Chapter One
An old man stands by his stove and sets his freshly brewed tea down to cool, about to go grab a rag he sees a flash of light through his window in the parlor in the house on the hill. "Bloody children, trying to make my life a living hell." He mutters whilst grabbing his coat and lantern. Once he makes it to the entryway he opens the door and ascends the stairs on his way to the parlor. Reaching the peak of the staircase he hears a muted conversation and pauses to eavesdrop. Inside the parlor are two voices, ones he doesn't recognize. "Wormtail, we must wait for the end of the quidditch cup if we want to capture the Potter children." The old man stands there in shock waiting for the conversation to continue "but Lord Voldemort-"
"Silence!" His voice demanded respect and when the old man realized this was truly the Dark Lord it is too late. "Frank, please enter." Suddenly his blood runs cold before a blinding flash of green light.
"Jesus fuck!" I exclaimed violently awaking from my once peaceful sleep. The scar on my thigh seared with an excruciating pain, next to me I could see Harry thrashing in his sleep, face twisted in agony. "Harry, Harry," I shook him awake. His eyes snapped open and in a panic he shoved me to the floor. "Bloody hell Harry, it's just me!" I whined rubbing my now sore elbow.
"Oh, sorry Hannah," he looked at me with a sheepish smile before wincing and holding his scar. "I'm assuming we had the same dream?" He asked through clenched teeth.
"Yeah, you're probably right about that one Harry," I placed my hand on my throbbing thigh, waiting for the pain to die down. "Do you think it was some type of premonition?"
"Maybe, doesn't that seem a bit foolish though?"
"Harry I genuinely believe that being the 'chosen ones' is a tad bit more foolish than the idea of a premonition." I said blankly. He let out a soft laugh, "Yeah, you're probably right." We both lay back down facing each other, "You know Harry perhaps we should tell someone about this."
"I was just thinking the same, however I haven't got a clue who we should tell."
"Nor do I, I don't think telling Ron or Hermione is the answer, they would probably exaggerate things."
"What if we wrote to Sirius?"
"Harry you're bloody brilliant, truly!" A giant smile split across my face at the thought of writing Sirius. "Also don't ever push me off the bed again you idiot!" I chastise while shoving him.
After drafting a letter to Sirius we head downstairs for breakfast.
"But mummy! I don't want grapefruit!" The squealing voice of Dudley reverberated through the house.
"I know Dudsy baby, but we're all going on a diet remember?" Aunt Petunia's voice was almost as obnoxious as her son's. Harry and I continued our way downstairs and sat at the table. Somehow in record time we both managed to receive glares from all members of the household instantly.
"If I hear ruckus like the two of you made this morning ever again you can pack your bags and sleep on the street." At this point in my life the threats made by uncle Vernon truly have no impact on Harry nor myself.
"Sorry uncle Vernon." Harry said whilst rolling his eyes and stabbing the grapefruit on his plate. Once everyone finished pretending to eat the pitiful excuse for a breakfast Vernon stood up and started towards the living room.
"Potters, come here." Harry and I begrudgingly stood and followed him. "This morning I received an interesting letter, do either of you have knowledge of this letter?" Uncle Vernon's tone of voice said everything his words didn't, he was furious.
"No sir." Harry and I said in unison, twin telepathy is real I swear it.
"The interesting thing about this letter is that it was sent by Molly Weasley."
'Oh my god' I thought. 'This is it. This is the day that uncle Vernon actually kills us.'
"She has invited the pair of you to join her family for the rest of the summer and some type of sporting event that I couldn't care less about." Our excitement must have been written across our faces because I could visibly see his frown deepen. "Now here is my dilemma, I would rather gouge my eyes out than have to see either of you in my house for another second. However, to allow you two to go off lollygagging whenever you want would represent a great failure to my moral compass." I almost scoffed, out of the corner of my eye I could see Harry roll his eyes. "Do not roll your eyes at me boy!" Vernon bellowed.
"Don't worry uncle Vernon, have some time to think it over. Harry and I have to finish our letter to Sirius anyways." The smirk that wasn't present on my face was very much so in my voice. His eyes widened and his frown deepened even more.
"You two may go, but I expect you to be gone by tonight." With those words Harry and I immediately turned and bounded up the stairs two at a time.
Once we made it to our room Harry engulfed me in a massive hug, "Hannah you're bloody brilliant!" He said with a massive grin.
I returned it with a grin of my own just as wide, "you better write a letter to Ron and send out the one for Sirius while I start packing." By the time the words left my mouth Harry was already scrambling to find a pen and some paper. I opened our closet and started packing our clothes into their respective trunks.
By the time I had finished packing Harry had sent out the letters and we had a response from Ron saying that he and his father would be here by 6. Harry and I spend our time playing chess, and soon enough we hear a knock at the window.
"Long time no see Potters."
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