kagome smiled when she saw it and notched the arrow.
"Thank you Shippō." Kagome said as she trained her bow towards one of the more brittle looking extensions. "So Y/N I'll take the one on the left and you'll take the one to the right?"
"Fine by me." I said, seeing nothing wrong with Kagome's suggestion.
I rushed forward covering Shūsui with mist as Kagome fired the arrow at her target.
Which only hit the Ne no Kubi at the top of it's head.
"Really." It growled out in annoyance, missing Shippō's grin.
"Really." The kit said with a smirk as the Jizo statue attached enlarged and promptly crushed it's head before it returned to it's normal size.
I quickly covered the remains of the Ne no Kubi in frost incase it was still alive.
It sent some more roots after me, but I barely dodged them as I began to cover my blade in more and more ice. I was creating the longmaul from earlier, but adding in a few changes into the design.
Making it the same size and shape as before. But with a curve similarly seen in other traditionally Japanese blades and a large, square shaped guard at the hilt.
While still imperfect and I doubted it would last more then a hit or two, but I had managed to create a replica of Karura's sword from Utawarerumono.
A simple but effective weapon.
And more than enough to smash the Ne no Kubi into mulch with a single hit.
Sadly the weapon broke in half, but that was to be expected.
If this was a more complex weapon it probably would have shattered or if it weighed the same I doubt even Inuko could lift it easily.
Still it was more then enough to deal with this final extension in our path.
Both me and Kagome began to approach the Ne no Kubi who looked like a little anxious. But it soon turned to rage as a massive root burst out of the ground and covered in spikes.
"Just die already!" The Ne no Kubi roared out.
But it did not get the chance to discharge it's attacks as Kagome notched an arrow and shot it in the eye.
Followed by the fire cracker attached to it detonate, causing the Ne no Kubi to roar out in pain.
Buying me enough time to smash it in the head with the frozen Shūsui and impale it with a few ice spears for good measure.
That did the trick as the Ne no Kubi fell limp and promptly frosted over it's remains.
"Alright there are four more extensions left. They are currently up at the shrine, let's get rid of them all before they destroy it." Kagome said while notching an arrow.
I just nodded as Shippō retrieved his Jizo statue and climbed onto my back.
"Come then let's go." Shippō said, getting me to smile a little at his attitude before me and Kagome climbed up the stairs to the shrine.
It did not take long for the two of us reach the hill top to see an extension of the Ne no Kubi attacking, another two just noticing us, and a fourth one bursting out of the ground.
At the sight of this Kagome proceeded to fire her arrow at the Ne no Kubi attacking the shrine, it made contact and took out a good chunk of it's head in a burst of reiryoku.
"Damn it!" It roared out as a massive root burst out of the ground and started to fling wooden spikes everywhere.
I created an ice barrier that defended us from the wooden spikes and Kagome immediately countered by notching and firing another arrow. Finishing off the extension with her reiryoku.
She panted a little before moving behind me as the Ne no Kubi proceeded to lash out with it's roots.
For the next few moments we once again had to defend against the attacking roots until Shippō saw an opening and threw his top at one of the extensions.
It grew and slammed right into it's eye.
The Ne no Kubi roared out in pain before Kagome fired an arrow with a fire cracker attached to it. Once it landed, the fire cracker went off and only added onto the root yokai's pain.
Only being put out of it's misery by Kagome launching another arrow that blew of a good chunk of it's head with reiryoku before Shippō's top returned to normal.
"Kagome are you okay?" I asked as she was starting to look mildly exhausted.
"I'm fine." She said as she fired an arrow into an approaching Hitōkon, breaking it in half.
A Hitōkon tried to jump at me, but I cut it in half with Shūsu before freezing the remains.
The Ne no Kubi roared out as it lashed with roots once again, forcing us to dodge for a few moments once again.
However there was a difference as the Ne no Kubi burrowed back underground as it's other extension began to charge towards Kagome.
She notched an arrow and I began to gather in some breath and covering my blade in mist.
Kagome fired the arrow and it hit the Ne no Kubi in the eye.
It did little more than annoy it, but it bought me sometime to get close to it.
The Ne no Kubi turned it's attention towards me and I released a stream of mist that covered it's face in a layer of frost.
"My eye!" It roared out as I recreated the longmaul like blade and slammed it onto the frosted parts.
Breaking the ice of both the weapon and the extension as it went limp and crumpled to the ground before I let out a few coughs.
Note to self, go easy on the frost breaths from now on.
"You okay Y/N?" Shippō asked as I continued to cough.
"Little bit of a dry throat, but I should be alright. Just worry about the Ne no Kubi, there should be one extension left around here." I said while getting my coughing under control.
I really could go for some water right now...
"Actually it's heading back into village, and I can sense there is one more extension is left. I think they are pulling back." Kagome said as she started back down the shrine's steps.
"If the Ne no Kubi is down to two extensions either they are it's last ones and retreating or it is a trap." I said dispersing the mist around us to save on yoki. Kagome nodded at that before she stiffened all of a sudden.
Before I could even ask why, Kagome pushed me further down the stairs. Narrowly avoiding a few roots that would have skewered me through the back.
The Ne no Kubi burst from the hillside with it's wooden maw wide open, ready to either bite down or attack us with roots.
Only for a bunch of firecrackers to have been thrown down it's mouth.
"Y/N seal it shut!" Shippō called out, with me and Kagome figuring out what he had planned as the Ne no Kubi tried to rip the firecrackers out of it's throat.
Kagome quickly notched an arrow into it's eye, distracting it long enough for me to get close to it.
It tried to attack but I created an ice pillar that slammed it's mouth shut.
The Ne no Kubi tried to pull back, but the firecrackers detonated inside. It roared out in pain and forced us back with it's roots. But it was too late as a fire began to spread around it. It only took a few moments for it to be completely covered in flames before collapsing in a smoldering wreck onto the stairway to the shrine.
"Hopefully that was the last of them." Shippō said, getting Kagome to shake her head.
"I wish so too, but I just sensed a second wave of them. They are closing in on the one currently in the village." Kagome said with a groan, which I just sighed out at.
Honestly I figured as much and considering the possibilities the Ne no Kubi was going to try and overwhelm Inuko and Yura all at once. Possibly before moving on to us or retreating with what remaining extensions it had left.
Although we were not going to allow that to happen.
"Then we better go help Inuko and Yura. Dealing with this second wave quickly should help us bring out the Ne no Kubi's main body out. Hopefully there is no third wave." I said as Kagome began to take the lead towards the village.
Considering that Kagome still seemed a little exhausted and myself down a good portion of yoki I just hope that we had enough to be put down it's main body.
Though with Inuko, Yura, and Shippō we should be able to do so, but it will be extremely difficult to effectively put down.
Still with yoki and reiryoku or not, we were going to make sure that the Ne no Kubi didn't return.
"I agree." Kagome said as she slowed her pace to match mine. "But just incase Shippō do you think you could attach some more of your firecrackers to my arrows?"
"Of course, but it will not be a lot. Used most of them on that accursed overgrown weed!" Shippō growled out as he jumped from my shoulders to Kagome.
"I will take anything that you can make Shippō, it will be a big help to us against the Ne no Kubi." She said with a smile, getting Shippō to beam as he pulled an arrow from her quiver.
I smiled at the enthusiasm he was displaying and the before shaking my head.
Need to focus on dealing with the Ne no Kubi for now.
"Well then what you guys waiting for, let's go!" Shippō called out, getting both me and Kagome to smile as we continued on our way towards where Inuko and Yura was.
It was time to regroup and take care of the Ne no Kubi once and for all.
(Inuko POV - Same Time)
I managed to track down the location of that damned overgrown weed after it ran through half of the village before reemerging.
Along with a massive spiked root emerged that immediately shot wooden spikes at us.
So the Ne no Kubi decided to fight back after all. Considering it had been running from me and Yura like Yomi was at it's roots, that damned weed was probably planning something.
But I could careless about that.
Only making sure to carve it up for what it was planning to do to Kaede's village!
I used Tessaiga to cut away the wooden spikes heading my way while the hairy bitch did the same with her hairs.
We managed to get a majority of them but there was still enough for a pair of Hitōkon to sprout and for the Ne no Kubi to lash out again with it's damned roots.
And it seemed like this overgrown weed still hadn't learned it's lesson as I easily cut through them and a Hitōkon that kept towards me. With the hairy bitch doing the same with her hair and blade.
The Ne no Kubi roared out in rage and tried to lash out.
Which was it's last mistake as I cut it in half with Tessaiga and Yura quickly burning the remains.
That should take care of the Ne no Kubi in the village and perhaps Y/N, Kagome and the kit have already dealt with all of the extensions around Kikyō's shrine.
But something wasn't quite right here.
A minute ago that overgrown weed was running from us in a panic and was freightened once it realized it was the only one left in our area. And now it was fighting us with no hesitation of dying. Though a pathetic attempt at killing us as well.
Meaning the Ne no Kubi was up no something.
I took a quick sniff at the ground and immediately I could pick up several new scents encroaching in in me and the hairy bitch.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me." I said as I brandished Tessaiga.
"I take it there is more of that overgrown weed to deal with." Yura said, her tone sounding just about as irritated as I was feeling.
"Don't know how many exactly, but it seems like it will put up more of a fight then I expected it to." I growled out as an extension burst out of the ground.
Followed soon after the others one at a time, demolishing a nearby house or two.
Within moments the two of us were surrounded by seven extensions of the Ne no Kubi. And judging by the condition of their bodies they where not among the extensions that tried to rain down wooden spikes and Hitōkon on the village.
Meaning that they were going to be a little more difficult to cut up. Still a welcome challenge, if not an irritating one none the less.
"So you were keeping these behind after the first est of your extensions and Hitōkon ravaged the village I take it." I said, getting the overgrown weed to bristle in anger.
"That is correct. We were supposed to wait until most of the village was razed but will settle on killing the two of you before feeding on the surrounding villages. Then I will finally have my revenge!" The Ne no Kubi bellowed out.
"Then you are a pathetic, idiotic overgrown weed." Yura said, enraging the Ne no Kubi and voicing my my thoughts exactly.
"What!" It roared out.
"I agree with the hairy bitch, you could have done that from the start. Attack the other villages and keep us busy while you get your revenge on this revenge. Instead you wasted nearly all your extensions on attacking the village while we were all here and now plan on cutting your loses on the two of us before retreating, all because you are impatient. All so you could run away with some dignity, the hairy bitch is right. You are pathetic and a coward. By Yomi, even Myōga is less cowardly then you!" I snarled out at the Ne no Kubi, enraging it more.
"Why thank you Lady Inuko." Myōga said from my shoulder, surprising me a little.
Where the Yomi did he come from!
Wait a second...
"The Ne no Kubi destroyed where you were hiding, didn't it?" I asked in a low tone.
The way the old flea started to break into sweat was more than enough proof that I was right.
"Yes Lady Inuko..." Myōga admitted reluctantly.
Before I squashed him and dusted him off my shoulders.
"See he has enough guts to admit to being cowardly, unlike you. Which makes you even more pathetic in my eyes anyway." I said, enraging the Ne no Kubi even more.
"I am going to enjoy killing you and that psychotic, sadistic freak with you!" The Ne no Kubi roared out.
"Oni-bi Gushi!"
Only for that extension to be covered in various lines on fire by said freak.
It barely had enough time to register the pain as it collapsed into a flaming pile of debris soon afterwards.
"How about we reduce the rest of these pathetic weeds to ashes, wouldn't you agree bitch." Yura said with an edge of anger in her voice.
Something I could only grinned at for her irritation with dealing with this pathetic overgrown weed.
"Could not agree with you more you hairy bitch!" I snarled out as the Ne no Kubi let lose it's roots once more.
Which we quickly began cutting through the roots, with the Ne no Kubi getting more and more enraged as we did so.
Until it let out an irritated roar as several arrows struck one of it's extensions, several of them had manage to land into it's eye.
Looking at the source I saw Kaede's aide, Rikichi along with a few of the villagers notching arrows and training them onto the Ne no Kubi. And from what I could hear there was possibly more villagers on the way.
I grinned a little at the possible frenzy this pathetic weed has caused.
The last time this happened was myself 50 years ago and even then they could barely touch me before Kikyō strung me to that damned tree!
But the Ne no Kubi, not so much. It was going to die tonight plain and simple.
The Ne no Kubi let out a loud growl as three massive roots soon burst out of the ground, wooden spikes growing out of them.
The villagers started to back up, but not before firing their arrows.
Several of them managed to hit one of the extensions in the eye. Causing it to fire the wooden spikes randomly and a majority of them hitting the other extensions.
Providing to both be beneficial and entertaining to watch as me and Yura rushed towards on of the remaining roots.
Cutting it down with Tessaiga and for Yura to immediately began squeezing the life out of the nearest extension with it's own root.
Ne no Kubi discharged it's final root and wooden spikes flew everywhere, forcing Yura to pull herself away as the extension was pierced by a few. Which gave me the perfect opportunity to cut it into pieces with Tessaiga.
Alright so two down, five extensions and possibly four Hitōkon to go.
The Ne no Kubi lashed out with it's roots all over the place in an attempt to land a hit in me or the hairy bitch. The two of us proceeded to cut apart the roots for a few moments before the Ne no Kubi was once again hit by a barrage of arrows.
Rikichi and villagers had returned and with a few more archers to the mix, notching their arrows. Along with keeping their distance incase any Hitōkon comes their way.
Which proved to be effective as a Hitōkon leapt towards them, only to be burnt up by one of Yura's hairs.
And a pair of them deciding to attacking me.
I quickly dealt with them with Tessaiga, but nearly missed the final Hitōkon that leapt towards me.
Only to be shot down by an arrow and frosted over as a mist began to set in around us.
Took them long enough.
"Glad to see you two, now how about we finish up with this pathetic overgrown weed." I said with a grin as Kagome notched an arrow with a firecracker attached, with the kit lighting it up.
"Definitely." Kagome said as she shot the arrow and it quickly hit a nearby extension, followed by a couple of arrows from the villagers.
The Ne no Kubi roared out in pain as the firecracker detonated, but not before a pillar of ice slammed through it's mouth and caused the extension to go limp.
"Are you both alright?" Y/N asked as he began to freeze the remains of the Ne no Kubi over.
"I'm alright master, though I am starting to burn up a little." Yura said as she cutdown a root that would have struck Y/N in the back. Along with the smell of burnt hair starting to emulate from her if only faintly.
Was nowhere near as bad as when we thought against that crazy thunder bitch, but unlike with Hiten she wasn't burnt a crisp through lightning or falling apart.
Still it would be bad for her to catch fire while in the middle of fighting.
"Then can please you make sure not to use it unless you need to Yura." He said, getting her to nod.
"Of course master. I take it that you have something planned?" Yura asked, getting him to nod.
"I do, just give me some of your hairs for a few moments." Y/N said as he started to generate mist around what I presumed to be some of Yura's hairs.
Only for the Ne no Kubi attempting to charge him, only for the giant top to smash into it's face followed by a barrage of arrows from the villagers.
"Take that you overgrown weed!" Shippō called out as the Ne no Kubi roared out in pain and Kagome notched an arrow and let lose.
Blowing away most of the extension in a burst of reiryoku.
"Got to say nice aim there kit." I said, getting Shippō to smile before noticing how exhausted Kagome was starting to get. "You alright girl?"
"Haven't really used this much reiryoku except against the Nikuzuki no Men, but I still have enough left in me to finish this." Kagome said while notching an arrow and training it at the now anxious looking Ne no Kubi.
"Good, just try not to overdo it girl. We are almost finished with this overgrown weed." I said gruffly, getting her to nod before the Ne no Kubi roared in pain and two loud thuds.
What in Yomi was that?
Looking at the source I saw Yura struggling to hold down two extensions with her hairs and a multitude of barbed, icy hooks all along the Ne no Kubi and digging into it's bark.
"So this is what you where planning?" I asked a winded looking Y/N as he began to approach one of the extensions.
"More or less, but they will not last long." He said and true to word I could hear some of the hooks shattering as the Ne no Kubi kept thrashing to break free. Roaring in irritation as the villagers fired another round of arrows into them.
I rushed towards one of the downed extensions as Kagome shot her arrow at the other one, destroying a majority of it in a burst of reiryoku.
The other extension burst free of it's restraints, but Yura used what remained of the ice hooks to pull it back down. It barely had enough time to register what happened as me and Y/N cut into it with Tessaiga and Shūsui before he froze the remains.
The Ne no Kubi looked on in panic as it was the only extension left. Against us and from what I can see an entire village armed with bows and arrows along with various men and women armed with spears and farming tools.
It had planned on razing an entire village to the ground, but in the end that pathetic overgrown weed could only burrow away to save itself from being destroyed by said village.
And from what I could smell it was heading towards the outskirts of the village, exactly where we planned and Kaede currently is to draw out the Ne no Kubi.
Looking at Kagome and Y/N they looked a little exhausted and winded from using their powers so much, but they looked like they still had plenty of fight left in them. I just hope they will not run out fighting the Ne no Kubi or it will not end well in the long run.
"Girl you and the kit climb on, let's finish this root off." I said to her.
"I will but give me a second." Kagome said before turning to Rikichi. "Can you please have any villagers that you can spare bring some buckets of water down to where Kaede is?"
"So you are going to have Y/N finish it off then." I said, getting Kagome to shake her head.
"Not really, I mean he could if possible but I am just making sure we have an additional edge given the Ne no Kubi's weakness to his ice." She said.
"Fair enough, but if it does come down to it make sure what you kill stays dead Y/N." I called out to him.
"I have no intention of doing so this time if I can help it, but it might be best to pursue the Ne no Kubi before it gets away." He said, getting myself to nod in agreement.
"If that is what it takes to make sure that yokai never terrorizes this village again, then it will be done Lady Kagome." Rikichi said as he went back to the other villagers.
"Hold on master." Yura said as she lifted Y/N up with her hairs speed off after the Ne no Kubi while Kagome climbed onto my back and jumped after them.
It only took a few moments for use to catch up to the Ne no Kubi as it exited the village underground and was heading towards the forest.
While trying to figure out how to get the damned weed out of the ground, an arrow coated in reiryoku landed tip first right on top of it.
The Ne no Kubi let out a muffled roar from underground as it was promptly destroyed by Kikyō's arrow.
And the ground promptly shook beneath us as what I assumed to be the Ne no Kubi's main body raced towards where Kaede was.
I put the girl down and raced towards Kaede.
She was completely exhausted on a nearby hillside and was trying to get away, but the Ne no Kubi nearly reached her.
I picked Kaede up and jumped away as the Ne no Kubi burst out of the hillside.
That damned root was massive, bigger then my gigantic bitch of a sister!
No wonder Kikyō sealed it away. It might be slow judging from what I see but it's extensions and sheer mass makes it quite a nuisance to deal with properly.
Still she should have been able to deal with this overgrown weed. But now it is time to deal with it.
I landed back with the others the others, with both Kagome and Shippō looking at it in shock.
"I didn't think it would be that big!" Shippō called out while clinging to Kagome.
"And you said that there are more root yokai like that out there." Kagome said to Y/N.
"They are rare, but I think this is one of the largest specimens in recorded history." He said as I put Kaede down.
"Well it is not going to be easy, but let's reduce this overgrown weed into nothing!" I growled out before facing Kaede. "We'll handle this, but you might want to head back to the village."
"I will, but Kagome this might be of some use to you." Kaede said as she handed Kagome the pouch of purification salt.
It probably won't do much against the Ne no Kubi, but it should be irritating as Yomi for it.
"Thank you." Kagome said, taking it from her. Kaede gave her a brief nod before facing me and doing the same thing to me. I nodded back as she began to head back to the village.
"This is not going to be easy, but it is possibly for the best to give it everything we got until we get that water unless we kill this damned weed first. Even then it would best be to freeze the remains and I doubt Y/N has enough yoki to do so." I said, getting him to shake his head. Confirming my suspensions.
"I am going to enjoy killing you all!" The Ne no Kubi roared out as it began to approach us slowly while two extensions burst out of the ground and raced towards us.
You have got to be kidding me, we have already dealt with enough of these things.
Still looking around me I saw Y/N generating mist around us and everyone getting ready for what was to come. I just grinned while barring Tessaiga.
If this damned root thought that this would finish us off it was more pathetic then I gave it credit for. It admitted to have been retreating and now puts up a false bravado down to it's main body and two extensions. It sent enough to overwhelm an entire village and utterly destroy it, only to fail and try to save fave for it's failures and incompetence.
But no more of that, this idiotic weed has avoided Yomi for 50 years due to Kikyō. Now it was time to make sure the Ne no Kubi is delt properly this time.
(Chapter 39 end)
Hey guys Mukuro7 here and I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the delay, but as you know life gets in the way.
I will keep this short but hopefully I will have the next chapter out by the month ends or early June with this arc ending with the end of the Ne no Kubi, multiple parties now keeping an eye on the group, and Kagome getting some answers from an unlikely source. Which I hope that you will all enjoy when it comes out.
Finally for the extended list for the harem. I will be taking votes and considering the second half of Yashahime I might be open to extending the voting period till after the next arc ends.
But until then let's count the votes through the comments and private messages so far while only counting from the past two chapters.
Sara Asano:2
Female Magatsuchi:1
Got to say some surprising results to be honest, but if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know.
But anyway that is enough for now and I will see you all next time.
So until then, ciao!
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