"Ow," Louis and Mr. Styles said at the same time when they awoke Wednesday morning to his alarm. Both were clothed in Mr. Styles' tee shirts and boxers, Louis sprawled across his sensitive and freshly inked chest, and Mr. Styles holding him close, his hand below Louis' hip, resting on the curve of his sore ass. They looked at each other and started laughing, Louis carefully scooting backwards to get off of him.
Louis didn't want to get up so early again and pulled the blanket up to his shoulders when Mr. Styles got up, closing his eyes with a grumpy huff.
"Coming Louis?"
"No, daddy I'm kinda sore," he mumbled, embarrassed. He actually was very sore, and didn't even want to move around. He pouted a little, looking adorably heartbreaking to the man.
"You should go to school if you can manage it. You know universities can take back acceptance if you don't do well."
"Umm," he started, because his daddy had literally just told him not to lie or keep things secret. "I didn't apply to any schools yet. All the mail is at my house." There was a moment of silence and Louis opened his eyes to see him on his cell phone looking at something and frowning.
"Louis, you graduate in less than a month. You really need to do that as soon as possible. Do you know when the deadlines are?"
"No." He got a disapproving look. Shit.
"Why are you putting this off?" Mr. Styles set down his phone, genuinely concerned for him and his apparent lack of motivation.
"First of all, it's a pain in the ass." Realizing his pun Louis cracked up, putting a little hand over his mouth to stop though when his daddy wasn't amused. "Sorry, but I don't know what I want? And I think you have to pay for each one. My friend said it's like fifty dollars."
"Yes you have to pay to apply. Is money the problem? I can help you. You really shouldn't screw yourself over." Louis almost started laughing again, because you know – screwed over.
"It's fine, I work during the summer, I have my own money. Thank you though."
"You're welcome. What's your job?" Louis watched him get changed and finally noticed the unfinished butterfly tattoo – the outline complete, but not entirely filled in yet, glowing with moisturizer.
"I work at Sweet Kitty. They sell frozen yogurt and I get a lot of tips so I'm pretty set." Mr. Styles gave Louis a sleepy smile and goddamn he looked good right after he woke up - with his curly hair messy and his features softer.
"What is with the names of places around here?"
"I have no idea. I like how your tattoo looks so far daddy. Does it hurt?" He asked, feeling a little concerned.
"Not too much. I felt a bit woozy at the time." Louis nodded, appreciating how nicely it complemented the man's body. Before leaving the bedroom he paused. "Why don't you bring all those applications over later and I'll help you?"
"Okay, daddy." Louis smiled, glad he didn't have to ask, then went back to sleep.
Mr. Styles gently shook him awake around 5:30, having finished his workout and showered already, body still a little wet and only clad in black boxer briefs. Good morning to me, Louis thought. He got up (rather unwillingly) and showered, taking time to shave his legs. When he was finished, he saw his reflection in the mirror and sighed.
"God. Damnit." He had forgotten how Mr. Styles gave him a love bite yesterday – high on the right side of his neck and extremely obvious. Actually, there were other places where his skin was varying shades of red, his daddy's marks no longer beneath his shirt. Honestly, he loved being marked up, but not the way it would draw attention to him considering the stupid rumors. He swore again under his breath.
"Louis," his daddy said sternly as he joined him, tucking a black shirt into his matching pants. The boy wasn't subtle as he stared at his exposed stomach and defined hip, before acknowledging him.
"Sorry, daddy. But look at my neck!" Mr. Styles glanced at the stressed out boy who was gesturing to his marked up skin, then opened a drawer and took out a tube of concealer and a small piece of white sponge.
"Daddy," Louis asked, very confused. "Do you wear makeup?" He smiled at Louis as he took the cap off and carefully poured some pale concealer on the foam.
"I just use it if I'm having a bad skin day. I can do it for you."
"It's gonna be the wrong shade," Louis said skeptically.
"It's the kind that adjusts to your skin tone." He nodded, trusting him and the man gently dabbed it on, Louis managing not to complain about the irritating feeling. He blended it out as the pale makeup actually changed color (what the actual fuck?) and matched his tan skin closely. But not perfectly. He added another layer, then stepped back to look the boy over.
"How's that?" Louis looked in the mirror and the redness was – still there, just less noticeable. But he wasn't going to be difficult about it.
He smiled. "Yeah that's good. Thank you." Louis loosened the towel around his tiny waist and let it slip onto the floor, sauntering back to the bedroom to get dressed. He wanted to wear something he had from Victoria's Secret (this boy was out of control now) and he laid out an outfit on the end of the bed, facing away from the bathroom door.
He felt Mr. Styles' eyes on him as he leaned over, resting a hand on the edge and arching his back as if he couldn't reach as he picked up his snug pale pink girl boxers with the thin black logo covered waistband – if you could even call them boxers, since they barely covered him. He was going to put on a show for his daddy today, tease him, and try to keep up an innocent act. He daintily stepped into them, sliding the fabric up and Mr. Styles cleared his throat, muttering, "Holy shit" quietly, thinking Louis didn't hear him while he admired how good the pastel color looked on his tan skin, smooth and inviting.
Still facing away from him, Louis smirked to himself and put on his fitted khakis, a soft blue tee shirt and smiled as he knew just the finishing touch. He held up white suspenders, turning to face his daddy who quickly ran his hands through his hair to style it, as if he wasn't just standing there to gawk at Louis. The boy could probably put the braces on in the dark, but –
"Daddy?" He asked sweetly. "Can you help me put these on please? It'd be easier." Everything about Louis caused him dirty thoughts, he assumed he was imagining that Louis was trying to tease him, blue eyes wide and absent-mindedly wrapping one around his wrist, mimicking being tied up.
Mr. Styles strode forward, quickly taking them from Louis' hands because they didn't have time for it and he was getting turned on. Louis turned away so he could reach, his daddy neatly clipping them on. If Louis wasn't sore he would shock him with a spank because this outfit emphasized his curves. A lot. But he resisted the urge.
"Thank you daddy." Louis looked back at him and smiled, getting a chaste kiss goodbye when Mr. Styles left shortly after.
When Louis met his friends at school, Lexie leaned in close, squinting. "Is that concealer Louis?"
"Oh what the fuck," he said as Liam stifled a laugh. "I didn't think anyone would see."
"Don't worry," she assured him. "I had to be like right next to you. Besides – it's your body, do what you want." Liam was smirking at him.
"Did you master the cat eye yet Louis? I knew it wasn't just that once."
"Oh calm down the two of you. I'm masculine I swear. Things got a little... out of hand." He smiled at the memory of their intense shower sex. Both friends caught his drift.
"Goals!" Lexie decided.
"It's not goals if I'm trying to get rid of these stupid fucking rumors." Louis groaned in frustration. "All I need is for some dumbass to notice and who knows what they'll come up with next? Maybe that I lead a double life as a male stripper by night who caters to thirsty girls and gay men."
"So you're saying you don't lead a double-" Liam's words were cut off when Louis covered his mouth so he could roast him.
"Zayn called, he said you left your dignity at his house last night." Liam pulled his hand off.
"Oh my god Louis!" Lexie scolded him but still laughed, the boys just had a weird friendship.
"If that's the price to pay, he can keep it, I don't need it anymore," Liam replied, unfazed.
"You're shameless," Louis informed him, but Liam wasn't giving up so easily.
"You're not one to talk, eh Tommo?" Louis stopped because he had him there and they talked like civilized, polite friends until it was time to go to class.
Entering the gym, Lexie gasped so dramatically she coughed, because Mr. Horan was wearing fashionable, black nerd glasses and Louis happened to know she lost her shit when he wore them. She whisper shouted to Louis, "Help, call an ambulance! He usually doesn't wear glasses on Wednesdays, I wasn't ready to see my aesthetic. His eyes are so blue, is he even human?"
"You know, you're extra for him at this point. You're not subtle."
She shrugged. "That might not be a bad thing." Mr. Horan had the class play basketball again, and the game was pretty uneventful until Lexie let her fangirl show as students were leaving the gym.
Mr. Horan took off his glasses, folding them to hook over his shirt collar and rubbing his face, talking to no one in particular. "These glasses are so annoying today, ugh." Lexie got bold.
"I um, I think they're very flattering Mr. Horan!" Her face inevitably started to turn pink, probably pinker than Louis' boxers.
"Oh," he laughed as he put them back on, adjusting the frames, his ice blue eyes sparkling. "Thanks, I always thought I looked like a typical nerdy teacher."
"No, not at all!" She said brightly and Louis almost rolled his eyes at her, starting to walk away slowly and hoping she'd join before she admitted her love of nerds. Specifically nerds named Niall.
"I've got to go to jury duty, so I need to make sure I can see," he continued.
"I got out of that first time I was sent a letter. They called and said I didn't need to go." Mr. Horan raised an eyebrow slightly.
"How old are you?"
"Eighteen! I'm an October baby. The eleventh actually. Practically nineteen now," she joked, talking probably too much. "Old for being a senior but, oh well!"
He cleared his throat, obviously surprised. "Oh, I assumed you were still – anyways," he checked his watch. "You should get going, almost time for next class."
"Right, bye Mr. Horan!" She called out and rushed over to Louis who was waiting outside the door.
"Is that makeup still there?" He asked anxiously. He could make fun of her another time for that exchange.
"Uh," she frowned and dug into her bag, finding a compact with powder and a tiny mirror. She dusted it over with a brush, explaining, "this sets it, so it won't come off." She held up the mirror and he gave her a thumbs up like a little dork.
"Can still fucking see it kinda." They shrugged almost at the same time.
"Best you can do. No regrets," she told him, also being a little dork.
As Louis walked to Chemistry class, he slid his suspenders off of his shoulders, letting them hang from his pants to tug them down some. He fought his smirk, looking almost thoughtful as he paused in the doorway to the classroom. Mr. Styles was at his desk, and glanced over to see who was waiting there – Louis' cue to 'adjust his beanie', lifting his arms and taking his time repositioning it over his fluffy hair, exposing a strip of tan skin on his stomach, the black waistband clinging to him, some of the henley pink showing too. The man couldn't help but stare; he forced himself to look away before he lost his damn mind. Louis dropped his hands, satisfied and going to take his seat.
Both Evan and his lab partner, Riley were here today. The redhead girl called over to him as he settled in by himself. "Hey, so it's totally fine to switch partners. Evan was telling me you guys talked about it."
Louis laughed. "Are you sure you really wanna do that?"
She smiled and shrugged. "Yeah I can take one for team Louis." Evan asked the important question as he got up and came over to sit with Louis.
"Does team Ashley exist though?"
Louis grumbled in response, "Probably just her friend Ashley number two."
"Wow," Riley remarked. "I'm not sure what her name is either... I think it's -"
"Please no," Louis interrupted. "I only have so much room in my brain for relevant people, and I already resent knowing Ashley number one." They laughed because who doesn't know Ashley and regret it?
Mr. Styles got up to start class and everyone quieted down. "Okay," he called out. "We're going to be using assigned seating for the rest of the semester. Choose where you want to sit now so I can write it down." Louis kept his gaze on Mr. Styles, silently asking if the current set up was okay. But really, wouldn't this be better than with the girl who grabbed his ass?
Mr. Styles appeared indifferent, giving a barely noticeable nod. Louis honestly couldn't believe that he hadn't brought up yet that Louis, who had just come out as gay at school, was lab partners with an attractive boy yesterday. Or seem irritated that they were sitting together again. Mr. Styles took down everyone's names, and then they had an easy day, not needing to do much work. They learned how to do new equations, Mr. Styles writing on the board while they took notes, saying things like "Make sure you're copying this down," and his authoritative tone was so hot to Louis.
"I want you to try to do these on your own, turn it in when you're finished. Ask for help if you need it." Louis understood how to do it, but he wanted some attention from the man walking around the room and quietly explaining to students. So after he completed the first one he raised his little hand and Mr. Styles came over, leaning down over the boy, his presence alone exciting.
"Am I doing it right?" Louis looked up at him from under his long lashes. Mr. Styles' eyes scanned his paper while Louis basked in the closeness, his heart racing.
"Yes, you are," he told Louis quietly, making eye contact and the boy nodded.
"Okay thank you."
"You're welcome." He looked to Evan, who was fine on his own, then walked away. When class ended all the papers were passed up, and the students hurried out the door.
Louis went up to stand by Mr. Styles' desk, waiting to be told what to do because he was such an absolute sub now. The man put down his pen and leaned back, not ignoring him even for a moment. Louis certainly got his attention today.
"I hope you don't mind that I'm sitting with Evan now, in class?"
"No," he answered quickly. "You have to work with someone, right?" He gave Louis a small smile to reassure him. Louis hid his surprise, returning his smile as he moved closer, his small hands being grabbed while he stood between the man's long legs. "Are you going to your practice?"
"No, it got cancelled for some reason. Someone thought Mr. Horan had to do something with his girlfriend or whatever," he answered with a half lie. Yes, it was cancelled and just an optional captain's practice of running a couple miles. But wasn't this the perfect opportunity to get Lexie that answer she craved?
Mr. Styles appeared confused. "He's been single for awhile. Must be mistaken. But anyways, I have some things to do before I go home so will I see you there?" Louis nodded, not really replying about Mr. Horan so he wouldn't seem too interested. He made a mental note to tell Lexie, then leaned in for a short kiss goodbye and left. He stopped by his own house on the way to get the dreaded pile of mail, needing to use both hands to pick it up and drop into his school bag.
He let himself into Mr. Styles' house and decided to use his office. He pulled up the chair to his desk that was very conveniently already free of any mess, only a small framed photo of him and a laughing blonde girl who looked a lot like him. It was taken a few years ago maybe? He looked so happy; his shorter, fuller looking curls and lanky frame making him look younger than now but not that different actually. Louis smiled, he had tried to imagine before what Mr. Styles looked like as a teenager.
He reached into his bag by his feet and grabbed an envelope, dropping it with a thud on the desk. It was from a local community college. Louis would save these kind for backup options. He briefly scanned the brochure, then started to fill out the application. The boring stuff like name, age, etc was quick.
They were from local colleges that wanted him to apply, plus ones that Louis had requested to be sent to him from out of state schools in New England such as Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, further away.
He was asked for his grade point average – he actually had no idea. He just knew that he got almost all A's with one or two B's for grades.
"This is why I hate this shit," he muttered. He left it blank, skipping ahead. Mr. Styles would probably enjoy figuring it out for him, being the nerd that he is. His social security number? Also unknown, he thought his mom had the card at home and huffed that he didn't know he would need it.
For extracurricular activities he mentioned that he was the lead in his high school's production of the play Grease, plus playing soccer all four years and currently being on varsity. He glanced to see what the instructions were for the essay portion of the first application he was filling out. He groaned and tossed the half filled out form across the desk.
"Go away for now, I hate you," he said, talking to a piece of paper.
He filled in the same info for each application, leaving the important questions blank. The only envelopes he threw out were from places really far away like in California or Nebraska. How did they even find him?
He had to print something, so he used the desktop computer that was already turned on, just in sleep mode. When the home screen showed up, there was a word document open, saved as 'resume for position at..." Louis stopped reading because it wasn't meant for him to see. Mr. Styles was applying for jobs recently, considering it was last saved... today? Jesus christ, stop looking he thought. He put it back as he found it. He didn't want the punishment of a lifetime for creeping on him or messing it up. Instead, he texted Lexie asking her to please print what he needed. Liam was probably busy being sexually depraved with Zayn.
He remembered how he had thought nothing of it when Mr. Styles had given him that fancy paper 'for resumes' the other day. Until now, Louis had only considered how his own actions would affect their situation once he graduated. Maybe Mr. Styles moved around and changed jobs more often than a secret gypsy. Maybe the usual teacher would be back next year and Louis' high school wasn't rehiring Mr. Styles – maybe he had to leave anyways? He should stop assuming so many things.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. Panicking, he made a last minute decision that he didn't want help with these applications today, not yet. He needed to process this (and avoid his problems) so he messily shoved all of his envelopes and papers into his school bag, and emerged from the office as the man called out his name.
"Louis?" The boy followed the sound of his voice to the kitchen where he was putting a ridiculous amount of grocery bags on the counter.
"Hi, daddy," he replied simply, pausing to rest a hand delicately on his hip. "Are there more?"
"No that's all of it, thanks." Advantages of having a man around, Louis decided. He didn't want to take advantage by his daddy spending money on him all the time though.
"You should stop buying everything for me," Louis softly complained. He was about to offer him money when Mr. Styles had to open his damn cocky, teasing mouth.
"It's fine Louis, doesn't take much to feed you anyways." Louis had a flash of irritation and shot a glare his way - sassing him loudly without thinking of it.
"Thought I told you not to make fun of my size!" Louis' mouth dropped open in a small 'o' shape after his sassing, realizing he just disrespected his daddy. Fuck. But also, fuck yes.
Mr. Styles stopped what he was doing and looked directly into Louis' eyes, his own narrowed as he replied lowly. "I wasn't. But that was pretty bold of you Louis." The boy was thrown off by his reaction.
"Um, I'm- I'm sorry daddy I get mad about that easily." The man got a slow smirk on his face, coming closer to Louis so his words wouldn't be missed. He was close enough to slip his fingers inside that tight little black waistband and gently scrape his nails on his soft skin.
"Don't think just because you're sore means you get away with anything. Try me again and I'll punish you tomorrow." His warnings were like promises, and Louis bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling as he looked up at him, before answering.
"Yes, daddy."
Then, as if nothing had happened they were putting the rest of the things away, and he was asking Louis how his day was. Louis always liked when he got to talk to him and since he'd been staying here they had time for it. Louis noticed a bag with ice cream in it, reaching inside and picking up the half gallon.
"Mint chocolate chip," he read out loud. He put it in the freezer. "I'm going to take that down later." Mr. Styles started laughing at the thought of the tiny boy speaking seriously about eating so much. Louis was serious. He took a twenty dollar bill out of his wallet and lightly smacked it on the counter. "I'm probably eating all of this too," he informed him, picking up the can of whipped cream and cracking the seal. Out of habit, he shook the can and tilted his head back, squirting a mound of it, filling his mouth. He was swallowing it all when he heard the man make a sound of disgust and take the can from him, putting it away, no longer entertained.
"Don't do that Louis, you'll get germs in it, that's disgusting." The man willingly shoved his tongue anywhere he damn well pleased and thought nothing of it, Louis found it pretty ironic, but didn't talk back.
"Sorry, daddy." He helped his daddy make dinner, honestly all he was asked to do was hand the occasional utensil or paper towel to him but not much should be expected of Louis when it comes to domestic things. Plus Mr. Styles liked to take the role anyways. The boy dropped some soggy, gross string beans almost on his clothes and okay, he overreacted.
"Shit! Fuck no! Nope, not today! These pants are brand fucking new, I swear to fuck –" and his daddy should be scolding him for swearing so much, especially about something so unimportant (to him). But it was too funny not to laugh at him, the boy was basically talking shit to vegetables as he cleaned up the mess and repeatedly checked his outfit that it was fine.
While they were eating dinner, Mr. Styles remembered their conversation from this morning. That Louis hadn't brought up yet. "Did you bring everything you need for applying?" Louis hesitantly nodded.
"Yeah I started it but, can we finish it tomorrow? I have homework."
"Sure." And that was the end of it. They found themselves completely in each other's space on the couch after, Louis doing his homework and bored out of his mind, and Mr. Styles doing work and also bored out of his mind.
Louis stretched his little legs across his daddy's lap as he laid on the couch, his preferred position to read smut. Yes Louis was being quite ballsy, reading smut right in front of his daddy. As he read the warning tags, he had no idea what 'breath play' was, maybe they like, breathed on each other til they got uncomfortable or something. He'd just find out.
He wished he didn't find out, because halfway through the one shot the top grabbed the bottom by the throat and cut off his air supply for a few seconds, both of them getting off immensely to it – Louis however just being freaked out. He still finished reading it, of course. After, he cleansed his soul and lifted his spirits with a couple chapters from a fluffy book, in which the couple went on donut dates and shyly held hands. All was right in the world again. He exited his app, and wordlessly went to get a huge bowl of ice cream.
He came back and sat right in the middle of his daddy's lap, kind of obnoxious but he allowed it. He smiled fondly at the boy who was the perfect picture of angelic innocence, though his intentions were anything but. Louis took a bite of his dessert, looking up into his eyes and slowly swallowing.
"It's good daddy," he said quietly, knowing he was killing him softly with his seductive words. "Would you like to try some?" The man nodded in response, not expecting Louis to dip his finger in the cold mint and swipe it across his daddy's lips, leaning in and licking over it. Mr. Styles took the dish from his hand and set it aside, roughly turning Louis around, forgetting the boy was not feeling so great. Louis let out a short whimper of pain and the man lightly rubbed his hands along the boy's back and held his small waist to quiet him.
"Sh, sorry baby I forgot." He didn't bother with his usual cocky remarks and observations of how needy Louis was, right now he just wanted to kiss and taste him. He prodded his tongue into the boy's mouth, running it along the roof of his mouth, collecting sweet aftertaste and also the familiar taste of Louis. He sucked briefly on his tongue and then his bottom lip, taking his time with every part of his mouth. He loved the tiny sounds he was causing Louis to make, all he was doing so far was rubbing his thumbs on the bare skin of his hips and softly pinching and it was making Louis even more obvious in his need.
Mr. Styles leaned in close so Louis could hear him murmur dirty things in his ear. "How long has it been since I touched you Louis? Since you felt my hands on you." Louis' breath hitched in his throat. He knew exactly how long he'd been waiting for it. Sunday afternoon. Oh the humanity.
"T-three days, daddy," he answered, waiting patiently as his eyes fluttered closed and he leaned against his chest.
"You've been so good for me lately Louis. Should I give you what you want?" The boy whimpered in response at first.
"Please daddy. Wanted it all week." When Mr. Styles gripped him, intending to take him upstairs, Louis resisted, impatient and not caring where he got it. "No, daddy right n-now please!" He trembled all over from his intense lust to be touched again. "I-I'll be good, touch me, now don't make me wa-" his chest heaved with a shaky breath cutting off his words, Louis' little hand crept up instinctively to palm himself, before dropping away with a frustrated whimper. Mr. Styles gazed down at him darkly, his grip just as firm but not trying to pick him up anymore. His desire matched Louis' as the boy shook gently under him, forcing himself to not lift his hips up for friction he was dying for.
"Mm, my demanding boy." He quickly pressed his palm against Louis' aching erection and the boy arched his back, responding with a high whine, not expecting it. "So needy when you have to wait." He closed his hand around him through his pants still and Louis let out a satisfied groan that made heat flood through Mr. Styles' body. Nothing compared to seeing Louis wrecked like this when he was teased enough.
"Want my mouth on you?" Louis' eyes flew open and he nodded his head quickly. Mr. Styles lifted his hand, and wanting to do it for him, took off Louis' pants, the boy lifting himself up as he tugged them off. Louis waited as Mr. Styles stripped off his own clothes. The man's eyes shifted to his.
"Think you can suck your daddy off at the same time?" Louis had a sharp intake of breath, struggling to speak because he loved to suck his daddy off.
"Y-yes, daddy I'll - be good."
The man reached down to where Louis' cock was straining against his tight boxers, aching to be touched, and firmly pressed the pad of his thumb against the base, sliding all the way to the tip and making Louis toss his head back and groan with relief again.
"Daddy," he could barely talk as the man palmed him, rubbing over.
"Have you missed this? Your daddy's hands on you?"
"Y-yes, daddy so," the man stopped his motions and squeezed him firmly, liking to see how the boy couldn't even finish a sentence the more worked up he got as he took those sexy little boxers off next; they were almost the death of him today, "-much!" Louis cried out, wrecked with only a few touches and teasing words, he'd had to wait long enough to be gagging for it now. Louis hurried to remove his shirt, and Mr. Styles moved under the boy, guiding him how he wanted.
Their positions were completely dirty, with Louis spread out and kneeling over his daddy's face as he laid underneath the boy on the couch, his small hand working over his daddy's cock as he prepared to take him in his mouth, not knowing what the man was doing behind him. The way he was being held so gently made it seem intimate to Louis too and his body felt hot everywhere his daddy touched. Louis shivered in pleasure as his daddy's hands slid over his soft curves and held him close, all he got was the brush of fingertips across his achingly hard length, and a light grasp.
Louis didn't wait any longer to get what he wanted, and took as much of his daddy's length into his mouth as he could right away, pulling off briefly and surging back down, his lips tight around him. Mr. Styles denied Louis the firm touch he craved, instead flicking his tongue in quick licks all over, pleasure like little sparks but not enough. The boy just worked harder, giving everything to his daddy that he desired for himself.
The man parted his lips as Louis rocked back to beg silently, clutching the boy's thick thigh to position him just as he wanted over his mouth and sucking the swollen tip. He began to steadily push his lips down.
Louis was so distracted and relieved by finally getting his own pleasure that he pulled off, giving slow, uneven strokes to his daddy's cock like an afterthought. Bent over on his forearm, his face rested on his daddy's toned hip while he whined. Mr. Styles grasped at his soft hip, squeezing gently to remind him to keep up. Louis let out a heavy breath, obeying his daddy and picking his head up. He got on his hands and knees again, his daddy never having stopped sucking him, mind still clouded by the blissful feeling of those full lips stretched around him.
Louis simply copied each move his daddy made, letting himself stay mindless, feeling the swirl and lick of the man's skillful tongue on his hot, sensitive skin. His daddy was more than making up for the wait as they moaned around each other, the vibrations driving them crazy, pushing them closer to their orgasms as they kept up their rhythm.
Louis was so close, so turned on, he subconsciously rocked back, wanting to shove his needy cock down his daddy's tight throat. He stopped himself, body shaking in protest. The man noticed what a good boy he was being, and gave him more pleasure by reaching a hand between the boy's legs to stroke and massage his sensitive balls, making the boy keen high and long, pausing to just swallow over his daddy several times.
Long fingers skimmed randomly across his body, up the front of his thighs, down his subtly curved hips, mercifully leaving the boy's still sensitive and sore rim and cheeks alone.
Louis' legs started to shake harder, he was getting weak with how purely fucking hot this was, pleasuring each other the same way, trying to come in each other's mouths.
The man's hips jerked up when Louis pressed his tongue flat at the base, so firmly his tongue actually ached, dragging it all the way to the tip and tasting the precum his sinful actions got. His little hand grabbed what he wasn't sucking and started pumping him rapidly. All he could think was to make his daddy come as fast as he could, so that he would be allowed to come too.
His daddy had a tight grip on his thighs now, obviously close too as he helped him stay up, the boy was exhausted. Louis unashamedly whined and moaned on his daddy's cock as the heat spread low in his stomach. The man twitched in his mouth at the filthy sounds his boy always made, he loved knowing how much he satisfied Louis' needs.
The boy didn't need to ask permission to come, he just let himself go when he'd reached his peak, managing not to wreck his daddy's throat as he fucked back slightly. Mr. Styles carefully moved the boy's hips away from his face, removing his lips from his satisfied cock and simply holding onto him.
Louis kept tugging on him, swirling his tongue, and his daddy thrust once into his mouth and came. He swallowed all of it, being good for his daddy, and was manhandled up into his lap.
Louis looked to his reddened lips first, then into the man's bright green eyes.
"Taste how good it felt baby," he said raspily, throat a little hoarse. Louis met him in an open mouthed kiss, sloppily licking each other's tongues and gathering any of the salty cum that was left. Blending their tastes together was one of the hottest things they'd ever done and Louis couldn't help the tiny whimper when his daddy ended the kiss with a soft nip to his bottom lip.
"You're sweet like sugar, baby," he praised and Louis ducked his head, not knowing what to say.
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